Balsamic Grilled Chicken Breasts | Easy Recipe for the Weber Q

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Hey there, what is up you guys? I am Jerry,  and welcome to "The Chicago Griller!"   Are you looking to build big and bold flavors at  your next backyard barbecue? But all you have is   a small little gas grill? Well that is no problem,  because on this channel, I share my favorite tips,   tricks and recipes for the Weber Q and other gas  grills! So crank up your gas, fire up your grills,   because today I am going to show you how to grill  chicken. Now yeah, I know. How is chicken big,   bold, and beautiful? Well, I'll tell  you how: you hit it with some balsamic!   Hit it with some honey! And it will be a  dish to remember. So let's get started! Today on the channel, I will be grilling up these  two chicken breasts. I got this chicken from ALDI.   And as you can see, one of these breasts is larger  than the other. But that's okay, we'll even it   out. Now most people probably just plop chicken  breasts straight on the grill like this. That's   not the way to do it, because chicken breast  is thinner on one side, versus the other side.   So naturally, this means this thinner side is  going to cook a lot faster than this thicker side.   So this thin side often gets overcooked,  as compared to the thicker side. So to fix   this problem, grab a Ziploc bag. I have a gallon  size bag today, but you can use a quart size bag,   which will be more economical. Anyways place  one of your breasts inside the Ziploc bag. And   actually let me get this plate out of the way so  the video is a little bit more clear. And then to   this bag, we're gonna drizzle about one teaspoon,  maybe two teaspoons, of olive oil. You're using   just enough oil to lubricate the chicken for the  steps ahead. Anyways, flatten the bag, and make   sure to squeeze out all the air out of it. We  don't want to damage the bag in this next step.   Wait? Damage the bag? Yeah... with this hammer.  So with this meat mallet, we are going to just   pound the thicker part of the chicken, until it is  of even thickness as the thin part. If you don't   have a meat mallet, a rolling pin or even a cast  iron pan will work just as well. Just be careful. Trust me, this is incredibly fun and therapeutic  after a long day of work. Anyways, continue doing   this until all your stress is gone, or when all  your chicken is of the same thickness. And as   you can see, now there is no thin and thick side  of this chicken. It is all of even thickness. So   now I know this will cook evenly on the grill.  Now time for the marinade. Grab the bag that you   used before, because let's not waste it! And we're  going to add about two tablespoons of olive oil.   Next comes that first punch: a quarter cup  of balsamic vinegar. Into the bag that goes.   Then the second punch: which is two tablespoons  of honey. There's one... and about two... perfect!   And to this mixture I'm gonna press about two  cloves of garlic... and in that goes. And finally,   we're gonna season with some salt and some pepper.  About a half to one teaspoon of each. Then roll   up and seal your bag, and mix the ingredients  thoroughly. Once the marinade is thoroughly mixed,   we're going to go grab our two pieces of chicken,  and just plop them straight into the bag. Once again, we will now seal the bag.  Thoroughly mix the ingredients around.   Make sure every surface of that chicken  is covered in balsamic vinegar and honey.   And now chuck this whole thing in the fridge, and  let the chicken bathe in the balsamic marinade   for as long as you're able to let it go. Even  just an hour is fine, if that's all you got.   And today, I have marinated my chicken for  about five hours. Out here on the patio,   I have preheated my Weber Q2000 to a medium  heat. I've cleaned and oiled the grates,   so now I can place the chicken  directly across the grill grates.   And listen to that great sizzle, as soon as the  chicken hits the grill! Now we just shut the lid,   and let the magic happen. And depending on  how thick your chicken breasts are, we are   going to give them a flip after about four to six  minutes. And check out those awesome grill marks!   I'll tell you what, the combination of the honey  and balsamic, smell amazing right about now!   But we're only halfway there, so shut the  lid, and keep on cooking. Now here I am,   at about the nine minute mark. I'm  going to go check on my chicken breasts. Now you always want to temp your chicken breasts.  You're looking for a target temperature of 165   degrees Fahrenheit, which is 74 degrees Celsius.  And actually as you can see, I am quite a bit   under that, and I think it's because these chicken  breasts are a little bit thicker. If you hammered   it thinner, they would be closer to the eight  minute mark. Anyways, since they're getting cooked   a little longer, I might as well turn them so I  can give them some cool cross hatch sear marks. Okay and we are back, after giving  the chicken a full 12 minutes. And as you can see, we are right about 160,   and that is fine because the chicken will  come up a few degrees when they rest off of   the grill. So I'm gonna go ahead and pull  these two chicken breasts off the grill. There we go, so there you have it, grilled  balsamic chicken breasts, prepared on a Weber Q!   These pair very nicely with a wide  variety of dishes, but tonight   I've paired this with some butternut squash  ravioli. Let me know what you paired this with! And so that's it guys, that is my recipe  for balsamic grilled chicken breasts.   Let me know in the comment section down  below, if you plan on trying out this recipe.   You definitely won't regret it! Anyways,  thank you as always for watching today,   if you have the time, definitely check out some  of the other videos that I have on this channel   by clicking my name below, or clicking any of the  thumbnails to my right. Otherwise, if you have to   run, just hit that like button, subscribe, and hit  that notification bell, so that you don't miss out   when new content drops! Thanks again for watching,  I'll see you all again next time! Bye now!
Channel: Chicago Griller
Views: 3,266
Rating: 4.9626169 out of 5
Keywords: Weber Q, Weber Q chicken, Weber Q grilled chicken, how to grill chicken breasts, Weber Q2000, Weber Q2200, Weber Q1200, Weber Q recipes, Weber Q cooking, chicken Weber Q, how to grill chicken Weber Q, how to grill chicken, grilled chicken recipes, Chicago Griller, balsamic grilled chicken
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 32sec (452 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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