Ballista Elephants are Good!

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all right four lakes it's random i always have to check i don't even know what maps are in the empire wars uh pool right now we had to be banished by hero larry doubt if doubt or if hair and lyra would come to gl what will be our lineup you guys think me taro jordan slam nilly would all be banished and doubt will play with them is that what you guys are saying you guys watch the dream team match after that tournament where doubt played with larry and hera how did that go anyone playing without is not gonna enjoy themselves good like that the only one i'm actually jealous of right now in a jumpers is leery because of that viking trophy he has the longboat trophy that makes me jealous isn't gl team built around doubt sure about doubt hey now relax slow down i think my web camera keeps bumping itself up and i'm hitting the table it'll be fine looking forward to the force though what 44 is referring to there i went for a way to greet a build in terms of getting fish and ship out it might be all right zero damage i wish you the best speeder recovery in your health you are an icon for this game oh it's very kind of you very very kind you like bliss elephants i do like blessed elephants they're very fun units bam i'm going to go what's seriously italians i feel like he's picking civ right he went mongols for for mega random and now he's italians for this it feels to me like picking a side [Music] i can tell like things like this just trying to click there all my accuracy is being accuracy is being hurt by wearing the wrist support thingy [Music] foreign this could just go up i'm going extremely greedy here we could get punished heavily how do you feel after stream with the wrestling on better than without but still not great and [Music] he's failing he failed yes [Music] and he's trapped oh feels bad man for him you don't know exactly what i want to do kind of make you know hannah's still on that face where i'm kind of open to adapting to whatever comes this way oh let's arrange that range looks fresh though i don't think there's many units out yet so i still feel right about this pgp 100 10 bucks if you can win this in 30 minutes pressure um the thing is though i want to go ballista elephants in the long term and that speaks against a fast win you know so i have a conflict of interest now [Music] [Music] it's like 10 bucks or masterpiece what is he up to here too late oh i'm just in time massive conflict of interest where are you going all right about that [Music] i mean i saw a villager move up here question is just was he going to the top or was he going to the this pond founder [Music] [Music] okay i think we have to do that [Music] what is happening here is he trying to form me again with knights with armor [Music] so far so good kind of but what is oh there i wonder where he went uh that's annoying piece what oh there was a hole no castle is almost up that's fine who wants to do a dog there as well didn't see that coming did you think so the monk is there oh he got it up dammit [Music] i can't really afford to lose my pawns right now because i have i have committed quite a bit on those and now we have my ballista elephant great choice such a beautiful unit can't disagree [Music] um okay i mean they can get converted by by monks and such right away which is bad you have to be careful maybe mix a few scouts to support the cause might make sense oh should be fine [Music] [Music] don't do this wait i'm actually losing water up here how did that happen you need the ballistas to come here and win water for us oh he's running away he's running away he knows he knows this will not end well wait what he's not killing them oh the police elephants are winning the water yeah shift king seems weird normally that would work in the past that worked to shift q an attack i'm not sure if they changed anything there the list elephants are officially winning water beautiful your idols there couple [Music] don't see more relics on the map as we speak oh true we can also cut don't think about that could cut the forest try to make something happen somewhere [Music] oh no that was a lot of units convert and then we go for this guy let's go let's go let's go [Music] yes this game is too accurate from the what i guess now we try to go up i have the resources almost we have three pawns we have a list elephants i think we're in a prime position accomplish what we would like if i garrison ballista elephants in my castle do they regenerate hp they do right this one has one [Music] 141 142 okay so i can do herbal medicine and we can i'm in and we can heal up our elephants as they get low hp oh yes hill advantage let's go should just kept these guys there no no no no what he's ramming my dog [Music] oh i'm going for it oh the range is non-existent this was a mistake there's no range on these things five range screw it get the monks get him ah you suck this unit is oh just cast in my base elite ballista elephants let's get still in a good spot i probably want to wait faith we could do faith i guess super expensive but we could do it uh we need this upgrade [Music] is this what we're doing here may backfire immensely down the road but i don't care it's all worth every risk involves i don't need to get faith you know what i don't even need to go i just go like this to get to the wood line shortcut banana fight so stupid hey we do have almost fully upgraded stop converting if faith is on the way will help a little bit we don't need that run [Music] you have the double ballistas now as well that will help a lot looks good to me for time being castle down we have double list elephants full upgrades what can go wrong i was wondering the banana thing is something that came with the newest mod pack thing oh this is a joy in my life to watch elephants like this i enjoy nice yeah shift king definitely doesn't work anymore yeah i'm not sure what they did there but shift queueing looks to be not working anymore it's not it last time i used to play this it worked you could shift q like targeting monks but for no reason for some reason it doesn't work why no ballistics uh ballistics don't affect ballista elephants ironically and so yeah and that's kind of why i have to be on stand ground to shift q no you shouldn't have to it was never like that before my knowledge i'm actually gonna write to the devs right now let's see [Music] reports uh huh don't see it let's look at the stats first idi quite nice economy quite a difference there we went for a super greedy approach but it paid off in dividends well and yeah quite convincingly i must say
Channel: TheViper
Views: 47,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: age of empires 2, age of empires 2 definitive edition, age of empires 2 strategy, age of empires 2 definitive edition strategy, theviper, theviper aoc, age of empires 2 build order, age of empires 2 definitive edition gameplay, age of empires 2 gameplay, age of empires 2 definitive, fast castle age of empires 2, age of empires 2 definitive edition review, age of empires 2 tips, age of empires 2 mods
Id: TX_2TfznDzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 54sec (1494 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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