Baldur's Gate 3 benchmarks: Rog Ally vs Steam Deck

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what's up everybody and welcome back to joystick Arrington so it's been a little while I've been stuck on balder's gate for like the last week and a half and I thought I would make a video just touching on its performance on the Rog Ally and on the steam deck I had really good intentions to also include my GPD win for 6800u model in this but things have not gotten much better so with that being said let's go ahead and Dive Right In [Music] all right so let's go ahead and dive right into it this is going to be a fairly quick video we're just going to go over some quick benchmarks with the Rog Ally at different wattages compare that to the steam deck performance on Baldur's Gate 3 and give you a little bit of my GPD win for update so with that being said I got a GPD Win 4 back from GPD and we're having more issues than I had with the first one so I couldn't actually get Baldur's Gate to run but one time but when it did it was fantastic it ran as good if not better than the Rog Ally and it looked incredible on a 1080p 6-inch screen it almost looked better than the 120 hertz Rog Ally seven inch screen and I thought that was phenomenal I had a very good time playing it but that thing is basically a brick at this point and we'll talk about more of that in a later video with an update and talk about kind of the ongoing discussion with GPD and other people that I'm trying to see if we can Rectify whatever's going on with that thing because I absolutely love that device but Baldur's Gate 3 has launched and it is the game that I hope changes things for the Future No micro transactions it's a full 200 hour experience for you for sixty dollars up front there's no DLC coming there's no major micro transaction snatches it's just a good game and I feel like it's 2007 all over again and it's phenomenal and it's sending devs worrying from other companies about what players are going to be expecting and it's companies like this game studios like this and from software that keep things going for us real Gamers who don't just want loot boxes and overpriced monetization in every single aspect of all of our games so with that being said Baldur's Gate 3 steam deck verified and it runs pretty well it looks pretty rough especially compared to the Rog Ally and even more so on like your gaming PC that it's absolutely beautiful but with that being said I'm going to throw some gameplay up here and let's talk about the benchmarks okay so for benchmarks these are relatively lacks we only have five different categories here the steam deck at its normal 15 watts instead of 60 hertz screen the Rog Ally we checked 10 watts 15 watts 25 watts and then I also plugged it into the Rog Ally charger that comes with it for the 35 or 30 watt capability so we're not talking huge differences here at all but at the 10 watt silent mode preset on the Rog Ally it was unplayable very jittery at about a 17 to about 15 watt average there and it was just really rough but as soon as you bump that up to Performance with 15 watts it's skyrocketed up to 42 frames per second it barely moved a little bit moving up with the 25 watt preset to 45 and then plugged into absolutely nothing for it getting me up to 46 sometimes in the mid 50s and that brought that average up now the steam deck kind of saw an average of 33 frames per second this was all over the place sometimes I saw as high as 51 but then drops as low as 17 but really it stayed in the mid 30s sometimes hovering in certain areas around 40 41 but very respectable so the sweet spot for Baldur's Gate 3 on the Ally is definitely 15 watt performance you're going to get far better battery life there and then for the steam deck you're going to be having a good experience at 33 Watts but I would just say the screen on the deck it just does not look nearly as good as the Rog Ally or my GPD Win 4 the win 4. I saw it upwards of 45 46 frames per second at 18 Watts at 23 Watts I was hovering around 50 but then it was unplayable crashing and other issues inside of my 6800u device so I left that off of the benchmarks so with that being said let's go ahead and jump out of here and wrap everything up okay so the game is steamed deck verified and it does play very well but it is a little bit of a sore eye for me especially coming from the 1080p displays on the GPD Win 4 and on the Asus Rog Ally and they look absolutely fantastic compared to the steam deck and then if you put it on your high-end gaming PC it looks incredible it virtually looks as good as any game out there to date so it is very difficult for the rasterization for the power of the AMD CPU inside of the steam the steam deck to really give you a good picture and not only that the screen on the deck is just not as good when it comes to Performance we're we're talking a fairly big number we're upwards of 20 percent when it comes down to it being 33 upwards of 47 when it comes to the Rog Ally the GPD Win 4 was very close and I actually think it looked even better on a six inch screen so really disappointing that I'm not able to play it on that but with that being said the game is awesome it runs great on the deck it runs great on the Rog Ally and it's awesome seeing these games high-end PC games working so flawlessly on on all of these handhelds it's awesome I cannot wait for armored Core 6 when armored Core 6 comes out I plan on having like a day one benchmarks video for the steam deck the Rog Ally and if miraculously I get my GPD win for working correctly I will include that in there as well let me know what you guys thought about Baldur's Gate this channel this video and anything else in the comments section down below and I will see you in the next one thanks for watching foreign [Music]
Channel: Joystick Ayrton
Views: 2,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 steam deck, baldurs gate 3 rog ally, baldurs gate 3 gpd win4, baldurs gate 3 benchmarks, rog ally benchmarks, rog ally update, steam deck performance, steam deck baldurs gate, baldurs gate steam deck, baldurs gate rog ally, baldurs gate 6800u, baldurs gate gpd win 4, baldurs gate performance, baldurs gate handheld, baldurs gate handheld performance, steam deck benchmarks, deck verified games, rog ally best games, best steam deck games
Id: bkBXp4BY7jg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 13sec (373 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2023
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