Barra Swapped GT350 First Start!

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Thing sounds nasty, like a jz with a big β€˜ol nutsack. Can’t wait to see/hear it rip

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 74 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/OneLongBallHair πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Grit in Florida?? His dad's gonna be PISSED!!!!!!!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 43 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/moustickz πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The shit Pat said in the truck is so on point. Anyone that's ever driven a RHD car felt that shit in their soul.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 57 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/einbierbitte πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

alright alberto we get it you like playing with the torch.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 46 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ajkgta17 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Fucking awesome

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Endless_Ego πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Name a better duo than Alberto and Johan. Endless clean builds.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 52 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

"I like making lines"

Well yeah Adam, you're in Florida. Everyone there likes making lines.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 39 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/zx666r πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Tommy must be pissed that he has been excluded from the rest of the HGEU.

What did he do to get banned?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Antihistimine πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Adam Lizotte-Zeisler Alberto Rosa Haggard Garage Arson

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 34 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TnnDK πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] welcome we're back in florida and i brought a very special friend along with me for the flight hi grant's here we're dead tired we left his house at like 4 a.m but grant's gonna hang out uh we're gonna do some driving together and we're just gonna go chill at the shop today and like i think fingers crossed from what i understand there might be a possibility we started the bearer today i'd be sick to be here for that yeah i'm hyped on that i'm hyped as well i'm excited to see all the hard work that you and alberto and shulman have all been doing while we've been gone and uh yeah i don't know i i think i'm gonna have to have you film your reaction this thing now that she's a little monster oh dude you can't do this to me this early in the morning after we are dead you're gonna scare the poop out of me i'm gonna do a little bit of like a little just a test which is a test like kind of roll into it just to make sure that everything's okay and like see how much grip we're working with all right [Music] god it's not what i wanted to do at 9 30 in the morning i bet i bet he could beat us from a dig you think so yeah this thing's fast dude cause like we'd be spinning and i'd be stalling and he'd just be [Music] hey nice truck brother is that thing from england all right we'll do a good old 2-3 okay you find an open road yeah this should be good all right i don't like where that car is [Music] i'm pretty sure the camera started to to go up because we went to warp speed dude it like it doesn't feel that fast until you start going fast and then it just keeps pulling dude fourth gear terrifying the craziest thing is that the car just has like the it like falls off a lot up top but it still doesn't feel that way you know what i mean like it still feels like it's pulling up top falls off top huh yeah it's only like 600 wheel red line that's it well like it makes 700 not everything yeah so if i can get it to like make the torque that it is now but keep making that keep going yeah that buy so if you're wondering why grant's here it's actually payback more than anything um i stayed at grants when i was up in connecticut and like there's a huge falling out because of me playing with the thermostat and lowering the ac too much leaving my trash all over i lost a drill bit i lost his tire valve tool um i left boxes everywhere so he just spurred the moment sporadically when he dropped me off the airport was like you know what i'm coming with you and i'm gonna mess your house up i'm gonna set the ac at 40 degrees and i'm not letting them change it parker jackets for sale now before we get involved in anything else i want to give a quick shout out to one of my sponsors ring if you guys aren't already familiar with ring from me talking about them in my videos they make these awesome video doorbells for your home and security cameras that i use all over the shop and i do it all right from their app they make wired and wireless security cameras and you can see this one right here i've got pulled up in the app we can see what's going on live that's me right down there look i'm swinging back and forth and if you're using it at your home you need to talk to someone you can even click this hey which comes in handy if you're getting a package delivery you need to talk to the guy about where to leave it other than package delivery i use it most when i lose things because i can go back and trace my steps to see the last place i put stuff whether it be a wallet a tool a computer a charger or for package delivery related stuff it's really awesome i have a special offer on a ring welcome kit just for you guys all you have to do is go to lz and that'll come with the ring video doorbell 3 and their chime pro which is all you need to start building custom security for your home today just go to lz i'd like to give a massive thank you to ring for sponsoring this video and many of mine in the past it's a great company and i always appreciate working with them thank you ring thank you guys let's get back to work when i was away i got a very very exciting video sent to me from johan now if you remember this entire chassis harness had to be transferred from the other donor car that we had so there are a lot of places to go wrong and uh do you want to do the honors yeah so it's the kissing whoa look at that right there it's gonna start freaking out because there's not a bunch of things connected we've got a body harness we've got the beep we've got a car yeah so now it's a little upset we got a car now so that means in theory well that's huge this guy's been sitting outside with no windows forever so that's very exciting so there's been a lot of stuff that's been going on with this car so we're gonna put up in the lift and start to give you guys up to speed on where it's at now as i've already explained we have the built 6r80 transmission from pbh but what you'll notice here we actually have the very first baroda 6r80 adapter made by dominator motorsports so this i believe is in its prototype slash first production phase and everything bolts up and utilizes a dual drilled flywheel up to the stock 6080 converter so we do have an aftermarket torque converter but we didn't think it was going to come in time so in this box right here from circle d we've got a pretty gnarly billet badass torque converter that uh i'll give you guys more info on the specs on this but for now starting it we didn't think that we would have that for a while and it actually got done super super fast um so for now the car just has a stock torque converter but while we're underneath it uh going through you can see we've got the stock transmount with some slight modifications bolted up and then we have a aluminum drive shaft from driveshaft pro over in california they worked with us and were able to source the flanges and get the driveshaft made super fast everything bolted up great and they were awesome to work with so if you're in california or anywhere they ship stuff and make it very fast i think they actually had it made same day and then we just had some issues because we gave them the wrong shipping address but everything bolts up sick it's exciting the plan is to eventually turn this into the stock style tips down there but for now if we do get to the point of starting it today we'll just leave it open downpipe another stuff you can kind of see while we're down here the oil filter set up we've already talked about the 60 mil gate from turbosmart that gives you a little bit better look at it and alberto just finished the pipe that's going to dump that back into the downpipe um so we don't have any ugly wastegate noises now before alberta helps me explain some stuff of the fuel system we're actually going to go back in time because we did film some footage before we left takes you up to speed with everything we did with that hello and welcome to today's video we have a package here from our friends over at diesel and in this package is going to be everything that we need for the fuel system for the barra gt350 they got some pretty cool solutions so we're going to unbox it and show you guys what we're going to be working with dual box there's no fuel in it there's fuel on it no there's not it's a fuel system that's the fast way to open it do you just bring brake cleaner on me over there this guy this is stupid oh no listen i really think i'm on something over look i didn't even need to use the knife no seriously though look i am on to something we didn't need again no stop albuento with a sound look it's still burning alberto get away with that put the brake line down stop all right so in this box like i said alberto stop it this stuff's fire dude oh yeah this does fire bro so we're going to unbox all this stuff maybe that's why it doesn't clean oh my god like my box is still burning this showman's gonna come in tomorrow me like what were you guys doing well i cleaned his shelf today for him look at all this all right we're going to go work on the other corner of the shop now oh my god it's so smoky oh great now we got two compressors on over [Music] okay so the first thing you'll see the most obvious we have two boxes of line from dishworks if you aren't familiar with it they have their own braided line alberto stop it we're done with that for now okay so we've got two boxes of their line this looks like dash six so i'm guessing this will be the return and then this box so we'll have a dash 8 feed dash 6 return now i know this kit they advertise as being well sufficient for over a thousand horsepower we've got all the fittings from them we're not going to go through every fitting now until we actually do the install but everything we should need for the whole fuel system is in here it's pretty exciting because usually we have to spend a lot of time developing our own fuel system and figure out all the fittings and stuff so because we're using a factory car and trying to utilize the factory fuel system for the most part um it's cool that they already have all the lines and fittings and pumps situation all figured out so in here we've got our good old trusty diesel x fuel pressure regulator nice little gauge for the regulator in this box here we have a giant fuel filter these are always really nice they're stainless and you can take them apart and wash the inside of it so they're just reusable now this is what you call an injector you look at the injector flow chart look at this 2300 ccs so these are some big boys i think are these the biggest injections we've ever put on the car on your cars here yeah so 2200 i need some of those for the rx7 that's sick so we've got all this stuff i think our fuel pumps are in a separate box for it but this is the central piece of the puzzle right here that i'm very excited about so you're going to be running dual dw 400 pumps which will be more than enough for our goals i think they do like what is it 700 or 800 in pump on e which is wild like sorry it's like seven or eight hundred in tank on e which is wild so two of them is more than enough and this right here is what i wish they made for a bajillion different other cars look at this why are you overworking hold on this is their own dual pump in-tank hanger kit that's rad yes they make these for some cars uh i know certain platforms like r35 gtrs and actually like old skylines having like a dual palm in tank hanger kits common but all the builds that we've done up until this point uh we've never really had a solution like this other than maybe in zero zero yeah but this makes life a lot easier you have to worry about surge tanks or anything you just keep it real nice and simple using the whole factory fuel system no fuel cells and we can just put the two dw-400s are meant to mount right in this we've got a nice pretty and simple solution with all the wiring just nice simple easy and ready to go so i'm excited about this are you excited albuerto martino excited you said easy i'm scared now i didn't say easy it's that easy does it easier it's so simple that well i mean compared compared to you know working with s chassis wiring that like falls apart when you look at it i got brace i love that yeah nice and simple wiring connections no soldering or anything so i'm guessing these are like inserts in case you're going to be running the like this for 300 series pumps just uh they're smaller smaller yeah so you put it on and put the pump on this so uh looks like we got some lines to make i'm excited i like making lines this is actually dash 10. that is the biggest fuel line we've ever ran in a car this thing's gonna be juiced up spicy [Applause] don't put that on my lens you can't take it off wait dump it up into my hands ready to get one never pulled out the seat of a mustang before it's actually really really cool there's these little uh i think oh yeah okay right here it's really cool there's just like little tabs that you just kind of pull and then the seat just pops right up comes right out no hardware and then the fuel pump there's like the biggest grommet i've ever seen this rubber piece right here just kind of pulls out and then underneath it we have the fuel pump i don't really know what i'm doing it looks like there's a big locking plate here there's no hardware or anything question is how do i turn it better unlocked this is cool no hardware or anything strip like all the other cars i don't remember if i mentioned this but this system that comes in the car is returnless and we're going to be doing obviously a return system there's a lot of fuel in here might want to put this over a bucket so i don't just drench the car in it [Music] there we go oh so the feed there's like a feed line in there rather than it being built into the bucket all right so now we got this baby out wait a second well that's interesting the everything's all built into one unlike some cars where they have the like level sensor on the other side looks like it dual fuel pumps that has dual fuel pumps factory that's cool that's probably why this car can handle being on e and actually make decent power so one of the cool things about this kit it actually utilizes the factory fuel bucket so i'm going to drain it real quick and we're going to take it apart now we have the bucket wow look there's a bunch of little debris and stuff in there you can see that's uh yeah a little fuel filter socks doing their job what's cool about it is the fact that it reuses all the factory style pickups and using the factory bucket everything's just gonna be a nice simple install the dishwasher kit comes with all these little clamps and everything specifically for these lines so even this little like tiny venturi hose has a really nice style clasp on there to keep everything tight and then all this stuff will just bolt up and almost act like as if it was [Music] factory [Applause] [Music] entrance all right guys so in this bracket we managed to install two diesel w-400s so there's a lot of fuel the kit comes with all the necessary hoses and crimps to install everything it also has this typhoon thingy this one's the one that you're going to be using for this model i think 2011 and 2 or 14 is different but this one is just very simple goes from here to here also little nice little crimps i never really get to use these terminals or crimps on the hoses but it makes installation so clean compared to the regular like warm gear clamps then for electrical connection very simple as well it comes with a nice crimp terminals and then you just bend them up a little bit about like 45 degrees to keep them from hitting the housing so the two grounds go on one side then you have individual power supplies for each one so that means we're gonna be installing a fuel relay to power the pumps maybe two relays actually so they have plenty of current for them then the oil level sensor according to the instructions you just run the wires up straight so obviously right goes to right left goes to left that means the this side is going to be positive which i'm going to say right or left because it's defining how you're orienting the thing and it all should work as a factor and it does a little compressive thing too nice i'll try to lay some holes in this thing so we got a feed a dash 10 fuel feet line and a dash 8 fuel return line so obviously we can't fit it through the stock location which is about here so we're gonna try to attempt on the corner i think there's a spot between the chassis and the gas tank we'll have to go in blindly and see if it fits if now we're gonna have to try from the bottom up well i definitely went all the way through and hit something okay now we're gonna feed the other one do you want to run the fuel line to the inside of the frame rail or the outside of the frame rail i mean i would think the farther away from everything over here that's going to be heat and drive shaft and all that yes there's a factory line goes through here and the filters here plus remember we don't have exhaust no longer on this side anymore because it's on the other side only [Music] so come over like that they're not this don't do this on freshly painted surfaces slightly just scratching the whole yeah that's actually pretty pleasant yeah i ordered some dash thing of those little thingies that hold the things up and i also ordered dash 10 line separator is a billet one so i hold something like this i think the ideal spot to do it would probably be here maybe we re riv nut it into the frame rail i'd just be concerned if we put it where the stock location is it's hanging down a little bit lower than the frame rail i'd rather have it tucked up a little bit more so we kind of have that protection in the event that i board slide this or something what do you want boardslide i don't think that's what this car is meant to be yeah but you never know i mean you set it on fire now you gotta a car i feel like we build things a little bit different here because we're used to drifting and when you build a drift car you're constantly going off track or you have the risk of dirt dropping or going flying off so you tend to try to protect things from situations like that or even debris you know you run over a tire or something and it kicks up underneath the car the lowest hanging thing will get taken out that's fuel that's sketchy so i say we tuck it up higher if our alberto apparently he would mount it like this right bro we'll just zip that to the dry [Music] shampoo [Music] oh [Music] the fuel system is finished i also managed to put the stock covers back in as much as possible with little trimming like here and stuff then you got your fill return systems the most complicated part which you have dash 8 return so the flex fuel sensor uses f6 so i ended up just converting to dual dash six one going through the flex fuel and one going directly back to the line and then they merged into these two wires it's really neat here i also got these really nice uh clamps from vibrant that hold everything together real neat now as i mentioned before i don't want to have an external wastegate dump on this all the videos i've heard online and from the people i've talked to bears just don't sound good with an external dump so we're going to reroute it back into the exhaust so alberto made this piece with a nice vibrant flex pipe it'll fit in here just like that it's crazy seeing all the oem stuff back in here like the battery box and the fuse box and how stock everything looks all right pat give me a one two now i've seen a lot of you guys suggesting for the standalone on this car to go with a hall tech and i can confirm that we did indeed go with a hall tech the way that i look at it haltech's tried and true when it comes to the bera platform we've been taking a lot of advice from our friends down under on stuff to do with this and choosing the elite 2500 was kind of a no-brainer for this setup so they've already got a base map for us figured out so it should be pretty simple to start but one other cool thing that we got from them is their actual terminated harness so if this were a stock bearer it would just be a plug and play ordeal but because of the fact that we have a few different things that a stock barrel wouldn't have like a boss drive by wire throttle body or no math and a map sensor instead we had to make a few minor modifications to the harness but overall it's very very nice quality everything's labeled nicely wrapped fresh plugs for all the sensors and because the fact that it's fully terminated it's just like that harness that we did in navo's crescendo that was super easy for a first start it doesn't need to integrate with any of the chassis stuff so for now we're basically bypassing all the chassis stuff and we're going to worry about all the can integration down the road once the car is running so to show you what i mean you'll see these two wires in johan's hand that one's ignition this one's what switch power yeah switch power input and then that would then trigger the fuse box there so it comes with its own little fuse box that has all the relays and fuses with a nice diagram for everything we need so diagnosis will be easy and like i said we don't need to worry about having anything integrated right off the bat which will make everything way more simple so if you were going to swap a bear into pretty much any car especially for a drift car or track car and you weren't worried about chassis integration right off the bat it's a surefire way kind of like all the ls harnesses that we're more familiar with over in the states with terminated nice little fuse boxes and stuff like we did in the crescendo just makes things super simple so we want to get this thing running quick and it's pretty much unanimous that going with the hall tech elite 2500 would be the simplest and most effective way for this setup now since we're almost to the point where we can start cranking this engine i'm gonna go ahead and fill this thing up with oil which is pretty exciting i mean we're getting that much closer now going back to some more fueling stuff we have the biggest injectors that decir sells for this thing they are 2200 cc injectors should be more than enough for our 1200 horsepower goal on e85 or i should say ignite red e90 so we're gonna pop these in the intake manifold get it on and then hopefully get this thing started up got these things lubed up with some nice dielectric grease and then we'll just work the o-rings in slowly make sure we don't get any tears all right so uh hull tack already got us over a base map with all the info that we gave them the injector flow chart and everything they had it to us about 10 minutes after i gave them info sending it to these here right now we'll see if she runs just got the base map loaded up rebooted the ecu and i heard the fuel pump prime so we're off to a good start um next thing we're gonna do since it's drive by wire we gotta calibrate tps because there's no way we can just manually actuate it with our hands so we had to rewire a couple things just because of the um boss driver throttle body but we got to work now and when grant presses the pedal you can actually hear opening and closing the throttle just pretty tight so i think we're ready to start it right i think so the only thing i can't figure out right now is um i know we have fuel pressure we can hear it i just can't figure out where it is in this table i kind of have to like learn new software so one of the things we know from trevor is that we can't start it with actual start button because what it will happen it'll start cranking but it won't actually turn on because the car won't see the crank signal from the bearer and the whole cam thing gets mad so what we're doing to bypass that right now because it's a terminator harness we have a lead that is just for ignition from the hull tech so yawn's basically just going to touch that to the battery and maybe it'll fire we'll see oh spin over let's see if it fires i mean we got oil we don't have coolant that's okay though are all the fittings are tight we don't boost leaks you just send it just touch the orange wire should we prime it a couple times first oh it's been probably no we never turned it over it's a water you check it i don't know where it's at i see oil on this stick it's good enough you heard it here first folks granting the backers like man i thought these guys are more legit though what the heck is going on over here i already trust adam's oil checking skills prior time yeah okay let's see man i'm nervous so am i it's not even my car oh god [Music] can you shake over there if it's doing anything on there it doesn't sound like it's gonna fuel okay [Music] i was on the phone with freddie and our first issue that we're trying to address right now as we crank the rpm reading is like flashing 250 zero 250 zero which means there's probably some sort of power issue or possibly like a sync issue between the cam and the crank signal um so right now there's not a lot of engine ground so we're gonna try to add some see if that maybe makes it crank faster and we get a consistent reading on rpm um because if that's what it's reading then stuff's not firing right and that would explain why [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] bush falling off my friend it's in my youth [Laughter] stop no no no yeah it's dropping out i'm not sure if it's actually an ecu setting or if it's uh just a bad sensor maybe oh whatever you did it it fired for a second yeah so like on a crank trigger so like the ecu needs to see the crank trigger which is just you know like let's say 60 teeth in a row and then there's let's say like one teeth on the cam it needs to like line up so we can find top hit center you know what i mean so i can synchronize so we just pretty much are ignoring the cam sensor got it should we plug them back in or no big cams you can plug them back in you ready to log freddy tell us when you're logging we'll crank it crank it started [Music] ready take two let's do it i'm gonna try no throttle and see if it starts [Music] [Music] yeah no it kind of sounds like a 1j but with like less less of a like feminine tone yeah deeper testosterone is like something it's almost like the 1j tried to be the bearer but just like it's like it's voice tracking ac [Laughter] overall this is a huge victory i can't thank alberto and johan enough for doing as much as they have while we've been gone in connecticut playing around um there's still quite a few little bits left here and there i think i mentioned we gotta pull everything apart to swap the torque converter um run the transmission cooler what else is left on it transmission stuff um finishing up the wiring for the starter to work to the thing then really just getting the transmission control dialed in i gotta put some little washers on the drive shaft rush have bolts but overall like this is huge um we're all stoked we were getting to the point where we didn't think it was going to turn over because we were having issues and it just really needed some throttle so thank you to freddie for helping us with that uh all the sponsors involved and i'm super excited to see this thing on the dyno and if you guys are too any final words sounds like a jay-z let me i can guess alberto's for the final words i'll probably say i think i think we should leave it open down but it sounds pretty good i thought he's gonna make fun of it being automatic that's apparently the thing all right they didn't do this wait hold on you gotta do a special effect [Music] [Music] is [Music] when you say
Channel: Adam LZ
Views: 785,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adam lz, barra mustang, barra build, Adam lz barra, barra startup, lzmfg, GT350, BIG TURBO, 1000hp, 1200hp, build, series, swap, install, diy, tutorial, serires, drift, drag, burnout, race, vs, sound, cam, exhaust
Id: 1QHtiPCkZ44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 24sec (1944 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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