Baseball's Most Notorious Drug Dealer

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Just using this as an opportunity to plug Screwball. Great doc, should be a Cohen Brothers film.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/Vegas_Moved 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

ARod is a crap person.

Edit: Braun too.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/MyLadyBits 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2021 🗫︎ replies
in 2007 a fake doctor who had a clinic in a tanning salon created a performance-enhancing drug protocol that served multiple mvps all-stars and potential future hall-of-famers it also caused 10 arrests multiple death threats an investigation from florida police an investigation from the dea and even an investigation from mlb themselves which allegedly included investigators sleeping with potential witnesses paying off potential witnesses and spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy stolen documents from criminals this resulted in more than 15 players being punished including the longest suspension in major league history one player publicly exposed other players including his own teammate for using peds to make himself seem less guilty one created an entirely fake website to prove his innocence and one player even claimed the drug tester purposely tainted his sample because he was anti-semitic and this entire controversy created a war between alex rodriguez and mlb in which both sides accuse the other of multiple crimes which got people fired and even sent to prison and concluded with a legendary courtroom showdown which allegedly featured a fake protest an altercation between lawyers and reporters an altercation between lawyers and other lawyers and concluded with someone having a severe courtroom meltdown ending the most bizarre scandal in the history of major league baseball record suspension tonight for baseball star alex rodriguez prescribed to address ramirez's erectile dysfunction the most despicable liar in the history of baseball alex rodriguez and or his associates were involved in threatening to kill tony bosch [Music] on january 12 2014 mlb orchestrated a segment on 60 minutes with one goal make alex rodriguez look as guilty as possible tonight you are going to hear details of the evidence for the first time his actions were beyond comprehension the most important and controversial interview on this segment was done by tony bosch he says that when he got there he had drugs and alcohol waiting for him in his dressing room to make him feel more comfortable they were put there as a gift but he still doesn't really know who the gift was from mlb wanted him to go on 60 minutes and tell the world a-rod took performance-enhancing drugs and that he as a-rod's personal doctor supplied them but tony bosch wasn't even a real doctor he did however know a ton of doctors and many of them were his family members the most famous one was his cousin orlando love him or hate him or ladobosh is tonight released from prison who according to the justice department committed 30 acts of sabotage was convicted for firing a homemade rocket at a cargo ship and mastermind a plan to destroy a commercial airplane with 76 passengers on it and after all of this he was also officially given his own day by the city of miami for his anti-communist cause tony bash's parents were a lot less controversial they migrated to the u.s from cuba and became successful physicians and were able to give tony an upper class upbringing according to tony brosh this did not stop him from getting into trouble in high school he was kicked off the baseball team for doing drugs and not showing up to practice and his lack of discipline may have stopped tony from achieving his goal of being a doctor however it did not stop him from becoming a fake doctor tony bosch was already in his 40s but went back to school and got his degree from central america health sciences university a school in belize with less than 500 students at this point tony bosch had already been divorced had been sued for unpaid child support had to foreclose on a home had multiple failed medical businesses and had been sued by his investors the degree he got from belize by no means makes it legal for him to call himself a doctor but this did not stop him he framed his diploma bought a lab coat with dr bosh stitched on it and opened up an anti-aging clinic in florida his business model was basically to prescribe patients with things like synthetic testosterone human growth hormone hgc and peptides to basically anybody who wanted it these substances are legal to prescribe for several rare medical conditions and it's safe to assume that bosch's patients mostly didn't have these conditions and even if they did he's not even a doctor so he can't write a prescription but luckily for bosch there are a ton of retired doctors in florida who are willing to rent out their prescription pads to fake doctors like bosh if they give him a cut of the profits bosch's father was one of them he used his name and several other doctors to prescribe medications to basically anybody who wanted it at one point fosh was writing prescriptions with the name of a doctor who had been dead for years and didn't even notice i thought he was still alive and yeah but yet and then and then the other his partner told me no he he died pretty much everything about this is illegal but in florida not really in large part due to a man named rick scott remember me the handsome bald guy who oversaw one of the largest health care frauds in history he was the ceo of a company that was fined 1.7 billion dollars for giving patients tests they didn't need giving fake diagnosis and health care visits to people who didn't qualify for them all in order to receive hundreds of millions of dollars from the government and in 2011 this man also became the governor of you're an florida to our state sweet [Music] rick scott passed legislation that took away millions of dollars in funding to the department of health which was meant to investigate illegal medical operations like the one tony bosh ran according to the miami new times over a four year span the department of health investigated and referred 206 cases of unlicensed practitioners to florida law enforcement only four of those cases led to convictions this has created a massive anti-aging market in florida where people basically just sell hgh and testosterone out of a doctor's office to anybody who wants it this type of gray market attracts criminals from across the world it also attracts athletes and in 2007 tony bosch was introduced to his most famous client not named alex rodriguez he was tony bosh's first major league client and he just so happened to be one of the best and most outlandish baseball players of all time manny ramirez became tony bosh's first vip client meaning he traveled with him everywhere to give him a specific protocol of peds that would change constantly according to bosch his job description also meant recruiting women for manny and sleeping in the same room with him on the road saying he was asked to read manny bedtime stories because ramirez had trouble falling asleep by himself bosh's protocol required him to give players small doses of banned substances at different times throughout the day to maximize their energy recovery and performance he used things like hgh testosterone peptides and various other substances all banned by mlb mixed with other legal substances like zinc melatonin and amino acids all of them serve their own unique purpose the banned substances were taken in such low doses and at strategic times if taken correctly they would not show up on random drug tests bosch's clients would be able to take a testosterone pill that they would call gummies moments before a game began and by the time the game ended it would be completely out of their system bosch may have been a fake doctor but his protocol seemed to work in 2007 manny ramirez only hit 20 home runs the lowest total of his career the next year under bosch's protocol he hit 37 home runs had an ops above a thousand and finished fourth in mvp boating he was 36 years old but in 2009 after getting traded to the dodgers i'm back and being one of the best players in the world while being there manny tested positive according to bosh manny accidentally took a testosterone cream that was supposed to be taken on off days on the day of the game and randomly got drug tested manny ramirez publicly claimed he was prescribed a pad from a doctor but thought it was legal and a source close to manny even told the media that his drug test was due to medicine he took for erectile dysfunction tony bosch and his father's names were made public as the people responsible for supplying manny and soon the dea was investigating them both this seemed like it could be the end of tony bosh's clinic but in reality it only made his business more popular bosch laid low and was never charged according to him once everybody found out he was supplying manny ramirez he went from seeing five to seven patients a week to seeing around 60 patients a week bosch is mostly known for supplying major leaguers but a large part of his clients were either regular professional workers or amateur athletes and a lot of these amateur athletes came with their parents in 2013 a survey found that hgh use amongst teenagers had doubled in only one year the survey also found that 11 percent of high school students had tried hgh before and an even crazier stat found that hga's prescriptions for teens in palm beach county florida from 2003 to 2011 rose 376 percent the same county tony bosch's clinic was located in according to bosch a man named laser would help him recruit high school players to his clinic he was a pitching coach for the university of miami but left after he let high school players use the miami facility and took recruits on boat rides he was also fired from another coaching job after dropping his pants in front of the whole team and asking them if they quote unquote had a pair of these however the school says other than that he was a good leader and administrator laser was accused of recruiting high school players and even taking his own sons to bosch's clinic for testosterone he was even supposed to be arrested for distribution of the substance but never was because he was in the hospital after breaking up a fight between two dogs however laser took a plea deal and was only punished for possession of testosterone it is not clear if laser or anybody actually actively recruited high school players to the clinic but bosch admits that he gave at least 18 kids as young as 15 years old peds because sadly tony bosch would pretty much work with anybody including criminals and the most noticeable one was a man named oogie he's been arrested for grand theft drug offenses burglary and was charged with domestic violence and battery he also somehow happened to be an acquaintance with alex rodriguez oogie became tony bosch's black market testosterone supplier because bosch had so many clients he couldn't get all the substances he needed through prescriptions oogie also helped tony bosch open up a new clinic called boca body which was a clinic located in a boca tanning salon and this is where tony bosch met a guy named porter fisher bosch put porter fischer on one of his protocols and soon fisher surrounded himself with bosch anytime he could porter fisher is just a random guy who likes tanning and testosterone but he would go on to become a lot more because he would do something to get back at tony bosch that would ruin bosch's life put his own life in serious serious danger and basically caused the biggest ped scandal in baseball history bosch's new testosterone dealer oogie would go on to introduce him to alex rodriguez who told him right away that he wanted whatever manny ramirez was taking tony bosch did and within a week awot hit three home runs in a single game he was immediately bosh's newest and biggest vip client but at this point he was one of many it seems like bosch was extremely busy giving players across the league his attention he claims he injected one player at a gas station one player told him hours before a game he needed help with an injection so he drove to marlins park picked up the player who was in full uniform went to a local polio tropical and injected him in the bathroom he even says he once had to take a blood sample from a-rod in a miami nightclub the two continued partying and bosch ended up losing the vial of blood the two literally crawled on the ground in the crowded club trying to find it bosch's laundry list of major leaguers included several all-stars mvps and players who seemed like locks to be hall of famers but today the chances that any of these players are going to make the hall of fame have decreased significantly because starting in 2011 bosch's clients began testing positive and other than alex rodriguez the first one of them to fall went as far as anybody to clear his name including making up accusations against an innocent man which completely ruined his reputation all in order to make the player seem like he was clean and this actually worked in october 2011 ryan braun set a record for having the highest testosterone ever recorded in a major league drug test and according to the daily news it was twice as high as the person who previously held the record this was the same season braun won nl mvp and up to that point he had a start to his career that rivaled anyone's after news of his positive tests went public braun went into full-on denial he blamed the person who handled his sample for not following protocol braun publicly hinted that he discovered some quote unquote suspicious things about the man taking the sample braun even reportedly told players across the league that the man was a cubs fan and was anti-semitic ryan braun is jewish and claimed this could be why his test came up positive but in reality ron was extremely aware his hgh and testosterone use probably had more to do with the positive test the man who took bronze sample was supposed to give it to fedex to be shipped but since fedex was closing soon and the sample wouldn't be shipped until the next day he waited to avoid the risk that the sample would be tampered or broken in the hands of fedex and apparently this was enough to overturn ryan braun's suspension the investigators found that the sample seal was never broken or tampered with but still waiting that extra day was technically against the rules and made the test invalid few months later the man who decided to reverse the suspension was fired commissioner bud selig wanted ryan braun and anyone else doing peds suspended and soon he would get his wish because about a year later tony bosh's empire began to crumble in 2012 two of tony bash's clients tested positive in one week bartolo colon tested positive and was suspended 50 games bosch served cologne and exclusively referred to him by the nickname dui when he tested positive he was 39 years old and was putting up his best era in 10 years that same week melky cabrera tested positive as well only one week after winning the all-star game mvp award who were these lovely ladies i'm thank you they're fine we got mom here who else is here with you thank you thank you he also made an extremely insane attempt to plead his innocence melki claimed he took a supplement that he saw advertised online that was fraudulently spiked with testosterone this was a complete lie but to back it up melky bought a website from a company for ten thousand dollars then created a fake supplement with fake advertisements to convince mlb he had accidentally bought it online they quickly discovered it was a fraud and suspended him 50 games at this point bosch was in huge trouble he knew this would likely lead to another dea investigation and three of his biggest clients were suspended and no longer wanted his service so bosch needed money to keep his business alive and this is where porter fisher comes in porter fisher was still some random guy who liked tanning and testosterone but around this time he was hit by a car while riding his bike and was rewarded a large amount of insurance money tony bosch found out about this and convinced him to invest four thousand dollars of this money into the clinic an investment bosch never planned to pay back as time went on porter fischer became insanely upset about this he stole all of bosch's files called a miami newspaper and exposed tony bosch and all the athletes he worked with the miami new times used the files porter fisher stole to link melky cabrera bartolo colon yasmani grandahl nelson cruz and alex rodriguez to tony bosch most people are unaware that mlb has something called the department of investigations a group of former high-level ex-law enforcement and intelligence agents which is essentially the fbi of mlb so if there's any problems like a steroid scandal the league can look into the matter themselves mlb immediately sent this department to investigate every player and person involved in the scandal and their main target was alex rodriguez he'd already been busted for peds once and many within mlb wanted to see him banned for life so a-rod used his millions and basically set up his own department of investigations to combat mlb's department of investigations and over the next year the two squared off and broke many laws while doing so mlb and a-rod's first priority was to obtain tony bosh's records and the only person in the world who had these original files was porter fisher abroad's camp offered him ten thousand dollars porter fisher was scared oogie might kill him if he didn't give them the files so he did a-rod took these files and leaked the names of ryan braun and his own teammate francisco cervelli just to take some of the media attention off himself ryan braun was suspended 65 games and said sorry for lying and ruining the urine collector's reputation i wish that i could go back and change things but i don't have that opportunity to do that so i'm just going to do everything mlb also desperately wanted these files but porter fisher knew that giving these files would put his life in great danger from a-rod's camp mlb offered to make porter fischer a full-time employee paying him a thousand dollars a week he said no they offered him an additional ten thousand dollars he said no then they offered him 125 grand he said no again so they went a different more illegal route one day porter fischer was going to take these original files to the florida health department for evidence but before he went he stopped by the tanning salon while porter fisher was in the tanning bed somebody broke into his car and stole the files they then took these stolen files and sold them to mlb for a hundred and twenty five thousand dollars buying storm files that were meant to go to the state of florida for an active investigation seems pretty illegal so the people who sold them these files filmed the transaction and then sold the footage to a-rod so he could have more dirt on mlb but when a-rod got the hard drive it was blank so they basically sold a-rod a blank hard drive for literally hundreds of thousands of dollars at this point a-rod and mlb both have copies of tony bosch's files mlb plan to use them as evidence to give a-rod an extremely long suspension but needed tony bosch to cooperate and confirm to a third party that the files were real to convince him to cooperate mlb investigators bought bosch's girlfriend flowers and shoes they also sued him and said if he did cooperate they would drop the lawsuit average camp did not want this to happen so they offered tony bosch 25 000 a month until the scandal blew over they also were willing to pay him an additional 50 grand to flee the country and live in colombia so there was absolutely no risk of mlb getting him to cooperate a-rod's camp also leaked information to the media that the head of mlb's investigation slept with one of tony bosh's nurses she was a potential witness and this was not a good look and caused mlb to later fire him but before he was fired he was able to get tony bosch to cooperate with mlb bosch turned down all of a rod's money and because of this tony says he received a text most likely from a-rod's camp that said he wouldn't live to see the end of the year tony bosch then basically went on a full-out media tour giving his tell-all story under the direction of mlb he most famously went on outside the lines where he was visibly intoxicated no comment i'm a nutritionist i don't know anything about the performance enhancing drugs i had no idea what i was saying in that interview to be quite honest with you he also did 60 minutes and said he had drugs and alcohol waiting for him when he got to his dressing room mlb suspended a-rod 211 games the biggest suspension in baseball history but a-rod was not done fighting he appealed continued to play got booed and got hit by pitches that offseason a-rod and mlb went into an arbitration meeting where the two camps would tell their side of the story and an independent party would decide the suspension throughout the hearing up to 150 people gathered to protest and even held a candlelight vigil in a-rod's defense the signs were all written in the same black marker and apparently the protest was organized by hispanics across america an organization that reportedly received an anonymous donation for a hundred thousand dollars to protest leading many to speculate that a-rod paid people to show up to support his fight against mlb which didn't go particularly well according to tony bosch a-rod told the arbitrator he thought he was taking an erectile dysfunction medication other reports say his lawyer almost got into a brawl with reporters and got into an altercation with tony bosh's lawyers a-rod was asked to stop after making weird faces towards tony bosch while he was talking and eventually stormed out of the meeting told rob manford he was full of bs went to wfan and famously said this and today i just i lost my mind i banged the table and kicked a briefcase and slammed out of the room and and he doesn't have the courage to come look at me in the eye and tell me this is why i did 211 i shouldn't serve one inning and this guy should come to my he would end up getting his suspension lowered to 162 games which is still an mlb record in the end over 15 players would be suspended in relation to tony bosch three of mlb's top investigators were later fired likely because of what they did during this scandal tony bosch himself only received a five thousand dollar fine from the state of florida but then the dea stepped in his chemist and his supplier oogie were sentenced to prison and tony bosch was given four years his sentence has since been reduced and he is now a free man currently he is back in the industry owning a business which he describes as a technology company educating other anti-aging clinics but promises he will never work with another professional athlete again
Channel: Baseball Doesn't Exist
Views: 934,296
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 23min 48sec (1428 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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