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this is the site that our group have chosen it is located at necessary huh Thomas Kuala Lumpur commercial tower the Southside will be constructed by the developer SCP crater squares down behind [Music] normally bar piling has to be carried on those tall buildings of massive industrial complexes which requires foundation which can bear the load of thousands of tons most probably in unstable or difficult soil condition both piling generates less noise and little vibration as compared with conventional reverb piling methods [Music] firstly severe on the view opinion the point based on approval drawings the point is located by using a theodolite Kyodo light are used in construction to calculate the angles and horizontal distance and to fix the point [Music] [Music] using the augur pulpit machine a primary hole is bought to roughly 20 meter to 30 meter [Music] [Music] [Music] the okay sing with a deaf of 16 meter is inserted into the barcode by a vibrating hammer [Music] the vertical accuracy of the steel casing will be checked using plumb-bob during the process of installation [Music] Oh by using a bucket the hole is drilled to a required depth which reach the heart layer hence it can determine if the ballpark is friction power and bearing power at the same time polymeric slurry is pumped into the whole concrete and soil below will be mixed with polymeric slurry to withstand the pressure while drilling the soil will also be removed and disposed off-site by the truck [Music] [Music] the function of polymeric slurry is to make sure that there is continuous pressure to the surrounding soil to prevent the surrounding soil from caving in woods [Music] this site polymeric slurry is used instead of bentonite slurry because it is more suitable for construction site with limited or small area polymeric slurry is also easier to be disposed and has lower disposal cost compared to bentonite slurry soil excavated using bentonite slurry retains high level of moisture and contamination therefore difficult to transport or dispose the extra polymeric slurry will be taken away by pumping to reuse the ring the next boring process [Music] [Music] after the whole drilling has completed a reinforcement cage is placed about 12 meter and it is well to have steel casing so it will remain at its position [Music] [Music] [Music] three my cube is insert section by section until the end the three my cube section is average six meter [Music] [Music] three my cube will be removed section by section and it is cleaned with water after complete filling the borehole with concrete during the removal of final section the tree my tube is pulled and pushed upwards and downwards for checking [Music] the concrete is poured into the borehole from bottom to top two three my children the pressure from the polymeric slurry will force the excess polymeric slurry below to go upwards [Music] after removing the trim I feel unwell and remove the steel casing from the reinforcement bus before the concrete hardened cut away the starter bar and steel casing can be reused after removing the steel casing feel back the whole soil [Music] the Bob how is that left cure [Music] there are three distinct more power options in current use which are configures warm interlocking wall and second world the types of ball power law that are used in this project is configured for power walk [Music] the jackeen power machine use of hydraulic pressure to stop precast reinforced concrete piles of soil [Music] you [Music] [Music] the powers are installed at centers generally 150 mm greater than their lifetime therefore leaving gaps in the structural wall where soil is exposed during excavation [Music] [Music] additional reinforced concrete lining is required to secure exposed soil and resist long-term groundwater pressures as excavations proceeds it is essential to seal the gap with mortality post to enable the drainage of groundwater kept being discussed on top of our ball house to tie them together [Music] in conclusion bobhouse have greater stiffness than soldier cows or steamship pumps they avoid excessive valves excavation and help to control ground movements this option is suitable where the retain that soil is usually fun to stick and where the ground water table is below the level of the maximum excavation this is the most economic option and the fastest method [Music] you
Channel: qian ying
Views: 2,196,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fs9MQcNeXGQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 08 2016
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