Barstool Intern Search: Simon

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Dave Simon how you doing good how are you take a seat doing well um I mean I was surprised when I heard you coming back after the whole you know pirate gate thing yeah I'm surprised you're sitting here to be honest um just because I think you're a liar you know so like I guess now you're interviewing with me you're not interviewing with Nate so I think you're a liar why would I hire an intern who I think is a liar well okay so there's I've always had this thing where I have to make mistakes to learn from them okay and I clearly made a large mistake Right One downloading it two lying to you about it right and I think that I learned enough from those mistakes to be able to move on professionally okay I mean but this is a tough Prof you're ready to be like I mean people can go bananas if you're back here be like pirate Simon's back you're never going to live that down you're fine with that no I'd still get it in like in Kentucky I'll go out to a bar and be like Oh pirate Simon yeah yep that's me all right um You Still dipping in the porn you still a porn guy in what sense do you mean like you're still watching a lot of porn I mean it's a fair question I'm not watching pirate porn are you watching a lot of porn I dabble see I think you still lie to me that's that's why I'm asking I'm not just doing this for like video I I know know you're watching a sonon of porn and you still won't tell me the truth see my girlfriend broke up with me so I've been watching more porn yes girlfriend broke up with you girlfriend broke up why she said she needed more time alone I didn't know how to handle that I still don't know how to handle that you're watching a lot of porn yes you don't dabble you [ __ ] watch a lot yes I watch all right so then we got to get there's no way I mean good for Content you're like a psychopath in my mind I don't know that you can ever convince me you're not after what we went through like my wife thought it was nuts like Simon's going to be back in the office like the guy who downloaded pirate porn and lied about it for 3 months mhm but you brought a lot of page viws people will go down and it'll be like what was one of the more memorable moments oh pirate Simon in that whole [ __ ] thing we did but at some point I could be able to trust you so that was a simple question do you watch a ton of porn I already know that answer I've known that answer since the second I saw you but I I still on the first try I've never been like yes Dave I watch a ton of porn and that's just who I am okay you're right you're going to say something else though no I was going to say like I just could to be able to trust you like I got to when I ask you a question I need I need an answer that I know as being the truth regardless of like who is coming through this door a lot of guys have tricked a lot of devious Hanks a devious [ __ ] but but like none of them like if I knew Hank was an Internet troll before I hired him I wouldn't have hired you're coming in like I know you're a pirate porn guy I know you're a pirate porn guy how do I get over that and then I asked a simple question you went to porn I dabbl come on you it's back it's back to square one with this [ __ ] but it's it's part of a bigger Point guys who download pirate porn at the office don't Dabble and porn yeah you have a good point okay so on the business I assume I can get over the fact that I don't know you'll ever tell the truth to me um and frankly I'm just weighing that with I I'm pretty confident you'll do something like dastardly during the summer is just does it really set us back or is it funny like that's what I that's what I could decide with you um so I just got to make a decision then based on based on that when do you need to know by I know you're counting on it but things have radically changed the guy who I don't know he may be here another month he may be here it's kind of on his schedule a little bit he's got to wrap up a bunch of our Tech stuff I was supposed to come in Monday start next Monday a week from today yeah because I can't move into my apartment until where you living uh I'm living in Austin for two weeks and then I'm moving to to uh what did I tell you before I can't you don't know where you live no I know where I'm living it's uh uh search the be I just Brighton no not Brighton uh Boston yeah it's Boston but I can't remember the name off the top of my head where you living for the summer you don't know where you're living yes I know where I'm living I'm trying to think of the name how close is it it's it's what the hell is going on the pressure's on I'm I'm you is it close to this office yeah it's about 20 minutes away B all right I literally just told you this like you know where he's living Where Brooklyn Brooklyn that's what it is I just the name couldn't come okay that's fine all right so you me in Brook line this summer again I think I don't know like the I there's not a lot of stuff what they're talking about so I mean it' be a lot of social media probably stuff and again it would be uh you know what are you going to do are you going to help me or hurt me that I have no idea I mean you helped me in a weird way last year just by you being you but I don't know what goes on in that brain of yours your real Enigma pirate porn king yeah
Channel: Barstool Sports
Views: 148,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Barstool Sports, Barstool HQ, Intern Search, Simon, El Presidente, Pirate Simon, Porn saga, Pirate Porn
Id: 4RrZT4kgTB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 0sec (360 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 30 2016
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