Bannerlord BEST SKILLS Tier List 2023

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alrighty boys welcome back to another video and today we're gonna be doing a tier list so I'm gonna do a couple of these I'm gonna spread them out but this will be the first one I'm gonna do uh it's kind of running your back I made one two years ago uh for the pretty much the same concept of just skills and uh I thought why not run it back because a lot of the skills have changed a lot of the perks have changed and uh let's see if my uh top picks will change as well now before we start because I already know it's gonna be at least one or two people in my comments they're gonna be like oh man uh did you steal this from so and so oh man repeated video idea I made the first hairless video look it up on YouTube I made the first tier list video for Banner Lord I know you hate to see it but I was I was that guy and by the way I made this tier list as well like I literally cropped out these photos I used to be going I used to go under this uh um tag before the YouTube that I have now you know some quick facts for you if you didn't know but regardless uh let's get right to it I'm pretty sure that person is still probably gonna comment on there but let's get right to it so we're gonna go one by one and also I have the game pulled up in the background boom so we're gonna switch over to it and I'm gonna go over and um we're gonna see what each one does so we can kind of see how it goes right so we got op needed good okay and bad all right so without further ado let's get to it so first wave is one-handed so what is one-handed so one-handed it increases um weapon speed and weapon damage now how much do I like one-handed I think as a beginner trait it is amazing I think um for most beginners fighting with a shield and a one-handed weapon is pretty much the go-to for a lot of players but as I have played a lot more of the game I have realized that two-handed and pole arm is a lot more fun and it's a lot more deadly if you get it right so I'ma be honest with you um I must say it's between needed and good you still want to have some one-handed skill but at the same time if you're really good at combat two-handed is kind of way stronger you know I feel like one hand is more like for a beginner but it does have some good perks as well uh I'm gonna put it on I'll put on good it's not needed for the game it's good though it's it's a good one to have second is two-headed so two end does the same thing uh weapon speed and two-handed damage but again like I said before two-handed it just it does so much more damage yes you are more kind of you're gonna get attacked by arrows a lot more you're gonna you know obviously you're swinging one thing you can't really protect yourself as much but the damage output is insanity so for that reason uh but then again it's not really needed is it but it's better than but it's better than uh one-handed in my opinion I'm gonna put it needed I'm putting needed I think I think it's it's a generally good I'm gonna put it on a good a good listen it's not needed for you to be uh you know good at this game but it's it's it's it it's good pull arm it's okay listen pull arm it's really good if you're on Horseback if you're not on Horseback again it's still weapon speed and weapon damage they all follow the same pretty much uh you know as you level up that's what gets leveled up pull arm it's it's if you're on a horseback if you're not if you're not playing a character that's on Horseback well and you have still have a pole arm you're kind of a crazy person I'll be honest you're a little bit crazy um there's nothing wrong with that but having a pole arm without a horse is like just I don't even know what I could compare it to it's okay it is okay if if there was like really good pole arms that you could have while you're not a horseback which there are but like uh it's super effective if you have um a horse next bow it's needed it's needed okay so both skill uh it increases your max usable bow difficulty obviously higher tier bows require you to have a higher bow skill uh then the bow damage goes up and the bow accuracy goes up bows are just generally so good early on late game early on whenever you're just fighting looter groups kind of just like moving a little bit farther away shooting them with a bow you can take out huge looter groups get a bunch of um a bunch of good fights under your belt and then even later on just being able like in Hideout situations you can take out you could take you could literally solo a lot of hideouts with like a very good bow if your aim is good enough and then later on if you're doing a Siege you take out the um guys that are commanding like the ballistas or you can take out uh what's it called uh enemy archers it's just so good I think Bo is so good it's not OP but it's it's it could be op IE ah it really could be op I'm gonna put op I'll put it op we'll see this might change though it might go back to needed we'll see crossbow it's it's I know I know I know people are gonna be like oh but there's a perk that lets you you know uh you can reload your crossbow and horseback and blah blah but you have to reach 175. it's just crossbow is just I get it it does a lot of damage I'll put it okay I was gonna put it bad it does a lot of damage but the long reload speed honestly is disgusting so if you miss your shot the reload speed like and if you're against like a Horseman he's gonna reach you before you reload that thing so it's okay in my opinion next it was throwing um it's also okay I'll be honest with you throwing is just very lackluster it improves your throwing up in speed oh by the way crossbow crossbow reload speed and Crossroad accuracy is still it's still cheeks listen 300 and you only get plus uh 21 reload speed it's kind of booty throwing uh throwing a weapon speed throwing up in damage and throwing weapon accuracy I don't like how whenever I use throwing weapons it just always feels like my character just has never thrown a ball before or it hasn't thrown anything before I get that the you know the weapons are probably heavy and stuff like that but like it always just feels like I undershoot it every single time and it's just like it's okay if you if you like get kind of later into the game and also I don't like the fact that like there's not as much you don't get as much throwables as like for you know a bow quiver is gonna have so much arrows throwing it's like you would have a three stack and still only have like 12 throwing weapons it's it's it's okay in my opinion it's okay riding it's op it's op um so riding if we go right over here your max difficulty uh for your uh horses it works the same as it works the same as bows pretty much you know high level horses to ride them you have to have a higher level uh writing skill your horse feeding Cruise horse speed increases horse maneuver mounted weapon damage which goes great with the bow uh Mountain weapon speed and reload speed and um Dismount resistance I don't know what this really is to be honest with you okay Sensational but um yeah listen horses are just op it's it's just better to be on a horse in battle Lord than it is to be on foot that's just what it is um you're faster on the map your faster in battles you can get away you can kite it's just it's insanely op throughout the game um and then like the perks are pretty good as well if you haven't if you if you focus on a mounted Army and you max out your uh riding skill you're you're pretty much a god out there you know what I mean that's why the kazades are still sensationally good you know I mean it just mounted units rule uh next Athletics um it's needed I think it's definitely needed um Athletics let's go over here your running speed increases your weight penalty reduced uh is reduced by 30 percent uh knockback resistance and knock down resistance there will be times in certain places where you're gonna need to be without your horse and you're gonna need a character that's a little bit faster you can carry heavier armor but still be kind of fast that's what the weight penalty reduction is um you don't want to be too slow if you're slower than everybody else you're going to get cut out in a lot of places for example in sieges you kind of want to you know have a little bit of speed to run away so you don't get cut out by like four or five enemies that are just gonna Pummel you to death um in battles if you get knocked off your horse Prison Breaks tournaments you want to have a good athletic skill and the perks are actually pretty good um they're pretty good they kind of go towards like the melee melee damage and also as you can see right over here uh some movement speed as well I think it's pretty good and Athletics also has a lot of HP perks to increase your HP so overall yeah it's needed you kind of you kind of need a you kind of need to level your up your Athletics a little bit now smithing I know everyone's gonna say it's op and people got on me for the last I remember I I'm having flashbacks from two years ago of people being like man smithing's op because there's exploits and I make so much of it and that's kind of the reason why I put it I'm pretty sure I put it in bad if I'm not mistakened um Smithy now I'm gonna put it in good I know what you're gonna say you're gonna be like oh man but I made like a hundred K and blah blah blah ah I don't see an exploit as making a skill Sensational I I like I like for skills to be balanced so there isn't like game breaking bugs that are associated with it but if you were to include the associated game breaking bugs you can say it's op I'm gonna say it's good you know what I mean I know it it's it's a it's a brave take but I don't I don't I don't I don't think so you know I mean it's okay if you want to go down that route is it needed no you don't really need to do it but if you do do it you'll make some good money off of it and if we go over here Max difficulty weapon that can be Smith there it is without penalty and all the perks are obviously smithing perks or something related obviously um next we have a scouting so scouting track detection radius Max track difficulty spawning distance and track information level this pretty much it it shows you um whenever you're on the campaign map it it has a lot of stuff that makes you move faster on the campaign map but also it shows you where the enemy is whether it's through uh tracks like those little like tracks you see on the ground that you can kind of hover over and it shows how big the enemy is how far they are away but more importantly it kind of gives you more line of sight of like you know the map so the higher scouting is the more you're gonna be able to see around you and uh the better decision making you can make based off that on who to attack who to run away from uh I think scouting um it's needed I think it's needed I think you know your your campaign map you spend a bunch of time on it I think you do definitely need it tactics tactics tactic tactics simulation Advantage which is like battle Advantage Siege advantage and all that and decrease the sacrifice troop number when trying to get away so these are pretty much explain it it's like it's like what's the best way to say it it's a lot of boost for whenever you're in battles and sieges it's it's it's another needed one I think it's another needed one the higher your tactics is the better you're gonna do in battles you see there's a lot of damage boosts over here uh minus morale penalties just a bunch of stuff that's gonna uh help out during uh simulations you know battles sieges is gonna make your troops stronger overall it's boosting your troops which obviously your troops are very important in this game next is roguey uh it increases your battle loots um so the higher it is the more loot you're gonna get and then obviously um it has to do with a lot of Bandits a lot of just like criminal activity you know rotary um I'm gonna say it how it is uh it's it's it's it's it's like right here it's like right here you know what I mean it's it's like good plus if I could put it straight in the middle right here I would you don't need it you don't need to level it really high up to have a very good uh game but if you're going the route of like let's say you know recruiting Bandits and all that then you might want to get it uh it might be become needed but it's good right now next is charm uh charm it's it's it's yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it's needed I would say it's op I would say it's op I'll put a Charming op I'll put Charming op um because just relationships are very important you know you have persuasion increases um you know you have good nature which gives you back 100 influence uh and then the last one plus one influence per day it's actually not this it's plus five it's plus one everyone's per five levels if I'm not mistakened um after 200 because if I check right over here whereas it's I only get plus 10 but I have pretty much a hundred more so or plus wait one influence per 10 skill I think yeah but still very good perks um persuasion is huge relationships are huge in this game I know some people don't want to admit that they are but they are you know you need relationships with um a bunch of different AI Lords to you know to get married to join as a vassal to have them vote for you to have them vote with you um to get them to join your kingdom eventually all this requires you to you know talk to people and you know all these perks they will help you do that and you know your relationship increases with NPCs plus 150 000 I mean I said 150 000 plus 150 so it looks like every two levels of charm gives you one percent uh increase which decent leadership um increasing morale your parties and your command plus 30 and that's like a base 30 that you're always going to have as you can see and then increase Garrison size plus 60. um the leadership parks are insane they're pretty good they're pretty good they give you a lot of like extra things as you can see plus five power size for each town you control like game that's pretty insane control out of towns gives you a lot of battle morale a lot of troop experience a lot of minus influence it has to do with your troops and also just a lot of discounts and a lot of um extra like you know experience in morale and and the this one right over here and then it obviously increases your party size the last ultimate leader perk plus these two right over here is a pretty crazy choice you can either increase your companion limit plus one or your clan party limit plus one which I think makes this a op skill as well trade trade penalty reduction plus sixty percent pretty much makes it so you know you make a bigger profit the higher your trade is um I would say uh it's pretty good wow it's pretty good I think literally all like this whole like row um what do you call it charm leadership and trade I think they're all op because trade the last last skill perk is though you can trade settlements which is like it makes it so easy to get settlements late game it like it's Insanity then you have uh you have Perks such as spring of gold which gives you up to a thousand dinars daily which is pretty decent uh you have uh perks like the um the insurance plan and the rate developments rapid development that gives you five thousand dinars whenever your uh either your Caravan is destroyed or your Workshop is taken over when the town is taken over and overall you're going to be selling a lot of stuff you know I mean you're going to be selling a lot of stuff uh trading is a pretty vital part of the game if you want to make some good income um it's pretty good it's op it is it is what it is Steward increases party size plus 75 it's op again party size is very important especially early to mid game before you actually start having Clans and parties of um of your own that are roaming around uh you want to have a pretty big party as your main character just the increase that it gives to party size is well worth it then obviously you have um a lot there's a lot of uh pretty cool um perks uh you have eight Corps uh which isn't pretty cool for the troops but it's pretty cool for us uh winter troops no longer pay wages double the morale bonus from diverse food by the way Stewart is super easy to just level up as well just have a bunch of types of uh a bunch of type of different food and you're gonna level it up quick very quick um no morale penalty for having single food it's it has to do with a lot with morale and just your party in general kind of like how leadership does leadership and Steward they're kind of alike but they're kind of not alike they have a lot of similarities so yeah it's up there um by the way I should I should re rearrange the uh top ones how I see it I would say leadership steward uh riding there it is wait yeah I think that's the best way to put it uh right over here put it like that yeah this oh yeah crossbow can go back and I'll be honest with you sorry not sorry it is what it is it is what it is we need to have a bad and and to be honest you out of all these crossbow rip next tip is medicine we have counted survival chance a healing rate increase and healing rate increase for troops and healing rate increase in general as a governor um it's it's needed it's definitely needed um it's just your healing rate and you know it gives you plus HP plus healing rates for you and your troops uh there's also like cheated death cheat death once due to old age and stuff of that nature and then plus one HP to troops for every two skill levels about 200 so you can it's it's it's teetering I'm gonna put it up here actually it's it's highly needed it's highly needed and lastly we have is engineering engineering it is good um it's not really I'm okay so faster C gender production faster billing production Max difficulty um it's cool is it needed it just helps you with projects it helps you with obviously um like Town Projects and Castle projects you can kind of build them faster and then also it helps you with um you know Siege equipment which is a big part of the game but at the same time I'll put it up I'll put it up I'll put it up here I'll put it up here I'll put it like this it's it's it's good plus it's good plus it's right below needed you know what I mean uh you could still survive without having a high engineering you could still do very successful sieges without high engineering skills so that's kind of why it's good it's not really needed but that's a tier list that is what I think um tell me what you think tell me why I'm wrong with the smithing perk not being op because you made 300 000 off one uh one-handed sword I know I know I know but listen like I said we're not talking about exploits here we're just you know talking about bass so um yeah I think um overall whatever your play style is this is as accurate as I think you can get it okay let me know what you think and uh yeah I will see you in the next one and now I'm about to just rearrange these to make a little click bait title you know what I mean I'll put like cross mode op and I'll put like leadership right over here just to get your eyes you know what I mean uh only only five percent of you as I've seen in my analytics go towards the end of the video like all the way towards the end of the video especially when the video is long so only five percent of you will see me talk about this so uh to the five percent of you I really appreciate your support you know I mean I really appreciate it you guys that stick through the whole video you guys are um I consider you like secondary family you know what I mean I appreciate it all right I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: STAN Games & Tutorials
Views: 8,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bannerlord, mount and blade, mount and blade bannerlord, mount and blade bannerlord tips, bannerlord guide, bannerlord tips, bannerlord companions, bannerlord coop, taleworlds, bannerlord best start, bannerlord best start build, bannerlord best start guide, bannerlord workshop, bannerlord top workshops, bannerlord economy, workshop, modding, how to make money in bannerlord, bannerlord features, bannerlord facts, bannerlord mechanics, bannerlord top 5, bannerlord top 10
Id: 2u-OCnLMy7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 42sec (1362 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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