Barry Bennett the power of choice

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what I'll share is I wanna I'm going to take you on a journey over these four sessions and I want to spend this first session talking about the power of choice and I'll set the stage for that in just a minute and then the next session in a few you know in a little bit what am I talking about I'm talking about redeeming the time time is a very interesting thing and I want to talk about that and help us understand a little bit about time and how we can use time tomorrow night I want to talk about the biggest hindrance to the abundant life that Christians face I'm not going to tell you what it is yet no once you come back tomorrow night but the biggest roadblock to all of us experiencing abundance I want to go over that tomorrow night and then in the fourth hour I want to talk about healing and I'm going to talk about I have a new message on healing that I think will bless you so that's kind of the direction that we're going in with the idea with the heart that we are looking to be victorious how many of you want to be victorious that should be a silly question but we want to be victorious we want to experience the abundant life and with all my heart I believe that God has provided enough for us more than enough exceedingly abundantly more than we can ask or think for us to live in abundant life that is his heart and to preface what I'm about to get into let me let me give you my understanding of grace that grace is God's provision for every need that we have spirit soul and body nothing was left off the cross everything has been provided for and more than provided for and so I think of grace in this way I think of grace is the raw material for abundant living it is everything I need it's all the promises of God and I can go down a list of all the promises of God are yes and amen it's the name of Jesus it's the blood of Jesus this the armor of God it's the keys of the kingdom it's the gifts of the Spirit the power of the Spirit the gift of faith all of these things that God has given to us exist so that by them we might reign in life they are gifts that God has given to the world and so when we look around at the world and we look around at the body of Christ we don't see Christians all living on that level of abundant life so we've got to assume that the the grace of God is available but the action of grace isn't automatic there is some role we play in releasing God's provision into our lives so that's going to bring me into this first message and we're going to talk about choice and the power of choice and how important it is that we choose what God has offered and not reject which is another choice rejection is a choice we don't reject that which God has offered what God has given us amen so is everybody tracking with me so far all right so go with me if you will to Genesis 2 that's why it's good to start at the beginning so we'll go to Genesis 2 and we'll read verses 8 and 9 and it says in the Lord God planted a garden in Eden and there he put the man whom he had formed and out of the ground he made made the Lord to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food The Tree of Life also was in the midst of the garden and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil jump over with me to verses 15 through 17 it says and the Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it means to cultivate it and to protect it or defend it and then the LORD commanded the man saying of every tree of the garden you may freely eat but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat of it for in the day that you eat thereof you shall surely die this should be familiar to us but what I'm understanding what I'm seeing and this is that God gave and God provided or grace the grace of God was the Garden of Eden the grace of God was to be able to eat of every tree there including the Tree of Life that was God's provision but there was another tree in the garden the knowledge of good and evil that God said don't eat of that one don't need of that one now when I study I like to come up with my own deaf missions or I like to form definitions but as best I can so that helped me understand what's going on and when I think about sin all of us have a different perception when when the word sin comes up we have this perception but I tried to try to demystify sin in my own heart my own mind what is sin and when we look at Adam and Eve we understand they sinned by eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil but what exactly did they do they chose they made a choice they chose independence from God and the light came on inside of me that anything that is independent from the source is sin by nature anything that is independent from the source activates not the abundant life cycle if you will but the death cycle you shall die meaning that corruption and loss and failure and confusion and depression and anxiety and sickness all of those things are released when we choose to be independent from God we make these choices all the time for example we can choose independent thoughts I can choose to think independently of what God is thinking does anybody say yeah I've done that okay I have had thoughts that aren't God thoughts all right I can choose to speak words that aren't God words I've chosen to be independent and say my own thing what did Jesus say I only do what I what I hear from the Father I only do what I see the father doing he chose dependence on God and yet so often we choose independence and we choose to say our own words to think our own thoughts to do our own thing and then we ask God to bless it or we ask God to forgive it or what are we whatever we do but we have made a choice to be independent and we have activated the consequences of that independence because anything independent from the source of abundant life and goodness and love and mercy and blessing anything independent from now is going to be the opposite of that and so when we look around at the body of Christ though the raw material of grace is on all of us what we do with it is a choice and we can choose to be independent from what God has given or we can choose to be dependent upon what God has given okay I want to make sure I'm not losing anybody is everybody tracking with me here okay it's like an a silly example I use is if like were able to I have a six-year-old grandson and if I were able to pull the roof off of his or the ceiling off of his bedroom and dump a ton of Legos into his room just loose Legos and slapped the top down the roof down he now has the potential to build anything he wants with the lay he has the raw material to build anything with these Legos but whether or not he builds anything that's a choice does that make sense okay so and his creativity can know no limits or he can become very focused on one little thing it just it's up to him where that goes when we talk about the grace of God we're talking about absolute exceeding super abundance of peace of joy of love of blessing of health of prosperity it's spirit soul and body of anything that mankind lost through Adams independence has been regretted or abundantly given through Christ's work on the cross but what I do with that is up to me and as I've gone through now I've been walking with the Lord for 46 years and I can look back now and I can see wow that was dumb I made a choice and that choice didn't bless me or anybody else I'm a choice independence in that case I chose independence in that case I chose wrong words they're wrong thoughts there and I can look back and see it I lost some time the way because of some independence that I chose as I went through life but then I can look back I'm starting to come apart here alright don't tell anybody but I don't like these things but this is the best one for this system so we'll try to hang in there I feel like Britney Spears but what I do with the grace of God the raw material of Grace is up to me it's up to me and so now I have to decide how much of God do I want because all of him is available but how much am I willing to step into okay now let's let's move on it says in Genesis three four and five now what the I kind of talked too long there but what did God say don't eat of this tree or you shall what you shall die okay so in Genesis three four and five it says in the serpent said to the woman you shall not surely die okay think with me nothing has changed every tree still there tree of that life still there tree of the knowledge of good and evil still there no circumstances have changed the only thing that has changed is what there is now competing information I call it fake news to be up-to-date this is the first fake news you shall not surely die okay for God does know that in the day you eat thereof so now we have a twisting of things of sowing doubt about the source with whom they should be dependent for God knows that in the day you eat thereof then your eyes shall be open so in other words you're not really seen right now you you don't know it but you're blind fake news and you shall be as God they already were as God they were made in His image and so a competing voice is coming in with competing information and enticing them with false information in order to get them to become independent from the source of their life all right you shall be as God's knowing good and evil the options hadn't changed but there was a new voice giving competing information the competing information and you can jot down if you're taking notes first John 2:16 the lust of the eyes the lust of the flesh and the pride of life the lust of the eyes the lust of the flesh and the pride of life will always be the competing information to try to make you independent from God that's always going to be out there lust of the flesh lust of the eyes pride of life is always going to be what you're dealing with that's going to try to pull you away from dependence upon God now look at it here and now it says when the woman okay I don't know where I am in Genesis 3 here but it says when the woman saw that the tree was good for food lust of the flesh tree was good for food lust of the flesh that it was pleasing to the eyes lust of the eyes all right and it was desirable to make one wise pride of life there they are and you can check that out in 1st John 2:16 and go back to Genesis 3 and this is exactly what has happened happening that Eve is being confronted and out and are being confronted with options none of the circumstances have changed but another voice has entered the picture and has what do I want to say given a new spin to the same circumstances and the new spin now is enticing them through the eyes the flesh and through pride to become independent from God and dependent upon themselves and that's what sin is sin is when we choose to fulfill our own needs with our own strength because we would rather be independent from God and that's why the world looks like it does today people have chosen independence and let's be honest we have to probably today most of us have chosen something that is independent from God now doesn't mean you're going to follow her dead but it does mean that you are cooperating with darkness loss corruption what at whatever there's a cooperation there when we choose independence okay anybody still love me all right I want to go to Proverbs that wasn't the full Amen but it's good enough okay proverbs 1 proverbs 1 28 through 33 proverbs 1 28 through 33 this isn't about Adam and Eve but it sounds like it could be so that's why I'm gonna read it with you proverbs 1:28 says and then they will call on me but I will not answer they will seek me early but they will not find me listen here we go now because they hated knowledge what I told them they hated knowledge and did not choose the fear of the Lord they didn't choose the fear of the Lord they had a choice to make and they didn't choose the fear of the Lord they would have none of my counsel and despised all my reproof therefore they will eat of the fruit of their own way now I know this isn't about Adam and Eve but it sure works they ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and they harvested that crop of death they will eat of the fruit of their own and be filled with their own devices for the turning away of the simple will slay them and the prosperity of fools will destroy them but whoever listens to me world wealth safely if they had listened to God they would have dwelt safely and will be secure from the fear of evil how they had to do was pay attention to God but they got enticed to be independent and in choosing and here's here's what happened can it picture this if you will God says all of this is yours every tree here is yours and I'm sure I can't we can't even imagine we think of our trees but our trees aren't like the trees in the Garden of Eden who knows what they look like and they may have been all filled with light and life who knows I mean I can imagine all kinds of stuff and this tree of life is yours this tree don't touch that one no he didn't say don't touch it don't eat of that one or you shall die they had this whole thing super abundance it's like you're gonna judge me but that's okay mister burns on The Simpsons okay somebody comes to him and says I think whoever is whose servant is or whatever it says mr. burns you have all the money in the world you have everything anyone could ever want you have millions and dollars billions of dollars you have planes you have cars you have everything in the world and mr. burns says yes but I would trade it all for a little more that's what Adam and Eve did they were willing to trade it all for a little more all right think of this God gave them everything and the snake shows up says serpent I'm not going to speculate on what that looked like at the time but we'll just say a snake showed up and says God says all right you shall not die God knows when you eat of this tree and and and you're gonna be like God they already were my god but now they have this competing information so Adam and Eve go over off to the side and they huddle what do you think God said yeah but the serpent he seems to know what he's talking about I don't know but you know God says and they have this conversation and then finally they let's go with the snake let's go with the snake and you're thinking why would they go with the snake we do it all the time people all the time they say I don't know how to hear God well you sure know how to hear the snake right teach me how to hear God well the problem is you're very tuned into the serpent why can't why why is it that hard because he works through the lusts of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life and we're very tuned into that and God is speaking just as much and his his everything God says it's for our good for our life for our benefit amen Deuteronomy 30:19 Deuteronomy 30:19 says I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day that I have set before you life and death now I understand the context is Israel and the law I get it but the principle here is the same one that Adam and Eve had it's the same one that we have I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day that I have set before you life and death blessing and cursing therefore choose wife he gives you the answer he says this is what's this is the test this or this do this one do this one here and there didn't choose life that both you and your descendants may live I'm talking about the power of choice that we are created in the image of God and now especially since we're born again we have and all men have this power but we have the capacity to make choices and the choices that we make determine our destiny and they determine the the blessing of our family they determine what we can do in the kingdom they determine everything based upon choices even tiny ones when we choose to be independent from him and think our own thoughts and speak our own words and do our own thing and we feel we want to fulfill our own needs because God takes too long we think we're choosing independence and when we choose independence were releasing corruption into our lives does that make sense let's go to Romans 6:16 for almost 6 16 I know people some people struggle with this concept of choice but I mean it is from Genesis to Revelation Romans 6:16 says know you not that to whom you yield yourselves servants to obey there's a lot right there when you yield yourself to something you have become a servant I'd go so far as to say a slave of the thing to which you have yielded yourself no you not that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey his servants you are to whom you obey whether of sin let's change the word just so we can understand it better independence independence unto death or of obedience dependence on to righteousness we become the servant of that which we choose and that process is going on all day long I can choose to be independent from God for just a few brief moments in order to give somebody a piece of my mind but I just gave away more than that I gave away some of God's life I gave away my potential I could have drawn on his grace see there now we bring it back to the grace message I could have chosen his grace I could have chosen forgiveness I could have chosen love I could have chosen words of life and blessing but I wanted to make sure they knew how I felt I just chose dependence excuse me independence and then I go to church oh Jesus I love you there's it there's a hypocrisy jur now there's grace for that amen God loves us and forgives us but we're talking about how to live abundant life I don't want to keep bouncing back and forth between two worlds because there's no there's no consistency there I want to walk in an exceeding abundance more than I can ask or think don't you well I'm gonna have to make the right choices along the way Adam and Eve blew it on day one so to speak there day one all right psalm 119 let's do a couple verses in psalm 119 verse 30 through 32 let's just do verse 30 psalm 119 verse 30 David says I have chosen the way of faithfulness I have chosen the way of faithfulness your judgments I have laid before me jump to verse 173 verse 173 he says let your hand help me for I have chosen your precepts I have chosen your precepts David recognized the power of choice and I understand this is under the law but it's still it's still here folks we still get to choose we just wrote read in Romans 6 who we yield ourselves when you yield that's a choice when you yield yourself to the lusts of the flesh or the lust of the eyes or the pride of life you've made a choice and you've chosen independence from the source and as a result there is a harvest coming in that if you stay in that realm there is going to be a harvest of like kind of not good things every choice is an affirmation of one thing and a denial of the other options every time I choose on the firming something and denying something else if I choose to speed then I'm denying civil government the law of the speed limit I'm delegated by God the civil government on denying all of that and I'm affirming my independence to do my thing but I need to go faster anybody besides me getting convicted okay all right but we you know when we make things simple it's easier to understand but I you know God doesn't make you speed so who-who did all right good answer every choice impacts in some way shape or form the course of your life everything we do is a choice every choice you make now I've talked about this I think before here and I'm gonna probably write a book about this but every choice you make is a seed that carries within it the nature of its source and its source is either God or not God you alright so when I choose to sow a seed of speeding or I choose to sow a seed of ugly words or I choose to sow a seed of whatever thought life I choose a independence from God because I don't think he can meet my perceives need therefore I'll do it so I made those choices those are seeds and those seeds carried the nature of their source either their source was God or their source was you and here's what happens is that most of us have sown so many seeds of us into our lives that we're struggling to understand what this abundant life is how come my life doesn't look like that well I'm trying to explain that to you it could be that we've chosen to be independent so many times that the harvest of all of those independent choices those seeds are all coming home to root harvest don't come home to roost but anyway chickens do but you know what I'm saying that those harvests are coming back and we're thinking I know God loves me I know God wants to bless me I know God wants that yes he does he gave you the raw material the Legos are in the bedroom but you're not using them all right so this can all turn around quickly I'm not trying to paint a bleak picture here because all of us are probably saying well now I wish I hadn't come tonight but but hopefully we can we can make this a happy message by the time I'm done all right success is making one right choice after another that's success even the little ones I did a message the other day in school on I have a new course in third year what did I what was this oh where was I I forget a lot of places doing a lot of messages but I was talking about the integrity of our hearts and the choices that we make and when we went every when we begin to even in the little things oh I know I was talking biblical morals and ethics in first year our ethics what we've chosen to believe are our etiquette is how we act but our ethics is what we really believe and whether or not in our in the restrooms at school we have these little towels on the counters so that once you wash your hands and there's water everywhere you can you can clean it up every I almost every time I go in there there's a quarter inch of water standing next to the towel I'm thinking where these people raised in the woods what's going on here but they won't even wipe up the mess they made now some do but many don't and so I was using that as an example and all these people's faces are getting but those are the ethical choices that we make of how we treat people whether or not we open the door for our wife or for a lady well how we how we walk and talk and act and what we will not talk about and what we all those kinds of things are ethical choices that set the encourse your destiny sudden in motion your destiny and so you know as I see these things that I say I want and still at my age I'm still wanting to make changes because I want everything that God has for me I don't want to just talk about grace as a doctrine I want it going powerfully in my life but I realize I have to choose it I have to decide to be dependent upon God are these words dependent upon God or my thoughts dependent upon God these emotions that I want to show I want people to know how I really feel why that's pride of life that's a choice rather than count the 10 or 50 or whatever you need to count to to find your place of dependence once again that's Grace when you say no God has provided for this situation and I'm not going to jump into it with my emotions I'm gonna rest in the grace of God see this is called maturity when we choose the grace of God over our emotions or over whatever feels good at the moment and this if you do this enough times you will harvest abundant life amen that's good stuff listen to this Matthew 22 3 we're talking about choices the power of choice Matthew 22 3 says Jesus says and sent out his servants to call those who were invited to the wedding but they would not come invited to the wedding by Jesus and don't want to go Matthew 23 37 Matthew 23 37 says o Jerusalem Jerusalem who killed the prophets and stone those who are sent to you how often I would have gathered your children together there's the heart of God that's the grace of God God wants to gather us together and it says as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings but you would not can you imagine refusing the love of God refusing the grace of God saying no thanks I'm good I don't need you can you imagine that that people refuse God's grace I know I've talked about this here before but I'm gonna do it again is it okay Groundhog Day the movie Groundhog Day I've talked about that I know right but it was just Groundhog Day a few days ago wasn't it yeah perfect so I'll just go with that here's the thing is that if you're if you've not seen the movie the protagonist gets stuck in a time loop Bill Murray gets stuck in a time loop okay and so he lives the same day over and over and over and over and over and here's the deal is that the day never changes this the people in the day never change the whole thing is the same setup every single day but the outcome is different every single day why his choices the way he approached the day and he starts off living for the flesh and then he moves in all different all different cycles of what he wants to do until finally he gets to a place of wanting self-improvement he learns to play the piano he learns to do ice sculpture he learns to speak French he does all the stuff for self-improvement and then finally he moves into self-sacrifice and starts giving himself to help other people and that's when the time loop breaks and yet it's the same set of circumstances every day your life my life has very similar a very similar cast of characters in it every day and very similar circumstances probably most days and yet the day is raw material based on your attitude based on your choices based on your words see we have a choice we God made us in His image and we have the capacity to choose and whether we choose dependence or independence whether we choose forgiveness or bitterness whether we choose to bless somebody to give money to hug them or or to just not want to be near some all of those things are choices and how our life begins to unfold in the harvests of our life that begin to come to us are going to be reflective of those choices I'm getting blessed I don't know is anybody getting anything out of this here are some ideas who will you marry who will you marry if you're still single marriage is a choice marriage is a choice you get to choose someone hopefully your loot you're walking in the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit can guide you to a good choice but it's still your choice and then that choice is gonna have impact for a long time what will you press something yep what will you pursue we won't go there any further what will you pursue in life what are you gonna pursue in life video games on the couch or a career or ministry or what is that you're choosing now that is going to set your destiny in motion we're making choices all the time how will you spend your time time is a choice what we do with time how fast will you drive I mentioned that that's a choice however you treat those around you that's a choice and see when you start thinking like this you start realizing okay and I'm gonna step from I'm gonna stay dependent upon God all day I am NOT gonna lash out I'm not gonna say an ugly word I'm not gonna do I'm gonna be loving I'm gonna be forgiving and then the serpent will come up so to speak and tempt you with something the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes our pride of life somebody will say something that pushes your buttons and that's where then you get to decide which way you're going to go when you don't declare your choices they often lose their potential what I mean by that is you are more committed to what you declare them what you think that makes sense let me explain it I can think about this kind of stuff all day but it doesn't really I'm not committed to it yet because you don't know what's going on in my head but when I start to declare it when I start to say I will forgive today I will be a blessing today I will give today I will do this today I and I begin to declare it I am much more apt to follow my declarations than just my thoughts I am more committed to words than I am to thoughts God is committed to his word that's a good thing that's called grace that's called grace listen to this here's David doing it Psalm 23 verse 6 Psalm 23 verse 6 says surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life he's writing it down and we're still reading it but he declared it that was a choice for him and that's a choice I make when I when I Drive off in the morning I leave the house at 10:00 till 6:00 and I Drive 50 minutes up the mountain and I make a choice to begin to declare the blessings of God over my family and over my ministry and over over our lives and over my kids and over my grandkids and I declare those things and I expect those things I've chosen that rather than saying wash I don't wonder what's gonna happen in this day I don't know man I could go this way or could go that way that's that's a choice to be dependent upon my feelings I want to be dependent upon God upon God's working I want to declare the Word of God I have the choice I I was made in God's image with the capacity to speak God's Word then why not I think that's a good choice to agree with God can you grasp it that we have the capacity to agree with God and speak his words over situations and he holds everything together with the power of his word why wouldn't we speak his word and get in tune with him and choose to be dependent upon him let me back up we're talking about victorious Christian life why don't we see more victorious Christians because we've still knowingly or unknowingly chosen independence we've made a choice but it's the independent choice look what God says Hebrews 6:14 Hebrews 6:14 says surely blessing I will bless thee and multiplying I will multiply thee now think about this a minute that's God speaking surely blessing I will bless thee and multiplying I will multiply thee he could have said I will bless thee is that good enough can you take that to the bank if God said I will bless you too amen but he said blessing I will bless you whoa now that means even more I'm not sure I can even wrap my head around that blessing he will bless me and he declared it blessing he will bless me but he wasn't done what he actually said was surely blessing I will bless you he didn't have to say any of that stuff he could have just said bless I will bless you and that was enough but God wanting to show I think I'm growing or something while I'm up here my head is changing God hate it when that happens God wanted to declare something because he's committed to what he says are you committed to what he says surely this is where so many Christians check out they say that can't be that's too good and that's the problem we chose independence from him I'm gonna choose dependence when he says surely blessing I will bless you and so when I when I make declarations I declare goodness and mercy following me all the days of my life favor is surrounding me the blessing of God is upon me and my family health and healing is in our bodies my youth is being renewed like the Eagle and I began to declare I choose to declare what God has declared that's a choice I choose to do something with the Legos I choose to put him to work I choose to be creative and this I choose to walk with God rather than saying oh I wonder why this didn't work out I wonder why that didn't work out well the reason things don't work out is because somewhere in there you got independent from God because if you're plugged into the source that's where the grace is this making sense just take a couple more minutes here what you expect is a choice what you expect now I know a few years ago I did a message here called Great Expectations the power of expectation I still teach that from time to time is such a powerful message proverbs 23:7 so as as you think and you heart for as he thinks in his heart so is he and I know it's a little is more there's more there but there's a principle there as you think in your heart or what you expect from God from life that's what you're gonna see that's what you're gonna harvest and so many Christians expect to be victims they expect to be sick they expect to be like job they don't expect to be like Jesus they don't expect his promises they expect something else they're not walking in expectation in their heart they are looking at lack at minimal at get by at who knows maybe if it be his will that kind of stinking thinking and that's what they're harvesting in life they've chosen consciously or subconsciously to be independent and they're reaping from that decision here's what you can choose I choose abundant life I choose it I believe it in fact I believe that this next year is going to be more prosperous than the last five put together I believe I'm going to be healthier than ever this year I choose that I choose I declare it because God has given me the capacity to choose dependence or independence and I'm choosing dependence and plugged into him the vine apart from him can do nothing or the branch apart from the vine can do nothing but in him we bear much fruit that's God's heart God wants you to bear fruit but you've got to choose to be in him I choose righteousness how many how many agree that righteousness is a good choice it's a gift of righteousness it's one of the Legos it's a big one amen I choose righteousness I choose to be a blessing I how many of you want to be a blessing to somebody amen then make the choice it says in second Corinthians 9 as you purpose in your heart as you purpose in your heart it's your choice don't put it off on God I didn't feel led die that's nowhere in the Bible whether or not you feel led to give that's not as as your purpose in your heart I choose to be a blessing I choose to see the unseen what did I share about I think last year I had shared about my son falling off the 20 feet off the roof I and he's still perfect and he's prospering it's just crazy I've blessed him with my words though but when he fell off the roof and things were not looking good I had to choose for those of you that didn't hear this story he fell 20 feet off a ladder on a roof and landed on his head on a sidewalk okay I had to choose to stay in the spirit and it was a battle because I kept flopping over to the emotional side of being a father and then I'd have to will myself back over into the spirit that was a choice I could have chosen to fall apart and I was really close but I kept choosing back you could get back into the spirit and see the unseen and see him healed and seek him well four hours later he walked out of the hospital without even a concussion not even a concussion everything is a choice how you approach every single challenge in your life you have a choice either you're going to unplug yourself from God and try and do it yourself or you're gonna plug into God and say there's grace for this there's grace for this I choose to speak words of life death and life are in the power of the time I choose life I choose the spirit over the flesh that that's a battle we have to all fight daily flesh is always there wanting to do its thing I'm gonna choose the spirit over the flesh I choose to bless my spouse she called me yesterday there's some show coming to Colorado Springs that she wants to see it's not something that I care about some Chinese acrobats or something and I had to make a choice anyway we're going I jus I choose to rejoice always like after that phone call amen I choose to rejoice praise God I choose to avoid strife gossip and criticism that's a choice you got to stop it man well we'll get into that later I choose to reign in life I've been I've received the the abundant grace of God and the gift of righteousness room in 5:17 I'm gonna reign in life I'm not gonna let my emotions take my life off that way and I'm not gonna let pride take my life off that way and I'm not gonna let I'm going to reign over my thought life my word life I am going to reign in life it's a choice I choose to be a doer of the word and not just a hearer not one Amen I choose to take every thought captive I choose health and healing I choose it not waiting for it I've got it grace has already given it to me and I'm gonna choose it and I choose health and healing and I choose life all of these things are choices folks we have being created in the image of God he gave us this power because that's His image we can choose and what we choose is determining our destiny and even the little decisions along the way and we've all made bad ones so not one they want to feel guilty and get all condemned and mopey that's not the point here the point is let's flip this around starting right now I get it I get it my life is a harvest of choices therefore from this point forward before I do anything think anything say anything I am going to say am I plugged in I'm gonna ask myself am I plugged into the source or am i independent am i listening to the snake or I'm gonna listen to the Lord what's it gonna be because I want what God has put for me on the on the table I want the abundant life I want the blessed life for me for my family I want that and it's available but I've got to choose it amen can I pray for you real quick hallelujah hallelujah father we bless your name and I pray for every heart in this room and anyone watching these and listening to these recordings that all of us would take stock and just how dependent or independent we are and realize that the grace of God is found in dependence upon the source of that grace the abundance of God the life of God the health of God the prosperity of God the creativity of God the the favor of God the the protection of God all of it is in the source and father we choose the source we choose the source and we're done being independent in our thoughts and our words in our action forgive us Lord we know there is grace for us in this and we will we declare we will grow in this realm of maturity that we can image you to the world hallelujah we give you all the praise and glory in Jesus name Amen
Channel: Charis Bible College Minneapolis
Views: 34,985
Rating: 4.7712307 out of 5
Id: qNOnIWiKmf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 51sec (2871 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 17 2019
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