Baked Apple Oatmeal Cups | Easy + Healthy Muffins

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hey guys it's Danny now the easiest way to keep healthy eating fun and delicious is to work with seasonal ingredients this way you are always trying new things you're changing it up and you won't find yourself getting stuck in a food rut so today I am taking my own advice and I am making baked apple oatmeal cups because apples are in season now I want you to think of this recipe as a bowl of oatmeal on the go so the first thing I'm gonna do is preheat my oven to 350 degrees and then I have a 12-cup muffin pan and I'm just gonna spray down each one with a little bit of cooking spray so nothing sticks you could also rub a little bit of coconut oil if that's what you prefer now this is a one bowl dump and stir recipe my personal favorite kind so what you're gonna do is grab a nice big bowl and to that we will be adding three cups of rolled oats now I'm using old-fashioned rolled oats and these are the oats they that are steamed and then rolled out so it's still the whole oat as you can see it's just flattened then I have one teaspoon of baking powder and a half a teaspoon of cinnamon then onto the wet ingredients I'm using one cup of full fat organic buttermilk now you could really use any type of milk you want here but personally I like the buttermilk because it's very rich and it's tangy so it kind of reminds me of the flavor you get like if you were using a okert but again make it work with you and use what you have because any milk will get the job done then we've got 1/2 a cup of applesauce and I am using an apple sauce that is cinnamon flavored now if you cannot find cinnamon applesauce then just use regular applesauce and add an extra half teaspoon of cinnamon both will work you just want to make sure that when you're buying your applesauce that all it says and the ingredients is apples and if you're adding the cinnamon some cinnamon you do not need any added sugars there and then finally into this recipe we've got 2 eggs and as I've mentioned before if you can try to get yourself some pastured eggs that means that the chickens are eating their regular organic diet of grass bugs etc things that you can see and you will see that the yolks of pastured eggs are so much more vibrant once you've got all those ingredients in the bowl we're just going to give this a mix until everything is worked together it's gonna be like a thick batter now you'll notice that I didn't have to add any extra sweeteners to this recipe and that's because we're using the applesauce to help sweeten the oatmeal cups and I'm also going to be adding in fresh chopped apples and some raisins which also have natural sugars in them and are gonna provide plenty of sweetness without the extra sugar needed okay once you've got all the ingredients mixed together and you have like a real thick batter then you're ready for the Stern's so I'm gonna be adding in one big apple and then about a third of a cup of raisins now as for the Apple you do not need to peel it I like to leave the skin on not only does it add a little extra flavor and fiber but it's also really pretty and I have found that the easiest way to chop up an apple is to start by cutting the Apple into boards and then you just cut those boards into strips and go back to the other way making them as bigger as small as you want them once you've got them ready to go get those into the bowl along with your raisins and gently stir until they're incorporated through and then we're gonna transfer this into our muffin cups you want to do your best to just make all the muffins as even as possible so once you've got your muffins all ready to go in the pan is full they're ready to go in the oven and these are perfect just the way they are but if you wanted to add a little extra something a little yum bonus here's what I like to do as a topping and this is especially great if you have kids here's what you do get yourself a little ball and all you're gonna do is you're gonna take two tablespoons of chopped up walnuts with two tablespoons of coconut sugar or really any type of brown sugar could be at turbinado sugar it can even be a traditional brown sugar and then a half a teaspoon of cinnamon and just toss that all together and this makes like a little stressful tapping so again 100% optional but definitely very delicious and it definitely brings these Apple oatmeal cups on the go to the next level so once you've got that mixed together you just sprinkle a little bit on top I'll do half with and half without so you guys can see the difference now these are gonna go into a 350 degree oven for 25 to 30 minutes or until they are set through and golden brown on top okay so now you can see the ones in the front had that special extra topping and the ones in the back are just simple and plain both delicious so we'll give them a few minutes to cool and then I'll show you how I store them in stuff but just an FYI if you are a meal prepper these are ideal because you can make them ahead of time and they will easily last in your fridge up to a week if you store them in an airtight container I also love that you can tweak these with the season so you would take the same base recipe and then let's say it was summer instead of the apples you could do some blueberries or some fresh raspberries the Stern's are truly endless so now that they have completely cooled let me show you what they look like now that you should be able to pop them right out super easy yep just like that this is one with our streusel esque topping on top and what you see is they just cook up into a little muffin just like this and they're very dense and chewy so it's got the little baked bits of Apple in the middle and the reasons are nice and plump and let's give it a tester here mmm they taste like fall the apples are soft and baked just like if you're eating apple pie juicy little raisins you get the cinnamon and if you do put the streusel on top it adds another layer because you get the crunch from the walnuts and the sugar gets a little bit crispy on top totally optional totally delicious now what I like to do is make them a head and then I'll get an airtight container like I have right here and then I just line them up in here pop on the lid and this stays in the fridge for up to a week then I will pop them in lunchboxes I love them as a grab-and-go breakfast they are great with a cup of coffee in the afternoon if you need a little pick-me-up and I also personally love them with a little dab of peanut butter over the top it's like peanut butter apple pie mmm and when you try this recipe make sure you tag me on instagram using clean and delicious so I can see everything you're whipping up in your very own healthy kitchens don't forget to subscribe like and share this video with anyone else you know who wants to make healthy eating easy thank you guys so much for watching i'm danny Spees and i will see you back here next time with some more clean and deliciousness Cheers delightful then let's say it was summer instead of apples maybe you would do some fresh blueberries or some fresh raspberries Charlie Charles what's going on with my belts is this in the picture I hope not this is in the video
Channel: Clean & Delicious
Views: 2,364,141
Rating: 4.9285765 out of 5
Keywords: Oatmeal cookies, oatmeal recipe, how to make oatmeal, oatmeal breakfast, vegan oatmeal, muffin, muffins, healthy snack ideas, easy healthy recipes, snacks, snack, recipes, snacks recipe, weight watchers recipe, healthy oatmeal recipe, how to cook, oatmeal, meal prep, easy healthy meal prep, banana oatmeal cookies, oatmeal cookies, 3 ingredient cookies, apple pie, apple pie recipe, how to bake, bake off
Id: qa5kLtbaHNU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2017
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