Baltic Aviation Academy: Tutorial of Multi Control Display Unit on Airbus A320

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hi my name is Martinez on a youtube channel who had some questions about how to operate the MCD you on the a320 aircraft so today I will show you the basic steps required to complete the pre-flight face so let's begin so here we have the standard multi-purpose controls the unit as an a320 8200 type aircraft the main purpose of which are the display the lines and lackies page is and alphanumeric is numbers and letters for data input into the unit we also have here the bright and dim dial which is used to brighten in the display section so the first thing we do when we come aboard the aircraft is do the pre-flight procedures and when we have the power connected to the aircraft or the view on we can turn on the MCD you that means that during the bright dial or push the button if the button mode is installed the first page displayed on the MCU is the aircraft status page on this page we can see the aircraft model this is the a320 200 aircraft we can see the engine model cfm56 we can see the active navigational database which is now from 10 March the 7th April and we can also see and select the second database which is essentially an older database if we would like to use that but also on this page you can select the performance factor if we know it and is atomic and is available it depends on the aircraft getting for example older and this performance factor is being modified by the maintenance and by the dispatch after checking all these parameters and also the aircraft number which is quite important because it has happened before that the crew simply went to the wrong aircraft so second page we'll go to is the initialization page so on this page we have the following items the company route where we can enter the previously prepared ruled by The Dispatch or the historical route which will automatically input the flight plan so we don't have to the alternative route for other alternative gear for the flight number which is quite important because this displays to the dispatch which flight were flying and the information will be given according to also the latitude and longitude of the current position the cost index as given by the dispatch is flight level and temperature troppo altitude from two airports el and alternative airport the troppo altitude is where the interesting is the altitude at which the temperature gets higher as it increases as you probably know as altitude increases the air gets colder but at this altitude it starts to get warmer again the first thing we have to do on this page is entered the company route or the from and two points if the company root is not available then simply the departure Airport and arrival Airport is inputted into the MC do this is done via the keys so for this example flight will be doing a departure from Brussels Airport which is echo Bravo bravo romeo and will be going to frankfurt airport which is echo Delta Delta Fox tone and will simply click the line key next the value this page shows the available flight plans between the two airports the destination and arrival Airport as we currently see there are none so we simply return to the last page by continuing we enter the cost indexed cost index is decided by The Dispatch is it is usually around 35 to 50 but it can go from 1 to 999 Rose Center the plan produce flight level which is three zero zero 30,000 and the plan temperature at the flat level three zero zero is minus 44 degree we also enter the alternative airport which is according to The Dispatch given a flight plan is shown near birch and it is echo Delta Delta kilo on this page also as previously we can see the proposed flight plans between these two airports as we see if we have none and the error here they check database cycle shows us that our database can be out of date and we should check we can clear there by clicking the clear beer we return to the previous page and the initial a page the first page is now completed after the completion of the first init page we go to the flight rampage if you would have completed the company route an entity in the previous page this would show they're completely open now we only have the departure and destination airports in the flat level so we need to enter some more papers the information shown here is quite simple you can see the airport's Brussels and Frank frontier we can see the time which is on destination is not available and on departure is probably zero we can see the speed and altitude restrictions on the weapons and we can also see that we have a flat line discontinuity so we are missing some route part and also that this is the end of the flight line so the quicker enter some way points especially departure arrival the MCD you has special modes which we can add access by clicking next to the destination and departure Airport so we'll start by departure you know we can select the departure route from the airport we select departure and then it shows us available runways to depart from 0 to 0-7 left and so on you can also see there them and we can also see that higher less designator and less frequency so for today we will use 0-7 the right departure and we also have a standard instrument departure given by the ATC which today will be so we now see that we have selected the zero seven the right runway the departure wood is selected and we have no transitions this shows us engine-out departure which is sometimes available especially in Mountaineers airports we click either erase if we selected incorrectly or insert to insert it in the file and so we click insert as we see it the flight plan page is a bit different now we have more weapons the first Waypoint is the altitude as you at which we will have to turn and the last sit way by for arrival we also have it available from the dispatch with this plan ahead of time we select the best destination Airport whistlin arrival there I will irrelevant vocal and 4:07 right and the standard arrival procedure will be one here you can see the transition for this time it will be dangled out for a uniform we enter the arrival and departure information into the M CDU and we have almost the full flight plan because the destination departure airports are near each other as you can see the flat land doesn't fit into the story now so we have this Luke is the up and down is to go up or down and see the whole plan so we have from the start first of 0-7 right departure and the City dinner then we fly plan discontinuity which we can erase by clicking the clear key I showed before so clear and flat line discontinuity and which shape that we would have all the weapons right to arrival on the right you can see the altitude restrictions automatically imported with the star information so this can be speeding out the information this show is as the bright red one shows us that we have to be 5000 or above 4000 and above at this paper it also shows us the distance from one man to another and the plant force or track zero six in on the rival after entering the flatland we go to radio navigation page and check the navigational information entered by the MC do so we have the brew love you are available at frequency one 10.6 this is correct the second mirar will also be the same frequency we enter the course we want to follow to the vor let's say in this case it will be two five five we can also insert additional information like ILS designated frequency also ILS is course and ADF 1m2 designator and frequency if the ADF is available or all other designators example vor or ILS are available in the database the frequency will be entered automatically if not then we can enter it in annually this is essentially all we have to do in the radio navigation page after completing the radio navigation page the return to India page which is called in at page 8 and we go to edit page speed with the next page button in in it be page we enter the fuel rate and also the zero fuel away that means that the weight of the aircraft without fuel which is already entered and it's currently given by the dispatch as 52.4 we can see it here and we also have the zero fuel weight center of gravity this is measured in percents and it is given by this page as 29.6 and then here what we have to do now is enter the fuel amount that we take on this flight on this fight we will need 5.2 tons of fuel we enter 5.0 and and then after the bluff you after a few seconds the aircraft has calculated the times and the fuel use for this flight so we have the text time which is 20 minutes we have the planned trip time of 56 minutes and we are planning to use 2.4 tons of tools with that we have the result view at 5% time to alternative Airport is 15 minutes and additional time for any malfunctions or other things like that if 30 minutes or one ton and extra time 22 minutes so all in all we have the takeoff weight the full weight of the aircraft before takeoff is fifty seven point four tons and the planned landing point is if everything is again we'll use the amount we are planning for will be 55 tons it is very important to complete this page before engine start the post after engine start we won't be able to change any variables and this page will automatically change to fuel prediction page after completion of in FB page without the performance here we can see the it's for takeoff we wanna be our own media spits we can see the transition altitude as given by the database that we can change it if we wish if the ATC gives another or the charts indicating otherwise we also have the first reduction and acceleration altitude which is which is now in default value of 1 6 8 0 both the reduction and acceleration we have the plan the runway is 0 second the right we have the take off shift takeoff shift is if we don't have a full runway for takeoff if for example there are works or the runway is being under maintenance and for example if we don't have 3,000 meters but we have 2500 meter is available for takeoff will enter 500 to compensate for this this is for reference we also enter the flaps and trim horizontal stabiliser valley flaps usually enter our 2 or 1 plus F the standard is 2 so we click you and enter flaps we can also enter a trim and the horizontal stabilizer which has values of up or down and the number so in this case we enter that we have flaps do and the trim will be up with the value of 0.5 we also have flex takeoff temperature if we don't have high altitude or high temperatures we can save the engines and do not take off on full power but compensated for it and have a lower thrust value so for this example I will enter 54 what does this is actually tells the aircraft though the temperature is higher that this actually is and the aircraft won't use the full thrust for takeoff we also have the engine out exploration altitude which is usually the same as thrust reduction altitude as entered here v1 we are and gate you are calculated before that and either given by the dispatch in the loge seats and performance sheets so for this departure will use the v1 of 1.4 we are will be one four zero rotation speed and v2 will be gonna play after entering the v1 VR and with true States we have the calculating speeds for a flapper attraction for slabs detraction and for clean aircraft speed so and this is the minimum speed so that means that 140 is the minimum speed that we can that we can start driving the flaps on it one we can start to retract in the slabs and at 200 the aircraft should be or could be clean already well that's it you never know all the basic and essential steps for free flight phase completion on the MC do of course there is a lot more to learn and so we'll be sure to stay tuned for more upcoming videos bye
Channel: BAA Training
Views: 378,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Type rating, TRTO, TR, TRI, pilots, commercial pilots, flight school, aviation school, Baltic Aviation Academy, PPL, CPL, private pilot licence, boeing 737 aircraft, type rating course, commercial pilot licence, ab initio pilot training, aviation academy, Boeing 737-300/400/500, Boeing 737 CL, Boeing 737 CL TRT, Boeing 737-600/700/800/900, Boeing 737 NG, Boeing 737 NG TRT, Boeing 747, Boeing 757, Boeing 767, ATR 42/72, Saab 340, Saab 2000, Embraer 145/170/190, Airbus A320
Id: hzknF9qIUm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 20 2013
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