Barry Sanders - The First MetaHuman? (Most Elusive Runner in History)
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Joseph Vincent
Views: 605,923
Rating: 4.9261546 out of 5
Keywords: Movies, Sports, Film, Comics, Fights, Highlights, Spin, Truck, Juke, History, edit, diving, leaping, catching, one handed, dunk, slam, jam, alley oop, jordan, lebron, vincent, bored film, barry sanders, spin, juke, lift, dive, flip, hiesman, college, history, record, longest, elusive, ankle break, new england, turn around, epic, stiff arm, truck, power, interview, documentary, origin, retirement, playoff, cowboys, bears, 1st, last, farewell, breaking, ankles, greatest ever
Id: W7-TgHPvBUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 55sec (1315 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 12 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I was fortunate to be at quite a few of these games. When at home, you could feel the excitement every time Barry would touch the ball. At away games, you could feel the fear. It was fucking amazing.
Late in the game during the 1991-1992 Divisional Playoff win against the Cowboys, my buddy turned to me and shouting to be heard over the crowd declared, "This is gonna be the first of many."
Last year he died never seeing the Lions win another playoff game.
What Isn't talked enough about Barry are his eyes and his intelligence. His eyes always found 2-3 options and his fast thinking chose the correct one. There are players that are as quick as him but none that could process the field in front of him the way he could. He was getting hit at times while getting the ball and still made the guy miss. He was always mentally ahead of the defenders and didn't hesitate once he decided on the correct path. If there is one thing you can't emulate about him its his eyes and mind. The speed the power other guys have that you can get that in a gym. Barry had something else.
I donโt have enough tissues to watch this right now.
Great post, no matter what they say about the Lions.
We always have Barry memories.
Awesome vid.
This is awesome
One thing that amazes me, and there are many amazing things about Barry, is how he slips out of defenders hands. I'm not talking about his spins and jukes, but when it appears a defender has hands on him and he just slips away like a greased pig.