Ballet Tutorial For All Levels I Choreography With @MissAuti

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- Hi, beautiful people. Today I'm gonna be teaching you a ballet dance. So just like I've been having the lyrical, contemp, and jazz choreography videos, we're gonna do ballet. So I'm just gonna start by just teaching you some of the basic movements, and we're gonna jump into the choreography, and then we're gonna run the whole thing with music. And you're gonna have the (mumbling) and you're gonna have. And you're gonna have a very pretty ballet dance at the end of this. So it'll be a whole choreography routine, not just a class. We're gonna piece them together and you'll have something to show off to your friends. Let's do it. All right, sweet babies, there are three movements that you guys have to know for this vlog. Since it is for all levels, we're gonna make it user friendly. You have your waltz, your pirouette and your arabesque. So your waltz, really fast, is a three stepper. (finger snaps) One, two, three. (finger snaps) One, two, three. Forget about your arms for a second. You're gonna put them on your hips, your feet go brush, you take three steps, turn over your right shoulder. One, two, three, brush. Three more steps to continue, turning over your right shoulder. One, two, three, brush. Let's bring it back. (shuffling) Seven and step, brush, one, two, three. Brush, one, two, three, brush. That's your waltz. Okay, moving onto your pirouette. For this choreography, you can do the pirouette however you like and I'll teach you just a basic prep. You wanna start in a nice fifth position. That's your heel to your opposite toe. Arms en bas, hold prep, up, to second. You'll take a nice tendu a la seconde to the side. Rond de jambe to fourth position, take a nice plié, you'll spot up, land, lunge. So that passé leg in your pirouette shoots back into a lunge. Arms got from fifth enevom to an arabesque. Back leg straight, front leg bent. The last movement you have to know for this, though, is your arabesque. So you can do a piqué arabesque, which is just to step onto it, or do a chassé arabesque, chassé arabesque. Now, your arabesque is straight leg in the back, straight supported leg, arms open up to an arabesque position. I like to open the shoulder a little bit more to have a long line instead of cutting it in. So, I'm gonna do a piqué arabesque. I'll start at a fifth position. I go plié on a straight knee, I step up into an arabesque. Now you want your weight to be slightly forward. Eyeline to be over those front fingertips. Five, six, seven, plié, arabesque. (laughing) You guys saw that coming, come on. Okay, so this little dance is gonna start from the corner. I am stage left and in croisé left, meaning my left foot is crossed over my right in fifth position, arms en bas. Let me scooch up a little bit 'cause I'm about to step back. So we're here, you're gonna plié, step back on that right foot, tendu your left. I'm going to step left, step right, we're gonna go waltz and waltz. And right foot steps out. In a plié, my left foot's gonna come back, balancé up, step left, right foot back, balancé up. Right foot steps out, you're doing a soutenu, which means to gather. So I'm going step right, left, squeeze. Okay, let's go over that again. Start from a croisé position, I step back on my right foot. Tendu left, I go waltz and waltz and balancé, balancé, you're gonna soutenu up, gather hold. From there, you're going to plié fifth, 'kay? I'm not croisé right, so my right foot is crossed to my left. Plié, passé, close fifth. Plié, passé, close fifth. Tendu, plié fourth, pirouette, lunge. Let's go over that one more time from the soutenu. And gather, plié, arm follows, follows, face the front, plié, squeeze, lunge. Let's do it with music. (classical piano music) Prepare, step back. Tendu waltz. (classical piano music) Here comes your soutenu. Passé up, up and out, plié, up, lunge. Good job, guys! Okay, friends, so we landed in our lunge. You did a gorgeous pirouette, you landed lunge. You need to shift your weight onto that front foot to be able to do a tendu derriére. So we go tendu, close fifth, back. From there, we repeat tendu, plié, a baby circular port de bras stretch. What was that Ms. Auti? Let me show you again. Lunge, tendu, close, tendu, plié around to the left. I'm still in croisé left, yes, step right foot arabesque, up, come through, tuck right and now, in a little lunge with the front foot turned out, back foot pointed, my front leg straightens as my arm extend and come down. Like a little swan. So from here, we go (breath) up and finish. And collapse. (laughs) Okay, guys, let's break it down without music from the top and then we'll go with music. From croisé, we go prepare and step, tendu waltz, one, two, balancé right and left. Soutenu one, up, plié fifth passé, and passé and tendu, prepare, turn, lunge. Tendu, close fifth, tendu, plié, circluar port de bras, piqué arabesque, step, lunge, swan, finish. (classical piano music) Prepare, step. And... (classical piano music) Ooh, I so hope that you guys loved that! I love, love, love ballet, it's my one true love besides my boyfriend. (laughs) Love you Eric. But seriously, guys, I love doing ballet and I love sharing that with you. So some of you have been asking for this ballet choreo and I'll continue making them. If you guys love it, let me know in the comments, tag me on Instagram doing the choreography, so I can post it on my IG stories and then add it to my My Babies highlight. Side note, if you love my skirt and my little stirrup tights, they are from, and my shoes, actually. (laughs) I am all Dance Wear Corner-ed out. Check them out at and, as always, use the code Auti20 for 20% off of your purchase at checkout. Sign up for Patreon, sign up for the email list, sign up for all the things. We love you so very much and we'll see you soon. (upbeat music)
Channel: Ti & Me TV
Views: 478,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ballet choreography tutorial, ballet dance tutorial, ballet for all levels, ballet tutorial, beginner ballet tutorial, ballet for beginners, how to do ballet, basic ballet choreography, basic ballet tutorial, easy ballet moves, dance for beginners, beginner dance tutorial, how to dance for beginners, level one ballet, intermediate ballet tutorial, advanced ballet tutorial, dance videos, dance channel, auti kamal, miss auti
Id: o-QA_AQNhm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 21sec (561 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 08 2020
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