Barbie and Ken Make New Room for Barbie Sister Chelsea and Call Princess Aurora for Sleepover

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[Music] I'm kind of bored I don't know what to do memory what what are you doing can I help you with something well I'm cooking dinner and yes I actually just got Chelsea some new furniture for her room and if you didn't mind could you please go get it and put it up in her room good thing where is it it's outside all right oh well this is a huge box how am I gonna get it up oh well we have a elevator that's a good thing all right box come with me to the elevator Barbie this is really heavy is this the box yes I don't know if Barbie wants to redo this room because it's so cute but if but maybe Chelsea does but so I'm gonna open up this box well the new furniture looks even cuter than the old one now I see why she wants to change it let me just get all this old furniture out whoopsies except for this juice box I don't think that she's finished oh this is milk not a juice box I'm gonna put this in there oh and then her teddy bear and now I'm gonna get rid of all this stuff and their hope okay first I'm gonna get this out this is really cute that drawer is so pretty so is that alarm clock all right let's see I wish that Barbie would decorate my room this cute just maybe not all right let's put the new covers on right mr. teddy then slippers great dinner juice box and her new dream to be a book all right and I think that's about it Chelsea's gonna love her new room I'll go tell her hey Chelsea I just put your new furniture in your room thanks so much Ted can I go see my new room sure you can not really a new room but it's new furniture is it cute yes it is it's very cute I want a room like yours just maybe not in pink come on let's go so Chelsea what do you think about your new room I love it I love the table I love the bed and I love everything it's a bad one that I could open in half - yes Chelsea it is thank you so much you're the best no problem you should also thank Barbie because she ordered her online I just set it up yeah I'm so happy now I can have sleepovers here okay can you please open the bed for me sure you sure sure I just got a picture slippers out of the light here you go Chelsea it moves in and out cool it's the best bed ever I'm yeah asked me if I could have a sleepover tonight Oh a sleepover I don't know about that oh you'll have to ask Barbie I said that I would okay Barbie thank you so much for my new room I love it so much the table Oh in the bed there for two so that I can have a sleepover today can I can I can i well we don't really have any plans really um I just got to finish dinner and yeah you could invite some friends Bobby could we please invite onion else yeah sure sure sure let me call on and ask if they could come great I'm gonna wait at the table for dinner well we're not gonna have dinner yet I know Fanta this is Barbie can onion I'll see you have a sleepover at Chelsea's Oh Barbie I know that they would love to come and play for a sleepover but they really think they have a bellyache and not only that but they have a bad cold and all and a fever they just don't feel good and we don't want you guys to get sick so we're keeping them at home isn't that right now sir yes that is totally right I'm on a ball me too I promise I will be so good I know girls but first you guys have to get better and then you guys can go oh okay oh I'm sorry to hear that I hope that the girls feel better soon bye I'm sorry Chelsea but onion Elvia are both sick oh but that's okay because we could still call on irori right yeah let me try beep hey it's me Barbie Chelsea would like to invite her Rory to a sleepover oh yes Barbie she would love to come she loves sleepovers and she loves to play with Chelsea I so I think that she will be very happy when I tell her that she is going to the sleepover a sleepover a day with toffee hey can I go now can I going now so when can I bring her right now great we'll be there in a minute okay we'll see you soon oh hi Barbie thank you so much for inviting her Rory for a sleepover oh no problem we're glad to have her over hi Chelsea hi Rory what you in your basket oh just regular stuff that we need on a sleepover like um toothpaste toothbrush uh pajama oh and of course my Apple cuz I can't sleep without my owl oh it's so cute I'm so glad you came playing your little petting farm yep yellow will be so happy let's go right now all right bye bye mommy bye Rory be a good little girl okay and listen to what Barbie says yes mommy good mwah see you later bye Oh Chelsea I love your little farm who is that pony oh this Pony is named furry because she's really furry and this lamb is Jack Jack hmm I don't know why he named him back but it's just beat but I think it's because she's a little baby hmm how about the bunny that's a button bun what about that um chicken right there oh you mean the white one yeah that's chickaletta I knew it she looks like chickaletta mm-hmm just be careful around chickaletta cause she can get a little crazy sometimes [Laughter] [Laughter] it's a girl and and the little name is chick is real chick cute what about the key oh they came her name is purr purr because she purrs a lot they're all so cute wait there's one more than I want you to see and this is heart because she has a heart on her forehead she's my favorite but she's a little sick because she has it because she didn't eat in today let me try to feed her come heart come I have some good no key for you see you she doesn't want it I see let me try hey come here come here heart okay it's good milky not scary milky come on come here oh no I dropped the milk bottle in there I see she is sick let me call my fairy godmothers they might be able to heal her oh hey dear they'll be coming in just a moment hi I'm here hi we were just working on your mother's dress she wanted it blue and I wanted it pink and it turned out pink no it turned out blue no it turned out pink no it turned out blue girls girls girls it turned out pink it's alright come on Merriweather oh great so what's the problem irori well this little calf is sick and we want to help her her name is Hart Oh is a very cute name and why is she named heart because she has a heart on her head on her forehead that is just so adorable so what's wrong with her oh well you know she doesn't really wanna drink her milk and we're scared we think that she's really sick can you give us the bottle okay ladies let's do our magic all right she should want her milk now thanks so much fairy godmothers no problem trusted you already tried to feed her sure here you go little one oh she's actually drinking it oh you do buy me too I still want that dress to be blue no it'll be pink girls stop fighting about it bye bye I'm sorry my fairy godmothers always fight pink and blue pink and blue they don't know which colors I think that my mom would look better purple yeah because you look really good in purple oh this is a great petting farm Chelsea I love it here girls dinner it's almost time to go to bed come on it's already not late yes girls it is let's go Barbie Barbie I want to tell you something heart feels better because um flora fauna and Merryweather state helped um heart with her magic with their magic and they put magic in the milk and two of the fairy godmothers were fighting about a blue and a pink Jess hey but we said that she would look better in a purple dress that's really fun let's go inside and have some dinner now all right let's go come on it's dinner time let's go irori coming after and finished petting Jack Jack all right she really likes Jack Jack girls don't forget to wash your hands and Chelsey that's not your milk bottle that's the calf's milk bottle what Peas that's not my dinner that's the calf's dinner he and we have pasta and meatballs girls I hope that you guys like it thank you so much no problem now you girls eat up and then brush your teeth and go to bed don't forget about changing we can't go to bed in our claws yes that is correct oh I love your pajama it matches your headband and not only that but also your shoes it's so adorable thank you so much you look great too in your unicorn pyjama Thanks you have to see my new bedroom it's so pretty we could eat even eat breakfast there in the morning cool and read books is so much fun let's go in here room hoot-hoot-hoot yes whoo church you can come with us I'm sorry that I left you in the farm here is my room yes whoo church you're here Oh Chelsea your room is amazing not only that but here is where you're going to sleep you're going to be prepared to be amazed out of the way please boss so cute Chelsea I love it I'm gonna go to bed right now you're asleep girls are you already in bed Oh okay you wouldn't believe it the girls were so tired that they just went to bed when I came to see them good night they were already sleeping oh really no dance party no noise no TV watching no CAD no they were sleeping and quiet they were so good so now we have all evening to relax and watch TV yes it seems like that but I'm also gonna prepare breakfast for them should I make pancakes or waffles waffles alright but you can do it in the morning can Geum yeah but I think that the girls are gonna wake up early oh yes and that's gonna be a dance party and noise and watching TV exactly Chelsea and you Brody had the best sleep over ever
Channel: Princess Fun Place
Views: 5,045,759
Rating: 4.0330729 out of 5
Keywords: Barbie, Barbie and Ken, Barbie and Chelsea, Barbie Sisters, Barbie and Princess Sleepover, Barbie House, Barbie Dream House, Barbie New Room, Barbie Room Decorating, Princess Aurora, Princess Anna and Elsa, Frozen, Frozen Anna and Elsa, Barbie Story, Barbie Little Farm, Princess Fun Place
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 20sec (980 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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