Banishing Yourself?! | Critical Role Episode 85 Highlights and Funny Moments

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just looking out for my special someone you know making sure you're not going to go ahead and pin this on him you murderers I was a cloud darling the only way to get us out of your hair is to let us go in peace all right your buddy will be fine I'm keeping him safe you should too make a persuasion intimidation check your choice makees set 24 24 see cheu kind of buckles back into part of the cloth robes around the shoulder Shaw of the Elder and just kind of peeking out goes we've all just been sitting here play a little games having te nothing weird about it oh Jesus curls back and kind of like bundles inside the Elder kind of hooded figure goes well if you were the source of the noise have any of you seen the will Master it looks straight at you I believe I did see them I didn't say any words they left shortly after the Stampede come on make another let's go pick a good nothing to it nothing to it easy uh 28 AA video apparently I I had legi said that like 25 as the climbing DC of him just like not like hydroa is kind of a more of a pushover in the circumstance but this figure is not not having your [ __ ] but through force of of of Personality confidence and uh the inability to confirm or deny information the figure seems to relax the tension but still keep their eyes trained on you very well you'll travel with us we leave it first light oh wait wait wait wait what what's your name we didn't get your name if I decide you're worthy of it I'll tell you wow On a related on a related note it's been way longer than a minute using know your enemy how much of a heavy hitter is this person total class levels higher than orms uh class levels this figure would be a little bit higher than orms how about HP HP I'm at 130 that's right cuz you the feet uh not quite as high as your hit points thank you take uh the figure leans back and you see see the the massive uh rior figure that stands behind it kind of steps behind it and then just turns and walks away hydrogo goes well that seemed to go well well this little this is nice conversation for the trip normally it's so quiet and boring and I'm looking forward to this we'll talk Gra the teacups I hate it here you put the hole out mhm and just white you all watch Ashton immediately stand up eyes go white take the hammer the closest to you I'd say given the fact that you were the center of the conversation is imin I need you to make a full run of ATT attacks on imine oh four wait how many rounds full round round I thought you said four rounds of attack rage first wait what rage first wait wait wait wait can we kick the whole clothes can we kick the kid when this happens he's got to freak out for yeah this this happens yeah right now like it's saving yep so I attempted to save and boy did I fail uh rage first so that's uh attack number one is uh 30 to hit oh misses how did you roll 13 to hit I rolled amazing that's so good all right cool uh that's really lucky second attack uh 24 to hit all right take a look that's and I'm so sorry uh that's uh 6 S8 n uh nine uh 21 points of damage he's going to kill me well that's it that's his two that's my turn okay that's it I was right behind her can I bait and switch right now you can okay add five to your AC for this Split Second of time okay can I can I'm with chatney we were right next to the hole can we immediately throw it the hole I'm going to jump in that [ __ ] all right the hole I going top okay so oh well yeah he's like one HP now we're going to keep this into a uh we don't need a battle map necessarily but let's go ahead and do some quick initiative on this I was going to jump in there too I was [ __ ] damn it that was super I mean you could get in there can close the hole and you have to make a strength Save which I know you're likely to do he has advantage on those yeah oh awesome while raging but I can't physically do anything so I don't know if that if if that would apply if I'm not true the rage is technically dropped oh the r is dropped it is because you didn't attack since you didn't continue yeah I had a full round without an attack or being attacked yeah and you're not resisting it because you're res so so just uh so I mean it's 10 points of non-lethal damage and you have to make a strength save unless you're saying it Auto Fails I don't know what we're saying I think it might auto fail I'm not doing and I'm also not raging anymore yeah I'd say I'd say make one with disadvantage cuz you're just standing still it's less about you trying to resist and more just if the strength of the attack can push you back strength strength sa would disadvantage correct this is you just standing there and your physical denseness kind of deflecting this at 17 uh meets it beats it [ __ ] so so as you strike kind like skids back a little bit but just his sheer kind of stone form seems to be hard to push um however because you took damage you do take another wisdom saving threat oh I get I get a wisdom saving from that oh that's so nice I'll also do it again uh oh that's a 20 20 succeeds make another attack I think remember any of this huh he said he said before you took going to attack so your eyes blink back just the second razor fast strike of or com that was a 15 that's not going to hit but for the third attack uh it is 19 again that hits okay what the going for third attack just for the [ __ ] of it yes uh I'm pushing him in the hole cuz I I would have just gone at it I wouldn't have hear fast and he kind of comes to in the middle of it and just like so 17 points uh of non-lethal damage and then also you would make a a strength save probably just flat roll you're not out of it anymore flat flat roll for flat roll for this yeah no Advantage I'm not ring I kind want to push um well that's uh you you'll be happy to know that's a a 12 to my strength save okay so Ashton leap up Ashton orm leapt up off of Ashton's knee smacked him in the jaw with a flat of the blade uh rebound and tried to do it again and you I guess dodged the last second and the last time um I just hit you with the pommel in between the eyes and Ashton has just stumbled back into the hole oh it's open oh it's into the portable hole the basement hole the basement stairwell the the basement and they pointing at us they pointing at the at the two boys as they're approaching and the other voice goes ah well I will keep my eyes for them closely a voice that you both recognize oh no as you see talking to the two of them the Crimson cloak that runs off the shoulders and the tightened curls of gray of odan THU sh [ __ ] [ __ ] is standing but 15 ft from the both of you [ __ ] [ __ ] h both blades out out to each of your throats please sit a moment oh my God what are you doing here OD on oh you know far extremely familiar you're you're you are familiar to me too and I can't quite place it but I have to I left something where I was before what are you doing here I'm looking for some individuals oh who can I help there were a few exandrian who uh were not invited here karakus [ __ ] do you have you sent to any of any of the anything I'm sorry exandrian the the dreamers the dreamers I don't think so what do they look like they look a little bit like you that's crazy she gets that a lot she she actually looks like a lot of people I do look like a lot of people a lot of people are always like you look like my cousin you look like my my sister's friend you see three Shadow my gosh appear behind each of you is quite the meat cute have I'm kind of dividing the space there yeah I'll just I'll thr this one in there for now until I repair it holy [ __ ] uh that I thought that was an [Laughter] animal I was like that was like something yes it was that was great I was like it's not like an animal the same height and it's wearing clothes okay there's no need for any violence we're not going to fight you no no no no no we came to deliver a message to you yes we did uh the one that you seem so Keen to meet with imagin she wants to talk to you and she sent us to arrange a safe time and date for such a meeting make a deception check [ __ ] I don't know what I'm saying it out yeah that's a 12 curious indeed and where would image in be oh uh she's bloody bridge by the bloody Bridge back at the bridge you say yeah if she's still there she's she's mentally gifted she knows many Ry lawrens she's related to both Liliana and Lily Timol she will blend in you'll never find her she could be anywhere on this whole Moon you us to find her to bring her to you yes you need to Keep Us Alive to find her that's interesting cuz the whole reason I'm here is because I could feel where she was or maybe you thought you could maybe it was me you felt because because she's also a rude as born we know IM IM you felt her my on me you are rude born oh [ __ ] no no no no no I just was I just you're the one he spoke about uh oh okay we got to get out of here he is should we just try to move the glov how wondrous all these flamy reunions at once this is a fortuitous day is it not well I cannot harm you cuz you're important to everything we're building we can do without I have banished that's the only thing I could try but what else you going to [ __ ] I will use a sixth level banish on her big swings big swings that's all I got big swings okay can't uh that would be a 14 she's use legendary resistance to succeed oh uh I'm allowed to Target up to three things with banishment true like you can't Target yourself can you can I Target me and F also one creature you can see to another plane of existence do it and it sends you back to the plane you came from well we're on the same plane oh it's the same plan it holds you there but it holds you for a minute if it's native to the current plane then you're just sent to a harmless Demi plane I have never considered a casting it on yourself with the rules that's like a super blink for a minute you could transform into Cloud well you're vanished is that true well we'll we'll see why not Crossing stream absolutely true so both of us yeah this is exactly it do you choose to fail the saving thr you well yes if I if I feel a pull from FC G I'll just be like [ __ ] it whatever you're going to do all right I'm down the minute you begin casting the spell cuz it is a verbal sematic and material which by the way the material component of this is an item distaste disf distasteful to the Target to the Target yeah now mind you you can also just use your holy symbol which is your you know I think at this point it would be your coin unless you had an item on you that you think you would find distasteful is it your dice to is it your flesh tongue I mean everyone finds everyone finds my wooden feet distasteful fair enough I'll throw them at her they kind of like hit her in the face she pulls the blade up and is about to bring it down and then suddenly both of you are finding yourselves drift in this like gray space as you if you yeah you both got sent to start cooking baby cooking start cooking go go go go clouds clouds holy [ __ ] mhm what did you just do you hear the creaking of branches and a shadowed memory of a dead tree crawls past your shoulders as you feel the cold but somehow welcoming presence of Delila briwood fill your spirit as your claw reaches out to grasp the front of the will Master you watch as the entity kind of looks towards you come into Consciousness just long enough to realize what's happening and for a moment you almost pity it but so much stronger than the pity is the hunger you watch as the kind of deep red pinkish tones turn to a dull ashy Gray the eyes go pale snow blind I just face sinks right before she retires I just say your power should have been mine and not gone to the halfling with that look her body begins to disintegrate into dust and Ash you feel that beat once more and you hear the inside of your ear and mind very good very very good my dear now on to the next looking around it's a car drives by you're in modern day we're still mentally connected yeah yeah yeah okay okay I'm I'm through the I went through the hole about 8 and then I yeah yeah we're mentally connected on the same's intelligence well she keep her keep the mental stats yeah Wizards go dumb you uh push up push up and eventually break the surface looking around you are in a large lake on a cloudy gray day in a space you don't recognize surrounded by lush green forests with faint bit of snow melt on them can we hear her when she's talking to us mentally or is she on another plane now with snow we can we can this is in oh God wait so sorry the question was can we hear her if she thinks to us do we hear her anymore or she broken into another plane no hot dogs and that's we're going to go ahead we found it back door our baby is she on though what is she on is she in the f is it aor she's in America saidat M New York City 1973 cyber it's beautiful wow
Channel: TheSweetboy
Views: 3,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CriticalRole, Critical Role, Fjord, Nott, Veth, Caleb, Jester, Mollymauk, Beau, Marisha Ray, Matthew Mercer, Talesin Jaffe, Critical Role Funny Moments, Critical Role Best Moments, Travis Willingham, Laura Bailey, Sam Riegel, Liam O'Brien, Ashley Johnson, Critical Role Series, Exandria Unlimited, EXU, Fearne, Fresh Cut Grass, Ashton, Bertrand Bell, Critical Role Campaign 3, Laudna, Imogen, Marquet, Chetney, Critical Role Highlight, Critical Role Episode 85, C3E83, Intense Interrogations, Crit
Id: YGpme2k7mFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 16sec (1156 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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