Barbra Streisand on her long-awaited memoir

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lovers are very special people they're the lest [Music] people it's Sunday morning on CBS  and here again is Jane Pauley my name is Barbra   the name of Barbra Streisand's first television  special back in 1965 an early beloved album and   now one of the most anticipated Memoirs Of  The Year her new book is out Tuesday but this   morning this music and movie Legend is talking  with Gayle King Barbra no one else has this at   their home you're aware of that right most people  build gyms or I know I know media rooms descend   to the basement of Barbra Streisand's Malibu home  and you'll be transported to her own private Mall   yes a mall I love to collect I'm a collector  yeah so I love antiques I didn't have a doll   so I put hot water into a hot water bottle  which felt like a real person wow Barbara I   I think that you've made up for not having a  doll when you were a child that's right wow   Bee's doll shop is a poor girl's fantasy yeah she  blows bubbles believe that brought to life strand   style come on in another reveal at Barbra this  is my antique clothes room of course it is I'm   wear second hats further down the mall the  Wardrobe of her extraordinary life I wore   to meet President John Kennedy this here I had  embroidered to meet the Queen of England along   with clothes for a second hand Rose you know  these are things I bought in the thrift shop   look at this feel that velvet feel the Velvet  this was 10 bucks I feel right in something that   had a life in it in other words something from  the past that I felt like I was once there in   her new Memoir my name is Barbra Streisand  takes us there my name is Barbra [Music] giving us a front row seat to her singular six  decade career as a singer as goes by actor your   girl is lovely Hub why don't you bring her for  a drink when you come and director along the way   dishing about past loves and regrets and setting  the record straight what do you want people to get   out of this book what do you want them to know  about you I want them to know the truth I love   truth one of the reasons I wrote the book is to  talk about the myths about me and now for my next trick Down With Love with flowers and rice and  the singer praised for her Peerless voice is   also known as an exacting perfectionist and she  makes no apologies a man is forceful a woman is   pushy he shows leadership she's controlling  if he acts produces and directs he's called   a multi-talented hyphenate she's called Vain  and egotistical I don't think of myself as a   famous person I just don't I'm the same Barbara  Joan Streisand as I was in high school where the   gone growing up in Brooklyn Streisand was a  confident kid and a good student but I had a   D in conduct because if they didn't call on me  and I had the answer I would just blurt it out   she says the death of her dad Emanuel when she was  just 15 months old left a hole in her life I was   angry that I didn't have a father I remember  saying to my mother why didn't you ever tell   me about my father and she said I didn't want  you to miss him strand's Mom Diana widowed at   34 with two young children is described in the  book as cold and unsupportive she didn't seem   very affectionate to you well she didn't believe  in it I said Mom how come you don't ever like hug   me uh or say the words I love you and she said  you know my mother and father they never hugged   me but I knew they loved me now I said well  I didn't know you loved me her Talent would   rescue her I knew I had a good voice at 5 years  old we kids used to gather on the stoop and we   would harmonize and I was the girl with no father  and a good voice you never know just how much I miss at 13 Streisand's mother paid to make  Barbra's first record before long she met   her longtime manager Marty Ehrlichman while  singing at a Greenwich Village Nightclub Marty   found me at 19 at the Bon Soir right and he  wanted to get me a record contract Colombia   records will signed me but I said I don't care  what they pay me I just need creative control   now he said to me creative control you're 19  You're Nobody you know I don't know if I can   get that for you not too many 19-year-olds by the  way are asking for Creative control just saying   probably not but to me they saw me at the bon  soir they said she's singing these cockamamie   songs like who's afraid of the big bad wolf  one minute who's afraid of the Big Bad Wolf   The Big Bad Wolf the next one is sleeping bee  when a be Li sleep I was being in the moment   I wanted to be an actress I did not want to be  a singer I had to pay the rest So I entered a   talent contest and won but I was able to use  the techniques I learned in acting classes   to make it interesting for me to sing a song  take that Snappy standard Happy Days Are Here Again let sing a song Streisand slowed it down  and made it her own as she writes in her book   that would lead to a memorable duet with Judy  [Music] Garland I fell in love with her and   her voice is spectacular but when I sang with  her I was noticing her fragility and she held   my hand through our duet I wondered why she was  nervous only later we became friends I remember   her coming to my apartment and I thought now  I know what she's frightened about that's what   happens when you have a long career it doesn't  get easier yeah it gets harder but Barbra when   you have no fear when you know you're going to  be famous you're not going to be famous you don't   have fear today no I don't have fear today I'm  asking of course I don't want to sing anymore in   public you don't no no I'm the greatest star I am  the perilous Fame Streisand dreamed of came with   a starring role on Broadway playing the role of  Fanny Brice you get funny girl I mean and it's a   huge hit and so when you look back on that time in  your life what does that mean to you after funny   girl it meant the world to me it was everything  I imagined wanting a play to be for me to have   serious relationships to have comedy to sing great  songs but as she writes funny girl success came at   a steep price she had a contract to fulfill now  I would have to be on stage doing the same thing   every night for 18 months this was like a prison  sentence to me but it's hard to do the same thing   over and over sing the same song over and God yeah  you just bore yourself it's very boring Barbara   for the audience that's sitting there for some  of them it's the first time they've seen it so   they're not bored I'm not them and that was part  of Streisand's appeal there had never been anyone   quite like her right down to her distinctive nose  the reason why I think this is so interesting is   because you write in the book that you know many  years people said you should do something with   your nose you should fix your nose you should do  your teeth and I thought why would I take off my   bump it makes me look more unique mhm don't tell  me not to live just sit and putter life's candy   and the sun's a ball of butter her performance in  the film version of the play won her an Oscar and   launched her movie career what's up doc playing  comedy in what's up doc Me like this I believe   you dropped something and capturing the magic of  an opposites-attract romance in The Way We Were   Katie you expect so much oh but look what I've got  that film along with a remake of a star is born   [Music] and cemented her status as a major box  office star Papa can you hear me Papa can you see   me with yet Streisand took on the first of three  films that she would direct I love directing tell   us why well because it's a complete Vision you  know it it just calls on every aspect of yourself   decorating you know visualizing helping actors  achieve a performance that I have in my mind for   them I got to find me a nice Jewish boy you guys  are killing me after an early marriage to actor   Elliott Gould with whom she had a son Jason the  cast of Streisand's real life romances included   a politician actors and even a tennis star you  have a very impressive dating roster if I may   say I'm bowing down to you there's prime minister  Pierre Trudeau there's Don Johnson there's Ryan   O'Neal there's Andre Agassi I know I'd laugh too  if I had all those guys so I would like to know I   didn't want to write about any of them but you did  my editor said you have to leave some blood on the   page I said listen I like knowing that Barbra had  a very nice dating roster I like that myself did   you have a good time with the men in my life yes  yes Streisand was in her 50s when she was set up   with actor James Brolin at a dinner party she had  quite an opening line I walked by him touched his   hair and said who f***ed up your hair because  that was the truth yes and I didn't what else   was I going to say hello my name is Barbra I mean  what? Jim some people could have been turned off   by that kind of directness you were not that was  attractive to you right very was why yeah why no   it was instant it was like a wand went Bing uh-oh  you're screwed they have been married for 25 years   Jim you know her very well what do you think  is the biggest misperception or misconception   people have about her well there's a lot of little  girl in there a lot and therefore it was covered   up with a lot of firmness about how she'd like  life to be and how she'd like to have things done [Music] at 81 Barbra Streisand can look back  on quite a Life and Legacy what would make you   happy for us to think about you I I love when  people write me in they say I played you at my   wedding that song helped me get through cancer  when I help people through my music or a film   that matters that's what makes me feel good  that I've earned my right to be born you know   that I earn my right to be here and to reap the  success that has been lathered on me [Applause]
Channel: CBS Sunday Morning
Views: 960,148
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Keywords: Barbra Streisand, Sunday Morning, CBS Village Women, Entertainment
Id: ykOhSmToRIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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