Baking the MANLIEST Cake [KiriBaku + Todo] My Hero Academia Cosplay

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hey everyone welcome to the video leave a like and hit that bell i don't know if you remember but a while back we had that dorm competition for our class and uh the girls didn't really uh get my manly vision sato won the girls over with his cake so i thought i'd test and see if i could eat my class with my manly friendship spirit with a manly cake and i brought vodka bro with me because i don't know how to bake a cake and he's good at everything [Music] he's here he's so good let's get started and bake this cake cake okay he's here too hi what the hell are you doing here i see hot you're not supposed to be here where did you come from yeah from there [Music] so we're making a cake yes a manly cake there's another cake there's just a trash can back here like did you just come out of the trash did someone throw you out so you need eggs right eggs [Music] see i made a cake with vodka before and now i'm an expert you just ate the cake you didn't even know try not to make cakes now so um i've never read a recipe before well there's a recipe on that phone it can't be that hard you know i don't know i don't know if there's a recipe on the box i don't i just want you to follow your heart i think that's what true all true bakers do it's fine [Music] ain't never gonna break [Music] all right let's get started with this cake let's look at the directions [Music] i see pictures cup of water i want to do it to my cake as long as i can eat it first try you saw it half a cup of vegetable oil this one this one how did they get vegetable do we milk vegetables i don't know how do they get baby oil you guys really think that milk is the same thing as oil they're both liquids [Music] oh you know what i see how i gave me the wrong lid that's the that's you can't read but it says highland smells like thanks that's why you're here up next is eggs i thought it didn't fit still but we're good eggs yes eggs are a good source of protein get in there you guys want to know how to crack open an egg with one hand yeah i'll like see you try it's really impressive [Music] okay well there's a shell or two it's fine extra protein i'm sure that's how that works it's very crunchy bits oh my god you're right it's really hard whoa that's gonna be so good for texture why is that so hard to do why don't more people make crunchy cakes wait this is hard to do try to rookie you try you're not strong enough you didn't do it i clearly did you can watch back i didn't think that'd be so hard not two hands is cheating [Music] you did it we did it that's a bigger shell than you left behind i was just kind of i was using a spoon but okay you talked to me about manners oh guys baking is so much fun it really is i like it you guys didn't even put the mix in yet you just literally just dumped all well that i mean you know mix cake mix it's just this just this looks first this looks so gross it's just bubbles and oil and like egg yolks it looks like on there it's like bomb yeah it doesn't matter how it looks like it makes you think when you eat it and it's gonna be really more don't you think that's enough eggs no we're doing all of them if we put more eggs in it it'll be more cake that's not how that works he i can't what how are you feeling about this so far i'm feeling great all that i know that i'm generally not helping even though you brought me along but it's fine because you can start whenever you like well you're really good for making frosting which is pretty manly i guess well i would argue the frosting is this is going to say the most important part that was not true all right so you're going to need a very strong manly arm to whisk this properly is that are we good yeah yeah yeah you're doing great this is the way to do it this is the technique i don't think you're so worried for your shirt it's fine i'm just gonna let you learn you should probably look at the bowl while you're you're stirring there i didn't ask you to judge me well i'll tell you what it smells great i forgot are you putting that in there yeah bacon oh what no because this will also please well me specifically but all the guys whoops i'm putting everything in there but that does not belong in there how much do you think all of it why are you doing this wow that smells gnarly dog food i don't think this is enough protein guys i think you've got the eggs right we had the eggs we got the bacon but we also need protein powder no you don't i think there's yes we do oh my god you asked me to help and then this is what you do is just like nah wait no there's more though whoa i forgot there's so much more there's so much yeah we got this cake is going to be chocolate we got pralines and cream and there's pina colada there's mint chocolate that i've been having trouble reaching oh my god curie how much protein powder do you have i don't know well i got different ones i'm feeling different some days like sometimes i want the mint you know pina colada well you have like a whole peanut butter powdered out peanut butter and bacon's like a thing right yeah peanut butter bacon sandwiches you know what start let's just let's just yeah oh look at it now it looks like that looks like a cake it looks like it's already baked what if we don't even need to cook it what if we just eat it and we still put eggs in it right can you eat it if you have it in a protein shake it's good i don't think that negates the dangers of eating a raw egg no no i sugarize eggs thick he's a thick um chocolate chocolate bacon peanut butter let's do this one rich chocolate rich chocolate rich bacon start oh no oh damn this and the scoop too huh they gave us a free scoop a free gift yeah you're so helpful you were just idiots like you say that but then you won't get to enjoy this awesome it doesn't really look like a cake mix anymore though you don't need more eggs you're going to get like a protein powder omelette if you keep going with eggs does it feel good oh my gosh i have a solution we put more water in it too more water egg time i'm about to crack your guys's head open like an egg two eggheads you got another shell on it well listen go back in the trash anyways [Music] i'm just gonna keep putting eggs until it looks right that's how we do you just wing it until it looks and tastes good not really take my trash thank you now you have okay [Music] that is slimy gross here [Music] i wanted a high five but thank you no one's high fiving that okay but curious [Music] yeah what do you think i am i think he's just jealous of how frozen i think you're pretty jealous of how good this cake is when they eat it [Music] good right everyone out there no more oil i'm feeling hungry now no actually i saw like some oil peeping out of like the eggs you haven't finished mixing it and it just looked like a hair and i was really concerned for a second and i was like oh god we haven't put extra oil on it no no but it's not mixing well with the other thing it's so clumpy it's so clumpy do we need an electric mixer it's electric fixtures yes technology's awesome oh god wow that's exciting [Music] with that if you point that out it's not even you're gonna regret it it's literally not even plumbed in you're getting the headache you're not doing good enough that's not the rent [Music] icy spicy over here stop touching me teamwork [Music] that was just soup now what i think we just lost the box pretty sure we just bake it i don't really i don't know how long this is going to take to bake that too because in time i think it did i will for me it took a lifetime like i am like drained that took no time and we're already ready to make it does it need to be thicker is that the issue is it's too sweet there's flour more protein powder more protein powder more protein powder more protein powder right more chocolate no i want more peanut butter you know what both both both we compromised see that's what friendship is all about brochure [Music] do you want to do it yeah yeah see that's that's getting it whoops that's getting it curious that's cool filled it now well extra cake [Music] my photos get those biceps okay that was i need to spot get out of thank you yeah i didn't know that that was the thing we had to do it's whatever why does that you need it what is that like we should put the everyone's gonna love this so much [Music] that's good enough okay time for the cake time for a cake if you're manly enough you'll be okay that's such a small pan there's three just kidding we have three three cakes three whole cakes our uniform in i'm gonna preheat the oven yeah i mean who knows now that you've added all this in here oh okay i'll turn it up no don't be 75. not right that makes sense logical right yeah well there's three cakes you just cook it literally can you just cook it with your you know yeah can you just just like you know just like that real quick not immediately but like i don't know i would just set it on fire but use fire to cook i would i don't want to stand there for that long man i have to stand there for hours thought you got my artistic vision i see hot works for s'mores but not for cake we should do s'mores swirls are lame just pour the cake in the pans damn just there you go do it oh wow that is so slow why why are you taking so slow like what what is the deal here like what's the problem anticipation the exercise beautiful that is just a like waterfall of just wet hey that's cool like i worked hard on that oh well it's not a good color yeah thank you so we filmed like halfway right i guess i feel like that's what i remember from last time i said why are you giving him hints we gotta go i didn't know we were trying to play a game where we [Music] [Applause] let him figure it out did we do this like perfectly look at this i don't know look at that anyways whoa we should ice the cave with protein powder that would be so how do you make protein powder icing well you could just dust it don't they do that oh you know what you're right just like just like a dusting on top i can't believe you're actually running out of batter we could make more no no you don't you do not need that's fine it just won't be very tall or should we pour it in one of the other ones instead nope guys you guys all ready okay yep committed yeah i [Music] i'm sure you guys want that too right no i'm not eating it we should put that on [Music] you just keep that all the time just yeah they're good all red hard candy they're great well amy you're talking about dustin like because we put paw prints in our last why don't we hang out more i don't know nope that's that's for that's for trash man go go trash man go white quit fighting quit fighting stop it [Music] we're working together today [Music] you want to go why are my friends fighting i doesn't even have anything in it [Music] oh it does you just got water all over your shoes i also got water over you [Music] sometimes you just gotta let it play out give me the ah you look like you beat me you're nice oh my god there's so much water [ __ ] on this episode of making the kirishima pocket milk piece of salt [Music] get out dump [Music] this isn't even your house that's a good point anyways i'm gonna go get towels while it is a timeout are we done [Music] you good are you good [Music] are you just laying down in the water i don't think that was the intention but see what happened i don't think that was the goal but it did happen [Music] you found dry land welcome back guys the cakes are done the cakes are done look at it oh no oh no why is it so shiny i think that's that's hard that is solid you can do asmr with it awesome that is a mountain it's the big mountains excuse me this might be hot it might be i think it probably is solid hey at least we don't have to worry about the cakes being uh broken a very strange shape [Music] they look awesome i'm literally knocking it it's not moving that's a cake you're probably here [Music] what what did i what did i tell you i told you before it's not how it looks it's how it tastes or how it feels it's it's rock solid nothing that's how it feels on the inside you're right he's insistent on frosting this isn't frosting though all right well these need to cool it's whipping cream everybody's gonna love this so much i'm finally gonna move the appreciation i deserved but it's not whipped cream well it does say whipping it but it's juicy i don't get it [Music] usually one carton has whipping cream and sugar regular sugar [Music] oh [Music] i forget if you like dissolve the gel yes you develop gels in water give me a cup of water [Music] i'm just eyeballing stuff see you get it not all the time don't take my i'm putting a little bit of dissolved gelatin into it so that it stabilizes so that doesn't melt because i i don't know it just worked out better that one time i didn't understand anything you said for the past five seconds okay all right that's fine it's fine [Music] would you maybe like get out of my space you're gonna like freeze it or something that's not i'll show you gonna boil it he can help too no i can't he's been more helpful than you this whole time [Music] and i'm okay fine i'm just gonna do this myself [Music] okay fine you do it if it hurts just think about how big your muscles are going to be what'd you do what did you do vanilla in it oh no what's that for what what are you guys doing oh curry do you want this to be a certain color we have some food coloring right that was quick [Music] dairy watermelon cherry all cherry cheers the best i will pick out anyone will agree with me [Music] oh man this is going to be pink that's close enough manly wait you're trying to appeal to the girls anyway aren't you yeah morocco will love it no i don't eat sweets you're missing out would you put more in it i that's all i had she's gonna have to be pink why aren't you letting me down today because you picked red when i have all these other colors but you always you always use red so is that why you're out yep well it's fine it'll look good anyway plus that's all red if we do enough of those they'll cover it up and then it'll just be all red variety i think it's pretty manly fruit punch fruit punch it that's so cool you're gonna get pink on your shirt washing is for there's also food dyeing so you are gonna stain your shirt no [Music] it's okay it's already red [Music] oh five second rule you might wanna get like a ziploc bag because we actually have those oh [Music] smashing [Music] hey hey hey are you good yes feeling a little tense are you getting out some some pinch of anger with that smell it that that is very strong you gotta make sure that it's like you know like a dust yeah [Music] we made rock candy [Music] the teamwork is going to make it taste great refine me on this so i was standing here like a second ago doing something give me this spot or and your life i don't know why you're so obsessed with it also stay out of that spot just go back in the closet the trash can is you go back to the closet i was never in the closet [Music] i only do when you're off guard and you won't grab my foot because i know that's what you're going to do because you're cheating bastard who didn't use his fire chord you know it's fine spongebob i don't know why we keep going back to this i don't either [Music] maybe it's because the rookies we're all friends here right maybe it's not [Music] here [Music] even though like it was just supposed to be you and me you know it's a little bit i see it but he's helping what does that face look like he's healthy he's just here to eat it [Music] whatever just whip it faster god it's taking so long [Music] yeah dude if you can buy the book you know you can't be lazy [Music] though we should at the same time carry [Music] okay don't worry about it just just so dumb it's fine just okay i trust you yeah you should this is how you do it i is [Music] oh there's a pull not push don't one brain cell okay it's done well let's try it okay it looks so good just avoid your teeth there [Music] it's so good dude you have something like right there and there well i can't i don't i can't see it you can't see it i can't see it you can't see it okay see it i'll get it for you i say oh yeah that's really good thank you it's like icing so much so why don't you take it no don't food fight [Music] don't wash my hand what you're not going to clean up my face for me got it thank you that was very much adequate cakes are cold i hate this these look like poop they look like a pile of poop i'm really gonna need you to be more positive it's time for the big reveal guys that looks like a puck from like a hockey game thanks frisbee thanks i don't want to eat this like straight up i don't think anyone's gonna well you're going to why the knife should flatten it just don't loom over with a knife of someone's shoulder next time maybe don't destroy it until it's like totally not always ruined you haven't tried it yet what have i been saying this whole time don't judge it until you try it there's something to saw through well you have a saw [Music] that's how you know it's so dry here you wanted to try it so bad it's lots of frosting it smells like bacon [Music] i don't know [Music] we're gonna worry about [Music] it's so good it's so bad it's so good i told you so [Music] i think that bacon's stuck in my teeth i'm going to get this down you better push through the pain there you go i believe in you man all right let's start got it [Music] we actually have some cheesecake in the freezer if you want to eat that instead but that's so much worse for you this is going to be so good for you [Music] even more frisbee-like it's just this i can i can say without a doubt there's never been a cake that's looked like this before in your life you need i'm the first one to make this i think we should keep the shape on the top of this yeah it gives it character yep we're just going full horrible oh how is it not coming out i thought you said that's what the butter was for oh just cause the other ones were non-stick the butter was not strong you should have picked them [Music] you really just gotta this is where the manpower comes in if it's very hard to get your cake out of the pan then you've done it right i don't think that's true i think that's true because you're also working your muscles and your brain to figure out a way to get the kick down [Music] no can we give us a loop for our fallen yup yup [Music] yup taking was easy guys [Music] you make it look so easy it's easy when you follow the recipe maybe what we did though we just kind of nope some stuff it is a brick what family are the building houses [Music] the turntable you need to drop some stick tunes no i wish this was a shape ain't nothing going to break his stride that's right it's going to have our names on it right at the bottom bakugou todoroki hiroshima except actually my name is going to be at the top because it was my idea my birth going for that cloud i get it i'll support you on that then put my name at the bottom this is the one time i'll uh accept to be at the bottom of the list you know it's okay we can put our names next to each other nope you're going below me i'm gonna be in the middle of the list [Music] contemplated artistic original a vision never been done before what feeling does it evoke something strong so mission accomplished yes i think that's it boys i forgot it was done be patient i can't it smells so much like fruit punch i'm trying to hide all the nasties i still think we're being a bit too pessimistic about this all right hold on nope [Music] gotta do it right keep inviting me along we're doing it right you're literally not just [Applause] i think i'm in love [Music] is it like oozing [Music] [Laughter] [Music] i have a new enthusiasm for this cake look at it this is perfect just kind of exactly how i wanted it to it looks great it smells great the icing is good it's red there's some pink but it's also red and it's packed with protein i'm gonna gain like 10 pounds of muscle from eating this you can eat it all yourself that's new because you've never seen that before i know that this cake is going to inspire friendship and passion in our class and i can't wait to try it they're not gonna mind if i try it then they'll know they'll know it's been tested and that i love it and how good it is you're always inside the cake this is giving me flashbacks cake i don't like where i am right now okay okay once again if it hurts then you are extremely you're just getting you are just gaining muscle it's got it it's if it's not a real struggle then if you really gotta work for it then the reward is going to be worth so much more oh boy this is so rewarding yeah i did it it's okay you just gotta you know there you go frosting and now for bakugou oh my god that's someone now there we go i know he's gonna want a big piece no i don't give him the biggest one the biggest hang on oh gosh it's like sliding off it's so rewarding nice are you going guys nope not you insisted well i'll show you i love cake but it's like you're gonna encounter that resistance again it's a tough cake it's a manly cake that's so good guys it's so so good your face shows it all yeah it's going to take you through some emotions but it's going to end up good in the end we'll see you past the frosting now it's just pure protein and there's the candy you're showing no emotion on your face come on i know you hate it [Music] yep [Music] i'm going to watch you show pain on your face almost here guys [Music] ah i can already feel my body getting stronger from that one piece oh he doesn't want cake oh he doesn't want the cake anymore i think he just wants to save it for everyone else because if we get him too much we obviously like it too much we can't can't finish it guys i know that's what you want to do let's give it to jakku jackie he'll enjoy it a lot of the friendship yeah and he's always very good because i hate him and he knows it so it's like you know like he has no friendship from me the best person in the class yeah so he needs this and he needs to be manlier yeah what's the privilege of the other are you guys together [Music] no he just needs to eat cake you need to literally be like daku i made this for you well i think you should give it two of them actually diet i don't think people want it pressure this is a diet this is a diet right it is a diet it is it doesn't taste good so it must be a diet exactly see would come full circle well i literally can't wait to give this to deku i'm going to leave in front of his door and i'm going to say it's from you and that he has to eat it or he will be sad so i'm just going to do that bye cake so nice with him anyways guys don't forget smash that like button hit that bell and remember be there be square okay okay thanks for watching and a very special thank you to our april patrons thank you alex kitty boo of visiblenerd117 zoe s wolf mom cassie lt destiny schuyler f aaron q joyce h devin c michael h emily gabby mixie pru and rossi kitty creations for the amazing support you make us feel like we can do anything have a digital cookie see you in the next video remember be there and be square [Music]
Channel: Square One Cosplay
Views: 2,192,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: G3rfeOtlh2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 36sec (2436 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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