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hello everybody we got us a giant deer 4440 in here we're working on the air conditioner they're going to be putting compressor a dryer expansion valve flushing it all out and just basically uh redoing the air conditioner on it okay customer brought this in said he thought his clutch was bad it's ac clutch i think he's got more problems he's just just the clutch that's the shaft that goes inside the compressor so he's we're gonna have to rebuild this air conditioner system uh we're gonna put a clutch on our compressor expansion valve the dryer expansion valves up in the tab at the very top and dryers back here at the back of the tractor let's get start tearing it apart first thing we're going to want to do is remove the old freon reclaim it but in this case when this hub shaft come out that seal that's in front of this compressor um it lost all its freedom so we don't have to reclaim this then we're going to remove this hose lines here at the back of the compressor and then i'll remove this half inch bolt this three quarter inch bolt here with this swivel take my belt loose right here and i'll remove this half inch out all the way remove this three quarter all the way see if we can slide this compressor out out of the way this is a 9 16 back here pay attention to which line goes on the rich side here this out of the way the plate basically these ends are different sizes so i don't think you can get them wrong see if you can you too you can't get them wrong so you want to make sure it's probably stamped on this right here somewhere between the suction and the discharge this would be the suction side this would be the discharge size side now let's get this here out of there let's take this off and once we get this out we can flip this over you'll unplug this connector there's a little ground wire on this one let's hook to this upper boat right here and i'm hoping we can slide this forward get it out may not be able to hitting a little lying down here get a little screwdriver not a real little one but if i get that line out of the way okay we got this compressor off [Applause] and we'll just transfer this bracket and this bracket over to the new compressor and get ready to put it on there's two big bolts that hold the top of this cap here on top the cab we've got two bolts one on each side that has to be removed in order to lift this thing up there's a prop handle under here that'll coat it up for you now you're gonna have to remove all these phillip head screws that's up here it's all the way around this top panel here remove them all out okay we got this cover unbolted i've got it slid off this is the evaporator core that's the filter for the cabin uh if you're gonna reclaim it or replace it you have to do it from the end you have to take it remove it from the inside that expansion valve sits right here this is the lower line and it's uh we're gonna have to get all this insulation tape off of this to be able to get to it so we'll get this cut off here and get this expansion valve removed all right i'm up here on the cab this is a better look at that expansion valve um this was the uh the old ac tape what i call it i don't know exactly what it's called and i cut off and might as well go ahead and get you a box of this ac tape it's not that high that way you can go back with new tape around that get that all insulated um i think somebody's been in this before this bulb this temperature bulb was just like that and i believe that needs to be contacting this uh suction line this is the bigger line up here but anyways it's got three connections got this little connection right here for this temperature bulb it's got one here on the lower and one here where it goes into the evaporator let's see if we can just remove it real quick here okay take this bigger line off of the evaporator core because we're we're going to flush this thing out real good so i'm just going to flush all the lines and evaporator condenser all that individually now would be a good time to to blow this evaporator core out with a compressed air just don't want to damage these fins too much while you're doing it this is the expansion valve that's been removed i'm at the back of the tractor now removing the dryer so you're just going to remove both these lines on both the ends loosen up this bracket nut slide this dryer out you'll notice the flow on this thing showing you what direction the flow should be okay now i'm going to start flushing this system out i just have a little pressurized container here that i use i'll pressurize this container with air and then i'll shoot it through with this air nozzle here you can buy this flush in a pressurized cans just pour some in here a little cap one here and then i'll just take an air chuck pressurize it start flushing okay i'm going to flush this condenser first this line here i didn't remove i'm gonna come on the back side of it here flush through this way and i'm flushing a full can of that flush through this condenser this the condenser is going to get most of your trash from your compressor get in so we want to make sure it's really clean make my canister here a little more and get the stay in place [Music] so it will make a mess a little more pressure i'm just looking at it see how clean it looks coming out there it's looking pretty clean well that's a full can of that flush right there next thing is we need to get as much as that old flush out of out of the system as we can so we'll just put compressed air in it just kind of modulate that air to begin with we don't want to put too much pressure on it [Applause] i'm just looking at the color of it make sure it's nice and clean so you'll just you'll just continually just keep blowing that out and drying it out if it looks like it needs more flush run through it put some more flush through it i think one can pretty much clean that enough but i'll get that completely dry then i'll do i'll do all the lines and i'll do the evaporator on the top this line will go back to where the dryer hook to it so we'll just shoot something in okay next i'll flush this evaporator core out and i've i've attached a a hose to this bottom tube of this evaporator core put a little clamp on it when i start flushing this if you don't do that you're going to have a cab full of that flush well i'll stick some rags and stuff under here to catch any excess that comes out and then i'll just put my flush nozzle on this top one flush it out down to this tube into a bucket that i've got set up down here yeah you can use an old garden hose i was going to use this old garden hose laying down here but this hose right here seems like it's going to work a little bit better next we'll flush this line here that hooks up to the um this upper evaporator core tube and it goes down to the compressor next will run flush through it and then the last line is going to be the line that hooks up to the expansion valve it's in here i'm just pulling this right here out of this uh slot and i'm gonna put flush down in this end it'll go down to where the uh dryer hooked into that'll be the last line now at this point we've we've flushed it all out we flushed the lines and condenser and the evaporator we blowed them all out they're all good to dry cleaned everything so we'll go back to putting the parts on the new parts um the new compressor this one says it comes with three ounces of oil in it we're going to need probably i have to double check but i think it's eight and a half ounces of oil um what i'll do is i'll put a couple ounces in this dryer i'll put a couple of ounces in the evaporator core and then uh maybe an ounce in a in a condenser and then whatever's left i'll put back in the compressor then you want to just pump it down evacuate it charge it up uh usually i believe five or six cans of freon does it pretty good on them um on this dryer this new dryer it does come with a a sight glass so you can probably go buy it and you're charging it up that'll be real bubbly as you're charging it inside the little window there and once it gets full that'll clear up the old one didn't have that on it so that comes in handy when you're trying to figure out how much freon to put in so you don't put too much in it you'll also want to look at the gauges because this has been converted from r12 to 134 and sometimes it doesn't take as much 134 as it does the r12 anyway just go back the way you took everything off get the system all cleaned out okay so gotta get it all together blowing cold um end up putting about 10 and a half ounces of oil in it compressor i got was recommended pack 46 that's what i put in it five cans of freon filled it up um went back to this little sight glass back here and uh when i got five cans in it that was nice and clear and that's a them are good to have if you need to know if you're low on freon you can shine a light down in here in this glass and if it's bubbling got bubbles in it then you know you're low on freon good little quick check on them so there we go folks we're back in business everything's working like it should i hope this helps someone out thanks for watching
Channel: Discount Auto Repair
Views: 2,784
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: zzq8zGmnB4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 40sec (1180 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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