BAND OF BROTHERS Episode 4 Breakdown & Ending Explained

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episode 4 of Band of Brothers is one that's been long stuck in my memory because after episode 3 where we followed ble who wasn't the most confident or skilled paratrooper and was paralyzed with fear for the most part of it this episode was the polar opposite following bull Sergeant Randleman we saw a man that had so much fight within him and the strength to be able to survive the night in a town that was crawling With the Enemy plus we also got a heavy focus on what it was like for the new recruits and Replacements to join the company and take the place of those that had fallen and were once close with the existing paratroopers that were there so with that let's jump into this episode and break down all that there was to take away from it here is a breakdown on Band of Brothers episode 4 just to let you know this video will contain spoilers the interviews like all of the other episodes in the show this episode started with the interviews with the veterans however unlike the previous episode the interviews occurred after the title sequence which is the first time that it did that I don't think it really meant anything but yeah it was just interesting that it occurred afterwards within these interviews we had Donald King who was also known as papy James Ali El mclung appearing again and Lester hashy just like we've seen with all of the other interviews the discussion that was taking place and the experiences that we were hearing were all about what the title of the episode was about and the theme of what we were going to be going on to see Replacements we saw the different mindsets that were present with Replacements coming in and how some men didn't want to get that close to them because they knew that they'd eventually end up watching some of them die but there was also a sense of them blending right in after a while because The Replacements would eventually no longer be The Replacements when more ended up coming in there was also the understanding that there was a bit of resistance to them because they were taking the place of people that were no longer around but the group went through to coer with hence why papy said how he felt like he had to prove himself as a replacement you couldn't just walk in and be accepted and it felt like that was the case with the first 20 minutes of the episode where they were all in the pub and there was a mixture of replacement and tooa Men the final part of this interview was spoken by Lester Hashi and he said how he was essentially in awe of the ncos and how he looked at them as Heroes when he was entering because he saw how good they were and that they actually looked after them the comaraderie and togetherness and looking out for one another was something which was present at the end of the episode where we saw many of the men not forgetting about ball and being prepared to put their lives at risk in order to check if he was alive and bring him back to base not knowing what they were truly walking into or even if he was alive this was after they were frozen in tears and petrified after leaving the battlefield the interviews are such a poignant thing about Band of Brothers and it complement the story so well because you can really see the clear connection between all parts as the episode goes on and then the things that start to occur that feel connected to the very things that were spoken about during the conversation September the 13th 1944 this whole section was pretty much set in the pub in oldb England where we saw that many of the men that would followed from the start such as Malak ganir and bull were now promoted to Sergeant and had men that were underneath them I thought the handling of them being promoted was done in a subtle yet clean way with it being incorporated into conversation and just showing us how much they' progressed from the first episode this was where we were introduced to some of the replacements and we saw the real friction that was present between them the likes of Miller G and hashy looked like they hadn't seen Warfare yet due to their wide eyes and clean look when compared to the others that landed on D-Day and there was a somewhat hostile atmosphere that was present in the pub garir was welcoming to randl man's men and he was having a laugh and a joke with them but he was still stamping down his authority and experience when he said that he didn't care who was sitting in the seat before him it was after this conversation had happened that we saw how other men felt Martin was questioning what they were laughing at when they were joining in with the other men laughing and we also saw cob saying how Miller shouldn't be wearing the presidential distinguished unit citation on his jacket this was issued towards the men in the unit for what the regiment did in Normandy so he almost felt as though he didn't deserve to wear it even though it was something that was applicable for all men in the company pressuring him to the point where he removed it left it on the table and then walked out this is something that you don't really think that much of at the time but I think at the end of the episode when you see that Miller died during operation Market Garden it hits hard because that's when you really see that whether they're a replacement or not they're all just the same they're there to do one job protect the freedom of Europe and the world and he gave his life for that so him being told to take it off because he wasn't worthy of it hit so much harder at the end because he made the ultimate sacrifice we then found out that cob didn't actually fight in Normandy on D-Day when bull approached him this was because cob got hit in the plane before he got the chance to jump all the time that cob was grilling Miller you could see that ball was probably biting his tongue in the corner and the looks that were occurring from across the room showed that he didn't agree with what cob was doing and that he felt that it was hypocritical for him to be saying that it was also during this scene as well where we saw that Lipton a personal favorite character of mine got promoted to company first sergeant showing again like many of the men that he came through with he was progressing as well during this scene a scene that was filled with laughter drinks and celebration Lipton announced that they were going to be moving out again something that instantly changed the mood and it something that always does throughout every episode they were going to be moving out to Holland where they'd be participating in operation Market Garden an operation that's looked back at historically as a disaster and an operation that was essentially doomed from the beginning and the moments of planning operation Market Garden was seen as an operation which had the intention of building a 103 km sadiant into German territory with a bridge head over the lower rine river which would create an invasion route for the Allies into Northern Germany this was planned with the hopes of getting getting into Berlin and marking an end to the war by Christmas of that year this was shown to us through Captain Winter's running through the plans he said how they initially wanted to liberate einhoven and take the road between einhoven and arnam so the British armed division could then move up towards arnam whil in preparation for the drop we saw that bull was going around and showing why he was considered the smartest man in the company as was claimed by garer he didn't have the Viewpoint as much that Replacements needed to prove their worth when compared to many others he was giving tips to those that clearly looked like they needed it who hadn't jumped before and made sure that his men were in the best possible State and condition that they could be in something that was telling of the person during the preparation there was a really interesting moment and it was the second of the third time that we saw soil in the show there was a sense of uneasiness that appeared with his presence He Made Easy Company into what they were and provided the foundations for them to be the best paratroopers that they could possibly be but the promotion that he got was essentially a way of saying that they didn't trust him on the front lines and that the men didn't respect him enough to go into battle for and with him and as he was looking around it felt like nobody really wanted to make eye contact with him due to the feelings that they had towards him before however when he saw Malaki he noticed that he was a sergeant and saluted him out of respect but then proceeded to discipline him for the motorcycle that was present there this just felt like soble trying to be able to wave some kind of authority over him and show that he was in a higher position of power staying true to the soble that we knew from the first episode there was also a moment in this scene as well where we saw that popey was back from being injured in breor and he chose to discharge himself from the hospital and make his way back in time for the drop in Holland this showed the mindset that some of the men had during the war he didn't want to be assigned to another unit and wanted to be with the men that he went through to COA with showing that even though he wasn't fit enough to be able to just sit down he wanted to make the jump and be alongside the men that he trusted rather than wait to be ready and risk being alongside other men men that he wasn't familiar with it was after here that we then cut to September the 17th 1944 the first of the eight days that was part of operation Market Garden however we didn't actually see all eight days of action within the episode during this time bull was still keeping an eye on his men and was giving them tips for example when somebody put a bayonet on the end of their rifle he told them how they wouldn't be able to shoot a straight if it was on as the men approached ioven they saw that a family was hanging an orange flag from their window something which they weren't sure what it meant but it was celebrating the fact that einhoven had been liberated and it was a way of showing the Allies that Germans weren't in the town and that it was safe einhoven was actually the first major town in Holland to be liberated however as we saw later on in the episode and what actually occurred in real life was the German air force later bombed it it said that between 180 and 227 people died during the bombing when the men arrived in einhoven the people of the Town were waving Dutch flags and there were celebration that were present all around due to it being liberated this was something which many of the men were participating in however the more experienced men such as Nicks Winters Lipton and bull were trying to get the men to keep moving as just because there were celebrations that were going on it didn't necessarily mean that they were safe during this scene there was a moment where the woman that Talbert was kissing ended up being dragged into the center of the town and having her head shaved by the Dutch resistance this was happening to the women that would be intimate with the Enemy when they were in the Pro cess of occupying a city or town this was also done throughout Europe and not only in Holland many women would end up facing worse punishments as well such as being beaten or murdered by crowds whilst in public and like what was said by the resistance member many of the men were killed instantly for their cooperation later on that evening we saw that Webster and two other men approached a house in the distance and this was where we saw Webster using his German something that does get a bit more focused later on down the line in the show during this scene there was a rather powerful moment where he handed the young son of the man who owned the house a chocolate bar and as the boy was eating it his father said how he'd never tasted chocolate in his life before this showed the control that the Germans had over the town and the several year struggle that they'd been going through within real life what actually occurred was that the Germans punished the people of the Netherlands by cutting off food shipments to the country which ultimately led to 20,000 people dying of starvation the next day the men were making their way forward and Lieutenant Brewer got hit in the neck by the enemy as he was walking ahead of everybody and was exposed seeing Brewer in the way that he was was the first time many of these men had seen something like that and you could sense the fear that then took over their bodies and almost left them Frozen in the spot and unable to move Lieutenant Brewer was actually hit in the neck in real life he was hit in the throat below his jawline which knocked him down breu was said to be quite a tall man which ultimately made him stand out when compared to many of the other men as we saw in the show when the medic went to help him the medic was actually shot too something which was the case in reality it was only when the local people helped him where he was then taken to an aid station and found safety Brewer did eventually rejoin easy company at the end of the war after he'd recovered from his injuries this was then when we saw the action taking place in the episode I loved the camera angles during this scene as they were immersive cinematic and it really placed us there as we were watching it the way the camera moved and tracked the Troopers as they were running was something which I thought was so smooth to look at and it allowed the pacing of the shot to match the mood of the tone that was unfolding everybody was getting in position with the hopes of taking out the Germans when an enemy tank was spotted we saw that garer went over to the Brits that were in operation of it and they chose not to fire towards it because even though it was there they were instructed Not to cause any unnecessary destruction however they were eventually fired at and we saw the Germans proceed to cause severe destruction to the town where buildings were completely destroyed and many men were also killed in the the process it was just pure chaos and with the Intel that was provided by the Dutch resistance something that Winters was reluctant to trust because it was kids that were providing the information they were told that most of the enemy would be made up of kids and old men something which was most definitely not the case as they took heavy fire from the opposition we saw a smart move that bull was doing whilst he found himself in a ditch he was crawling and was using the tanker's cover which meant that he wasn't able to be seen by the opposition while caught in the crossfire and he eventually hid underneath a tunnel and waited until the dead of night to leave during this scene as well we saw just how easy it was to be killed out there and how death can come at you extremely quickly men would be running and then just like that they'd be killed we saw that Miller was also killed during this time as well something which I thought was a sad moment especially after the way that he was treated by cop at the start Buck was also hit in the backside something which does become a recurring joke in the show as that now made two people from easy being shot there plus once the men were out of there NX was hid in the head but because he was wearing his helmet it meant that he didn't suffer any long-lasting injuries or even minor injuries showing how different it could have been if he hadn't have been wearing it it was also here where it was said that there were four men that were killed 11 injured and that bull was missing at this point we didn't know if he was dead or alive but we went on to see him hiding the impact of the operation and the men's exposure to death around them but also the idea that they could have been killed in an instant was something that was on their mind mind one of the men even said how they didn't even fire their weapon once showing that they were essentially just retreating the entire time men were shaking covered in blood wide-eyed and in tears almost questioning how it was that they managed to survive it cob was also deeply impacted by it as he didn't want to go back out there when the rest of randl man's men made the decision to go out looking for him during the night bu was inside of a barn and there were two Dutch people that entered and ultimately helped him randman had an injury in his shoulder which was actually the case in real life this was due to a tank explosion and there were pieces of debris that were inside of him once the debris was taken out by the civilians German soldiers entered the barn and as they left one of them found the rag that was used to cover the wound with fresh blood on it following him noticing that and then also a sound in the barn bull proceeded to fight him one-on-one and killed him with the sound of the planes going overhead meaning that the attack couldn't be heard with blood on his face this was an up close fight and different to any of the other times that it killed he was looking into the eyes of the person that he was killing and although that meant something it was either kill or be killed from there bull survived the night and was eventually found by a surge from his own unit people who believed that he was killed in action that was the thought process in real life too people didn't think that he was alive when bull was on his way back he saw his men and the fact that they were out looking for him and it showed the commitment that they had to him and the comaraderie that was present they didn't want to leave a man behind and he respected that this was something which was also respected by many of the other men that were there too as they were shaking their hands and showing that they'd now essentially proved themselves and were seen as equals amongst the men that had been there for a while the moment bull got back we heard the announcement that it was time to move out something which showed that there was simply no time for resting up and that it was a Relentless press to then look for a different way to get into Germany winter stated how he didn't like retreating and this was the first time that they needed to do that operation Market Garden was considered a fail and has been looked back upon like that in the history books it was said on screen that easy company lost 180 men and there were 560 that were wounded but in the entire 101st Airborne Division 750 were killed and 2,100 were injured plus when we then look at the British first Airborne Division they lost nearly 8,000 men the strategy of the battle is something which has remained much debated for many years and the operation in itself has proved to be a controversial battle for many reasons it sent that the planning was optimistic the weather went against them which meant that the 101st Airborne Division was without its artillery for 2 days there were missed opportunities and there was a failure in the intelligence so it's still widely discussed today my review of the episode I think this is a really good episode of the show even though it's an hour long it's one that felt like it absolutely flew by it's not as complex in the storytelling approach as some of the previous episodes but it's more of a deep dive into the character of bull and the operation that was considered a massive failure that cost the lives of many men the scenes of the battle are one which I genuinely felt and I think are some of the best the constant swarm of bullets explosions debris and pressing from the German soldiers was something that just felt like it was inescapable and you felt that death wasn't that far away for many of the men that were there having the focus on bull after having a dedicated episode on blly in episode 3 was a great way to develop the Journey of the show forward and show us a man that was considered one of the best soldiers that easy comp ever had and that's according to Richard Winters it was something that the real Denver Randleman deserved the next episode that I'll be covering is episode 5 Crossroads one that I think is a really good episode it focused on Winters his mindset the conflict that he has and it just allows us to get a real good look at why the person is the way that he is so be sure to stick around for that so there you have it my breakdown of Band of Brothers episode 4 if you want to see more videos on Band of Brothers then click on the card in the top Corner I've got a playlist where I've broken down episodes 1 to 4 and I'll be releasing my breakdown on episode 5 in the next few days what did you think of this episode let me know your thoughts in the comments below thanks for tuning into the video and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: BrainPilot
Views: 32,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Band Of Brothers, Band Of Brothers HBO, Band Of Brothers Episode 4, Band Of Brothers Episode 4 Breakdown, Band Of Brothers Episode 4 Ending, Band Of Brothers Reaction, Band Of Brothers Breakdown, Band Of Brothers Ending Explained, Band Of Brothers Episode 4 Reaction, Band Of Brothers Episode 4 Review, Band Of Brothers Episode 4 Ending Explained, Band Of Brothers Explained, Band Of Brothers Ending, Band Of Brothers Episode 4 Recap, Band Of Brothers Episode 4 Replacements
Id: -2j0myz7x28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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