Baofeng UV-9R Model Comparison and Power Testing

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baofeng uv 9rtp uv 9r plus uv9r plus different versions different this different that you know there's a there's i did a video about one of these a while back and i got a lot of different comments about different versions because bail fang and o'shang and several of these other companies will release radios with the same model number on them but they're different they're not always the same so let's talk about a few of those today welcome to the channel my name is jason i'm kc5hwb if this is your first time to join us here thank you for watching thank you for stopping by and i hope you enjoy this episode so a while back uh sometime last month i think it was i did a video that i'll put right here about an 18 watt model of belfang belfong i'm going to try to say it correctly baofeng uv9rtp it was advertised to be 18 watts and the ebay link i shared in the description of the video several people came by and commented on it and saying hey i go to that link and it shows to be a five watt radio well that's because that's because they changed it on ebay okay so i have a screenshot of when i bought it on ebay and it's advertised as 18 watts not only that but it's advertised as 18 watts beneath the battery which i showed in that video so since then over the course of time i tend to pick up radios here and there that i think hey that's um that's gonna that would make for a good video this would be interesting to see i'd like to do a power test on this model etc etc in fact at the time of this recording right now that 18 watt uv 9rtp video that i put up has over 10 000 views on it so people are wanting to see that type of video so i thought i would do another one today because i have other models of basically this same radio i picked these up i don't even remember exactly where they were this one right here that says uv 9rtp this is the one that i did the video on before okay this is a uv 9r plus and this is a different version of the uv 9r plus you can see that they basically all look the same from the front something i noticed but didn't comment on on the last video they're all stamped digital mobile radio right here it's kind of stamped into the face into the plastic of the radio digital mobile radio but it's not actually a dmr radio so obviously they use this casing that's around this uv 9r for various models this is the one they're all they all look the same from the back they all have the the button that can be the button belt clip right there this one here this one that's that's labeled as uv 9r plus this one in the middle this is the one that i this one's labeled the uv 9rtp this one's another uv 9r plus but this is different model this one actually says 5 watts on the back we're going to look at that here in a second this guy right here the ebay link and the actual purchase link where i purchased this on ebay says that's a uv 9rtp now what is the difference between uv 9rtp and a uv 9r plus i have no idea i really don't the uv9rtp is advertised to come with a 95 milliamp hour battery and something i didn't point out last time either this is only an 8 800 mil or i'm sorry 8 000 milliamp hour battery right there eight thousand million milliamp hour battery so it didn't even come with the battery that it was advertised you can see right here this is the one that says uh less than or greater to uh 18 watts which which we commented on on the last time and it has a dual band frequency range and made in china et cetera et cetera obviously no uh fcc number at the time of this recording at least this guy here is the uv 9rtp i think i got this from another ebay ad i believe i don't remember exactly some of these i'll i'll find them and i'll buy them and i'll put them on the shelf and then i'll think about them like a month later and then then i'll record a video on them so again this is the one we did last time uv 9r plus this is also a uv 9r plus this is a different version this one i got from amazon i know this one i think i got from ebay so this guy right here actually has the 9 500 milliamp hour battery and the battery says uv 9rtp on it so i suspect that whoever sold this version to me on on ebay either had the wrong version in the ad or sent me the wrong radio or something i don't care uh it worked great for the purposes of a video and that's why i recorded that's why i bought it i bought it to do a video i did not buy it to use it and carry it on a daily basis this one right okay so this one right here is the 9tp the actual 90p 95 milliamp hour battery and as far as i can tell that's the only difference however this one's listed as 20 watts uv 9rtp and it's listed as only a 440 radio it says frequency 400 to 470 megahertz so i i am going to put this on the power meter here in a bit and see what this does because the one i bought on ebay that was advertised at 18 watts is this one with the 9 500 milliamp hour battery but this one has the actual rtp battery and it says 20 watts on the back so you can see how things get mixed up uh they don't they don't put the same numbers on things they don't put the same power ratings on things you can buy the exact same radio and it can be even a different frequency range i've seen that before tyt is bad about this t by t has a th9000 monoband radio which is a decent radio for what it is i use the 220 version but the the problem is that the th 9000 looks the same acts the same same packaging everything and it comes in a two meter version two they're all mono man two meter version 220 version and 440 version and they're all model number th 9000 it's not like 9002 for two meters and nine thousand two two for 220 or anything like that they're all just th 9000 and they have three different bands three different monobands and you can't tell what it is unless you look at the sticker on the bottom right corner of the box or just open up the radio and look at the sticker on the back of it that's a th9 but that's just kind of a some of the chinese companies they recycle model numbers but they don't change they change something on the radio or some feature on the radio or some frequency range on the radio but they use the same model number so it's hard to tell what's what so this guy right here this is the 20 watt version and it actually came with the correct battery for the rtp but the rtp was advertised to me as being 18 watts not 20 watts so there's a discrepancy there this last one over here and this is the one that's probably the most accurate one quite frankly this one here comes with a 2200 milliamp hour battery which you can see right there okay and quite frankly these batteries are not very i would be i don't have yeah see this one's supposed to be 8 000 and this one's supposed to be 2000 or 2200 they're the same thickness i don't have in front of me right now a way to test amp hour ratings on a battery so it would it would not surprise me that these batteries are not actually rated correctly this one here is what's called a mere kit edition if i'm saying that right mirror kit this is a seller on amazon they they have a an amazon store i will link to this here shortly where you can see it and of course it's dual band but it's advertised as 8 watts so this one's probably a little bit more accurate these mirror kit ones they seem to be a little bit more put together a little bit better information on a lot of them and i've had i've not really messed with any of them but if you read through the amazon reviews they've got a lot of good positive amazon reviews on the meerkat edition so let's put these on a power meter and see what they're going to do guys if you're finding value in this video go ahead and hit that thumbs up for me it does help with the youtube algorithm and it lets youtube know that you like the video and it puts it in front of other people who want to see the same type of videos let's get back to it what i'm going to do is i'm going to take the rtp model that's listed as 20 watts which is the one i just showed you with the white label on the back it actually has the 95 milliamp hour 95 milliamp hour battery label at least i'm going to take this one and i'm going to plug it into the meter and read it the battery does show on full power someone made a comment on the last video about what power rating was your battery at which is a good question it's a good quest question this one does show at full power i had it on the charger a couple hours ago before i started the video so it should be pretty close to full power and i've got it on 146.520 so this one that's listed as 20 watts does have three power settings that's good that's good to know low mid and high kind of common all right so here's two meters i'm sorry i wish i could show you the radio at the same time but there's not a there you go so there's the two meter 146.52 on the top 441.0 on the bottom here's what we're going to do for that this is high power it's on the 20 watt scale you see in the middle there and it's reading like 4 watts maybe just under 4 watts 20 watt scale right here 4 watts on 2 meters now we're going to go to 441.0 which you can see the arrow on the bottom there uh two and a half just under just under three watts there so that is the 20 watt version of this radio not surprising considering the results we got from the lat this one's also got a very tight uh volume knob up here it was hard to turn on and it was hard it's kind of it's got a it doesn't it's not as easy to turn as the other the other two are fine but but that one for some reason has got a messed up knob or it seems like it does now this one is the mirror kit model that i mentioned earlier with the uh with the kind of purple and yellow i'm sorry purple and white label on the back that's actually rated at eight watts neither one of the other two that we've power tested the one from the last video the one from today have reached eight watts yet so we're going to see what this one does 8 watts is probably a lot more realistic of a power rating than 18 or 20 watts on these specific models here's this one 14652 on the top 441.0 on the bottom just over four watts on high power and again here you can see the uh the battery on the top right corner shows full power is it a hundred percent full no but it shouldn't drop down from eight to four watts if it if it only is like it at ninety percent ninety or ninety five percent power shouldn't make that big of a difference if it's gonna do eight watts it needs to do eight watts if it's fifty percent battery you're better in my opinion but you know that that can kind of vary as well so we're getting four watts well almost 5 watts almost 5 watts 4 and a half watts right there it's the bottom scale this bottom scale right here with the 5 in the middle almost 5 watts now 440. about the same actually that looks like it's peaking right at 5 watts okay so the mir kit model again that that is an amazon store meerkats and amazon store they sell balfang but other radios as well and at least it's uh closer i mean it's rated at eight watts or it's well it's stamped at eight watts and it's only pushing about five you know five watt ht is still good at the time of this recording i'm looking at this mirror kit on amazon and they're selling a two pack for about a hundred and twenty three dollars so they're like 60 bucks a pop that's still probably more than i would really want to pay for a 5 watt ht i found these i was going through making plans for what videos i'm going to record this week and i found a couple more models of these and i'm like oh yeah so that video being that i already put up the rtp video and do some of the comments i got on that i thought i would put this up and just do some testing on the various different models between the uv 9rs and see what we find let me know what you think below let me know if you use this radio if you want to see the water test put a comment below 73 and we will catch you next time
Channel: Ham Radio 2.0
Views: 67,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baofeng uv9r plus unboxing review and programming the transceiver, baofeng uv9r plus, uv9r plus, baofeng uv9r review, baofeng uv9r plus review, baofeng uv9rplus dual band, baofeng uv9rplus dual band walkie talkie, baofeng uv9r plus programming, baofeng uv9rplus walkie talkie, uv9r, baofeng uv9rplus, baofeng transceiver, uv-9r, baofeng, baofeng dual band, walkie talkie, programming, unboxing, ham radio, ham radio 2.0, kc5hwb, texas j productions
Id: HwBNknTh5zQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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