BALANCED BOWLS / whole food plant based (full recipes)

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in this video i'm gonna show you three balanced whole food plant-based bowls which i really really love at the moment first we're gonna start with a sweet potato bowl so you're gonna need two big sweet potatoes cut them in half then you need a small or half a big red onion which you're just gonna roughly cut up and add to an oven tray line with parchment paper together with the sweet potatoes facing down and don't make the red onions too small and just like roughly pull them apart then you bake them on 260 degrees for about 25 minutes or until the potatoes are soft and meanwhile we are gonna make the most easy and delicious tahini dressings so for this we need some smooth tahini like this one two tablespoon of tahini and one tablespoon of lemon juice i have a tablespoon of maple syrup then you just mix it up to combine and until it forms a paste then you add some water a little bit of water at a time until you reach the desired consistency this can take some patience but eventually it will look something like this and now we're gonna prepare the chickpeas so i'm using one can of chickpeas which i'm adding to a pan together with one teaspoon of cumin a half a teaspoon of garlic powder half a teaspoon of salt a half a teaspoon of chili and water to cover then you want this to simmer on medium heat until the water has evaporated eventually the chickpeas will be covered in spices and tastes amazing and then you scoop the chickpeas on the side to make some room for kale so i'm using about three cups of raw chopped kale and you want to remove the stems add a splash of water and then you just wait for it to steam until it's slightly soft like this frame here and by this time the sweet potatoes and onions are done if you want to remove the peel you can do so and yeah they can be quite hot i like to slice up my sweet potato like this because it's easier to serve it and now you're gonna assemble a bowl so start with the kale then the red onion the sweet potato and the spiced chickpeas and lastly but not least the amazing tahini dressing and some chili flakes because i like it spicy and there you have it an amazing buddha bowl which tastes yeah amazing and it is perfect for cold weather or fall because it is so hearty and comforting and yeah you just have to try it and on to the next one we are gonna make a tropical bowl and first we're gonna make a marinade so we're gonna need one tablespoon maple syrup two tablespoons of tomato sauce one teaspoon garlic powder a half a teaspoon dried thin a quarter teaspoon dried ginger a pinch clove then you just want to stir it up with a fork or a spoon until it's evenly combined and now i'm using 200 grams of tofu firm tofu which you cut up in cubes and add them to the marinade then you just cover it with a lid and give them a shake give them a good shake and then you just place it on the side to let marinade for about five minutes meanwhile we are gonna make a mango salsa because what is a tropical bowl without mango so for this we need a quarter of a red onion which you want to slice up or chop up in tiny tiny pieces i like mine really tiny add it to a bowl and then you want to use a really ripe mango and juicy sweet mango so a half of a mango and then you cut it up in cubes i really like slicing my mango like this this way it's super easy to just scoop out the cubes like this and yeah it's more it's less messy and then an avocado yeah better luck next time adding the avocado cubes into the bowl and also a half of a lime and a pinch of salt and chili flakes then just stir it up until it's combined let it sit in the fridge while you're preparing the rest so on an oven tray lined with parchment paper you are gonna place the tofu cubes and don't use all marinade just save it for later i will show you why so just separate them like this and add them to your oven and bake them on 180 celsius degrees for 15 minutes while the tofu is in the oven i prepare my quinoa so i'm using a half a cup of dry quinoa for two people when the quinoa is done after about 15 minutes the tofu is most likely also done then it's time to assemble a bowl start by adding some lettuce or just whatever greens you like some cherry tomatoes the quinoa and the mango salsa and the tofu and now we're gonna use the marinade that we saved because this is gonna make the bowl so juicy and just full of flavor and there we have it this is so good and all of the flavors go so well together especially the mango and avocado with the salty and sweet tangy flavored dressing it's so amazing for the last bowl we're gonna make a burrito bowl this is one of my absolute favorites since i made it like one year ago anyway so we're gonna start with preparing the rice i'm using brown rice a half a cup for two people while rice is simmering we're gonna prepare the cheesy sauce first we're gonna add a half a cup of raw cashew nuts into a blender with one and a half tablespoon of nutritional yeast a half a teaspoon of salt a quarter teaspoon of onion powder a quarter teaspoon of turmeric and a quarter cup of water then just blend it up if you don't have a high speed blender like this one first boil the cashew nuts for about five minutes and drain before adding them to the blender because this way it's easier to blend and you end up with a much smoother sauce set the sauce aside and now we're gonna prepare the beans i'm using one can of black beans two tablespoons of corn kernels a half a teaspoon of paprika half a teaspoon of garlic powder one teaspoon of cumin and also water to cover and let it simmer on medium heat until the water has evaporated eventually they will dry out and be covered in spices and they will be delicious now we're just gonna prepare rest of the ingredients we need a bunch of veggies so cut up a few cherry tomatoes i'm using six or eight cherry tomatoes and then i have a red onion two tablespoon fresh coriander add it to a bowl and give it a stir until it's combined then you can set this aside and chop up a cucumber red pepper you can just switch out the veggies if you like but i really love red bell pepper and then also some romaine lettuce you can also use whatever lettuce then you just assemble the bowls you start with the lettuce the brown rice the cucumber bell pepper the tomato salsa the beans and lastly the most delicious cheesy cashew sauce and yeah some more chili flakes there you have it a really filling and nice cheesy vegan whole food plant-based burrito bowl i really hope you enjoyed this video and you got some inspiration all of these recipes are in my recipe after five sick health app i will leave a link down below so you can check it out until then we see you in the next one
Channel: Alexandra Andersson
Views: 1,155,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vegan, plant based, wfpb, healthy, oil free, whole food, whole food plant based, bowls, Fivesec Health App, recipes, easy
Id: h7UTsP0hXo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 17 2021
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