Barking Queen Bichon Frise: Lilly | Full Episode | It's Me or The Dog

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dogs man's best friend but they don't come cheap especially if you choose a posh pedigree but money it seems really can't buy you low this is victoria Stilwell she's been a dog trainer for ten years and she knows that even high-class dogs can have low-class problems and this is Lily a Bichon Frise one of the most fashionable and expensive dogs to earn a mummy loves her but her daddy's had enough from Danny and probably divorcing over it it's not really relaxing environment living I must be mad can Victoria turned this spoiled princess into the perfect pedigree [Music] meet Lily she's a pedigreed Bichon Frise the Paris Hilton of the dog world you know pretty mummy Claudia comes on Lily oh my god that is so cute it's like a little clouds little puffy thing but the rest of the family husband Danny and Sons Charlie and Daniel have had enough she'll put on the carpet pees everywhere took bark you can't really go anywhere with her because she'll just try bark everything she's - Morty what with all the football you know I'm outnumbered so I thought yeah girl she may be mummys little girl but this tiny prima donna ain't no lady lily has been the catalyst for 90% of our disagreements Willy's barking is also driving the neighbors man hunting trying to get my cat on top of all that barking Lily shreds the post and fights the cat her constant demand for attention puts a strain on family life it's got so bad that Claudia doesn't even go on family holidays usually it's just me and the boys because daddy understand worst of all cloudy has brought Lily into the couple's bedroom and that meant years of sleepless nights apart from Danny and I are probably divorcing over it it's not really relaxing environments living well that was your choice I did say let's have another baby who said no I don't believe you said that think you've ever came down to the question is it me or the dog I think I know the answer would be here I'm trying to ask the question because I think I know you know which one would go Victoria knows oil dogs can cause family chaos dogs are dogs they're not children I see loads of problems where owners treat their adults like babies dogs need discipline and structure they need a leader not a mother as soon as Victoria arrives Danny wants to show her how destructive his pedigree princess can be she always do this every day and she will yeah oh you're built yes she's the build i connect sign photographs of my favorite football team and they're you know she's chewed a couple loads in the past and they're obviously quite value of high value to me Lily is costing the family money and her constant barking is maddening but the behavior that's really driving her owners apart is her waking them repeatedly throughout the night desperate for the toilet she scratches on the side of my bed to go out and I'm so worried that she's gonna have an accident and then Danny Mike out before me and find you know neither poor wee on the floor and you never get up no I'm gonna lay down the law here no more sleeping on the bed ever this is more of a behavior problem it's more of an attention problem and it's a problem that we are going to rectify there is no structure to Lily's day do you leave the food down all day so you let her go and come and go as she pleases yeah she eats around the clock toilets whenever she wants and wherever she wants how terrible can i bait a gap in the morning and put your foot into a puddle of pain it obviously doesn't start your day off good so cloudier feels she has to lie to Danny and cover up for Lily Lily should be going to the toilet outside if you feed your dog around the clock he or she will need to eliminate pee or poo around the clock if you feed your dog regular mealtimes that means regular bowel movements and easier house training Lily's bad indoors because she never goes out she never goes out because she's even worse on the street I see this lead of the telegraph wire it transmits all your feelings from you down to the dog so that makes me feel even worse actually to think that you know it's my way that I am is making her work Claudia's anxious behavior is making Lily worse but she's not the only one to blame you have a dog and it's not something that you really wanted but you're still responsible for that dog's education it doesn't just fall to one person it falls down to you two you never walk the dog why is that dog is a girl's dog it's a girl stuff yeah I feel stupid feel stupid looking a girl's dog okay girls does it looks like a girl's dog that's really bad I don't think you're giving Lily enough credit for who she is she can see better than you can she can hear better than you can she could smell better than you can yes she's a girly dog because she looks white and puffy and lovely if me taking her for a walk is gonna make her a happier bad dog great but cloudy has also got to change her attitude to Lily more products than I do I can see from this that Lily is quite a spoiled dog and her behavior is telling me that she is a very spoiled dog you're not giving her the right signals for leadership that's what Lily needs it seems that all your attention is going on Lily she has you wrapped around her little pore typical where on the floor where's Lily she is on the sofa I think this illustrates perfectly where you are in the pack you're below Lily's above you I think a lot of it is because Danny is so sort of shut the dog up don't do this don't you know and I'm always in the middle I think I sort of feel bit sorry for her by giving in to her though actually you're making it worse yeah that's something we have to change I see it all the time claudia has completely ever bonded with lily and spoils her and she doesn't realize it but she's rewarding Lily's bad behavior she's got to stop spoiling Lily and stop behaving like a leader first step in becoming a leader take control over your dog Victoria prides herself in being able to bring any dog under her spell in just one minute good girl can Victoria pass her magic touch on to Claudia and Danny feeding we're not going to free feed Lily anymore because then we can't time her eliminations so food down for 20 minutes only after 20 minutes if she goes Nathan it you take it up and you don't feed her anything else until 4 o'clock when she eats again and in this way we can get a better picture of when she needs to pee and poo training begins first thing next morning with some exercise for Lily [Applause] [Music] now Danny's been broken in they can start work on the dog Bichon Frise ZAR a naturally intelligent breed so Victoria shows Claudia why it's so important to keep her dog's mind occupied I think one of the reasons for Lily's bad behavior is that she's so clever that unlike other dogs she needs a little bit more stimulation it's rather like the really really clever child at school that gets bored very easily because it just picks things up like that I want to test just how clever Lily is and you can test a dog's IQ by seeing how quickly they respond to a command so I'm going to teach her something very simple a dance command and we'll see how long it takes her to realize that she has to do that to get this treat ok Lily wants the treat so badly she works out what Victoria wants her to do that's good girl she's working it out she's trying to sit she'll try the lie down dance good girl dance good girl dance good girl she picked that up so quickly I mean you can see she's a really really clever dog and that's why she gets so bored because she needs extra stimulation there's stimulation and then there's obsessive behavior like Lily's determination to attack the post this is just a great game for her but it's in an appropriate game for you don't put anything through yet just jangle it see Clary what I'm doing now is that I'm trying to distract her she's very emotional she's very excited and I have to come above that emotion above that excitement and distract it with some sort of a noise once Lily's learned that Victoria's in charge the training can move up a notch I'm just gonna let her off the lead and see what she does good girl Lily good girl Lily good girl another one good girl Lily good girl good girl Lily good girl Victoria's established she's in charge here and not Lily but can Claudia do the same all right so take my place it's a good result and Claudia's feeling more confident presently I perceive progress in just that short space of time it's a good start but Victoria's got plenty more work together Lily's still getting her owners up several times every night I'll refuse to get up and let her out and quite often you know come to a shouting match between Clare but who's really to blame Claudia you're causing this not Dani and not Lily you've got to stop doing this cloudier and Danny child's relationship he's being savaged by their two-year-old dog Lily a manic anxious and spoiled Bichon Frise one of Lily's most irritating habits is her incessant barking she barks inside the house outside the house for any reason Victoria uses a decibel meter to find out how loud little dings Park is she is as loud as a pneumatic drill that's a bit of a nightmare is it yeah I mean need to be quite honest I get very conscious about the neighbors more than anything else I mean obviously it irritates me because I'm trying to tell her shut up cuz Daniel stop why do you think she's barking the way she is well I think she's under stimulated she's also a little anxious it's the way to relieve herself from stress to get rid of anxiety helps pass the day exercise her more should be less inclined to bark because she'll have had all of that lure that energy depleted teaching a dog to stop barking is tricky because if you shattered them they often think you're joining in and bark quiet Victoria waits until Lily stops barking to give her the quiet command quiet together with a reward good timing is crucial quiet good girl she's learned that actually she gets much more attention for me and she gets some nice tasty chicken if she's quiet all right rather than she's actively barking she's learnt at that signal and the quiet the vocal command means stop barking is one thing but harassing passers-by is something else because of the difficulties that cloudy and Danny have walking Lily she doesn't get whupped enough therefore she has so much energy for bad behavior such as chasing the cat such as blocking and demanding attention all the time it's Lily's worst habit aggression towards passers-by Claudia hates it Claudia's tension is passed down the read to Lily Lily goes crazy and Victoria is forced to intervene Claudia what I'm doing is that she went crazy because she gets so stimulated that when she's in that mood there is nothing you can do she's just so happy oh so hyped up I don't care what anybody says I just don't care she's too much your job is to distract her before that happens Victoria instructs Claudia to turn away from approaching pedestrians and deprive Lily of the time to get excited by them so when she turns again to meet them Lily's emotions are in check as Claudia's confidence grows Lily's behavior improves your whole demeanor has changed yeah it felt good and all your energy was going yeah Claudia might have cracked the walk but she's refusing to enforce Victoria's no doggone bed rule the bond between mummy and dog is so strong Victoria decides she has to separate them we want you to have a good night's sleep we also want Lily to have a good night's sleep and both of you aren't if Lily sleeps well she's as likely to be anxious so you're going to have to sleep in bed and not give her one little bit of attention maybe easier for you to do to him here but I think is gonna be very hard for you to do Claudia so I'm going to make it easy for you you're actually not going to be here tonight because we want to see what Lily's going to be like without you in the bedroom see like a girl funny thing is I think she trusts me with the boys and also she trusts me with a dog and perhaps with good reason and notice the water balls down there but there's no food why did you not feel it I didn't realize it was on the child that's the chart you've got to read every day that's why it's up there shame on you with Lily's feeding now back on schedule Victoria begins a doggy PR campaign with the men of the house by demonstrating how quickly she can learn like understanding hand signals I'm now going to make her sit using a hand signal alone watch the hand signal very very carefully Lily good girl each time Lily sits down on command good she's rewarded with a treat until she associates the hand signal with sitting down do you see what it is okay beautiful very good Telugu good girls well lovely oh good girl she's very very quickly she understood that that signal means sit very clever I was expecting not to take ages to do it she just done it straightaway unbelievable yeah I think you've clearly I saw that it's particularly me showing her I'm doing it she'd she'd fallen over she'd be shocked and for fun Victoria teaches Lily how to do a high-five oh good girl the speed with which she picked it up was remarkable you know I get sort of a culinary thumb doc and clearly she's probably not as dumb as I think and after a hard day's training time for Lily to learn her new nighttime rules I don't know what's gonna happen tonight it could go either way either Lily's going to realize that is not here and she's gonna settle down and go to sleep or she's going to become more anxious so I want you to go to bed yep put your earplugs in and that's it I should be ignored I can guarantee you that ignore I don't care whether she barks she yells she scratches sheepies sheepies nothing on cloudier and Lily have never spent the night apart but putting some distance between them is key to Victoria's strategy the night starts off peacefully enough man and beast in their respective beds but soon Lily makes a break for the door when it isn't opened she goes in search of Claudia it's a short-lived stay on the bed and once Dani puts her back in her basket amazingly that is where she stays Danny I'm nervous I want to find out what happened last night please say it was okay I wouldn't know she was here frankly there's no accidents anywhere yeah so yeah remarkable it's really important that Claudia doesn't let Lily out in the middle of the night now then in a couple of weeks I hope that you'll have a dog that sleeps through the night with both of you being here no once Claudia's at home it's time for Victoria to leave family and dog alone with her techniques over the next few days things improve dramatically Claudia's finding walking Lily much easier she's ignoring the post and the nights are much more restful cloudier and Lily sleep peacefully in their respective beds most importantly now lily has regular exercise she's calmed down and his barking much less this means cloudy is more relaxed and the whole family are reaping the benefits I do feel different because I don't sort of have to constantly watch what she's doing all the time I can sort of get on with other things anyone who knows us can see that our quality of life was improved anyone who knows Lily you can see she's improved he's obviously a happier dog he's taking on more of the dog roles I think now in the family and that's that's the main thing like out of it Victoria's back to see how Lily's getting on there's been no pee or poo at all in the house well I can't account for what happens when I'm not here I think Phil I've got to light it Danny anything good I noticed when I came in the flat that she was much calm and everybody does everyone says that Swiss she's so much calmer [Music]
Channel: It's Me or the Dog
Views: 2,161,009
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Keywords: It's Me Or The Dog, It's me or the dog victoria stilwell, it's me or the dog tv show, it's me or the dog watch online, it's me or the dog full episode, it's me or the dog full episodes season 1, it's me or the dog bichon frise, it's me or the dog uk, it's me or the dog lily, it's me or the dog full episodes, bichon frise training, barking queen bichon frise, it's me or the dog lilly, victoria stilwell, spoiled dogs, spoiled dog, bichon frise
Id: B6wr_CGI5CA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 5sec (1385 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2019
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