'Barbie' Cast Reveals Their First Paid Jobs

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um so to all of you Barbie has had many jobs as a represented in our audience today I'm lawyer doctor everything so what were all of your first paid jobs oh also I'm going to start with the Sigh okay I was saying um I was a little League umpire oh should have checked the rules before doing that gig because man who those parents on this side and on this side what what and I'm like I don't was it a ball was it a strike what is the difference and and can she be running now I don't know um she's out is she out I don't know uh sorry I'm gonna just let anybody [Laughter] no I I think I said I knew the room and I I did on some level they were there somewhere and um it didn't go so that's like fired you were fired from my um well that's shocking find someone that knows you were an actor before you're an actor you know how actors are always lying on your resume I can totally ride a horse I'm Jolene equestrian I'm totally this you were just ahead of your game um America what about you what was your first paid job the first job I got paid to do that wasn't like an official job was my next door neighbor had a very big pop belly pig and I got paid to clean up after the pick yeah that's what I did all right yeah making money at a young age I like it I was a hustler you know I would take it where I could get it absolutely what about you Isa um similar I had a neighbor who um needed her cat's babysat that rhymes um and I did that at like eight but then I discovered that I was allergic so I had to quit the next day I found out I was allergic the hard way too I rescued one and I was like what is happening I just couldn't get it together and you're like we were highly allergic to cats was like super episode I found her a home me too I love cats I can't mess with them no more than dogs because I'm right um but anyway I'm just kidding but not um so what about you what was like your first paid job I had I started as a hustler too I started young I was working in a restaurant when I started when I was 10 working in like the back in the kitchen but um my hustle started earlier than that I used to actually my way of making money before I was working at a restaurant um I would steal my brother's toys and then sell them out on the street I know and he'd get so mad where's my truck feeling and I was like I got two bucks for it can I have some of the money I was like nope that wasn't your store out on the street that was my store [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Kelly Clarkson Show
Views: 52,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Barbie, Kelly Clarkson, The Kelly Clarkson Show, NBC, talk show, American Idol, The Voice, singer, musician, NBC TV, Television, Funny, comedic, humor, jokes, funny video, interview, variety, talent, celebrities, video, clip, highlight, songs, Suicide Squad, Harley Quinn, Birds of Prey, Joker, Bombshell, Once Upon A Time… In Hollywood, I Tonya, The Wolf of Wall Street, DC Comics, DC, The Lovebirds, Insecure, First, Kate McKinnon, America Ferrera, SNL, Greta Gerwig, Ryan Gosling
Id: QJ2-4eRFhSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 4sec (184 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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