Base Basics -Top 10 MUST HAVE Areas For Your Valheim Base

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valheim an incredible survival game where you can build viking villages sail to the ends of the world and fight epic enemies a game with near infinite possibilities and so much to do and today we are going to be talking about the 10 must-have areas in your base why why are there wolves in the okay who put wolves in the farm sorry about that but yeah today we're going to be discussing the 10 must-have things in any starter base let's go 10. the main resting area as you can see we have a primary area where we have all of our beds we have a fire so that we can sleep in them at night time we have our trophies all over the walls and we have rugs and whatnot to ensure that the comfort level is higher in this area we also include our personal chests so if i open mine you'll see that i have some food and some gear that i'm stocking up for later having a personal area is great for personal storage so you can keep track of your own items that you want to keep separate from the community storage and also just to provide you a nice little place to relax nine the outer defenses for us we have a wall made partially of palisades and partially of stone at our gates to defend us from possible intruders and invasions we also have boards that we can stand on to fire arrows at our enemies as well as moats to ensure that enemies cannot just approach our walls and kick them down but rather have to go through our fortified entrances we also utilize wards so that we know when a certain portion of our base is being attacked will be pinged and notified and on the other side of our base as you saw we apparently have wolves that are just running around killing everything in sight i guess we'll mark that down as base defenses as well eight the cooking and consumables area we have placed a building in the center of our massive city at this point which allows us to cook food that we need to create advanced recipes through the cauldron where we can store these powerful foods for if we go on adventures such as fighting bosses or going to high level zones and we also keep our distilleries here for if we need to create in-game combat potions called meads some of these meads will give you bonus status effects for combat but the most important ones early will be poison resistance for the swamp and frost resistance so you can go into the mountains until you get your wolf cape seven the crafting terrace here is where we have all of our crafting stations as well as our crafting upgrades so that we can repair our gear build new supplies and gear and prep ourselves for adventures we also have our storage cubbies where most of our materials are separated and organized so we can find what we need to craft very quickly this crafting terrace allows us to smelt ore and create charcoal using wood and then convert it into usable gear and consumables six the port now i strongly advocate that your main base be partially facing either the ocean or an inlet that will allow you to get to the ocean the ability to sail materials in and out specifically oars and metal bars that cannot be brought through portals is incredibly important here we keep our boats and we have a down ramp to easily access them so that we can bring ore and bars in and out of our capital city five the farm area your farm area will not likely be infested with wolves like ours but we have a psychotic teammate who insists on guarding everything with wolves anyway here is where we keep our beehives where we can create honey to use in powerful food items as well as meads we also keep an area where we can create carrots carrot seeds turnips and turnip seeds and other various farming items this is crucial for ensuring that our food is always powerful and we can turn these items into end game consumables so that we can fight the bosses as well as go into the more dangerous biomes oh but look at this one it's a cute little wolf cup oh i'm sorry i didn't mean to be mean this is actually so cute you can be my friend for the breeding area as i'm sure you've figured out now by the heavy wolf presence around our base you can capture herd and breed animals this is incredibly useful as they will multiply so when you do actually decide to call the herd you'll be able to get plenty of meat leather and whatever else you may need from these animals we recommend that you keep these animals in more of an enclosed pasture as you can see here from our bores it's probably just better for everyone involved three the portal hub portals and valheim are some of the most amazing tools available it allows you to link up two locations anywhere on the map so you can quickly travel so long as you are not carrying items such as ore metal bars or the dragon eggs used to summon motor we have three levels set up for our portals and we have a couple other portals throughout our base having a distinct portal hub that you can go to to link yourself to other parts in the map very quickly is an incredibly useful tool when you are farming or trying to find specific materials two the road system again ignore the wolves just pretend that they're not everywhere but the road system is an important piece to ensure that you can easily navigate from base to base and different areas throughout your central world you'll be using portals and ships to navigate to a lot of the outer world but these roads are excellent to ensure that your carts can safely move from base to base shipping ore and other potential materials without breaking or having any difficulties i still cannot get over this wolf cup oh my god he's so cute oh my god he just howled at me he's so cute and finally number one decorations and flair remember it's a game not a second job or a third job or a fourth job you should be having fun so make sure that you're building beautiful things that are for you not necessarily to serve any purpose but sometimes just build the build make your base look nice and pretty add some crazy stuff here and there make it feel like an in-game home all right that's gonna wrap it up that's our 10 tips for things that you must have inside of your base hope this helped you hope you learned something new and we'll see you next time oh hey i i didn't see you there wow you watched all the way to the end you mad man thank you i appreciate that now i know normally this is where people say don't forget to like comment subscribe ring those bells but i'm gonna try using the reverse psychology approach don't like don't subscribe don't ring that bell and whatever you do do not go to twitch and look up captain rob games
Channel: CaptRobGames
Views: 108,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BpVTxcv6HtQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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