@Barbie | Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures 🏝Summer Special!

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shuffle off we have important business to conduct yeah catch you never but daisy needs to record the tide pool so we can't really move there's plenty of room on the beach for everyone there's plenty of room on the beach for everyone and this is the only dune surfer rated hover disc golf course in malibu and we've got to perfect our moves before tomorrow's tournament [Music] okay we can just work around each other daisy let's get your mic set up while renee puts up the volleyball net [Music] dude now what [Music] ew super mature guys things went downhill from there yeah of course we tried to take the high road [Music] oh fantastic oh did that block your shot sorry come on trey wanted to look cool in front of his friends fine i knew all i had to do was get him alone and we could work out a compromise so i will never compromise no dogs allowed on the beach by order of malibu city council but the wiener pups love the beach so does taffy [Music] whoa sorry girl you can't be on the beach anymore [Music] wants more tea hmm there you are melissa you're the guest of honor at my tea party time to put on your crown huh it's crazy so unfair totally ridiculous hey girls what's unfair what are you talking about apparently dogs aren't allowed on the beach anymore wait a sec i just got an email about that the malibu city council voted three to two last night to ban dogs from all city beaches says here the law was proposed by ron slusher ron slusher didn't he used to work for whit reardon ah now it makes sense poppy must be behind this i don't care if it's the law it's wrong and somebody needs to do something about it well there is an election coming up you should do it run for office i did run for kindergarten hall monitor and lost to the class gerbil she had amazing charisma but this time you could be the gerbil i mean the winner and that'd be a huge win for the dogs of malibu you know what i'll do it if you'll be my campaign manager are you kidding i'm so in let's do it we got this all right yeah hey how's the training going okay i guess we've moved on to a simple household choice wait no way dogs can do chores that i can get into [Music] [Music] can they do homework too because that would be sweet [Music] skipper give her huh what i need your help for a second hold this a rope now bite down uh seriously why can't i just hold it because puppies don't have thumbs perfect pay attention now skipper open [Music] what a good girl see can you do that [Music] maybe you'd better get down on all fours okay i'm out of here but don't you want a treat sheesh [Music] these well-trained pups prove that dog really is man's best friend look how easy it is you can do that can't you can great let's do this [Music] you guys wow did you teach them that i guess so i was trying to train them to be service puppies looks like the puppies want to be acrobats hey do you think the puppies could perform in our circus for chelsea you have a circus how did i not know that it's just a small one i wanted to make it up to chelsea after we missed the big purple one i guess entertaining others counts as service we're in [Music] [Music] oh my poor sister what's the matter i promised chelsea i take her to the big purple circus but then i lost track of the days and we missed it ouch yeah she tried to put on a brave face at the time but look oh woe is me wow even the puppies can't cheer her up i have to find a way to make it up to her how i mean it's not like you can just put on a circus ken that's a great idea i'll put on a circus being dressed like a clown isn't so bad kind of itchy but not bad hey help [Music] it's really hot there when did all this get here it's just barbie's haunted house stuff nothing to do with being a vampire anyone want a snack i made garlic knots no thanks yeah too garlicky for me they don't like garlic they're all vampires why would a vampire make garlic knots for other vampires hey guys check this out see no reflection sweet cool well um what was that i don't know did you see that i didn't that's the problem they don't have reflections tell me there's another explanation i will as soon as i think of one these smart mirror effects are great theresa thanks but don't you think it's a little dark in here haunted houses are supposed to be dark [Applause] i'm not afraid of clowns anymore huh i checked around for the source of the footsteps but couldn't find anything maybe it was the wind what isn't that what you're supposed to say when you hear footsteps we'll trapped in a haunted house the night before halloween guys relax the dream house isn't haunted and we're not lockdown activated trapped no one is leaving tonight okay so you kind of sort of made them think you'd kept up with your violin playing and the truth is it's been a while ah a long while and i've got this awful feeling they're going to ask me to play a song at our new year celebration well if it's only one song i bet we can find one you remember do you still have your violin yeah somewhere back at my house so what are we waiting for i'll drive you you really think trust me you'll be fine [Music] at least i thought she'd be fine i mean playing an instrument is just like riding a bike you never really forget how to do it [Music] okay we don't have a lot of time here's the plan after we hose this thing down we'll get it back inside and get to work nikki's already got some great ideas teresa will help with technical specs take it away nikki okay so i came up with some themes there's a pirate ship oh choo choo station i love that or since we all know how much chelsea loves cupcakes no too soon yeah way too soon oops yeah sorry they're great ideas nikki seriously but we need something different something that really feels like chelsea actually i have an idea cool fire away all right if you bring this up over here oh and i'm gonna add this down here see what i'm doing oh yeah and maybe something like this over here yes that's it you're a mind reader love it it's perfect great so nikki teresa and i will clean and prep the clubhouse stacy and skipper i need you two on chelsea patrol when she gets back can you go plan some time-consuming distractions for her aye aye operation surprise chelsea is a go i'm the mayor how did that happen you got elected huh that's kind of cool come with me mayor your first appointment is here hello [Music] award winning journalist reporter barbie nice to meet you mayor any comment on the crisis i'm the mayor and i'm the reporter in future town anything is possible okay so wait did you say there was a crisis this just in mayor barbie seems unprepared for the pending disaster no it's just what are you recognize these your greatest accomplishments future town's new rapid transit system our recently opened home for homeless pets our beautiful picnic park for family celebrations all because of you mayor barbie because you really care about the people of this city i do but you heard it here she says she cares yet has no plan to protect us all from a totally weird thing in the sky headed right this way what are you talking about as first reported right here a weird giant object is hurtling towards future town i'm sorry um but i don't have a weird giant object listed on the mayor's schedule for today better double check that i just reported it oh here it is 2 p.m weird giant object headed for future town today huh how did i miss that this can only mean one thing that i'm fired wow weirdness is sort of in the air today no it means that if i'm mayor i need to deal with this can you get me more information on the weird thing in the sky from a reliable source like maybe a scientist who knows about planets and galaxies in space but mayor barbie come quick you gotta see this [Music] huh [Music] wow [Music] no power tools dear [Music] my phone says to go that way well your phone is wrong mine says we need to go that way guys not now chelsea barbie and i are duking this out you really need to see this [Music] and just like that our beloved family camper had taken its last road trip this is all my fault i must have forgotten to set the emergency break what am i gonna tell mom and dad they'll understand no one was hurt it was just an accident accidents happen but this is a huge accident our camper our wonderful camper i need to fix it how unless your allowance is way more than mine it's not is it i've been saving for my job at the water park but there's no way i have enough money to buy a whole new camper i know how he can get the money [Music] this is a crazy idea so crazy it just might work assuming we ever get to the front of the line you there family of the year step right up to the front of the line [Music] you think you can outsmart me come on give it back whatever i don't need a stupid key i've got the power of strategy i'm a rearden you're lucky i'm even in this house correction intruder with attitude activating protection procedure protection what [Music] trey what are you doing aren't you supposed to be feeding those dogs i'm stuck this house trapped me i can't even hear you you sound miles away i'm hanging up [Music] live from beautiful malibu california it's a special edition of squabble squabble squabble the show that brings people together tears them down then builds them back up while turkeys gobble gobble gobble we we have some very special contestants today folks straight from winning malibu's family of the year it's chelsea spacey skipper and barbie roberts will the pressure to win turn this loving family into a bickering batch of bad sisters or can they stick together to beat the game and win our fabulous treasure chest first up the bubble race hit the mark or we'll burst your bubble ready set go ready it must be nice to have nothing on your mind but where to play next barbie there's lots on honey's mind there's chasing butterflies burying bones learning new tricks oh of course and she has to protect us protect us from what from lots of bad things that we have no idea about right honey what kind of things hey did you guys see rookie's squeaky toy no sorry so what kind of things well i suppose it's okay to tell you this now a few nights ago while we were all asleep dj discovered a horrible sneaky plot rookie honey put that down listen something's going on with the squeaky toy the scary squeaky crocodile it's an alligator honey not a crocodile squeaky crocodiles are mostly in asia and africa i never trusted that thing one day i'm gonna grab it and bite it and chew it and shake it violence doesn't solve anything rookie what'd you see dj i can't tell you out here this calls for a top secret meeting hey what's going on top secret meeting taffy oh boy i love these so then they made their way to the secret hideout so the puppies talk to each other of course what do you think they write letters anyway back to the story hey guys hey i can't believe we get to see a movie in the park while we hang out in the camper right i'm so excited there is nothing i would rather do hey so what was that text with the 18 million exclamation points about skipper babysitting um hey guys uh what's this about a text well i had to share the exciting news hence the exclamation points more like five that you're babysitting for the first time ever what skipper babysitting yes isn't it awesome it's unbelievably cool thanks i'm ready for it yeah that's my sister calm cool and in control should we go i have a prime parking spot all picked out let's do this all set hey skipper hi barbie this is baby bonnie oh this little nugget couldn't be sweeter oh hey thanks you're gonna have a ball with this one and even more with this one total firecracker ah look at that two of them i texted your mom about adding johnny didn't i or did i flake anyway text her from the show have fun at the park i didn't want to go but skipper wasn't asking me to stay what was i supposed to do i didn't want to undermine her confidence but [Applause] let's just say i didn't have a good feeling about this nice moves you ready for the big mascot challenge that's coastal chicken for you know it who's excited for spirit we're all you freshmen i'm theresa student body president and this is spirit week a week of fun challenges where we compete as a school for the coveted victory bell like always we will be up against our arch rivals empire coast ty who just happened to have won the bell the last five years in a row [Applause] stop the presses isn't that you so what i went there last year ugh such a better school now i know what you're thinking why is this year going to be any different because this year we have the smartest the strongest the toughest the coolest the bestest student body this school has ever seen [Applause] except maybe for the class of 96 they produced five olympic gold medalists two nobel peace prize winners and three academy award winners but who's counting we still have the most spirit ever now get out there participate and beat [Applause] tammy went to empire coast high that explains why she hates us she doesn't hate us she's probably just a little conflicted it must be hard changing schools especially if she was really happy at her old one best way to get over that is to be happy at this school i think she'll get there and we can help her see how cool it is okay students it's time to start the first challenge of spirit week the dance marathon [Applause] when i blow this whistle again you start dancing and you keep going until you just can't dance anymore last answer standing wins are both teams ready uh where are the kids from empire coast high [Music] oh [Music] he's not that cute [Music] i was wrong he is that cute who's that guy are you serious that's warren buffington he's like only the coolest guy in the history of history totally rules the school sort of like me um why'd you have to tell me on a trampoline because this show's even more suited to your amazing talents it's called bake till you ache extreme faking challenge [Music] what you're kidding right no it's on the internet it's one of those shows where you like get shot out of a cannon grab a greasy rope in midair and swing over a pit of alligators to ring a bell except with baking and no alligators probably stace this is totally nuts for one thing those shows are for people who are like ridiculously coordinated sunblock coming up she said while doing 17 things at once flawlessly you know why not [Music] ow i really wanted to be on the show myself but who am i kidding you're the food artist in the family you're made for this barbie hey when she's right she's right but because you're the challenger you get to have a sideline coach and that gets to be me stacy you were made to coach we could win [Music] hey barbie hey what a nice surprise but i can't really hang out i've got so much homework and oh um uh we actually we're here for skipper she invited us to go to the vintage record shop they've got a huge future base promotion going on because of the floppy concert oh that's great wanna come [Music] it's okay i have too much stuff to do but you guys have a great time oh we will oh my gosh [Music] my friends were hanging out with my sister without me no biggie right well it shouldn't have been but somehow it was [Music] [Laughter] hi barbie you miss so much fun remember cinnamon buns are our kryptonite sounds like you guys had a great time um so about tomorrow i was thinking we could break up the heartthrob team couples marathon with a little baking maybe some games speaking of games you should have seen skipper at the mall we were all playing this new game on our phones and she walked right into the fountain oh your poor backpack here i can try it knock knock uh reporting for community service how's it going huh that good where have you been out i got your texts all of them what's going on what's going on is our project has gone completely off the rails tammy bought the water park whoa did not see that coming but what's it mean to us it means we can't hold our event there because tammy is doing her own event which means we have no project unless we move it to somewhere else and i'm trying to find a new place but it's not easy on such short notice and i could really have used a partner today where were you i'm sorry but i had something pretty important going on this is important too to me exactly to you community service is your thing service is my thing community affects us all don't you get that you're being so dramatic give me one good reason why i should care about what goes on in this community [Music] oh uh that was shaking and that is some serious shaking earthquake protection system activated moderate too strong shaking expected remain in safe shelter locations it's going to be a bumpy ride [Music] hello hey renee daisy what are you doing here helping my parents donated all this food isn't it great hand these out i'll get more seems like every citizen in malibu dropped by but everyone's okay right [Music] just stressed out oh hello there you just gave me an idea i am so getting extra credit for this now take your plank down into cobra this was a great idea i feel so much calmer now and up into warrior pretzel so cute he thinks you're a real pretzel yeah adorable one question the goats are potty trained right [Music] i know dad i know uh hello this isn't a horse and buggy could you step on it no i did not have you by the water park just so i could spite someone else [Applause] no no dad don't sell it trust me dad my community service project is gonna be the perfect way to get the word out there about our new water park i know you're doing that on purpose [Music] shelby we have to go [Music] bye bye not that a giant sleepover isn't awesome but i'm glad that's over now everything can finally go back to normal oh no what what happened everything is not back to normal look the library it's destroyed [Music] so you start by putting the red wood see together group shot [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Barbie
Views: 20,969,715
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: $barbie-dreamhouse-adventures, barbie mattel, barbie video, barbie, barbie channel, barbie toys, barbie roberts, barbie youtube, #barbie, barbie dolls, official barbie, barbie episodes, you can be anything, barbie girl, anything is possible, barbi, barby, berbi, barbie youtuber, barbie dream house adventure, barbie dreamhouse adventures, #dreamhouseadventures, barbie cartoon, barbie and the dreamhouse, barbie adventures, barbie in the dreamhouse, dream house
Id: f7sPy7ByXk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 28sec (1828 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
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