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hey guys it's Danny and today I am very excited to share my new favorite snack slash breakfast recipe with you guys it is a three ingredient banana oatmeal cookie and literally all you need to make these cookies are bananas oatmeal and chocolate chips so it's a very simple recipe to make and what is so ideal about these cookies is they are great for this time of year because they make a delightful breakfast on the go they're perfect for lunchboxes great for after-school snacks it's basically a really easy meal to make and it's a really good to grab and go so to get started the first thing you need to do is to grab two medium sized bananas and we're just gonna mash them up in a medium sized Bowl with the back of my fork so what I like to do is break them up before I get them in the bowl just to give them a head start and then I just mash them with the back of a fork now the bananas I'm using today we're just starting to have some brown spots on them and this totally works for the recipe but as you may or may not know the browner your banana is the sweeter the banana is because the sugars start to develop more so ideally you want to let the banana sit on the counter for a while you could use really brown bananas for this recipe or you could use bananas like I just used both will get the job done the biggest difference is you'll have a slightly different end texture if your bananas are super ripe then the cookies will be like a little bit chewier if they're like mine the cookies tend to have a little more bite to them and it's almost like there's more like banana bits throughout the cookie so like always make it work for you and use what you have once you've got all the bananas broken down like I have here and you can see it's basically it's like banana baby food almost and there are some little chunks throughout that's the way I like it because I like the texture then you are ready to add your oats you can do either rolled oats or quick oats personally I like to do a combination of the two let me show you something very quickly good old-fashioned rolled oats like these as you can see they are still in a-hole flake form that have been rolled out so they're a little bit more Hardy than your quick oats which have been parboiled and just broken down a little bit more now the biggest difference here is that the quick oats are gonna absorb the banana more than the rolled oats would so really this is a question of the texture what's the endgame that you're looking for I have found that I like to do a combination so I do one cup of the quick oats and then I do a half a cup of the rolled oats now you could certainly do all the coats that would work and if all you had on hand were the rolled oats then what you would do is mix them in with your banana and just let it sit for like 20 minutes 30 minutes before you make the cookies because giving it a little bit of extra time to sit well will help those oats to absorb some of the banana so the cookies aren't so dry they'll end up being a little bit more moist that way okay and then the final ingredient I have here is a third to a half a cup of mini chocolate chips one third to a half of a cup depending on how chocolaty you want your cookie then you're just gonna get in there and stir all of this together and what you're looking for here is that the oats are all coated with the banana and well mixed together but it's a fairly dry mixture technically speaking you could add a little bit of cinnamon or vanilla or a pinch of sea salt to this recipe all of those would just enhance the flavor even a little bit more if you tend to like things on the sweeter side you could certainly add a tablespoon or so of maple syrup or honey and if you wanted to skip the chocolate chips and do like a nut and raisin or some dried cranberries you could do that as well as always I want the takeaway to be to take this as a base blueprint recipe and make it your own okay so this is coming together exactly the way I want it to be you could take a look at the mixture it looks very similar to a very hearty cookie dough so once you've got that consistency and everything is mixed well together you're gonna grab a rimmed baking sheet and you either need to coat this down with a little bit of cooking spray or do like I like to do and lay a Silpat mat on there so nothing dicks and then all I do for these cookies is I take about a heaping tablespoon and I like to put them in my hands and kind of roll it into a ball and then flatten it out these cookies are basically gonna come out of the oven the way they go in so they're not gonna do a lot of spreading once they're in the oven so you really want to form the cookie before it goes in and I find this recipe will get you somewhere between 15 and 16 cookies you know back in the day I was a big Dunkin Donuts girl I would love to go get a cup of coffee and I would get it with like a muffin or a muffin top or some type of pastry that they had there and then when I began to focus on quality ingredients and leveling up my choices I started to think how could I create that same experience with a healthier and result and something I love about these cookies is that it gives you that same grab-and-go experience that is absolutely delicious with a cup of coffee but it's a much better aligned with health and/or weight loss goals so if you are the kind of gal or guy who likes to grab a cup of coffee and some type of pastry on the go this recipe may be just what you're looking for then once you've got em all on your cookie sheet you're just gonna rinse off your hands and then get them in the oven 350 degrees for 12 to 15 minutes or until they're set now if you are loving the idea of a grab-and-go breakfast cookie like this one then you may also want to check out my almond joy breakfast cookies which I shared a few months back and they were very popular so you could check them out up in the cards over here and I will also leave a link down in the description box below so as you can see they basically come out in the same exact shape they go in the oven they don't do a lot of spreading that's why we shave them before they go in and then they just have a nice light golden brown color on the top then from here what I do is I let them cool down completely and then I'll transfer them into an airtight container and I will store them in the fridge for up to a week if you can get them to last that long mmm like a banana bread cookie so good hmm that's so good make sure when you give this recipe a try that you tag me on instagram and facebook at clean and delicious so I can see all the yumminess you are cooking up in your very own kitchens and if you haven't already please take a moment to like subscribe and share this video with anyone else you know who wants to make healthy eating easy thank you guys so much for watching I'm Danny's fees I will see you back here next time with some more clean and deliciousness Cheers [Music] aren't delightful they are absolutely delicious and if you want to check them out you can do that right over here here where am i checking them out it should do that right over here
Channel: Clean & Delicious
Views: 6,718,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cookie recipe, cookie recipe without butter, cookie recipes without eggs, cookie recipes from scratch, cookie recipes without flour, cookie recipes for diabetics, chocolate chip cookie recipe, easy cookie recipes, milk and cookies, chocolate cookies, make cookies, how to make cookes, oatmeal cookie recipes, cookie recipes for kids, cookie monster, chocolate chip cookies, healthy cookie recipes, clean eating cookies, vegan cookies, how to
Id: 3rQ-LrmzG3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 36sec (456 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 30 2017
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