Bangkok is crazy RIGHT NOW

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okay are we rolling here all right so it is song cran and I wanted to do a real time video walking through we're gonna go up soy 11 around sukum bit area oh I see a guy with buckets of water this video is for everyone out there who wants to get in on the song Grand festivities no matter where you are in the world you're welcome uh just follow along and look who I got back with me are you ready yeah I'm already going she's getting wet she's got her bucket hat on what what are you wearing for songkran I'm wearing uh underneath and just the light t-shirts you can drive and I got sandals on we never wear sandals and I got a I got a song and a shirt some song print bathing suit on we're ready to get wet but Haley we came out unarmed no should we go into battle without any guns yeah I I think we should let's go let's see what song crayons like why don't you guys drop a comment to start and tell us where in the world you're watching from drop a comment oh they're getting wet drop a comment and tell us where you're from the kids love song cran oh all right oh these guys got the guns out oh oh yeah it's already starting holy Smoky oh check out you gotta see oh it's coming at us from the bar we should have brought guns we should have brought guns it's good to see that there's so many people from all over the world out there tuning in for this song ran in Thailand baby look how wet it is down here it's it's soaking wet this is the New Year this is the new year [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey [Applause] I don't know if my phone's gonna survive the night oh we're just getting started oh [ __ ] it's the water let me just try and dry this off can you guys even hear me getting selfies yeah drivers we're a happy song Grand brother happy to improved yes oh my God Haley look at this I'm soaking wet already all right so we're coming down here to the foot of soy 11. I don't know if my camera is gonna make it through the night we got fruit stands she's remarkably dry she's staying dry so far I guess there's respect for the fruit stands let's just take a look around here [Music] this is Nana BTS station this is soy 11 right here the tuk-tuk drivers dry Haley's not dry and I'm not dry and speaking of not being dry I think I should go in this 7-Eleven and get myself a little road pop I'll feel sorry for the guys who gotta mock the floors up tonight let's see if we can find ourselves a little bit oh usually I love the air conditioning in these 7-Elevens but but when you're soaking wet like this the aircon is a little too cold let's get ourselves a little song crayon treat all right okay this will help me Brave what I have coming up soy 11 because I think it's going to get absolutely nutty out there oh my God my money's gonna be soaking wet never thought I'd utter those words in Bangkok I never thought that those words would come out of my mouth here but I'm chilling right now in the hot season nonetheless oh boom cap okay let's see if I can get the wet money out okay [Music] 39 Baht 61 Baht change [Music] helping clap couldn't cap okay money going back in the wet pocket you want to come out to to songkran and you want to not bring stuff that uh that you don't mind getting soaking wet because look at the look at the madness that awaits let's just get this Leo opened up for us okay cheers everyone all right what do you think Kaylee are you cool we were hot a minute ago should we go up soy 11. okay lead the way Haley's gonna lead the way for a minute here all the weed stores dishing out the breed stores dishing out some weed and they're also additional water guns water guns oh he's just got a little one the little ones just well it's like water off my back a little heart-shaped fried rice song crayon and water fights aren't gonna stop ties from eating on the street I'll tell you that look at this is it difficult to cook in Saltgrass [Applause] look if if a water fight goes away and ends up in a in a pot of pot of hot grease well I don't know what'll happen [Music] oh it just keeps coming massage shops you know this is the first song cran that Thailand's been able to celebrate in four years look at this a two full of water guns but it's been four years since 2019 think about that this nation loves songkran and it's been four years since they've been able to celebrate so cheers to you Thailand cheers to Thai people all around the world who can't be here to celebrate this this video is for you all right there's Haley up there so you could you could tuck into a bar here you could tuck into a bar those people appear to be staying dry so I think there's options [Music] there is options to stay dry yo I would show things really yes we're on right now yeah what's your name Neil Neil Chris yeah I tried to follow where you go yes it's good today yeah you're having fun yeah nice man perfect on the podcast you're on you're on right now brother nice to meet you a happy song cran man he's a good guy yes that's right maintenance subscribers all over the place on songkran let's where's Haley oh there she is all right where are you taking us Haley all the way down thank you oh yeah get oh in the throat I just got hit in the throat taking hits all over the place Haley so cold they use the ice cold water and then I cut chili it is and then and and it's nice though it's nice that a song crayon happens in a hot season I know now I understand why they did it yeah it is they used to make a cooling down so much oh 360 camera yes 360. oh look they're all wet look oh here's a fight coming on right there there's a little mini War oh yeah the song cran oh look at this thank you oh yes Happy song cram boom oh let me let me try and clean the lens for you is that better or is that worse oh here's a fight go get in the middle of that one Haley just stand there and put your arms up [Music] what's that retired working for you yeah you know yes yes right on yeah nice man while you're on YouTube right now yes all right Haley get back in there oh she's so she's soaked [Applause] okay I'm gonna try and get through past this guy oh I caught in the crossfire I caught the crossfire oh that guy's got cold water oh let's let's admire her fruit so that's a good note it's durian season has just started some durian some Gale man gone some mango he's gonna cut up a mango oh Haley's soaked good thing she's got a bathing suit on under there so what Decap oh yeah look at this look at this across the street [Music] to get wild over in there those places are fun hold that for a minute so the place is over behind me are they're like that's the soy 11 institution these places are um they're all uh bars with pool tables they're good fun on the best tonight if you walk up soy 11 it's right across from here this is the wine connection here and right across the street from the wine connection you're going to want to find these places drop a comment have you ever been to these places on soy 11 let me know all right back at it Haley let's show them the wine connection there it is there's the wine connection [Music] [Music] and then right across the street from the wine connection is that row of bars over there again hashtag yes if you've ever yes Happy Song friend retired working for you yeah yeah you know it brother oh there's buckets of water going on up here Haley full-on buckets Haley I have a song crayon challenge for you come here I need you no stand out here I need you to go across and stand in front of that wet wet spot right over there that puddle I want to see what they do to you okay okay ready okay this is Haley's first song crayon Challenge and then you could challenge me get in there there's a big water fight Brewing see what happens to Haley on the first song crayon challenge [Music] [Applause] [Music] dry look at she's safe she's safe there she is I guess maybe that's a song cram strategy I think they will do it for you let me try Okay so Haley passed the flying challenge I'm gonna go in and see I'm bulletproof [Music] [Applause] [Music] so they're all out of water see this is the thing oh [Music] they seem to be empty oh yeah oh yeah [Music] retired working for you yeah yeah nice Happy Song friend yes Happy Song friend give me a shot give me a shot [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] subscribers Thailand shooting us up here this is fun oh I lost my beer my beer my beer I gotta get my beer all right oh yes okay they were reserving the water oh bucket this guy's got buckets [Music] let's go yes get get her get her get her [Music] oh [Music] oh I wanted them to get Haley and they got me instead all right [Music] so it continues oh look at this they they come prepared yes little Street bar here pick your poison drop a comment would you get red label would you get Black Label JD sang some Jameson Captain Morgan gilby's gin gilby's vodka absolute vodka Bacardi Deluxe sambuca or Jagger drop a comment what's your poison on this cart pick your poison and hang out with these fellas okay we made it up here Haley just told me someone ran by and painted something on my face I'm not quite sure the meaning of that on song friend drop a comment if you know the meaning of whatever's on my face I don't even know what it is oh they got some guns there they got some oh long distance Shooters up here looking long distance shooters we made it up here to Hemingways thank you yes we had a couple of meetups Happy song Cran so this is Hemingway's [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah the phone's taking a beating the phone has taken an absolute beating I think I'm gonna have to clean this lens for you again oh [Music] okay let's clean It Shaggy up I gotta clean the lens off okay I don't know if this will even work can you hear me can you see me can you hear me can you see me take it away [Music] all right so what do you think should we go back oh here this girl's gonna get Haley look at the streets are soaking wet should we walk back maybe see what it's like yeah and then no let's walk this side because we should go close to those wild bars [Music] [Music] there's a serious fight going on up here check this out [Music] these guys over here they're gonna get hit oh he's got the he's got the full-on water cannon going look at this Dad [Music] oh the tuk-tuk Soakers he's your buddies just walking down with a beer it's a war between The Alchemist and Hemingways so you got Hemingway's we got Sugar Club right here and then The Alchemist has declared all that war look at this it's a war zone in front of The Alchemist [Music] s they're trying to sneak the camera around without getting my phone soaked and wet but it's impossible let's see if Haley makes it through here she comes [Music] made it [Music] Shaggy you made it through yeah I made it [Laughter] [Applause] so how many of you guys out there that are tuning into this wish you could be here right now #hell yes if you wish you were in Bangkok celebrate the song cran hashtag I am if you are in Thailand anywhere celebrating song cran and a hashtag no hashtag no if you don't like to have fun and get wet okay we're coming up to the funky bars on soy 11. we'll slow it down a little around these bars yeah let's see how this works cheers yeah man I know you nice happy songs so many videos of you and on YouTube what do you got tonight for your ammo here we got water you got big we got a lot of beer water yes food and beer all the essentials all the song Crown Essentials nice to meet you man have a good one man well I'll tell you who doesn't mind the song cran is the little fishes for them this ain't nothing they love it they're like bring us more water please okay we're coming back to the stretch of bars here on soy 11. we're gonna see about uh there's the first one and then when you come down here you're gonna find one that goes deep deep with patio space it goes way back there with a bunch of patio space it's even got some batched roof Bungalows oh look at this [Music] always got time to stop and admire the Thai Seafood the fresh fishes the prawns grilling away and there's the people enjoying them back there behind us look at this it can be calm on songkran it doesn't have to be wild there's people out there just enjoying a nice meal Haley wow there is anything meal like a lot of seafood and fresh fruits and fresh vegetables oh look at these skirts there's a song crayon celebrator right there okay so we're back here at the wine connection back where we were we're about halfway down so what I saw you on YouTube oh that's my wife yes what's your name nice to meet you how about yourself yes song Grand is very fun yes everywhere like yeah yeah nice to meet you okay okay man we're meeting some Thai subscribers I love it when the Thai subscribers really I've seen your videos nice where are you from man from Dubai from Dubai yeah and what are you doing you're just here to party I just got my parents here for like a quick break yeah my mom just recover from cancer so just having like a good recovery break for her how long are you here for about uh a week nice man yeah nice to meet you man yeah I love it cheers brother all right Dubai in the house drop a comment if you're still watching where are you watching from drop your country drop your city I want to see I want to know where you're watching from I hope it's a worldwide party in the comments section so these are the four bars on soy 11 that you might want what's up yes yes where are you from I'm from Dallas man AK-47 from Thailand in the house [ __ ] with him you get the butt end of a gun oh dude [Music] oh yeah what's your name are you having fun yeah I remember you nice happy song Friends [Music] Okay so multi subscribers it's getting out of control out here [Applause] [Music] [Music] don't even know if my camera is still working I don't even know if you guys can hear me if you can see drop a comment how's the quality can you hear can you see can you feel what's going on out here in songkran look at this [Music] yo how's it going man what's up awesome very nice where are you from India India in the house what's your name Harry yeah all right nice you guys live here yeah yeah they're soaking wet love you guys yes happy Sunday happy New Year all right India in the house man we're going International we got Dubai we got India we're International on the streets here I'm done this beer we're gonna need another one [Music] oh kids with buckets of water Haley go and challenge them oh they got her let's see how wet you are look at this Haley's soaked soaked to the bone oh yeah oh they're chasing her down the street they're chasing her oh it's nice and cool now yeah so what do you think of your first song Crown lovely yeah we've been living here for four years we moved here in July of 2019 literally three months after the last song so this is the first one in years and it's fun and nice and Highland is alive yeah very good yeah it's very happy to see people enjoying it yeah yeah it's really a treat to see uh the country just so full of joy so full of life [Music] it's so full and Leo okay so we're we're almost back down at the foot of soy 11. what do you think we should do should we end the video or should we go check out soy four maybe three four let's let them decide drop a comment hashtag soy4 if you want us to do a walk by a Nana Plaza hashtag end the video if you've seen enough song cran and you just want to end the video and go on with your lives ears is cold this is cold it's freezing cold oh my God [Applause] [Music] okay I'm starting to feel like there might be enough people that want us to go to Soy poor for a quick little look a quick little look on soy for we went to all stores so let's go even die that's right I'm gonna blow the the microphone because I'm not even sure if they can hear oh no so just give you guys a point of reference we're back down here this is sukum bit now this is the foot of soy 11 so right down that way you got terminal 21. right up this way you're gonna have soy Fork we got to go up and cross the street though [Music] but will this state street level I hope you guys can still hear and see sometimes I wish that the water was splashing right through your screens at home that's what I wish oh look at they're all dressed up massages shop yes Happy song Grand overall everyone wears the Hawaiian shirts yes you got it brother oh they feel it that's an ambush that's an ambush get her get her oh yeah yeah okay look at this Corner's this corner is full of people ambushing us we'll go back to Haley leading the way here look at this squeaking along up super [Applause] this guy's selling unsavory things over here on the right I don't think I'll show you oh they're getting Haley that one that one those guys went right for the eyes they they went right for the eyes wow and they hit the eyes the eyes were wide open and those fellas hit them oh my God it's Mayhem up here oh yes what's that he cannot do that oh yeah you gotta do it look at this let's see stand in there and take one babe oh Haley he's getting it now a power washer oh I'm getting a full I'm getting a full a full water bottle Haley's getting power washed okay all right okay this is this is the death song [Applause] and time and baby yeah oh man I hope my camera's still working bro that's insane is he working I don't know I don't know what do you think of that one wow they're gonna try and make it through the power washer look at this guy he's got it figured out over here look at this oh yeah oh yeah what's up what's up oh yeah urban urban Warfare oh oh oh oh he's coming with buckets he's coming with buckets he's coming oh okay am I ever glad I wore sandals and a bathing suit s you got socks on what about sandals with socks okay let me see I think I think they can still see okay I need you guys to comment again no we'll go to the stop lights can you guys still see can you still hear oh yeah you gotta love the kids have everyone bring it bring it let's see what you got let's see what you got little fellas let's see what's oh he's getting my wee-wee we don't do that little fellas he shot me in the wee-wee [Music] all those little guys got me in the ear oh no and then the one guy shot me in the little dinky laughs oops whoa these guys come prepared Happy song Grand [Music] PA [Music] oh my God go right in there babe oh there's this cold there's freezing cold [Laughter] [Music] thank you holy moly okay whoa what's that sound these people are blowing your eye inside [Music] time [Music] [Music] oh [Music] Thailand they just know how to do life Thailand just knows how to do life that's why we love it over here they know how to live for the moment they know how to live for today we're in front of Wonderland one of the coolest weed stores in the whole damn city but man that's why all of you out there watch this channel that's why I have this channel because we love Thailand because Thailand knows how to live look how happy Ronald is when he's in Thailand Ronald is so so happy when he's in Thailand Island he loves it here just like you just like me and just like Haley this is Thailand what do you think of Thailand it's a beautiful country and kind of nice and fun and funny it's amazing I love it here they just know how to live they're so easy going yeah they're so fun that's the lesson the ties can teach the whole world is live in the moment enjoy today cheers brother and uh there's nowhere else in the world that doesn't matter a row of took tooks and yeah soy Ford just up here we'll cross over we'll cross over with this mob here there's a guy waiting for everyone look at this [Music] he's waiting for everyone to come they're like they always get in the passers by they're like sitting ducks [Music] [Applause] hello someone's blowing bubbles someone's blowing bubbles over here so now we're at the police box this is the police box at the foot of soy four there's a policeman right there they barricaded soy four off tonight so you can see behind me that that it shut off to cars so that's pretty nice no so that's pretty nice that they barricaded off the cars we have this fine gentleman out here painting Law and Order here tonight let's go in Nana plazas right over there we might as well see what's happening between Nana Plaza and the Hooters why not we're here the streets close Haley take us to Hooters oh sure let's go [Music] Haley wants to go to Nana Plaza no I'm not [Music] there goes Haley drop a comment if you know where we are drop a comment and don't lie have you been down this road tell a story about this road and yourself in the comments [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh it's wild out here [Music] I'm blind [Music] I hope it's been with the water again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] motor by talk about motorbikes of all places to be riding a motorbike talk about motorbikes and taxis oh it's going on this is no place to be driving taxis and motorbikes come on wow we got a traffic jam here in Nana Plaza we're right up in front of Hoover [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh this is this is nutting oh there she is I thought I lost Haley oh Happy song prayer brother okay let's find Haley here [Music] motorbikes motorbikes motorbikes oh yeah okay [Music] all right oh that's cold oh look at this okay let's regroup here Haley this was nuts okay so sorry for officially crazy it is fun look at her arms armed right up so that so it starts to thin out up this way and the craziness is all down here look at this [Music] should we go back in through more yeah [Music] [Applause] okay round two [Music] nice happy songs all right so we're going back in for round two Haley I think I've seen your videos are you a YouTuber yes sir I've seen your videos thanks brother where are you from it's right up oh yeah right on you having fun yeah [ __ ] it up I watched a few years before I came here nice man yeah yeah all right have a little upstairs guys okay Haley's going back into The Fray this time we're gonna follow Haley [Music] [Applause] keep your eye on Hayley [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] can you still see Haley I haven't lost her I haven't lost her [Music] [Music] there she is there she is oh this is insanity all right so we're now we're in front of Nana Plaza there's a weed shop here there's a little funky bar right here girls dancing with flowers in their hair guys dancing with shirts off oh yeah yes oh wow this is the stumble end we stumbled into something ridiculous yeah what do you think taggy give us your summary was a fantastic it's crazy and fun you heard it here first you heard it here first time we're confused yes sir where are you from England England yeah I've been in Bangkok since November 21. oh wow yes I love it right on brother nice to meet you [Music] okay what do you think Haley should we wrap it up yeah I'm looking red what's your message to Thai people watching around the world and more fun and be healthy all year Happy song yes indeed Happy song cran I hope you guys enjoyed this virtual ride I'm gonna go and try and avoid getting arrested much love everyone we'll see you soon
Channel: Retired Working For You
Views: 301,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thailand, bangkok, bangkok live, bangkok livestream, songran, songkran live, songkran livestream, songkran 2023, thailand travel, thailand tourism, bangkok nightlife, bangkok vlog, bangkok travel, things to do in bangkok, bangkok travel guide, bangkok 2023, nana plaza, living in thailand, travel thailand, bangkok street food, bangkok thailand nightlife
Id: bhfsq0m7hOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 56sec (3116 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2023
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