BAKED DONUTS with Quick CHOCO GLAZE RECIPE | Soft Chocolate Glazed Donuts | BAKED NOT FRIED
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Channel: Yeast Mode
Views: 42,333
Rating: 4.9203749 out of 5
Keywords: donuts, doughnuts, soft donuts, glazed donuts, glazed doughnuts, choco donuts, chocolate doughnuts, choco glazed donuts, baked donuts, baked doughnuts, fried donuts, fried doughnuts, chocolate glaze recipe, chocolate glazed donuts, chocolate glazed doughnuts, krispy kreme, dunkin donut, mister donut, how to shape donut, basic donut, basic doughnut, sugar doughnut, sugar donut
Id: izqmWPdW2Pg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2020
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