Barbie & Ken Family Morning Routine, Vacation, Birthday Party & Grandparents

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[Music] so [Music] i can't believe we're finally ready to have this garage sale i feel like we've been working on this for months i know i'm just glad we got the garage cleaned out i couldn't fit anything else in there i just really hope we actually sell all these things you think people actually want to buy them of course they're going to want to buy them we have quite some treasures in here some christmas decor a big collection of books and movies some board games carl got two of these for his birthday music player some halloween decor my old violin some fashionable accessories some of gracie's old baby toys random stuff oh and brand new canvas are all vacuum and some of gracie's old clothes plus carl's gonna bring a box of things that he wants to sell okay cool where should i put this box let me just go over this box one more time all right mom here's a box of toys that i want to get rid of all right let's take a look what did you put in there okay your monster truck carl you love your woody doll your toy story toy collection magic 8 ball your buzz lightyear video game your toy rescue this is one of your favorite board games carl buslight year was your favorite toy in the whole entire world he was but i'm totally over right now mom but carl you love all these things are you sure you don't want to keep any of them anymore nope sorry mom but i'm too big for these toys and i want to get some money so i can buy a new hoverboard and i can play with it all the time i really don't need to play with baby toys anymore but okay i guess if that's what you decided yeah cool and kids these days are growing up way too fast i'm gonna make sure the yard sign is up so everybody knows we're having a garage sale okay i'm gonna add this little guy to the pile of things i'm gonna sell papa papa gracie wait wait wait are you actually gonna try to sell your forky ah yeah why not gracie don't take it the wrong way but no one and i mean no one is gonna wanna buy that it's a piece of art mommy said it's one of a kind it's a plastic spork with some with some stickers some googly eyes and pipe cleaners you don't know anything about art we'll see about that cool we finally got some customers oh look at all these toys tommy do you see anything you like sweetie wow mama look it's so cool shoe infinity and beyond it even works in this really cool trough choo choo tommy trains go choo choo silly look mom there's a rice cooker didn't you want one of these oh yes i did and they have a really cool record player vinyl records are totally coming back in style let's ask how much they cost oh this is a cute handbag it's only four dollars hey carl hey it looks like he finally got rid of all his baby toys hey guys yeah i did you know i'm trying to save up money for that hoverboard it's gonna be so cool if you get a hoverboard because we have a hoverboard yeah we can go right at the park that's the plan look around maybe you find something you like yeah i guess we'll look around i could use a soccer ball excuse me how much for that rice cooker uh that would be ten dollars i'll take it excuse me is this record player working yep and it's seven dollars can i take it mom sure okay that's 17 tommy which toy do you want boys lightyear that buzz doll will be four since he's missing his helmet but it still works great we'll take it all bye carl we're going to the park see you later bye bye guys that's my bus doll it's tommy's toy now i have four dollars four dollars for this toy dad this is the least worth twelve dollars come on that's my favorite toy ever i'm not sure if i'm really ready to let it go actually buddy give this back it's not for sale anymore cara what is going on i don't want to sell buzz anymore honey it's too late they already paid for it boss oh what did i do do you see anything you like kids these binoculars are kind of cool and they're only a dollar fifty mom can i get these uh yeah sure cool they have a lot of cool books and magazines um what am i gonna get this magazine is only 25 cents totally getting this and this breakfast at tiffany's movie for a dollar and a barbie marmadia dvd for a dollar score oh they have some handbags and some accessories here i just got my babysitting money so i am ready to shop this is so cute mom i look like a little french girl like a little painter oh and this is perfect i can get this hat in this campus so i can make an art masterpiece and the hat is two dollars and the canvas is three i will take them both wow this garage sale is a success we're selling a lot of stuff daddy i know i didn't think we'd be able to get rid of any of this stuff i'm ready i'm taking all of these items can you get this for me it's a dollar fifty sure thanks sis here you go nobody bought my four 4k and maybe carl is right huh excuse me how much for this vacuum and this is still in good shape it's 15 and it's in great shape i'll take it mine just broke down yeah of course look mom there's a shimmer and shine doll still in the box how much mommy two dollars right it's two dollars i got two of them for my birthday and i couldn't return it it's one of my favorite toys i highly recommend oh mommy can i get it yeah sure and come look at some of these books sweet okay oh wait i need a new stapler all yours for 25 cents okay i just got some money from the tooth fairy let me go take a look at the books hey carson hey neighbor what's up nothing just checking out what you got hey the surfboard for sale yep it can be yours for 25 it's actually in great shape my wife just got a new one for her birthday sweet i'll take it dad huh what's up little man oh you recognize this little fella from the movie you want him that's right that's ah he can just have it i made it myself but i'm sure that your little son is gonna play with it and he's going to love it i made it myself you know thank you gracie that's really kind of you poop all right man all right man the surfboard is all yours and the four key we'll see you around come on paco oh charlotte's web this is part of my summer reading mom can we take it please absolutely we actually did it you guys we sold most of our stuff the turnout was amazing now we have a clean garage and a few cup of dollars in our pocket and you see carl somebody actually really wanted my four key i'm still pretty bummed about buzz lightyear but i guess i'll just get over it i know buddy but just think how happy that little tommy boy's gonna be plus some of your other favorite toys are still here yeah i don't have nearly enough money for the hoverboard but hey you got a birthday coming up put on your wish list really [Music] cool all right guys i think we worked pretty hard today how about we go get some pizza sounds like a plan yay pizza it is we just have to go pick up molly from grandma's [Music] carl gracie breakfast is ready blueberry oatmeal for gracie and cinnamon banana oatmeal for carl molly you'll have some oatmeal too oh and here is some extra fruit here molly here's some little crackers until your oatmeal cools down coming i'm gonna pack this in my backpack carl you're not supposed to bring toys to school it's not a toy gracie it's a fidget spinner nope it's just a toy mommy said no toys why are you always following me anyway mommy carl wants to bring a puppet to school oh give me a break i'm not i'm leaving it on the couch your teachers are no toys to school now come sit down sweetie you're a tattletale i am not good morning dad morning good morning there molly eat up guys i already packed your lunchbox gracie i just have to pack carl's carl's gonna take a lunchable an applesauce packet and a chewy bar [Music] all done [Music] okay kids today i'm taking you guys to school so get your backpacks and your lunch boxes ready have a great day kids [Music] class i am so excited for this year's recital you girls will be playing the violin and then we have carl on the piano lenny on the saxophone and james on the clarinet we'll have our practice recital in front of the other students on monday and then on tuesday the big recital in front of your parents so i would definitely take this weekend to practice practice practice i'm so excited my abuela my grandma is coming all the way from texas to save my recital i'm excited but kind of nervous i'm gonna practice a lot me too totally practice [Music] i'm so good at the piano especially this song i memorized it i don't need to practice good for you carl i will be practicing all weekend i do not want to mess up in front of everyone well that's the bell have a great weekend everyone and don't forget practice practice practice hey lenny you want to go to the beach with my family and i this weekend oh that sounds like fun carl thanks for inviting me totally thankfully it's in the morning so i can spend all afternoon playing the saxophone i gotta practice i get a little bit of stage fright aren't you a little nervous about the recital nope i've been playing piano since i can like remember i'm really good at it and talented artists don't need to practice lenny whatever you say carl are we there yet no not yet sweetie are we there yet gracie stop asking come on i gotta go party there's a gas station that way come on [Music] all right guys we are here it is such a nice day oh no we lost our flamingo floatie i should have tied it down better hey buddy let's go have some fun yay happy each day whoa come on larry kids don't go into deep okay okay mom yes come on jump jump whoa this is the best woo hoo one two [Laughter] job girl hey do you want to go watch a movie later lenny um i can carl we need to practice for the recital you should really practice oh come on lenny you know i am an amazing piano player i don't need to practice i am very talented remember the teacher said whatever you say i sure need to practice there's sandwiches capri sun chips everything in the cooler come on gracie come have your lunchable and some pretzels your sandwiches are good they are aren't they after i eat can we go swimming yes of course a starfish a starfish look a starfish okay carl put it back in the water carl honey don't you have to practice for your recital next week uh no mom i memorized the song don't worry okay if you say so this is my favorite movie so good okay class welcome to our practice recital we are so excited first we're going to have the girls in the violin let me put the music sheet here okay go ahead girls [Music] wonderful job girls come on lenny it's your turn great job lenny whoa good job lenny wonderful job lenny hard work pays off go on carl it's your turn for your piano solo ac pc lemon squeezy watch and learn oh no i messed up um i can try again [Music] it's happening to me i think everybody watching me has made me nervous oh no carl i told him he should practice okay okay that's all right carl um have you been practicing well honestly i didn't really think i had to miss because i'm so good at the piano you definitely are but we all need to practice carl thankfully you have the rest of the day to practice till tomorrow's show okay uh jeremy you're up next i can't believe this i messed up my piano solo i never mess up i think i just got nervous with everyone staring at me i better get home in practice i can't believe that happened to me i should have never been so arrogant and pretend like i'm the best and i'm better than others and i don't know i don't need to practice i'm gonna practice all afternoon so i can do my best tomorrow thankfully i have my keyboard at home so i can do it [Music] well i guess he realized he needs to practice after all he's really talented you know but it's good for him to know that hard work pays off okay that was good just gotta keep on practicing welcome welcome families to our annual music recital our students have been working very very hard all year and they can't wait for you to see what they've learned let's give a round of applause for our music class i hope carl doesn't mess up up first we have carl carson you can do it carl everyone's here okay take a deep breath [Music] practice does make perfect [Music] oh carl good job [Applause] [Music] mom dad why don't we go to stay with our grandparents this weekend we want to come with you you will have a lot of fun carl but why can't i come with you because your mom and i are going to spend some time together this weekend why does molly get to come with you when we don't because molly's still a tiny baby now come on we don't want to be late i like going to grandma and grandpa's they let us watch a lot of tv there's not gonna be much tv watching this time you'll be drawing or doing something useful don't worry dad grandma and grandpa don't even have like disney plus or netflix or any streaming channels they have boring old cables so i won't be watching anything you guys will have a great time with your grandparents everybody ready yes yes and yes hey dear when are the kids coming this apple pie looks amazing oh they're on their way they just texted me carl loves my apple pie and we have everything ready for some afternoon tea that must be the kids grandma grandpa hi grandma hi grandpa hello kids we're so happy you're here come give grandma a big old hug oh my grandbabies we're gonna have a great time hello thanks for letting carl and gracious stay the night guys i really appreciate it carl don't forget your bag hi mom hi dad hello sweetheart hi molly are you sure you don't want to leave the baby with us too oh that's okay mom that's a lot of work you have plenty on your hands with the kids okay well you guys go along we're gonna have a great time here i know you will please make sure carl is not watching tv all day don't worry i'll make sure of that okay kids we'll see you tomorrow it's just for one night be good listeners why are you looking at me when you say that i'm a good listener uh i'll call you every 25 minutes oh no no no gracie that's okay you're here to have fun we'll be back tomorrow we love you so much kids we'll see you tomorrow come on before they change their mind vicky i haven't seen you in a long time hey vicky is grumpy yeah i just got her away gracie she doesn't really like to be bothered but i like to play oh gracie don't take it personal vicky is an old little cat she doesn't really want to play anymore well you guys survived right on time to have some tea i've made tea and little finger sandwiches and some apple pie oh a fancy tea party i'm in i'm not really like a tea person but i have some snacks i guess carl look your picture from the the school picture is on the fireplace you look kind of funny that picture is like so old i was still in like pre-k alright let's go sit at the table to have some tea yum everything looks so good i even have a little booster chair for you gracie thank you grandma you can add a little cream now don't forget to stir it [Music] i'm kind of hungry i'll have one of those sandwiches [Music] this is so delicious thank you granny yeah thank you very much grandma so what are we gonna do after this i actually found a box of your mom's old toys up in the attic i think you're going to love playing with them gracie oh fun and carl you and i can watch something fun on the tv i got what is it called dear that disney stuff oh yes it's an app it's called it's called disney plus sign that's so cool okay carl you can choose whatever movie you like to watch i'll just sit over here oh i'll find us something really cool to watch uh let's see have you ever watched star wars oh well i guess just me then i'll watch star wars oh gracie come here what is that i just finished knitting you this scarf it's so pretty it's like the one you gave carl but have different colors oh yes i've i've given carl a few of those try it on it's perfect oh i'm so glad you liked it how did you even make the scarf grandma these are all the materials i used oh can i make a scarf for my dolly we can definitely work on one together oh i'm gonna go get those toys i told you about that i found in the attic yay thanks grandma because i don't like to watch that star wars that carl is watching okay i'll be right back hello vicky look at the scarf grandma made me do you like scarves do you have any scarves gracie leave vicky alone grandpa keep it down with those snoring hey vicky like call my scarf oops i did what is that what is this what is this carl it's a phone crazy no no not a phone this is a weird thing that's how forms look like back in the day oh cookies yum oh i love these cookies in the loops and a little tin oh tin boxes full box cookies yum hey there's no cookies here it's like a bunch of buttons and and and thread and needles and and so many supplies but no cookies oh gracie you're an amateur don't you know granny's always hide these kind of things in those boxes there's hardly ever any cookies in there oh okay i didn't know here you go gracie i found such cute little things that belong to your mother like this little dress i made her why don't you try it on and see if it fits you oh it's so very pretty i'll try it on right now what do you think granny do you like it does it look good on me like a little mommy oh it looks adorable gracie oh let's see what you got oh a farm puzzle so pretty i'm gonna have a lot of fun playing with this puzzle oh a picture book nice oh look at this cute little stuffy teddy bear i love him that was your mom's care bear oh are these maracas oh yes they are [Music] oh you try some cool blocks you can make houses if you stack them up let me try i i made one house and i have a house it looks like we're missing one block that's okay grandma thank you so much for the toys oh you're welcome gracie carl sweetie are you getting hungry for dinner yes grandma you know i'm always hungry what happened so carl did you decide what we want to watch grandpa you fell asleep i already finished the movie grandpa you fell asleep oh boy uh how about we go play outside you wanna play some baseball yeah i'd love to come on come on grandpa granny i found it i found an amazing block and now i have two houses yay oh that's great honey i'm gonna play with the puzzle while you make dinner the farm goes in here [Music] and then the clouds go up here i just gotta match up the shapes and the sun and the little tiny bird and the tree and the little pig i did it got it that was a good throw grandpa all right let's do it again whoa hey where did this big clown come from oh no it's raining let's go back inside oh no okay i'm coming that was awesome that was fun grandpa thanks for playing with me you're welcome oh i think dinner is ready this day is going by really quick i don't want to go home tomorrow oh that's okay we still have plenty of time tonight oh carl i finished this puzzle by myself good job gracie honey wash your hands for dinner okay grandma grandma what is that oh that's a rice maker [Music] oh this food is for your grandpa he's having some grilled chicken and some vegetables he needs to eat healthier thank you dear some chicken tenders a few carrot sticks because we knew we do need to get some veggies some yummy mac and cheese yummy and the same for carl [Music] yum thanks grandma all right i guess we can all sit and eat we are so happy you guys came today and we know you guys are busy but we love spending time with you it does get a little lonely in here and there we had such a great time grandma i'm gonna ask my mom to bring us here more off absolutely guys and i'm practically old enough to come here on my own on riding my bicycle oh sweetie we would love that now let's eat up so we can have some of grandma's delicious chocolate brownies [Music] oh i'm getting a little sleepy grandma and grandpa what's this thing this machine over here oh that's a record player here i'll show you it plays music come on sweetie [Music] carl honey are you sure you're gonna be okay sleeping on the couch oh yeah grandma this is so comfy oh i'll be perfectly fine and gracie you have your mommy's old little toddler bed here that's really cozy and i like that it has railings so i can't fall over okay how about a bedtime story for you guys i have this let's see i have cinderella uh that's a classic of course i have little red riding hood this one has lots of pictures or we can read a few chapters of charlotte's web i like the one with lots of pictures grandma if you don't mind can i please play with my puppets instead while you read the story to gracie oh of course dear i heard all about this puppet thing in the news can i try them oh yeah of course grandpa i have plenty i told you they're really really fun if you want to let you keep one i have like a whole collection at home thanks buddy i'm cool with the kids oh grandpa little red riding hood once upon a time there lived a little girl sweet kind child whom everyone loved her grandmother made her a little scarlet cloak and hood and everyone called her little red riding hood oh gracie was so tired good night sweetheart good night buddy goodnight grandpa i had a good time thanks for having us good night carl don't forget grandma's special breakfast tomorrow morning with cinnamon rolls oh you know it i'll be right in the other room if you need me okay grandma good night good night i'm so glad we came and stayed with grandma and grandpa i love them so much [Music] hello welcome may i have your passports and tickets please yes of course thank you carson party of five i'm so excited to go on a cruise vacation it's her first time i know i heard they have like really awesome food yay look guys the captain is on the boat [Music] what's so cool you guys are all set welcome aboard all right guys come on we need to get inside the boat come on kids save travels [Music] wow look at this place this is incredible honey wow this cruise ship is incredible look at that water slide [Applause] [Music] they even have a stand area for little kids to play in and there's a lot of kids here i bet you i'm gonna make a lot of friends i can't wait to go into the pool look at those slides and look at all of that delicious food they were not joking when they said there's a full-on buffet we'll have time for everything you guys but i think first we should go to our cabin i gotta change baby's diaper good idea mom i really really really want to go to the pools i have to put my swimsuit on me too i want to go swimming in that really cool pool okay great so i think our cabin is that way come on wow look at this buffet is this an ice cream machine whoa yep unlimited ice cream unlimited soft serve ice cream don't worry i'll be back pizza can we eat lunch before we go to the pool come on kids the cabin's this way it was a great idea to come on this cruise ship honey and i got a great deal on it i mean we can eat everything we want the buffet is unlimited kids come on i'm gonna make so many friends on this cruise ship is gonna be awesome i don't know i'm shy to make new friends carl it's okay gracie come on oh here's our cabin what do you guys think it's a lot bigger than i thought cool um there's not a lot of beds in here i know buddy we're gonna have to share that's how cabins and cruises are they're pretty small but all their suitcases are here and they even gave us a pack and play from molly she really needs a nap the beds are pretty comfy so can we get dressed up we can go to the pool dad please please the swimsuits are in the pink suitcase come on molly you need to take a little nap let's take you off the baby carrier you've been such a good girl let's give you a bottle and put you down for a little nap cool i'll take the kids to the pool meanwhile come on kids get ready good job molly drink all your milk here gracie here's your swimsuit i'm gonna go change carl don't forget about the sunblock i'm gonna go clean the little sand area i got my flip-flops on i'm ready carl i'm coming i'm ready i'm ready let's go have fun all right kids come on we'll see you at the pool honey let's go swim don't forget to put lots of sunblock on them yay come on let's change your diaper and put you down for a little nap stay here while i get my swimsuit on the day is so beautiful i can't wait to lay out by the pool come on kids the last one to the pool's about an egg it's not gonna be me wait a second i lost my flip-flop oh sweet there's two chairs right there this way i can watch you while you play in the sand and while carl goes to the pool nice it's a lifeguard safety first sunblock okay dad but not too much please dad come on you told me you would only put a little bit i'm covered in sunblock relax you still have to rub it in i don't want your mom getting mad and you're getting a sunburn oh man there now that it's all rubbed in it looks much better go play have fun thanks okay gracie pants it's your turn okay oh it's so sticky i know i know but it's good for your skin all right let's rub it all in and it will just disappear give it a couple seconds okay do you want to go to the pool first gracie or play in the sand i wanna play in the sand okay i'm sitting right here watching you okay woohoo yeah oh there goes carl already made some friends nice and relaxing one two and one isn't the slide so fun it is hi my name is carl i'm gonna slide again um excuse me please only slide sitting down thanks sorry oh gushy mushy sand i'm gonna use this shovel hi i'm ashlynn you wanna play oh hi ashlynn my name's gracie i would love to play very much do you wanna bury me it's so fun sure oh you're making a little friend carl do you wanna play marco polo with us yeah sure nice everybody's having fun hey jessica you want to get some ice cream this is my twin brother oh hi did you like ice cream cool let's all go get ice cream i was just at the arcade it's so much fun there's an arcade here this is the best vacation ever you're really good at bearing thank you there's my mommy mommy hi gracie having fun sweetie hi hello yeah i'm bearing my new friend ashlynn cool i'm gonna go sit okay i'll be watching you molly took a really short nap i can take her to the pool okay all done i can't even move do you want to go to the pool let me ask my mommy yes okay come on mom dad i'm gonna get ice cream with my new friends okay yes but dry off here i brought your dino towel mom not here that's embarrassing like gracie use it can i just have a regular towel oh i didn't realize the dinosaur towels were not cool anymore uh yeah here have a normal towel there's one right here for you whoo it's kind of cold are you guys ready that's my big sister and that's my big brother it looks like they're friends too here's your towel sweetie okay guys let's go get ice cream come on it's chilly do you want to go on the slide oh i don't know that's too scary it's too high up i'll go and i'll show you it's not too scary okay okay oh that's my baby sister molly she really likes her floaty hi molly watch me crazy i'm not scared wow you're so brave come on try it no i'm too scared i'll just go in the pool and swim come on let's turn to the other side guys here's an ice cream machine cool my mommy said that tonight they're having a movie under the stars we should all come watch it yeah but first we have to go to the arcade i had too much ice cream i have a belly ink but i'm gonna have some pizza look how much pizza they have oh those pizzas are so good how does it work you have to get a cup or a cone well all this cup is ginormous hey carl not too much ice cream because we're gonna eat after this okay okay oh hi can i have two pineapple drinks please sure this place is truly incredible do i just pull that pink thing down yeah just pull it down just don't just don't do it too hard oh cool i see the ice cream coming down whoa whoa that's too much someone make it stop help the machine won't stop let me won't stop help the machine won't stop but yo the ice cream keeps coming out i'm trying to make it stop and it won't ah oh no excuse me lady we need your help oh i'll help you i am so sorry i i don't know what happened it's okay sometimes the machine gets stuck don't worry i'll clean it up i'm so sorry we have some more ice cream over there again i'm sorry carl the lady said it wasn't my fault oh no what a mess better put it out of order sign mom want to take family pictures so we have to go change okay i'll see you guys later wanna go back to the pool yeah come on thank you so much you're welcome again i am so sorry if my son did that it's not his fault the machine sometimes acts up okay well i'm sorry about that so friendly on this cruise ship the dolphins spread it out water these ice creams are pretty good too yeah i got the strawberry one uh mine's vanilla but they have like cute faces hey carl there's another pool on the other side you want to see yeah let me ask my mom mom can i go see the really big pool with my friend yes but be very careful so cool let's go i can't believe you talked me into going on the slide it's okay we'll go together that was amazing i can't believe i was scared i know i don't want you to miss out on the fun here honey i brought up some pineapple drinks we'll tell the kids to start getting out of the pool yeah that sounds like a good idea oh you are not kidding this pool is huge i know let's jump in pin let's jump again come on sweetie we need to get out of the pool you too carl we're gonna go eat some lunch okay mom we should come back with everyone tomorrow yeah there you go sweetie you're all dried off mommy i'm hungry all right let's go eat okay i'm back we have lunch reservations come on bye ashley and i'll see you later this is relaxing it's like a lazy river come on kids i think we should start getting out of the pool we've been out here for a little while okay i'm coming i'm spinning i'm all dried off and i'm really hungry they have such good food come on let's put molly in her little ducky towel you had fun in the pool today huh little one she's gonna take a nice nap your dino towel is really cozy carl you can have it i'm way too grown up for this they have pizza come on paul really put molly to sleep hello welcome to guavo dining if you guys want to you can go and check out the buffet or order from the restaurant i'll order from the restaurant i can have one of your shrimp specials oh me too please sure thing and for the children oh i'm gonna eat from the buffet me too like my big brother okay i'll be right back with your shrimp oh what am i gonna have first there's so much yummy stuff [Music] come on gracie i'll help you set up your plate it can be a little hard for you to reach thanks daddy all right i guess i'll start over here mini cheeseburger sliders oh yes please one two onion rings um oh there's dragon fruit i always wanted to try dragon fruit uh pizza of course nice pepperoni pizza oh there's tacos hot dogs okay i really love buffets i guess my mom would want me to eat some grapes to be healthy we'll get some grapes too okay i think my plate is really full whoa carl that's a lot of food sweetie i know our buffet is the best are you having fun carl i'm having the best time i made so many friends already and this boat is amazing mom thank you so much for bringing us here i'm so glad you're having a great time the shrimp special you guys enjoy thank you so much all right gracie pants do you kind of know what you want i would like a sandwich and maybe some pizza and some fruit all right little lady coming up all righty a sandwich let's see what's over here some pizza do you want the square or the triangle the square pizza square a little fried chicken anything else you like i want an apple and a nice crispy apple anything else gracie alright let's go eat [Music] what a nice day we've had so far huh yeah the best such a fun time i love it here best vacation ever [Music]
Channel: Titi Toys and Dolls
Views: 1,220,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: barbie, morning routine, family, ken, baby, toddler, doll, dollhouse, bedroom, swimming pool, kid friendly, family routine, fun, pretend play, barbie and ken family, clean up, cleaning, barbie toys, kids toys, for kids, for girls, family videos, happy, cleaning routine, barbie family, titi, titi dolls, barbie youtube, story for kids, children, beach, doll house cleaning, adley barbie, travel, supermaket, gymnastics, beach clean up, baby doll, barbie baby, pet, tt, family friendly, story
Id: fdw7wOt4-EA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 11sec (2531 seconds)
Published: Wed May 11 2022
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