Bakugan Geogan Rising: Season RECAP (Episodes 1 - 13)

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it was an epic battle that rocked both earth and destroyer unlike anything anyone had ever seen we did it when the abc's bakugan entered into drago and he became drago infinity we did it by battling together our pack-a-gun paid the ultimate price for the victory over havoc they were so spent that they had to return to the maze and go into a healing hibernation like i said we can't lose and so peace returned to the earth and life for the awesome brawlers went back to the way it was not after we saved the world everyone started treating us like heroes i'd like to say that everything has finally gone back to normal but the truth is it is nowhere near normal because things aren't like they used to be when we had bakugan hey guys want to go visit them hmm drago and the rest i mean but they said they'd come back once they were strong enough but it's already been six months i suppose seeing our faces would make pega tricks and the others happy and maybe help them get better then i guess it's a good thing i have the mobile gate thought it might come in handy everybody ready yeah it's gone what i stayed up all night working on the mobile gate with benton but we couldn't find anything wrong it's possible the problem is on destroyer's side back again rock not you guys again hmm who are they you don't know the bucky gun rockers who ain't defuse rocket bakugan we are neato so what do you think of the new bakugan i we better do something yeah [Music] search splash what were you aiming at it blew through the drone the drone's never been broken there must be something really wrong with it without the drone buildings that get damaged will stay damaged [Music] huh is that a gateway how sorry to keep you waiting dad oh yeah what took you so long drago well it's kind of a long story dude took that blow on purpose to keep the drone from further damage damn yeah let's go drago drago twisting inferno huh huh hey uh [Music] it disappeared what in the world is going on here while we were waiting for our life force to recover we sensed something strange going on the connection that binds this planet and destroyer together is starting to weaken oh like when we tried to go to destroy the portal collapsed before we could go through it's gone what is it broken yes i too found a gateway that was incredibly unstable i managed to just make it through and get here then the drone malfunctioned and that bakugan vanished i suspect all these things are connected to whatever's going on hang on if the gateways aren't working does that mean we can't go to vestroia i'm afraid so oh but we can go there to destroy that is you developed a new mobile gate benton and i have been building it together let's go and see everybody wait this is still in the prototype phase it's not stable yet we'll come right back promise what in the oh huh a bunch of junk linton i thought we were going to vestroya not a garbage dump look we're still on earth i've checked it and this is hmm definitely destroyer who goes there [Music] all of the treasures here belong to me what are you talking about this entire area belongs to falcon don't they look delicious [Music] they certainly do i'll take that drago let's go [Music] what's that huh what [Music] [Music] oh that's your bakugan isn't it well i do know her but it's not like she's my bakugan ever at ray just fill in the amount whatever you need to fix it okay i guess that works why are you doing this i'm just trying to be nice although if you'd like to repay me you could i don't know do so by agreeing to take me on in a fantastic bakugan battle sounds fine to me huh you don't realize what you're saying if you lose in battle you'll disappear okay what are we waiting for all right let's get going what is this place this is my bakugan battle zone battle zone drones are no longer functioning properly and so i have created a place where no damage can occur even if there isn't a drone a place where bakugan can battle without fear of destroying things and what's with the cameras i'll be streaming battles live to the world you see it's bad enough that drones aren't working oh i lost but we're also faced with the mysterious phenomenon of bakugan vanishing after they lose in battle and fewer bakugan means fewer battles people are dying to see great bakugan entertainment your opponent will be yours truly this battle will be seen by millions worldwide so when i defeat you i'll become an even more famous actor this will launch me to make a stardom oh no i'm lia's on a livestream she's battling but she doesn't have a bakugan yes just look at the views the appearance of a new awesome brawler bakugan is really bringing in the viewers [Music] fireball huh man that was a tough one she didn't disappear [Music] most interesting [Laughter] did you find anything out benton not yet the fact your bakugan didn't disappear after losing a battle is a phenomenon only seen with fenneka she did come from junk island if that's the reason then falcran sharktar and the rest probably won't disappear either though we can't know for sure unless we test the theory by test you mean losing on purpose and then seeing if they disappear or not is that right yeah but that's too risky so we shouldn't do it huh i found you bakugan hey who do you think you are coming in here uninvited you're crystal blue she has psychic abilities that let her read the minds of people and animals even track down bugagon oh that's right she's the one the internet has named the bakugan girl i sensed an incredible power emanating from these bakugan huh show me bakugan battle hmm i want to see her battle lightning we're going to battle together let's go [Music] inferno oh no i didn't mean to do that here i go just kidding i'm fine she's a real troublemaker but i'm really glad for rascal didn't disappear yes so i'm not the only one who doesn't disappear yeah but that just adds to the mystery of it all looks like we were right the baccagon that recently arrived from destroyer won't vanish when they lose so crystal blue did you learn anything from watching that battle crystal blue it seems that the new bakugan from destroya do not disappear bakugan that don't vanish now that is wonderful news i'm happy to announce we have a new student joining us please help me welcome her hi i'm jenny hackett whoa an awesome brawler [Music] yeah i'm a huge fan of yours that's beautiful that's such an incredible design i've seen your videos you're those bakuganda don't vanish right yeah so it would seem hey wynton do you know why these bakugan don't disappear do you think that maybe you could help me out with something huh so what kind of research are you doing here i'm working on a brand new mobile gate i can see that you like her but uh i don't think we can trust her huh hack it there's something suspicious about her what are you talking about here it is so looks like you've finally shown your true colors there was just something i wanted to check didn't i tell you tell me what that hacket couldn't be trusted she's taking your mobile gate oh no with this you can go to destroyer where the bakugan are and i'll be able to get my hands on as many bakugan as i want dragonoid i need your help what a human with malicious intent has come to destroy ya he found the sacred energy the healing core cell and took it back to his world but how you must find him and recover the healing core cell if what piravian said in my dream is true whoa what is this place this is it the core cell is inside i just knew it look at this i thought i'd seen this place somewhere before this house belongs to gregorius reed he's an internationally famous billionaire and he's also a huge bakugan collector but why did he steal a corso any luck i didn't see anyone inside the mansion i didn't find the core cell either don't tell me we scared them away and they took the core cell no i can still feel the power of the healing core cell haven't you spotted anything suspicious yet don't rush me the only thing i've noticed so far is a stairway leading underground what that's what we're looking for what what is this place isn't that the healing core sound sure is it's been too long winton how have you been heck it what destroyer sure is amazing it's where we found this core cell you use the mobile gate you stole it what in the world are you trying to do here she's helping me realize my dream huh gregorius reed it it's really you thanks to your brilliant efforts i was able to travel to vestroia the sacred land of my beloved bakugan you see i already possess everything i need and with my money and fame i can basically do anything i want i learned about the legendary beings called geogun and by using the power of that core cell i will make them all mine well we won't let you get away with this let's take this brawl outside [Music] i think i'll end this quickly that's right give me more power [Music] give me more power more are you all right the healing core cell is destroyed your experiment has failed there's no way that's true what is that oh is it a a baku i've never seen one like that before it's different legends has it that these ultimate warriors have existed on destroy us since ancient times now one of them stands right before me it really worked that is a geogun geogun how wonderful and now they are all mine hey what is it lightning what is that [Music] show yourself dragonoid of pyruvate i know you're watching come to face me dragonoid of pyro [Music] ah i can't believe this we got another one of those messages dragonoid of pyrule show yourself don't keep me waiting this golden bakugan is going around ruining battles and people think it's the awesome brawler's fault that's just a bunch of crazy talk well let's call that guy out and show them what's what look behind you i'm not gonna fall for that old trick i am spartillion here to battle spartillion is it what do you want with me i'm here by order of the supreme bakugan council supreme bakugan council what is that i'm simply following orders i won't [Music] mission accomplished we still have no clue where bakugan go once they disappear into the ground i'm here to honor the promise i made to dan cuzzo magnus where have you been after we parted ways i set out on a journey of discovery and now i've returned so dan kuzo time for you to battle me we'll battle a dance place let's do it then that was perfectly done nelius with the way he was fighting he must have some other goal in mind you got that right huh i know dan grabbed drago's baku ball and disappeared along with him and i'm doing the same thing to find them now i'm on my way to destroya i wanted to show this to you first winton kazami international just developed this new gate card system this gauntlet can generate a portable drone wherever you need it this card draws in energy and amplifies it making it possible to generate a drone once this gets out there brawlers all over the world will be able to buckle battle wherever they want i bet you could use it to generate enough power to open the mobile gate i get it if the card has enough power to stabilize a drone then it should work this is just what i need to finish the gate okay winton we're all set to go all right time to give it a shot dan we're coming mobile gate open we made it that was a warning i know you i will not hand over dragonoid of hyrule so we were right they are here leave this place now twisting inferno what dragonoid i won't let you harm my friends then it is time the supreme bakugan council has been waiting for you to recover but isn't he an enemy he's not an enemy he's the supreme council's messenger who knew there was a place like this on destroya it's a meeting place for some group called the supreme bakugan council the supreme bakkergan council is the group that makes all important decisions on destroya they're the ones who summoned me here wow awesome wow i am veloc a member of the supreme bakugan council it is the duty of the supreme council to protect all bakugan kind from evil humans hey you disagree do you think about it since destroyer fused with earth what have the humans done to us they've captured innocent background controlled them and used them for their own selfish purposes we must close the gateway linking earth with destroyer the great nexus to separate the planets huh what if earth and vestroia are separated that means our bakugan will return and we'll never see them again yes that's the idea arabian green i call for a vote if either one of you agree with my proposal then it becomes an official supreme council decision that's not fair veloc you know not of which you speak you have no idea what baku battling is like when you have a human partner i stand against your proposal to separate earth and destroy it we never ask for your opinion the supreme council decides all wait a moment the supreme council does make all the decisions however the council is supposed to be made up of four bakugan who discuss those decisions the seat tico once held remains empty i nominate dragonoid for a seat on the supreme bakugan council if i join the supreme council then earth and destroyer won't be separated is that right you will first need to pass a test to earn your place on the supreme bakugan council what do i have to do a bakugan battle who will they be battling oh they're coming out huh three of them they are the oratoa the guardians of destroyer in order to qualify for the supreme bakugan council you must battle all three at once and defeat them twisting inferno [Applause] he managed to defeat one indeed but that's as far as he'll get drago that's a yeah geocorp drago time to swap hmm i see that is a geogun hercillion please defeat them understood that power is unbelievable that is the power of a your geogun has been granted we did it [Music] with a little help from our killian it's not over yet dan hmm where are you going dan drago take this [Music] flare bursts [Music] he did it he won drago has successfully passed the test yes i see that that was a courageous battle dragonoid of hyrule has earned his position on the supreme bakugan council i'll do whatever i must to stop the separation of destroyer and earth that's right i can't stand the thought of never being able to see any bakugan again now then i called for another vote i second the motion all those in favor of separating earth and destroyer light your crystal two four two against that's a tie i am not going to change my mind period then what do we do there's a rule about this written in the supreme balkan council constitution article 9. if the council should be split in their opinion a battle judgment shall take place each council member shall choose a baccagon champion to battle in their stead and the winning camp's opinion will stand and there's more it says each council member may establish one rule for the tournament i'll make a rule to ensure there are no faction-based advantages or disadvantages namely that the battles will take place in all six faction realms of destroyer so it will take place in six locations in that case my rule is that each council member will choose three bakugan to fight for them my rule is that the bakugan are allowed to battle alongside their human partners great we get to fight too the rule i decree is that the summoning of a geogun will be allowed in our battle i believe it will give everyone a fair chance of winning dan friends it's up to you now you know it we will win this battle we'll save the bond between earth and bakugan yeah so last night this app i created definitely picked up a really big source of energy i call it baku radar this is an amazing tool that can detect all kinds of bakugan energy i'd like you to help me track down the location of the energy spike that i detected yesterday guys look at this huh there's been another major burglary it's that gang the mad masks they're a real problem the only things they seem to steal are rare ancient bakugan yeah those mad masks are a problem but tracking down the energy spike comes first i knew it it's very faint but there's definitely energy nearby quentin huh a geet you found this place too who's that it's the gang we saw on the news the mad masks i was using your app when i spotted these guys so i followed them and they went underground i bet they're off to a heist probably another ancient bakugan if that's the case we better go after them the app is showing the same energy pattern it picked up last night so the mysterious energy from last night must have come from them hold it right there huh what are you doing here that's what we're here to ask you a geo god please talent defeat them understood i won't let this happen again we're out of here let's move seems like the mad masks are getting their orders from somewhere else yesterday world-renowned bakugan collector gregorius reed was spotted leaving a.a animus hq while addressing the media he was interrupted by dan cuzo i can tell that dan and i share a powerful bond through bakugan i am truly grateful i had the chance to meet him today i just sort of ran into him allows using your app to search for energy spikes while you were meeting reed we were actually having a battle with the mad masks the mad masks that gang of thieves huh oh it's from kravitz thank you for coming so quickly awesome brawlers first take a look at these photos the mad masks were after an ancient bakugan that has recently been placed in our care even though you stopped them i don't think they're going to give up you can count on us to protect the ancient bakugan if we can't get in from below we'll come from above hey what's that it's the mad masks now time for us to grab that ancient vodka god yeah that's not happening you'll have to get through us damn look at that huh oh no we're too late it's already been stolen that means there are more of them than just the ones outside stop right there i know you've stolen the ancient bakugan that bakugan isn't yours hand it over i've always wanted to battle you anyway isn't that spartillion what's going on here huh that is enough hey guys looks like we win again as for your buddies they ran off somewhere every last one of them the show is over there's nowhere to run you're coming with us until we meet again dan get back here i can't believe the ancient vocal gods slipped through our fingers this shouldn't have happened after all the planning and recon we did for this job something even more important happened today [Music] full episodes of bakugan are now streaming on netflix watch more videos below [Music]
Channel: Bakugan Official Channel
Views: 657,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Season recap, review, Bakugan Geogan Rising review, Geogan Rising review, Geogan Rising Recap, recap, season, season 3, bakugan season 3, Bakugan, Bakugan: Geogan Rising, Bakugan tv show, bakugan cartoon, cartoon, tv show, show, anime, bakugan brawlers, bakugan full episodes, bakugon, bakugan, bakugan geogan rising, geogan rising, geogan, geogan battle, full episode, full episodes, first half, second half, new episodes, new
Id: u5uFV9XyWRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 16sec (2056 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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