Barstool Cheesesteak Review - John's Roast Pork (Philadelphia, PA)

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[Music] it's gonna be complicated as [ __ ] so you're gonna call on the order we're here we're at john's rose pork everyone says the best james beard winner we're here so i went up to place my order like dude you gotta call it in so i called it in but then it's a voicemail so everyone's on their phone i think just out here trying to get them live on the phone it's just a guy like sorry you can't leave it via voicemail you gotta get the guy on the phone so now we're just playing phone attack like i'm trying to get tickets to like a uh like a jimmy buffett concert two seconds after it goes on sale order on the voicemail message okay uh no walk-ups and please you must place your order for pickup okay our hours are tuesday through saturday from 10 am to 5 pm if you're waiting to place an order please call back okay and speak to a person please do not leave your order on the voicemail that will not be taken it's a wild scene so we're gonna have to redo this one it's 11 42 so the next pickup is an hour from now and like this guy just got lucky just to get through this is like literally getting tickets to some sort of concert event but now we have the number i guess and you just call in advance all right you drove john's roast fork there's like a line i go up to the window and the dude's like oh you gotta call it in even though i'm there i'm like all right so i call it in can't get through i probably call 50 times before like someone picks up and you gotta put the order in and then they give you time to come pick it up it's [ __ ] crazy the people in the city with their cheese sticks i mean thanks for calling john's roast pork please thanks for calling john's report please do not oh yes yeah can i get uh three cheese steaks with uh onions and american fried onions and american cheese that's fine what is your name dave and then can i get uh one roast pork okay come to the window at 12 45. all right thank you all right perfect thanks thank you bye bye [ __ ] right all right here we go john's rose fork in [ __ ] this happened to me last time i did it i'm old for two eating these things so so this you saw the whole deal i've been waiting like two days for this uh cheesesteak difficult process to order it hopefully it's worth it and again i'm not saying i'm a cheesesteak expert i'm not i'm a pizza expert i put in the time i went to the gym i've done a thousand pizzas this is what my second and third cheesesteak ever the ones i gotta do i did the alessandros john's rose pork beard award winner i thought they only did fancy places uh i got to do angelo's my favorite pizza in the city people say that may have the best uh cheesesteak and i gotta do steve's the prince of stakes those are the ones people say and then genos and pats are the taurus ones but the locals like don't even bother i probably will bother all right let's see what we got and i'm ordering it how i like it this is going to be i don't like whiz i don't even know if they have whiz here i think wiz is garbage it's like cheese whiz i don't like it i'm going with the provolone and fried onions so let's see what we got here looks good and by the way because i'm a nice guy i ordered it from our gambling house like a million of them one bite ever knows the rules john's roast pork that looks [ __ ] great what's up it's really good i like to use steaks as much as the next guy but there's not as much differentiation like hi i could hear you talking about me all right this is better than d los angeles like the alessandro is good this is better what am i gonna put on a scale it's still a little bit of a weird scale a little bit because frankly i don't know where to start also camera guy we don't have frankie here we go kevin who's taller so when i look at the camera i'm looking at your eyes as opposed to the camera it's making me very weird yeah you got gotta put the camera in my eyes so i'm talking to the camera not your face uh i'm gonna go this is what i'm talking about if d'allosandros is how i started the scale i think i gave that a seven eight if that's now the barometer this is like an e3 i'm not saying it's an e3 go but i've set a scale now that i judge everything versus d'alessandro so d'alessandro seven eight this is eight three i also got the roast pork because they call it a roast pork i don't know if i should eat that i'm also gonna weigh a hundred pounds because what i'm noticing unlike a couple bites of pizza i'm eating the whole cheese steak like i'm just sitting here talking eating it next thing you know i'm 400 pounds wearing skinny jeans like a fatso i'm gonna try to find the roast pork real quick all right so here's the roast pork and then the name of the place is roast pork so obviously you gotta give that a shot uh we'll see what we like more the cheese taking the roast pork again not the healthiest way to start a saturday try not to drop it so this is the roast pork with spinach by the way in provolone and what i liked about it when i ordered it they just told me how to get it i'm like rose pork i go spinach provolone right i'm like yeah right give me that nope not my cup of tea much prefer this cheesesteak i mean that's all right i just don't i don't know roast pork no i'll never eat that again that was like a uh no maybe great rough pork not my cup of tea 4-2 on the roast pork cheese steak 8-2 the best i've had in the city uh steve's are coming for you angelos we're coming for you and then we're going to go back to pizza because the cheesesteak's not my thing and philly people like hey why are you rating cheesesteaks because i'm trying to be a philly guy all right chill dude i am the biggest fan i should have knocked my shoulders out before i had to wait two hours i actually left a message for you on facebook man oh i don't check the facebook yeah we tried the pork i like the cheese steak yeah well it's kind of an acquired taste yeah you know but see that's what my grandfather started in 1930 with the pork yeah he's just so important to people with a wooden shack right here you know so what what percentage of people get the pork versus the cheesesteak it used to be like five to one on the floor to state yeah it's kind of like one to one even more two states now since like see i left school my dad got lung cancer and i was in my third year of city joe's but i was like a psychology degree i wanted to be a sports psychologist all right but uh three years you know you're a long way from yeah even any month yeah no i hear this place i mean this place is yeah like it's a nice family right my 87 year old mom is still my boss oh yeah yeah yeah yeah that's my wife making sandwiches you know right i knew you were in the area i saw wow yeah i saw the dallas piece you know and like you know i learned from the owner of pat stakes frankie alvarez like just played star mistakes yep and like we became friends and like we're all kind of friends you know like it's like he taught me like rising you know ships like yeah yeah so ours is a little different like we don't offer cheese whiz you know south america so i'm not a big fan of jesus you know yeah no so i thought it was provolone no i like american cheese but yeah i don't know what you got i think i ordered american and they gave me pro they said you light provolone i thought three cheese steaks with uh onions and american fried onions american cheese and you want three cheese steaks you want me to make it one more no i i i wait what which one it looks like a little bit of shark forever yeah so i said america and then they said you want [ __ ] because i like americans all right we'll get a special one we're gonna get a special or whatever the guy wants a special one we'll go only because like really i tell everyone get america all right because it overpowers the state all right all right let me take care all right all right so we're waiting now on a special maid from the owner of the place that's gonna give me american i thought i ordered american and they told me to do provolone whatever we'll wait we've got a special one coming out is this the special this is the uh the ford this is the way john's dad is i already had the pool you had the port i bought the pool how'd you get it with uh it was provolone and spinach this is uh mustard raw onions but i didn't like the pork no not for the pork people yeah he told me you have to try it this way [ __ ] it the guy's telling me to try it this way i already said i don't want the pork what is on this uh mustard raw onions and seed and pepper well i don't like my mustard so we're off in a good start but to tell me i like the raw onions actually it works together so no this is good like i'm not a huge poor guy but this is better than the way i got it which is what with the spinach and sharp which is what your people recommend i wouldn't eat it with this minute and sharp well then i mean the person the person will answer the phone i said pork they said with spinach and provolone right that's how most people get it i wouldn't eat it like that though and then can i get uh one roast pork orange this is better than i like it your way yeah that's the way uh john's father used to eat it so who's the guy was talking to before that was john john all right so they're all named john uh he's it was his uh grandfather's business uh he was dominic he owned it and then his father was john and now john this one's made out of american cheese and but we make them all out of love you know it's just yours with sharper blonde it's not good i don't like it so well but then uh here's my question when i called i said american and they said you mean provo they switched my order yeah but listen you know you see the line all the way down so you know this one's made out of oh they're all made they're always like this one's got a little listen of course but i don't want anyone to think you know i know you saw that you know same amount of meat i love the other one here we go but from the horses american cheese like it's cream so this is from the horse's mouth so all you philly people who are like oh with wit witnesses and this guy is jo he's the name on the bill that was my dad yeah your grandfather all right grandfather but you are also john yeah so it's still yeah it's the same time it's samantha boochie family correct so it's through and he's saying get american this guy's running to go tell a friend dude look at that roll some karanji bakery you know i like the american more too yeah right i'm telling you like that's what i tell everyone and like people are like sharp and i saw the people commenting i'm like okay yeah what about the the wiz i was born and raised a mile from here the same is parish my mom still lives at the same house you know where i live right over the bridge now i mean everyone told me this is by far the johns ross port john's roast pork look listen we're i'm not a millionaire like i still work the grill you know what i mean and like i try my best sometimes we don't hit it out of the park sometimes we screw up you know you know but we try like we're trying all the time like you know you're appealing around the world you know but when today's age with yelp everybody's a critic you know and you know and i have been scared of myself yeah i like take that crap you know i get so upset you know what uh what are you gonna do how can you get your everything literally yeah my body still tells me that like literally the number one recommendation i saw well that's crazy because i thought it was like i thought that was like a fancy restaurant we won american classic and it had like different categories that you had to meet like different criteria that you had to meet like we had to be in business for three generations same family same location had to be a fabric of the community you know and it's we fit all those categories and there were sprayed it was one of the highlights of our lives can you see it do you have it yeah yeah absolutely i'm gonna be i'm gonna end up how are you so scared i'm a fatty man i'm not fatty no i listen [Applause] see like when we redid the place in 87 you know it was you know and my dad was lost in the 91. you know all these other places he's got all these blacks and he tells me john we're not that so when did it explode when we got this article it's four high school kids this was before like social media you know and before the lists and everything they their idea was to find their high school project find yeah it went with kobe bryant reduction and we want and they did it with the food critic the empire who's a real prestigious guy craig lavan and uh he's james beard award winner too and yeah man you know we won that and then our lives were never you know it was crazy and then uh i to i had leukemia i had a successful bone marrow transplant you went through it all yeah that's when i came back you know five years ago yeah yeah this was this kid benny daniels who now works for ryan seacrest uh his syracuse film student project was to do all the cheesesteak places and then i got joey bento and that's my mom right there oh yeah yeah yeah that's the people from there really is like one like this really is cool man you know like we were all like a brotherhood no no no you know like back in the day like gino's and pats like they did that on purpose kind of like like gino really he was serious like 69 i believe and he was like well and they're right next to each other across the street yeah like careers like he was about to put him out of business so cute yeah so we we didn't want to leave her home she's like she's such a she's so adorable so like any time i'm glad you came here yeah because again man like it wasn't until that article like [Music] even in line there are a bunch of people who like first time i can tell yeah this i mean people are to love you they always like the storytelling thank you thank you and like again like sandwiches like the business aspect of it like i'm the worst like you know all you need is one but you know like i just try to keep the quality high like things like today like they scare you because like it's such a high volume yeah and it's so hard to keep that violin that quality high and still do that trying to find another code like but you know this people watch us even knowing that you can call ahead and pick it up that's it that's we try to you know and some people don't want to wait a guy from atlanta like yellow well it's perfect if you know you can do it yeah so we're doing our best yeah like we really are we're trying our best come on mommy come on well this is great i'm glad i got to meet you add so much more thank you man hey dude listen man come on
Channel: One Bite Pizza Reviews
Views: 471,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pizza, Things to do, Italy, Pizza Review, Review, Food, Food Review, Dave Portnoy, Barstool Sports, El Presidente, Pres, El Pres, Italian Food, One Bite Barstool, One Bite, Barstool Pizza Review, El Pres Barstool, Dave Portnoy Barstool, humor, entertainment, comedy, celebrity, funny, yummy, hungry, rating, New York, new york pizza, one bite, el pres reviews, one bite pizza, pizza scores
Id: AEdaBdFusIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
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