Bar Story With HugS

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all right we'll talk about okay pretty much what happened was we go to this bar we go to this bar and um we're drinking i don't remember who's there there's husband there's me there's bam there's hugo uh fizzy and milk tea are there zoo vish i don't remember if i'm missing anyone else oh bow back bobek was there and you know we're just hanging out we're having a good night this is the same bar that we went to the previous day and uh turns out yeah fizzy the sleepy god that's the one big fine with the two months for the six months tier two thank you work has kept me from your streams for a bit but i'm glad i could make it in after a while you're good fam don't worry don't worry big fun i'm just in the middle of the story here but anyways um yeah so pretty much it's the same bar we went to the past day the day before we went there and you know we had a good time because everything was so full so we go there and we're having some drinks uh turns out uh zu ends up bordering mcdonald's i'm pretty sure hugo did not mention this part it's irrelevant i mean it's kind of relevant for the full gist of it but he ends up ordering mcdonald's uh zoo does because i don't know people are hungry or whatever i ask for a big mac i don't know why irrelevant as well but it is part of the story you have to say the complete story when it comes to these things um yeah so we were why is this guy lagging why is he lying all right anyways um so you know the bar is closing it's like uh that's what like 140 150 and the food is there so they start eating i'm you know standing i i don't i eat quick like i don't i don't have issues with taking too long but anyways i guess the people were trying to enjoy their food right anyways uh milk tea gets up or fizzy i don't remember which of the two they get up and they go to the bathroom what underwear am i wearing i am not wearing underwear my friend i am as god brought me to this world irrelevant though getting back to the story uh anyways uh this guy comes through i think this guy was inside the bar because we were outside the bar with some tables it was a nice it was a nice little spot and he sits where milk tea is sitting and okay you know we're like we're not drunk we just had a few beers and um i i was super sober because i had to stay awake because my flight was early morning so i only had a couple um anyways he sits down and he's talking garbage i don't know like friendly like he's still being friendly he's not being annoying but but then he starts talking about math i don't know what vish was talking about but he's talking about like six and seven or something and then the other guy i assume was drunk and from far away he probably thought they were like pointing at him right that's what i think because i think it's fair to say i have been in these situations a lot and i have been and survived a lot of them so i don't know what happens they're fighting but i'm just there i'm just watching like because the guy's friendly still like he's not looking for a confrontation but he does sit at her table and um yeah he's just like uh yeah what were you saying i think he was talking about something and then uh turns out eventually milty and fizzy are back and you know like they're behind the guy because they don't want to be rude and they don't want to ask for the for the chair hugo the whole time is going like yo you know what i think a friend is sitting there uh can we have our table back can we have her chair back sorry and he doesn't get up he doesn't even listen he's drunk right uh anyways she's back and um hugo says one more time hey uh my friend is here you think it's cool if uh you give her back her seat and then he looks right cool okay i guess he realizes it's a woman i guess and then he's like well yeah but in drunk voice uh yeah tell her she can sit in my lap [Music] he said that actually anyways understandable hilo gets pissed off but pissed off like in the moment pissed off because you know it's like offensive right so he goes you know what get the [ __ ] out of the chair my friends here i need you get to give uh my my friend the chair back and um i don't remember what happens i guess some of the other people that were with the guy heard it or stepped through and they're like yo you better watch out the way you're talking to my friend you better watch it you better watch your mouth you better watch it um yeah and then we're like explaining the situation this guy won't get off get up the chair and our friend is back so um it comes to a point where some guy he um i don't want to get into semantics but um let's just say uh he only had one eye he had the battle scars i don't want to say anything else but maybe hugo did i don't know um but anyways he he starts going up the i'm right there and i get a bit more serious because like the thing is how do i explain it let me let me show you in pictures let me show you in pictures the way the way this is hold on how do we do this paint so let me show you guys the scenario let me show you guys the battleground this is the table right this is the table ruined it the earthquake earthquake thank you anyways i'm here i'm here this is my great run at summit i'll just put this in parentheses thank you so much appreciate it uh hugo is here and then bam is like standing up here and then here i honestly don't remember who was sitting oh i think it was zayn yeah zane was here and then i don't know let's just say anyways bull back [Music] i can't even write right now hold on bow back nice nice letters uh and then milty and fizzy were like around here this doesn't make sense hold on hold on not this not this uh milk [Music] see that was worse actually and and fizz are the they're like the two people that are like in these seats here right and then here's like zoo and then i don't remember who else honestly to be honest i don't remember like yeah i don't remember but anyways they got up right there at the bathroom so the guy comes in and steals the seat from behind so he's sitting in this one and then people are like yo can you give her a seat and then the thing is hugo was sitting here he has his back towards this area right his back is here so usually in fights when you're at bar fights usually what happens is usually not all the time but when the person is usually not man enough to just like you know just like what's up let's [ __ ] each other up you know in a confrontation what they usually do is they leave as if it's all good and then they come back and they sucker punch you from the back don't ask me the rules justice this is just the way it works back home i have gone through a lot of these situations my friends getting hit through with uh beer bottles et cetera et cetera what's up terence but anyways uh bam was here and he was fighting with the guy right that was sitting here and i'm just watching at the beginning i didn't care too much i'm just like uh well this guy he's drunk but he's not offensive he's just drunk it's annoying but we'll take care of it but when the other guy there were two other friends here so this guy i don't remember what he was saying he looked friendly though hit this guy f let's just say f as in friendly like he wasn't trying to make a scene but this other guy hears uh the situation when this guy comes in and he says yo hugo no level has so pretty much what i'm trying to say is he said it so many times to the point where it's like you kind of know it's just [ __ ] he's just trying to intimidate that's just it's just bar stuff you know just trying to prove who the more alpha guy is but he wouldn't shut up about it so i didn't take him seriously i'm still here i'm watching like i haven't moved right bowback's here he's standing up as well okay okay sorry i was using the other mind blowback's here he's just watching he's standing up he's just smiling and he's like but you know that kind of like scary scary smile or just like available so that was him and me i'm actually just drinking i didn't really pay too much time too much attention because the way it seemed it was like the guy that said i'm gonna participate basically means uh well hugo actually i told him this because he we were at the bar and he didn't know what it meant he didn't know what it meant i think he thought the guy was like praising him or something that's what i think but anyways i told him bro he's telling you no i mean he kind of knows what it means but he didn't know specifically what it meant but i explained no this guy he's saying he wants to [ __ ] you up or like he's gonna [ __ ] you up but yeah i told him and then he took a bit more seriously the point is that guy wouldn't shut up he went away the guy the guy that was friendly and drunk he got up he got away and then the other guy got away because i don't know they were like calling each other and they started to walk away and so we thought i'm like okay we're all good but then it turns out that the guy the party de la madre guy comes back and he starts hanging the hue again and this is where it gets scary because the moment they come back is that it means that they want problems it means that this could escalate because they had already left everything was fine hugo was like oh you know what don't you know they're drunk we're not drunk so you gotta smart it out you gotta be like oh no don't worry it was just a misunderstanding blah blah blah blah don't remember what he said but the guy comes back and he keeps saying the same [ __ ] and then he says yo tengo nero tambien which pretty much means i have money too um that doesn't make sense in english culture but in hispanic culture it means like like who are you trying to intimidate you know like i got money too like just because you're wearing this and this and that like it doesn't you're not intimidating me with no contact it kind of means that like yeah do you want money i guess also this drawing is a mess what happened here but anyways he comes back and he starts saying the same [ __ ] to hugo and that's where i get up and i'm just like leaning here i'm just leaning here my arms are just here just think these are my hands and i'm ready you know i'm available because i like now you kind of know that like it's about to go down truth be told i was kind of sleepy and i was kind of lit um i'm not gonna say i wanted to fight but i was like i was down to like if it went down to it i was down because they got it the night got exciting you know it's been a while since i've thrown hands to be honest but the bad thing was that i had the flight next day so i'm like um if if this becomes if this becomes an issue i'm going to lose my my flight and i was like but i mean i have to because it's different if you're like by yourself and looking for a fight but here it's like all your friends are here and you know like it's you can't like let the homies die pretty much right so i was like i mean if it goes down it goes down but anyways i get up and i'm just i'm i put on like a more serious face i don't talk at all i'm just watching it's hugo's doing all the talking and the guy is just like i have money too i have money too yeah you watch out next time you i see you you will get your face broken in that's what party te la madre means particularly means pretty much i'll mess you up or i'll mess your face up it's like mexican slang um yeah and security never came out that was very strange i think they just were on the bar side i have no idea but the thing is you ain't all that yeah exactly the thing is uh the bar was kicking us out the bar was like yo it's 2 a.m you guys got to head out it's 2 a.m we didn't have any drinks we the only reason we were staying there was because these guys were eating their mcdonald's and i said yo let's get out of here this guy's headed out so they were like no no let's wait it out let's wait out till they leave but they're drunk they never left it turns out we ended up heading out and the guys were still there and um yeah it's pretty much what happened uh yeah what i was saying so what i was trying to get at is hugo left some details out he was definitely correct in his story but he didn't say he didn't know what particularly means so i assume he thought that they were they were praising him for his strength they were praising him for his streams in a very sketchy manner is what i think but um they were praising his son yeah he thought they were praising his samus but no he played it well he didn't he didn't was also the part i forgot to say is while all of this was happening the reason i mentioned the back thing like that's where people get you through the back is because at the beginning i was watching hugo's back right because nothing was going down but these guys were behind him like i'm scared these guys will come and hit him but um when they left and they came back bam kind of kind of like understood the issue as well and he got up and he was like standing here so while bam had this guy's back i was looking at the other guy being annoying um like i said i didn't talk or anything hugo talked in spanish a bit to like kind of communicate i don't know i guess to like to like show him like take it easy you know we're on the same team we're we're one in the same you know what i mean like it's just it's just like a like a thing to like calm the the situation but um yeah his uh his shitty spanish gave it away it's pretty it's not that sh it's not that shitty it's okay it's okay but i mean i think the the moment you don't realize that they're like kind of looking for a fight i think it's that's not the best but um yeah i didn't talk at all i was ready to talk but and i did want to talk but i was i was afraid that would escalate the situation so i just stayed quiet but yeah i was here i was ready i was just leaning into the table and uh nothing happened eventually just left he said and then they left and um yeah that was the story that was the story that's uh the actual that's the actual uh correct timeline of the events [Music] you
Channel: n0ne
Views: 7,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super, smash, bros, melee, n0ne, SSBM, SSB, captain, falcon, esports, pro, professional, gamer, twitch, streamer, live, top, 10, 20, 30, 100, player, canada, canadian, Nicaragua, nicaraguan, nintendo, ganon, ganondorf, combo, master
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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