Barbie | Meet The Cast of ‘Barbie’ Movie

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foreign welcome to I Hollywood TV well today we're going to share with you what it actually takes to make Barbie land come to life with the cast and crew from the movie Barbie is coming to theaters on July 21st so be sure to go get your tickets right now and here's a look inside the movie enjoy [Music] here we go Bobby day one [Music] if you were a little girl who knew about Barbie who liked Barbie there was a memory of looking at her behind the box in a toy display I think for me it was Toys R Us and that feeling of wanting everything inside of the box and all of the her little her shoes and her hair to be perfect everything just so and I think kind of keeping that fantasy in the Forefront of my mind and and thinking about how just little girls all over the world felt the same way I did the best thing about Barbie land is the Barbie's in charge so we do everything um and the cans are there we allow them in Barbie land but they're mainly just there as support to us um and they're there when we need them we like having them around but we are the boss I know in the instances where we were just seeing tons and tons of tape being like okay who could he write who could be right Sharon Rooney and Hari they were the first two Barbies I think that we were like they're perfect Harry's tape was so funny she just had the Rhythm down she had that quick wit it was so funny I'd actually been a fan of Harry naps for years ever since assassination Nation actually did years ago Sam Levinson so I'd been kind of tracking her career for a while and when her tape came in I was like oh whatever it's good and it was amazing um and Sharon as well just immediately had the perfect Vibe Barbie Sharon and she's just like this gorgeous skin it was beautiful of course and she's just funny so funny but very very kind at the same time my first kind of meeting about the film was with Jacqueline Duran the legendary iconic groundbreaking costume designer and she told me that Barbie Hari my Barbie was unofficially fashion Barbie so I was thinking like okay like who's who's Barbie is who who owns the Barbie who is always just like perfectly done taking it to the next level no other Barbies have that look and I decided that the person who owned my Barbie was not a child at all it's like a 38 year old gay guy who lives alone in the West Village who like has four friends and invites them all over at a salon every week on Friday nights and every night every one of those Friday nights he brings me out in my new outfit to share with his four friends and I just sit there perfect in my box for the rest of the week come into my weird house hi I'm weird Barbie I am in the splits I have a funky haircut and I smell like basement Greta is making the Barbie movie perfect wonderful and my agent called and was like there is a roll and the role is of weird Barbie and I was like okay come home I have to I have to have it because if you asked me to pick a role for myself it would be weird Barbie and um I wouldn't quite know what that would mean but it would apparent it would mean this and so I'm so happy so beyond happy to be here when I was growing up I was a huge huge fan of Barbie I inherited some from my sisters so I had I think almost 30 Barbies not to brag and I also had my very own Barbie car the pink Cadillac I got it for Christmas when I was six years old and I posed by the Christmas tree old and my Barbie Cadillac and I had a Barbie called spark a lies Barbie and when I showed Jacqueline Duran the costume designer she made me the exact dress black lives where we used to have so I am literally dressed up as a Barbie that I owned as a little girl putting on this costume was so much fun it really does make you yeah sort of feel like a little girl again because this is not something you could ever wear in real life well maybe some people could but I don't think I could pull it off but it's amazing and it did just feel like a doll's a little dolls play costume sized up because I remember playing with the teeny tiny miniature version of this never thinking I get to wear it but look at me now how come you're so amazing no [Music] no president Barbie is different because her hair I would say fluctuates a lot she might have a large afro wig she might have a slinky curly wig like texture changes so her outfits change just as much as her hair does to be able to be transformed into a Barbie you know hearing um Ivana talk about like the eyes in particular and making sure that they felt dull-like and talking to do memory my makeup artist about like making sure that that that uh that was showcased and from that straight Barbie eyebrows to you know obviously the hair and the bigger the better and I've never had big hair first of all it's heavy like my neck is kind of shooting back in this but it's once you see it as a whole you're just like okay yes I believe that all of these women are dolls and all of these men are our cans and it really is there's there's such subtleties to becoming these Barbie dolls the costumes are are in a way everything I mean it's unless you're aware unless you're dressed for it you're not doing it so much about the doing is what you're wearing and I I I I know I've never had as many costume changes as this and they're all so wildly different and it's just the kind of there's a meme out right now that says uh you know the the caution designer for Barbie has a free pass to heaven and I I agree so Ken Ryan is played by a Canadian darling and sweetheart Ryan Gosling and Ryan brings I think all of his his incredible skill set to to Barbie I think it's I think it's used very very well not to mention um he's got he's got one of the most shredded Ken bods I've ever seen in it I I don't know if I've ever seen a real doll with that many abs but uh but here we are there are all these Barbies and Ken's and they're all Barbie and Ken but they're all even though they're called barbington completely unique and have their own identity identities and unique personalities um and that's been one of the most exciting things for me about this movie and being a part of it was this cast and being around them and the energy it's one of those movies where you just shoot a scene shoot a take and everybody just brings their themselves to it and their Rhythm and the whole thing just feels like you know the movie's already there you know you kind of feel like you're already watching it and you can just take any take and put that in the movie and it's gonna work so it's been a really exciting group to be around copy Anna it's interesting because I have thought about who is Barbie Anna and I do feel she has assimilation of Anna and so I don't know I think the beautiful thing about Barbie Anna is she is from lots of places um I have a very diverse background my mom's from the Philippines my father is a Jewish man and I was raised deeply in both cultures and I don't think that is a unique story to me I think there are many people walking around this world who hold two cultures very richly in their lives and because they don't present one um physically phenotypically they don't um get to claim it but it is actually extremely unique to them and a big part of their background I think Barbie Anna represents those people and I feel emotional about it because I as an actress rarely get to be all the parts of myself but in this project I'm allowed to have a seat at the table and represent even a sliver of that population of people that is not other but is everything I think that with Greta's approach it was it was a mixture of getting to know us as individual humans and then fusing that with what she saw for these various Barbies like I'm Nobel prize winning Barbie and I'm a writer and so what does that look like and how do I bring myself to that um and just really being specific and intentional on Little Things Plus what's great about working with Greta is she's down for the back and forth she's not like this is who you are this is how I want it go you know it's like what do you think and for a director to ask you what you think just means the world to an actor and to trust us with these characters and to say hey I hired you to do the job and I actually want you to do it I don't want you to be a doll I want you to be who you see this doll as being and um it just it just is like a great environment to work in my heart exploded when I came onto this set for the first time it sort of so amazing that all of my sort of like girlish dreams that are often I think treated maybe with derision often um have been treated so beautifully and made so wonderfully and it's a real kind of Testament to Greta's Vision that she's made such an amazingly wonderfully crafted film um and certainly this will be my godfather I believe to be able to write a film and to write characters that have never been done before is so great and so special and I tend to watch films once and I feel like Barbie will be one of those films that people watch again and again because there's so much in it and there's so much to unpack and there are so many references and then depending on whether you see it when you're 15 and you're watching when you're 13 like oh I didn't get that reference because I hadn't watched that and it will just be it will just keep Reinventing itself I think I really think that and I think that's the secret to a great piece of art is it's timelessness hey Barbie yeah can I come to your house today sure I don't have anything big planned just a giant blowout party with all the Barbies and planned choreography in a bespoke song you should stop by Pink is going to play a big part in this movie and we tested pinks extensively with Rodrigo at the beginning of the process just we just tested it on Fabrics on the walls in all different ways just to see how the lighting was going to affect the different tones ultimately we landed on a selection of Pinks that would be would make up the environment Barbie's environment and we worked really closely together Sarah Greenwood Katie Spencer and myself to to line up our pinks to make sure that we were always going to coordinate in any set they painted these these samples of all these different the samples started at what we what we now call Millennium pink which is like salmon Millennial pink yeah and they ranged all the way through and there's some down to what we call Mattel pinks which are very hard and Bluey and then somewhere in the middle was The Sweet Spot which is all of this but why that was so difficult so there was this beautiful pinks but then when you put a pink next to another pink that color changed and then you put a fabric next to that that change completely then of course you have to think of you know all the skin tones and it was a nightmare and the lighting changed the way I mean that's enough I mean Rodrigo and the pinks there's been a lot of Rodrigo because you know there's not one there's no there's no natural skin tones anywhere on any of these build sets because we're in this toy world and and I know that you know I mean you can't see it but that Lamppost has got some white gaffer tape going down the side of it because the reflection of the Lamppost even on the skin tones it just it just shows so I think you know it's been a really challenging set to light um but equally it couldn't be any other color than these things one of the great things about uh these shoot days is we've we've had enough time to [Music] not only kind of make sure we have you know the the stuff on the written page down but gret has given a lot of us to a chance to kind of improvise and encourages all of that in fact um she's I mean her main thing is like if you have something better please uh I'll take it she will do the off-camera voices with the same Vigor as uh an enthusiasm as the actor who who maybe can't be there for whatever reason uh and she I think genuinely is having so much fun um watching all the actors do their thing that it's just uh you know that's that's kind of rare usually I mean a director can be somewhat detached and and just all about the shots and the schedule and like got it moving on I've heard Greta so many times just say please can we just do one more it's just so much fun I just love watching it will is like not that I've told him this but he is definitely an idol of mine and I think for all of us here you know I grew up on all of his films it's a complete dream come true again to be working with him um I never thought that I would really get an opportunity to do that so I just for the first half of the of shooting I was trying to suppress my excitement and that professional and now I'm just letting it all hang out we really hope the movie is for everyone you know we think it's for women we think it's for men we we think everyone will enjoy it I think the comedy plays on so many different levels you know we've got you know jokes that will go over kids heads we've got adult humor we have sophisticated humor and we have crass humor so you know we really think the movie will play a kind of across all spectrums and and then you know we want people to take away from the movie what they what they will you know some people will view this as just a big fun comedy and others will view it as a life story or an odyssey so it really you know it is you know operating on many different levels oh looks like this beach was a little too much Beach for you Ken if I wasn't severely injured I would beat you off right now Ken if I'll beat you off with you any day Margo's great she's a real leader and she she's super focused and I've spent days watching her do really really difficult coverage and just nailing every take and um just yeah she I there was one scene in particular I won't go into it but I was really just stunned by her like commitment and um I mean yeah it was really moved like by by her choices and uh and yeah like Ryan as well I've been a fan and you know a lot of Margo's work I've watched over the years and been like yo she can you can really do it she will have like a million and one people around Sounders here makeup is here costume is here like everyone is around it and I'll watch she is so in she's so emotionally in the scene it's incredible I don't know how she does it to be so present within the scene and then yet still able to like be generous to everyone around her and she's in all the scenes and then at the end of the day we'll go in she's exactly in this film so then has to go and do meetings and budget our salaries and but like and have to do that and then on top of that she's just the friendliest person like will be like coming to on my trailer and like and hang out and chill out and there's been times on the stroke where I've had a lot of anxiety and a lot of like imposter syndrome um and just like a lot of anxiety in Margot has just been so kind and generous and like really is like really there for us as well Margot is just she just illuminates the screen like just when you see her up there it's sort of just like God you're perfect and not in a way that's like oh that's Barbie it's perfect like how people like would think which is what I initially think God and obviously still do think because she is but man she's just she embodies this role and what it means what what this role is going to mean to a billion little girls and a billion women out there and I think there's honestly no one better that could have that that should be playing this part it's so fun to um to to be in the Barbie Ken world it's a it's a very um Giddy and and Loud world when all of the Barbies and all the Kens are together um I got to be in dance rehearsal with the Barbies sort of just I volunteered myself to be in dance rehearsals because there was I'm not in the Barbie dance but I but I learned the dance um because I just wanted to be around them and it's a fun intoxicating energy that's just bright and and Giddy and and full of love and girl power you know the best thing that you could get I think out of art is is to be surprised um and I think that when people go to see this movie they are going to be they're they're just going to be like knocked out of their seat uh because it's it is it's a complex movie with complex thoughts and ideas and themes and emotions and layers and I think that um people are just gonna go wow that is not what I expected in a Barbie movie that is that is so much more than I could have ever have thought it would have been and and I really do think it will be an iconic movie that will kind of like stand the test of time and um and and I think it's the kind of movie that you could go back and see again and again and again um you know she she packs so much in this movie and and so many references to it to other films and you know that whole dancing number with Ryan and when he sings I mean it's just it's just so good it's so good [Music] well this movie is going to be one of the biggest films of the year so nice to see the cast and crew talk about how they created this amazing film be sure to go see Margot Robbie Ryan Gosling weird Barbie Kate McKinnon yes and the rest of the amazing cast coming to theaters on July 21st we'll have all the information appearing below so you can be directed to the official Barbie movie website thank you so much for watching on ihollywood TV don't forget to subscribe have a great day and we'll see you back here next time bye bye
Channel: iHollywoodTV™
Views: 16,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: barbie, barbie movie 2023, barbie margot robbie, barbie ryan gosling, barbie behind the scenes, barbie behind the scenes movie, barbie cast, barbie cast interview, the making of barbie, greta gerwig's barbie movie, Barbie Movie, Margot Robbie, Will Ferrell, Nicola Coughlan, Kate McKinnon, Hari Nef, Greta Gerwig, Emma Mackey, Emerald Fennell, America Ferrera, Ana Cruz Kayne, barbie movie on set, barbie movie set bts, behind the scenes of barbie, barbie 2023, barbie land
Id: UZZ-4F_e5x8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 51sec (1191 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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