Basic Color Theory

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hello I'm blue and in today's video  I'll be going over color theory   but before I start this video is brought to you by  the kind people over at skillshare skillshare is   an online learning platform where you can learn  things from photography to Art how to manage a   career in the creative fields and finances and  so much more skillshare is a great class that   deep dive into the intricacy of color theory  and color picking color palettes which are   told by professional artists from classes like  one poet illustrator discover how Color Works   in your art by Tom Forest to the color Survival  Guide by Marco Busey but these classes of unique   perspective to use of colors there's so many  more classes touching another subject too with   unique perspectives and insight not just in the  creative and physical side of learning skillshare   also offers classes on developing and choosing  career paths from working in the creative field   to managing finances they have many more classes  to further your career and help reach your goals   it's always fun to learn new and interesting  things whether they're just you for fun and   hobbies or to build a career skillshare is  offering one month free to the first thousand   people to use the link in my description thank you  again for the sports skillshare and now on to the   video I had to start today's video into two parts  one where I cover color theory and the other where   I share how I pick colors using color theory so  basically color theory is a collection of rules   and guidelines that are just used to communicate  to the viewers how well colors go together can   affect the atmosphere of the piece colors can  be used to guide the viewer's eyes to what is   important in the piece to share emotions or create  a feeling or atmosphere now the color wheel is the   basis of color theory it is made in the thought of  relationships between colors and how they affect   each other here's what the color wheel looks  like it can be found in most digital art programs   the Outer Circle is called the Hue this is  where you can find and select different colors   this section over here is a saturation saturation  is the intensity of a color here I have a very   saturated purple but I can desaturate it and make  it look lighter the valley is the brightness or   darkness of the color you can change the value of  the color by adding more black to it or selecting   this part of the color wheel so like this now  this purple looks a lot muddier because I have   changed the value by adding more black to it now I  feel like there's so much more I can explain about   values but I would keep that for a full video  in the future for now just the basics is good   color saturation is actually the biggest culprit  to color picking highly saturated colors can make   a piece restless and have no Focus point for the  viewer's eyes to rest on though if this is what   you're going for 100 go for it art doesn't need  to have a set of rules this is just what I like to   think about when I'm like picking colors now this  doesn't mean that highly saturated colors can't   be used well in pieces highly set your colors  against these saturated colors can be used for   contrast so which draw attention to specific  colors details objects in the views and I've   seen a lot of people use like highly saturated  colors in their pieces and looks very nice color   Harmony is the colors that go well together this  can make a viewer look or feel a certain way the   color wheel can be used to find color harmonies  for example yellow orange and red are colors that   are really good together because they lie next  to each other on the color wheel by using the   layers of the color wheel picking colors that are  pleasing a bowl is easier by using the rules of   color combination color schemes or color palettes  even if you don't have a good eye for color here   are some color combinations or color schemes that  look good together I'll show you this by using the   color wheel I'll also show you where the colors  can be located first one is complementary colors   this is probably the one of the most popular it's  the use of two colors opposite to each other on   the color wheel like red and green or purple and  orange using complementary colors can give the   art work high contrast and can be very vibrant  and prominent when you use a color palette don't   use the colors equally like 50 50 have one color  be dominant and the other be used as a highlight   next is split complementary color scheme similar  to the complementary color scheme this one uses   two colors that are close to each other on the  color wheel and then one color on the opposite   side I make use of this one the most since I love  the Deep contrast that the opposite color can   bring and still be very easy on the eye because  the colors that are next to each other that create   Harmony following this one is my two most favorite  Harmony is to use monochromatic and analogous   color schemes both of these use tones and tens and  relos all in one or two color Hues monochromatic   uses one Hue analogous makes use of more Hues  that are next to each other in the color wheel   they create a peaceful and comfortable mood  since the colors are related to each other or   next to each other on the color wheel creating  an adventure with these two schemes is a lot of   fun once you learn the meaning of color  which I'll touch on later in the video   next is tetratic this is choosing two pairs of  complementary colors similar to the last but   with an extra pair of Hues added this can create  a pleasing set of colors though it's harder to   pull off it's in a color palette I use personally  colors also have feelings moods and Vibes in them   that will help communicate What atmosphere  you're trying to convey in your art it's as   simple as warmer colors will go with warmer and  more aggressive emissions while colder colors go   with more cold and calmer and sad emotions here's  a few examples like red is associated with passion   and danger orange is associated with energy and  creativity yellow is associated with happy and   Active Green is associated with nature and healing  blue is associated with calm and wisdom purple is   associated with wealth and ambition white is  Purity and peace and black is death and Power   add in these colors according to what emotion you  would like to bring to the piece will help convey   atmosphere I like to use the analogous color  scheme and choose Hues that fit the piece like   if it's sad I'll use more blues and purples but  if I want to add a bit more of an angry element   I'll add a warmer tint of red this will change  if the color scheme from analogous to split   complementary color palette now we can go to  the bit more of a trickier side of color theory   color context is the effect of different  values saturation and Hues like the warm or the   coldness of a certain color can cause noticeable  differences and however perceive that color the   way we see Hues and values and saturations can be  changed by surrounding Keys values and saturations   as it's called simultaneous contrast here for  example the color in the middle is the same but   the background can make these colors feel a lot  more different than what they actually are value   is also affected by similar to newest contrast  when a color is placed in a dark background it   will appear larger when the same color is placed  in light background it will appear darker when   a certain color is placed next to each other they  can create an illusion of depth High Valley colors   such as white tend to look bigger while lower  value colors such as black tend to look smaller   this creates the illusion of depth for example  The White Square on the black background looks   like it's bigger while the black Square on the  white background looks like it's a lot smaller   these are in fact the same size this is a more  complicated part of color theory and it can take   a while to really grasp this is okay I use it a  lot when I'm laying on colors or planning up the   valley lunar piece but I hope to cover that in the  next video grass pink color theory is all about   applying its tuber and to see what works with your  art style and what doesn't okay please remember   that there are just guidelines to help you choose  colors and to create an atmosphere you want thank   you so much again to school share for sponsoring  this video and I'll see you guys in the next they
Channel: Bluebiscuits
Views: 737,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Color theory, How to pick Color’s, Color tutorial, Art tutorial, Animation, Digital art, Color wheel, Hues and values, Color context
Id: y0ufQpeD0Yk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 45sec (465 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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