Barry Manilow Before and After: Plastic Surgeon Reacts

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hi i'm dr gary mataki and i'm a board-certified beverly hills plastic surgeon and today we're going to talk about barry manilow he is now 78 years old and he's almost always featured in articles about celebrity plastic surgery but how many times do we think he's gone under the knife it's interesting because the copper copper cabana the gopro cabana singer has definitely changed since his glory days in the 70s and it's interesting though he's one of the the people that still often denies ever having cosmetic surgery so although it's been reported he's probably had numerous face lifts over the years we're gonna just dive in and take a look and see what we might think he's had done over the years so i thought we'd start with a little background on berry's alleged plastic surgeries there's a lot of stuff in the media in the early 2000s about barry having a upper and lower facelift which is interesting because there is no upper facelift but they may they may have meant a facelift in a brow lift and it's also interesting around that time about a month prior to all that news breaking barry had said that he walked into a glass wall or hit his nose and broke his nose and that's what you know he was doing he was maybe doing a rhinoplasty but i do know that a lot of people doing rhinoplasty will say they have breathing problems and then say they're getting their nose done for that but i've never seen anybody say they may have broken their nose to cover up for a facelift um so i think it is kind of interesting it's also interesting as we go through this you'll see i don't think his nose has really changed at all throughout the year so i'm not even suspicious that he ever did a rhinoplasty uh and then then there was a time when the mid like i think was around 2016 he went on a talk show and somebody asked him questions about how are you looking so good for your age people are saying well has he had a lot of work done what's going on then look at me i look i mean i look like my i thought i looked up my age i mean what do you want what i look like i don't know what the hell they're talking about does it get tired that stuff about yourself it's infuriating knowing that this is what i'm this is me at 70. i don't know if we believe that but we'll take a look and then he did at one point again admit something that he had a procedure done to eliminate the jowls in his face and again that would be a facelift so a facelift really addresses this part of the face so it's going to address the neck and the jowls mainly in correcting all of this you know the midface is usually done with fillers or little volume and then there's the brow lift so if he was doing something to address the jowls and he admits to that it's most likely probably was a facelift uh so we're gonna go through some of his photos now and take a take a closer look at his face so if we look at berry in his 20s 30s and even his early 40s he has this characteristic barry manilow knows his kind of just characteristic distinguished look to his face um i don't see a ton of changes there he was even when he was younger he had very heavy upper eyelids so again as he's moving through there i don't see a ton of different changes in him i think it is interesting because at that time earlier in the 70s that botox fillers things like that weren't even just barely starting to get introduced you know a little bit after that so he wouldn't have had too many options in those days to do you know hope celebrities back then didn't have these options to do fillers and um botox when you know in their early 30s and 40s then we look in when he's starting to get into his 50s you know in the 1990s to the early 2000s and now you know botox fillers are in the playing field i think he's probably was playing with botox and fillers and doing those sorts of things and then around that time i don't see too many really obvious drastic changes in his face although he is aging so again like i said people are going to continue age unless they're doing something preventative or something to reverse those changes so i do think at that point um like i said there's already already starting with the botox and fillers at that time but i do think he's done surgery that time and i think it was more of a mini facelift or something to set that stage so that he he continued to age more gracefully it was done conservatively if i'm looking um at his jawline and around his ears you can see that it's nice and sculpted and his ear does look a little bit altered there so i would say it's suspicious for a facelift at that point in time then secondly we noticed that his heavy upper eyelids are improved so i do think as well that he may have done i'm more suspicious of a upper blepharoplasty than a brow lift again i'm i'm not a fan of brown lips and men and it doesn't look that strange but his eyes definitely look more rested and open so i'm suspicious at that point about like i said upper black in a facelift and then i think as we move a little bit further along into went into his 60s in the 2000s again i'm looking at his photos i noticed that his earlobes have changed they look a little pasted on again these are signs you know giveaways that a facelift was done i do think that his cheeks look a little bit fuller looks like again maybe fat grafting or filler along with that face lift and again that tire looked his eyes gone so whether he's doing more touch-ups along the way as far as doing multiple little surgeries maybe and again at this point i don't think he looks rather strange or anything he's doing you know he's looking like himself and he's looking like he's not aging all that much which is good and again i noticed looking at his nose i don't see any change in his nose it's still his characteristic kind of nose with the bulbous plunging nasal tip so again i don't think he's actually touched the nose it wasn't until i think a little more recently you know not super recently but that when he came out looking really poofy again and strange and then like i always say when you go to extreme you're gonna give the secret away and that's when you got all this attention because he came out in some photos and he just looked poofed up and overdone i think at that point he blamed it on a hip problem and he was upstairs and he got poofy and that's possible if you gained a lot of weight and you got poofy but i don't think that was due to that poofiness when we look at him to me it really looks like he was overdone and again that's gonna give the secret away if we look at his midface and his cheeks really poofy neckline pulled up upper eyes brow again maybe a secondary procedure done there because they look again over pulled up and done and and again the reason it got so much attention and because it was so drastic and extreme now if it was due to the swelling again i would have advised him you know hey you know stay out of the photos for a while but maybe he didn't have a choice we're seeing him multiple photos at that time where he definitely looked poofy veneers i think again we're done his teeth look a little bit more whitened and bigger so he was maybe getting into the realm of doing things a little too extreme at that point now that barry's in his mid-70s after that kind of earlier poofiness phase i think he's gotten better i think he's let things calm down a bit i think that he's laid off the alleged plastic surgeries and i think he's aging more gracefully so i think it's actually a move in the right direction that he's allowing himself like i said to maybe look more like his age and then instead of strange and i think it's a move in the right direction for him and then i i think lastly one point i want to make about a barry manilow is that he didn't touch the nose and through all of this work alleged work and plastic surgery he didn't modify the one character feature about his face that leaves him as very manila so i think that's a great thing so he's still recognizable he's still very manlow he's calmed down a bit and i think that's a move in the right direction for him do you think that part of the reason why his look may be considered strange because he's pretty old so when he was first getting plastic surgery he was kind of like at the modern day advent of plastics right you mean like older techniques yeah yeah i mean there's something to be said about that you know the techniques have definitely improved over the years and i do see that the techniques like i've told you before that i saw in the earlier man there wasn't as much male plastic surgery so a lot of people were getting a female facelift or bra left on a male and it would end up looking weird and so now that the techniques have advanced and you know there's more realization that you have to do a different sort of surgery on a male patient than a female patient you know maybe some of that strangeness or oddness could be avoided and i think there's a lot of that learning curve and hopefully good plastic surgery like i said we know to be more conservative in them and do less and tweak it along the way so that in his case he could age a little more gracefully without going extreme
Channel: Dr. Gary Motykie
Views: 169,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Motykie, Plastic Surgery, barry manilow before and after, Cosmetic Surgery, barry manilow bedore and after, barry manilow bedore adn after, barry manilow before and after plastic surgery, barry manilow before and after surgery, barry manilow before adn after, Barry manilow plastic surgery, Barry Manilow botched, Barry Manilow Facelift, Barry Manilow Cosmetic Surgery
Id: UXi8c7ubJb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 24sec (504 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 06 2022
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