Baling the hillsides

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we're back out here at the hillsides that we cut down out in the pasture the other day now I came through and I raked it today you see there's a thistle better not touch that looking pretty good so far we're looking at coming through and baling it tomorrow still underneath you can find patches that are still a little wet but by tomorrow we're thinking that it should be pretty good to go assuming the moisture dries off pretty early in the day now something interesting that I read yesterday was that apparently there's some wildfires going on in Canada right now and if you look up the sky we have this like covering haze all over the sky this guy is not really blue blue as it usually is and I guess that's because smoke from the fire out in Canada is traveling southeast and we're getting some of it it's traveling through the atmosphere and I guess when wind gust long gust launched it down south so now we're getting it and it's pretty out at least but the sun's trying to shine through that haze and not getting the kind of sun exposure we would have on a typical day so the haze been sitting here for a day or two longer than we would usually expect it to so tomorrow we plan on coming through and breaking it and I just think I'm going to use this as my intro for bailing tomorrow so thanks for watching guys be sure to check out my other videos be sure to subscribe and I'll see you next time next day now and I'm sitting here with the 40 20 and the bail carrier got my field of corn behind me we're all in in bales dad's got the Bobcat and Travis's making the bails 46:40 so got the bail carrier here gonna start moving the bails over closer to where we can actually get to them with the bed with the flatbed and the truck and trailer because that hasn't stands the hills are too steep for us to move across with the flatbed so we're moving all the bales over to one hillside and then we're going to come in with a trailer later on after the Bills have kind of cooled off and we're going to haul them out of here now some of you have asked me why we don't have a bail kicker on the back of our baler so we don't have to back up every time we make a bail well lutely cell sides you tell me should we get a bail kicker all it takes is turn the baler just the wrong way when you're backing up and you're going to be sending those bales off down into the ravine and that's not a good thing and a lot of our fields are on somewhat hillsides because we live in a hilly area and these particular hillsides there isn't really a spot where you can park or not really park but you can stop and push the bales back without having them roll off on you so it's nice to have a bill a baler without a kicker because then you can just back up to where you want it to drop open it up and then you can have more control over where you're sending it because bale kickers are intended for flatter areas if you kick out the bale it's not rolling anywhere but around here in these parts not a good idea now if you look at the sky we still have that dull haze from the canadian fires even in the today sky isn't blue it's just that dull white milky color still it's been like that for the past few days and I'm not sure exactly when it's supposed to let up the Sun isn't really in that tent
Channel: How Farms Work
Views: 72,450
Rating: 4.9081631 out of 5
Keywords: organic, crop, cattle, tractors, straw, tractor, hay, harvestore, fieldwork, combine, alfalfa, dairy, grains, trucking, farm, ryanfun1, corn, Work, cover, chores, pulling, ag, grain, beef, deere, animals, John Deere, soybeans, farms, silo, How, How Farms Work, crops, factory, rural, millennial, ryan, pictures, farm work, harvest, farm bureau, john, farmer, kuster, Farms, agriculture, tillage, john deere tractors, gmo, soy, planting, farming
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 13sec (433 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2015
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