BAHOZ (Fırtına) (The Storm) Full Film HD with many subtitles

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Mom! Dad! Our brother has got in to a university in Istanbul. What happened, what happened? That’s great news! What happened, what happened? Hatun, Cemal has been accepted by the university, Hatun! Great news! Great news! When is Cemal going? With the 5 o’clock bus. Can you give me the bag? Cemal! So you are leaving. You see our situation. Don't disappoint us. Study hard. Choose your friends wisely. The state has offered you a good opportunity. Take advantage of this opportunity. Take this. Here you go, Cemal. Istanbul is a big city. Take care of yourself, your money. If you run out of money, go to Hesenî Mamke. They are very rich. How fast they forgot us. Cemal! Bring some wood. Wilfull child Bring wood. I'm busy here. Don't you hear me? - Xece, are you early today? - Yes, we didn't have the last class. Cemal! Bring wood! Take this fresh bread to your mother. The Storm Produced by Line Producer Art Director Costume Assistant Directors Casting Sound Music Director of Photography Screenwriter & Director Go to hell, fascism! Go to hell. Uncle, don’t!" she said and then... Look, he’s walking in here like it’s his home. Let "69" deal with him. - That’s your job. - No, this guy entered illegally! It's your job. The rookie is going in with his luggage. Even if he passes us, he won’t get past the Union table. Come here, come! Where do you get off coming in here so casually like this, kid? Are we just accessories here? Show me your papers! You’re new, right? -You’re from Tunceli? -Yes. Take these. Don't lose your chance! Leave your luggage here. Go! - Which department did you get into? - Economics. Hello, welcome! -You came to register, right? -Yes! I am Cem, This is Çiğdem and Seher. Here are the documents you need for registration Take a look at them. This is the our union’s newsletter. Look at it too. We are working to democratize the universities. We also have art clubs within our union..., cinema, folkloric dance. You can join those activities too. -Where are you from? -Tunceli Really? How nice. Enter from here, the registrar is on the second floor. If you have any problems, come to us. We are always there. -Thank you. -See you. Once you sign this, your procedure is done. When can I get my student ID? Don't rush! It isn't that easy to get one. Later. Mahmut! Mahmut! Come here Mahmut! Come on Mahmut! Mahmut! Mahmut, here! Which one do you think is Mahmut ? I don't get it either! Mahmut come on! Excuse me, what time is it? It's 3:17. Gentlemen, let’s move forward a little. Allah Allah, you don’t understand from words! Where can we go? We are cramped. Take one more and put him in my pocket. Which number are you looking for? Nine. - The one across from me. - Thanks. Which school? Istanbul, Economics. -Istanbul, Economics? -Yes. That was the department I wanted. Yours? Mine is Marmara, Fisheries. -I am Yurdal. -Cemal Nice to meet you. Welcome. Thanks. Just like in the demand curve... ...the supply curve shows what the producers... ...will supply at the prices. In other words... Is he not going to look at us ever? against A’s prices... I am Emel. Cemal. I didn’t get anything from that class. You never understand. It is a boring class, isn’t it? It is Cemal, right? Tolga. Hi. I am Tolga. Nice to meet you. Burak. And I am Burak. And this is Nilgun Guys, come on! I will tell about two important characteristics of commodity as value. First is the exchange, second is the usage value. Exchange value is the market value in exchange for money. And the usage value... The market is the place where products, services... ...the production factors as well as buyers and sellers meet... ...and where the production decisions are made. At first sight, this is a broad... B, money is an exchange tool. C, money provides the opportunity to hide value. D, money provides the opportunity to borrow. E, money provides the opportunity to accumulate value. City code 21, Orhan Yilmaz, from Amed. He must be a native Kurd - 62, Cemal Öztürk. - Where is 62? How don't you know, Seyit Riza's hometown. - Oh yes! Tunceli. - Not Tunceli comrade, Dersim. I meant in the colonialist’s words. Colonialists are colonizing our language, too. 65, Rojda Kaçmaz. Rojda! A pure Kurdish name How could they permit a Kurdish name on her ID? She certainly arrived here ready-made. -Come on. -Let’s go Who wrote my name on the board? A boy and a girl. They looked around and left. Look Interesting. I wonder who wrote it. May be it is because we were loud I can’t get used to this city. People are more friendly in my hometown, you know. I miss my home very much. My family, neighbors, friends, even the ones I hate. Since I’ve been here I’ve done nothing but go to the classes, ... it's useful for anything. From dormitory to school, and back to the dormitory... Days pass by like this. I didn't imagine it like this. I mean, I was thinking differently... this would be the best time of my life. But it is a total nightmare. I can't explain it, but it feels like something’s missing. -How are you, Cemal? -Hi, thanks. -We haven’t seen you for a while. -I am around. Take this leaflet. You can pay later. -What's up Cemal? -Thanks. Cemal, isn’t it? Hello! I'm Helin. I'm a friend of Mahmut. He wanted us to meet you. - Mahmut? - This is Ali, my classmate. Mahmut told us to help you, if you need anything. Thanks but I don’t remember Mahmut. He is a friend from high school. He called us. He wanted us to look after you. Don't you remember him? Dear friends! Tomorrow is YÖK's anniversary which is the product of September 12th’s fascism. - Go, speak somewhere else! - Shut up and listen! YÖK turned the universities into garrisons filled with cops. Students’ most innocent demands are pressured by the administration and the police. We the students do not have a right to speak. Moreover, they will turn universities into commercial places. They want a system where rich students can exist,... ...whereas the poor are turned away at the university door. As the Student Union, we ask you to boycott tomorrow's classes as a protest against YÖK. Fuck YÖK! Fuck YÖK! Do you know Orhan and Rojda? No, I don't. They can be in B or C. We usually are in Cuba canteen. Drop by sometime. OK, if I have time. Ok. Very nice to meet you. Excuse me, is this the Cuba canteen? You think this is Russia, that there is a "Cuba canteen"? That is for the leftists–– this one is for the rich kids. Go to the Literature department, ask for ‘Bastard’s Square’––they'll tell you. Excuse me, is this `Cuba Canteen'? Yes, it is. Who are you looking for? I was looking for friends. Look, there is a different faction at each table. May I have a tea First, we need to discuss this... Are socialist students a part of the student movement... ...or a part of the workers movement? Friend look, you are missing what I say. The foodcourt is a common problem for everyone, that's for sure. You are absolutely right. I agree with you. But nobody comes to the cafeteria protest, that's an objective fact. In Hucurat Sura the 13th verse, the Almighty says... 'People! We divided you into two as males and females. Then we divided you into races and tribes so that...’ And what happened next? What could happen! This idiot must have gone under him, for sure. Dude, I won't be duped anymore. I refuse, but I should confess that... - Are you in the same class? - Yes, we are in 1B. Who's your accounting professor? Professor Avni. And yours? Ours is Avni too, he's really crazy. He lectures to himself and leaves. And his exams are very hard. We'll have it real bad! Photograph of Deniz Gezmis, Turkish student revolutionary. - Comrade, can you come here for a minute? - Yes, comrade. It is not right to sit down all together like this, comrade. You attract attention. Why not sit down at different tables? Comrade, there are newcomers at the table. But we can disperse silently. And tell Comrade Helin that I'm waiting for her. - Hi, comrade. Welcome. How are you? - Thanks. How are you? - Fine. You gathered the newcomers? Yes comrade, correct. We contacted nearly 30-50 new people. Some of them are already ready for action. They are influenced by the events in the country. But there are many others that we still need to contact. Is there any interference? Nothing so far. Cops try to follow us. How is the participation in the Union? We keep our distance in order not to be exposed. Also the meetings are very dull. Member fees? Comrade, we haven't got them yet. Some are resisting. Hurry, get them all by Friday. Tomorrow is loan day. You can get it then. You need to join the Union activities even if only nominally. The new leaflets will arrive on Friday. Give them to the newcomers as well. Comrade, there is tension between the Muslim youth and the Turkish left... ...because of the posters this morning. The Muslim youth wants to talk to us to learn our perspective. Who wants to talk? The dark one there¬¬––Osman. He’s a Kurd. Ok, tell him to come. Hi Comrade Halil! I want to talk to you a bit I have a meeting with a friend. Let’s talk later, ok? Okay. Peace be upon you. This is Osman Peace be upon you as well We wanted to talk to you about the poster issue. You already filled the walls with posters What are we going to talk about? We are trying to help the opressed Palestine people. You help the oppressed Palestinian people... ...but you don’t see the opressed people next to you. Comrade Halil, got a minute? Comrade, the cops seem to be mobilized outside. Isn't it dangerous for you? Okay, I gotta go. I'll jump over the fence. This VK's ID. I won't need it at the exit. And you guys disperse silently. I am sorry, Osman. I gotta go. Serkan Karakuş, Serkan Karakuş! You have a call. Please come to the information desk. It's not happening, bro. Devil says leave it! Take the exam again. And settle down in a smaller city. - Welcome - Hello. How nice you are resting. -Hi, I'm Yurdal. -Hi, nice to meet you. -Are you classmates? -No, Yurdal is in Fisheries. -Which year? -First year. -Where are you from? -From Samsun. -Nice. Cemal let's go downstairs if you are not busy. Ok. I couldn’t remember the Mahmut you are talking about. Mahmut! He is very sociable. Everybody knows him, how come you don't? Let’s go to VK's room? Sure. People will become conscious under the right circumstances. Besides, you can protect yourself from even within the system, my friend. While the system is organized and İnstitutionalized this well in every arena... ...moreover they have a huge army that commands the whole country... can this friend suggest having an unarmed revolution? Of course you can, why not? People make the revolution. If there are armed forces, it becomes a coup! Imposing ideas on people through violence is vandalism. That's not true! What you don't understand is... ...when revolutionary ideas emerge, the bourgeoisie oppresses them with violence. In that case, the revolutionists oppose using violence. Did Mao say “power is at the end of a barrel” for nothing? On the left is VK, a patriot. His name is Vedat Kaya but we call him “VK.” Across him is Zeynel the tirshikchi. The other is Cem from Turkish left. The blond one, his name is The Blond, is from SIL. Tirshikchi? Tirshik is a plate with a sour taste. It is a name we use for fake revolutionists . You know about SIL? Socialists with Indefinite Lines. How does the administration permit all this? This is a protected area. Didn’t Fidel Castro fight against the USA? - Do you read? - What do you mean? I mean novels, stories, etc. Yes, sometimes. Have you read Dersim in Kurdistan's History' by Baytar Nuri? No, I'm not into that kind of thing. How come? Aren't you a Kurd? I'm not a Kurd, I'm Alawite. Alawiteness is different, Kurdishness is different! You two drink tea? Thanks, I won't. - Something else? - No thanks. You are from Dersim, but not a Kurd, right? Yes, right! I have to go. But we are hanging out! I need to study for my exams. See you. Do you think we scared him off? Who cares? He's thoroughly assimilated. It is normal, comrade. You approached him too fast. I just cut my nails. How fast they got long again! Hey! Stay in line! Don't cut, guys! So what, I have friends in line! How was your exam? I answered three questions but the fourth one! And you? I answered that one, but I am not sure. If the idiot assistant didn't stand next to me, I would have asked your help. Hi. Did you have your Introduction to Economics exam? No, İt’s next week. Look, Özcan is coming. It is breakfast time for Ozcan. That's why he wasn't on the lunch line. Comrade, I went to bed late. Late must mean midnight. Well, it was a bit later than 12. - Hello. - Hello! We will hang out in our place tonight––dinner, music, and so on. Why don't you join us? All right! Cemal? I need to go to the dormitory. Really? Can't you come tonight? It would be nice. Ok. Comrade Halil is late again. Do you think something happened to him? No. He's careful. Nothing happens to him. What's your dad's job, Rojda? My dad is a deputy. What? - He is also a landlord. - Really? Meaning from the trader and the comprador class! What do you mean? I'll give you the president 's book then you'll understand. If Oblomov is involved in this, the meatballs will be ready by breakfast. Go away! Don't know about yours, but females' dorm is a joke. Everyone is discordant. Finally we moved here with Helin for some peace. It's not like that for us. Our dorm rooms are like home. I mean it is not home but we make it so. It is like a safe zone! So you believe that you are not a Kurd? Yes, I do! Isn’t your mother tongue Kurdish? Does your mother speak any language other than Kurdish? She doesn’t. How come you are not a Kurd, then? Do you have to be a Kurd just because you speak Kurdish? No, you could also be British. You must know the story of the word ‘Kurd,’ then? While Turks were walking on snowy mountains in the past... ...their steps sounded like 'qart-qurt' and turned into 'Kurd' in time. You buy this? Dear Cemal, don’t mind this joker. Look, the system has changed everything we have. The names of our villages, towns, mountains, even our own names... What is your mother’s name? Why is that relevant? Tell me your mom’s name! Zere! [Kurdish name] On her ID card? Zubeyde! [Turkish name] See! Ali, play “Aldirma Gonul.” Comrade Halil, isn’t it a little sad? Let’s sing a happy one first? Let’s get sad first, we can laugh later. Do not let your head be bowed, Let it go, my heart, let it go... Do not let your cry be heard, Let it go, my heart, let it go... Who is this girl? My sister. Really? Look, this is a holy place. We would’nt get over our homesickness, if it wasn't for these photographs. What a nice place. All green. - How beautiful. - Yeah. Everybody, look at the camera! Comrade, let's not take pictures anymore. It just helps the cops. Your camera is pretty, comrade. It is mine. A graduation present from my dad. But I think there is an expropriation going on. It is public property from now on. Look what a landlord and a deputy does. He should have bought a few more for your friends as well. If he learns I am with you here, he takes this back too. By the way, when shall we come to your place Rojda? It is hardly possible for you to come over. The security at my complex act like my dad’s spies. He commended me to them. Stop it for God’s sake! Why? Your dad is a sheikh? It has rained, Gule Gule, drop by drop. These foot prints are yours and mine, come Gule . Friends, keep it down. The neighbors will hear that it is Kurdish. Noone is at the door. Nobody here either. Your bell rings like a magneto, comrade. I mean, we should organize a boycott against the food service. Because it is both expensive and unhealhty. Besides that this action would increase sympathy for the union. In my opinion we have more important problems. Universities require more money to be paid We have to organize something We should talk about the unsuccesful attempt of the boycott of November 6th. Our union doesn't have a good organizational structure. We can't even organize something simple. Oligarchy with its power spread among the folk. Revolutionaries are being killed without justice, are you aware? Union firstly deals with the problems of students. The attitudes of some factions should be criticized. For instance, the Patriots join the union not within the frame of the… For instance, the Patriots join the union not within the frame of the… …academic fight but according to their own needs. Many groups are like this. These should be criticized What shall we do, play with fork and spoon like you? Shall we mind our own stomachs like you, as revolutionaries,... ...and the working class are being killed and exploited? First feed your own stomach and then feed the working class! We’d rather starve than be reformists like you. You are being a demagogue my friend. You are being demagogues yourselves Tirshikchi! I wish you said something I thought you would. It would be nice to react to their criticism. Never mind.They think the university is the world. The system wants that too. Why did they hang Deniz Gezmis and others? Because they didn’t stop at the university; they went everywhere. But they really spilled out of the university. Hi! Shall we get Rojda and Orhan and have tea together? All right. I am free for two hours. - Let’s go. - See you. So how is it going? Not bad. You are not around? I am in and out of classes. Here’s the last issue of our magazine. Take it. I don't read such things, but if you need a contribution, I can buy it. It is not for money, it is for you to understand your own reality. I'm aware of my own reality. I don't need any support for that. If you wouldn't, you would know that you are a Kurd. I'm not a Kurd! Also the Kurdish people are descendants of Turks. Why do you insist on this? Besides that who can know where we come from. Everyone speculates for the sake of their theories. Because of all those in denial like you, everyone is making up theories Friends! Should we sit somewhere? We tried explaining to you for a long time. You don’t get it. It is not this difficult. So what if I am a Kurd? Does that change anything? It doesn't mean anything to me. Why do you care this much about a language that soon will be forgotten? If you'll feel better, I can tell you that I'm a Kurd. I am Kurdish! Are you comfortable now? Yes! Unfortunately you’d have to be a Kurd to talk like that Today the private sector operates under strict control of public sector. Through money and cost politics, banning, and economic politics, the private sector determines... ...its position within larger economics. Here one should not confuse the state being an economic producer… …and the state’s control of private life.. Now while the state regulates and controls life, the harmony between private and public benefits... Yes the opposite is ... Are you really leaving? Yes, I finally made up my mind. I didn't want to go before seeing you. Take good care of yourself. You too. Goodbye! To convince someone, one must spend a great deal of energy. To be beaten by our anger is a weakness. I agree with Friend Ozcan. Furthermore Friend Helin's act is totally unacceptable. Slapping Cemal was not right but his attitude is wrong too. He is totally broken. To me, dealing with him is a waste of time. I understand the friends' criticisms. It was an emotional action. However Cemal's reality is no different from the reality of our people. Unfortunately sometimes our people need force to accept their own existence. So, the slap incident is unacceptable. Our friend's perspective on the 'force theory' is wrong. Of course force has been inportant in history. But to whom, when, and how? Relationships need to be more sustaining It is not Cemal's personal problem. We are facing people who do not accept their own existence. There are reasons for this. If we don't understand these, we can't win. Right? Yes, the next topic of discussion. Ahmet and Ayse’s situation. To me, their relationship is a crime. By carrying on, in fact, they debasing our circle. Thus they must be isolated from our srtucture. In fact, they should be kept away from the school. -What lesson are you going to? -Behavioural sciences. -What? -Behavioural sciences. There is the English class. Behavioural sciences is over there. So friends, in the English present tense which verb will take “will, shall” ... Sorry, what class have you come for? Sorry, I’ve come to the wrong course. Yes, this is an English class. I am sorry! No problem. Take a look outside! Where were we? To sum up, there are three types of personality in Kurdistan. The revolutionary, the center- leaning, and the enemy personality. Where were you comrade? The class became an open house. If 69 comes, you won't have a clue. Had to pee. How could I know that idiot was late to his class? Be more careful. It is the cradle of antique civilization. What does “surplus good” mean? It means your production exceeds your need. We will come back to this later. It is an important subject. It is a medium-sized country with fertile land, an important strategic and... ...geographical position, as well as rich raw materials. The intercontinental silk and spice routes pass through Kurdistan. That's why throughout the history it was an important place to conquer... expansionist regimes and conquerors, hungry for new victories. Suleyman, the villager, He went to the military, right? The commander says, “Relax.” He replies that he is relaxed. The commander says again, “Relax!” He replies that he is relaxed. The commander slaps his face. And he says "My commander I am relaxed but you are not." You know his mother, Bese? They looked for a bride in the village for her son. Everywhere, she was like, “My son is a saint.” You ingnorant men! Is this your village? Why are you disturbing us?! You come from the East and ruin these places! This is Turkey. We speak Turkish here. We also know Turkish. - You divisive people! - Fuck you! Captain, open the door. Take these out! We will not get off. We pamper them, they ask for more. Bravo friends. Good job. You can’t divide our country. Kurdistan: a Colony Between States. Hi! We wanted to stop by. You are not around? I am usually in the dorm, reading something. Ok. Then you'll like this. - What are you reading? - Nothing. The book fair will open tomorrow. Let’s go together? We are there every year. We’ll clock in tomorrow. Wanna join us, Cemal? Dear booklovers, Aziz Nesin's signing continues at Adam Publisher’s booth. You’re shameless, why did you take this? This is for children! It just appeared in my hand. What are you doing! Why are you paying for it? It's a present, I want to pay for it. - For whom? - For someone who is angry. You slapped the guy, then you give him a gift! Go away! Maksim Gorki. Who wants Russian classics? I do. How many will you get? Can you read all of them? I sure can read. Let’s give you just the one Abdulbaki got. - Abdulbaki! - Yes, VK? Which one would you like? Comrade, give them to the ones in need. Cemal, I want to apologize for the other day. We lost control a little bit. [Book title: Dark Wound by Musa Anter] Apologies, 12 November 1992, Helin. Don’t you exaggerate any more.. Tomorrow, a Kurdish Cultural Center will open. This author will come too. Do you wanna go? He can give you a whacking as well. I mean can give you a signature. Besides Helin’s, you know. Here is Musa Anter. He is a very nice man. He has great cuss words. Welcome, dear friends. We are happy to see you. It is packed inside. We apologize that we can’t let you in. But our friends are preparing, soon... will see the inside on a closed circuit TV. I still don’t know what you study. - Law. - Which grade? It is more correct if you say “which year.” Why didn’t Cemal come? He said he has to study. Have you ever got caught? Once, the driver got suspicious… Your mom sent the whole village. Did they send 'political' cheese? It wouldn't be right without 'political' cheese? My mom packs it so tight, as if it will never be opened. Anyway, we got in a room. Pilgrims are sitting around a dinner table. I am waiting around. Suddenly the sound of the azan and cannon... It’s time to break the Ramazan fast in Istanbul. The clasp is broken. You’ll use it without the band now. Too bad. It was a gift from a friend who left. They said, “we forgive you on this holy day... ...bu next time, it's straight to the police.” - You know what I said? - What did you say? May God protect you. How is the production? Any surplus? If there is surplus, class struggle starts between us, comrade. If it goes like this, that will happen. Wow! Which one is real, which one is fake? Exactly the same. I still have five more orders. Make one for us, too. I will only make one for you. And I will make a press pass for you, too. Hey! Are you brainwashing, Oblomov? It smells like the homeland again. I hope you you bought tea, Ali! Everything you wanted is in the bag. What happened? The fuse blew because we overused illegal electricity. Plus the neighbours are getting suspicious. This is a conspiracy to stop my production, friends! Electricity is out? Uncle Musa is immortal. This is cowardice! Hello. As the struggle develops, they get wilder. You have to respond them with the same tactics. It is not a matter of the same tactics, comrade. Our people are gunned down every day. As the youth, what are we doing? We are in our own little worlds. We just go in and out our classes. Class is about to begin. How could they do this? If this is all, let's break. Well, good luck. One minute, comrade. We haven't discussed one issue yet. Is it right to call the new ones? Some are having dilemmas. Comrade Ozcan, you always wake up at the end of the meeting. Comrade, the best place to dissolve the dilemmas is on the field of action. Let's not leave together Friends. Go in twos or singles! Ali, pass me a cigarette. I hope a second slap isn't necessary for Cemal, Helin. No comrade, I'm not going to speak with him, Ali is. Cemal isn't, but Orhan and Rojda are improving with pace. The man is like a stone. He is not changing. You are wrong. Cemal's change is slow but deep-rooted. I don’t know about that. But he is like a tree root. Journalists, intellectuals and patriots are assasinated every day. Our villages destroyed, burnt, and our people deported by force. I mean the attacks against our people increase everyday. To protest these attacks, we'll do something downtown. We’ll plan a massive action. We want you to participate as well. Ali, I don't know you guys well yet. It's not right to dive into practice this soon. True, you’re right. But the best place to solve dilemmas is on the field of action. Our relationship with action is what makes us different from others. Cemal, if we can't connect theory to practice, we can't progress. Plus, the war is not waiting for us to be ready but taking lives continuously. Everyone must do something within their power. This is a process of revolution. Don't be shy. Not just you, all the new ones will be there. What time will it begin? At 1 o’clock. In front of the bank on the World Cinema Street. We are an unlucky generation. Our forefathers left all the work to us. Everything is so fast. How beautifully it rains. Yesterday was the same here. The bank security stands over there. It's good that there are many streets. Let's leave after another stroll. How is it going with Ali? It's good, comrade. We Kurdish men are quite weak. Sometimes we take a 'hi' as a sign of love. The other day I heard a friend's story. A girl accidentally touched the guy's foot under the table. And our guy counted down, exactly 23 seconds. Then he made up stories in his head for months. Can they open the beers here? I think it's appropriate. You're too close with Ali, be careful so he doesn't fall for you. I don't think that would happen. It is exactly 1:06 now. It isn't a holiday or something, why this crowd? Cemal, hurl it. Why hasn’t Özcan come yet? Take these. Throw them. Be quick! Take it! Move! Kurdistan will be fascism's graveyard. Come on, friends! Hurry up, Cover your faces quickly! [Money is earned with money.] [Demirel:Kurdish TV is not possible.] [Özal insists on Kurdish TV.] [Offer from Apo to Demirel.] [Commander in Chief: They will be exterminated] [The Soviet Union has collapsed.] [Private universities are coming.] [Humanity dragged down.] [Students burned down the bank.] Look at him! Can one be this careless? His photos have been published like he’s a celebrity. If you're late, why go back to where it happened, to do what? Be quiet, everyone is looking at us. You should have seen the bank security. As soon as he heard the word 'Kurdistan' he ran inside like a bullet. In fact, we should have robbed the bank, once we were inside. Once you begin, all your fear goes away. If you had said, “let's rob it,” we would have for sure. Alphabet of Socialism Socialist and Democratic Movements in Turkey The Origin of the Family, Private Propery, and the State The Dialectics of Nature Elementary Principles of Philosophy The Right of Nations to Self-Determination Kurdistan’s National Salvation Problem and a Solution Crime and Panishment First, our time is limited. Second, I wanna reach the friends outside. I think they cannot come inside. - Is everybody here? - Noooo! Soon I will go out there with my baglama. Friends, the police have started a search at the door. I have publications on me. I gotta go now. It is not a good idea for you to take them out. I can take them out. It is better. They don’t search women. Comrade, let’s not leave this to the women. I'll take it out. What do you mean? I mean... I don’t understand why these idiots only search men. They think we are worthless. Even our own friends think so. Comrade, don’t say that. The cops you saw all were male. We need to talk, Ali. What happened? I can’t tell you now. How are we gonna talk then? Like always, in front of the locomotive, ok? Ok! You’re sure Leyla won't come in? I don’t know where we’re going with this. I don’t either. Maybe it is better to end it. Maybe. Maybe? Let’s end it then. Their memories are enlightening our path. He has a serious problem with laziness. He needs to apply himself. I agree with my friend. Özcan is under the influence of 'Oblomovism'. In fact, I'd like to give an example. Halil gave him the book, Oblomov, so he can overcome this problem. But our friend couldn't finish the book for months. I agree with friends. Plus Özcan sleeps too much. For at least ten hours a day. He's a hedonist. However, we don’t have that much time. Friend Ozcan accepts all the criticisms. What do you mean? He does. I agree with all that has been said. Plus, our friend isn’t attending to his duties and is becoming too complacent. Despite all this, our friend has a self-sacrificing personality. Also he must maintain his honest and objective character traits. If he overcomes his weaknesses, the results will be good. Yes, it is your turn now. Friends' criticisms are right on. As Abulbaki said, they didn't criticize enough. Now following these comments I promise to apply myself. Furthermore, I want to announce something. I want to join the struggle actively. I submit my free will to the Party. I want to fight as a professional revolutionary. I am ready for any duty assigned to me. Thank you. Good luck. Next is Friend VK. Now I will express an observation of mine. Comrade, this friend displays deep traits of the classic Kurdish character,... some traits of the Kurdish feudal structure... Friend Abdulbaki! Friend VK is not Kurdish, but Turkish. How can you make a criticism like this? Comrade, he’s become a Kurd by spending all this time with Kurds. I saw you this morning. You were running somewhere. I was in a rush, that’s why I was running. What rush? I was getting on the bus, what else? Which bus? The bus to Diyarbakir. Why are you getting angry? Ok, but you were walking the opposite direction. Don't pressure him. Maybe he had an oppositional errand. Don’t you have to study? Stop swinging that. Dear audience, according to scientific research, a language called Kurdish doesn't exist. Language depends on historical and geographical… No Kurdish? I’ll tell you in Kurdish–– I fuck your father’s asshole! What are you saying, you fag! Speak Turkish. Your father is a fag! Shut up, you dog! Guys! Stop! Orhan,let me look. Why did you provoke them? Let me look, too. His eyes are swollen. Yes, yes. Come on tell me what Orhan said. I can’t tell. I have manners. Come on, tell me. No, Orhan should. He said it already. There’s nothing to tell. Go on. Orhan, should I? Man, I will cut you with a razor! Bastards! - What now? - Should we appeal? It wouldn't help. They mention political activity. The bastards are working with the police. They spied on us. We have no choice but to stay illegally. Let's talk to our friends first. Cemal, does it suit me? Not bad. - Did you like it? - It's perfect. Give it here, let me try on. You immediately got it for yourself. No, I'll give it back. Give me some trousers too. Oh! Did you buy it? It's a gift from VK. He says, “I'll pay for it.” Look, he is getting this for me! Did he rob a bank or what? Your father is a deputy, but VK is paying. Yes, you were the only one who was left out. Stop it. Could you carry my old clothes? Of course, with pleasure. Go ahead. Don’t get noticed. We are going. See you. I can't believe it! My knees were shaking at the door! At that point, I understood what we were doing. Is this right what we've done? Cemal, who upholds the system? Big companies like that So the more damage we give them, the better. Do you think these bastards earn it by working? Sure, I am not talking about small businesses. But these are the system’s biggest pillars. Whoever it is, they worked and earned it. What we've done is a form of stealing. They've worked and earned it, have they? Is it possible to earn this much by working in this system? You think the owner of that place worked as hard as your father? I don't think so. He must be on vacation right now. Plus, Cemal friend, private property is itself theft. Who said it, “poetry belongs to its reader.” So property belongs to whomever needs it. Friends, let’s not overdo this. This much theory is enough. I gotta go now. I have an appointment. See you. Helin wait! Are you ok? Well, not so much. If you come home, we can talk tonight. It's not definite, but I'll try, ok? See you. Is it Ali? Is it over? Are you all right? Everybody has been staying illegally and we didn't have a clue. What the hell! You two can sleep in Özcan’s bed tonight. These two beds will be empty by tomorrow. Two friends will go to their hometowns. Be careful, don't get contaminated by Oblomovism. I’m in law school, mom. Baki, enough! Every night it’s “law school, law school.” When they pay taxes to the state, they don't question it. When we ask, they have no money! And they are also threatening! Ask him one last time. If not, wait till after Newroz then throw a molotov into his work place. There is also this friend from Siirt, who beat up his wife again. His daughter told us yesterday. The mother is in bad shape. Didn't we warn him before? Twice, comrade! Obviously he didn't get it. Let's warn him in a way he'll understand Don't hurt him too bad, just rough him up. We can't kill him just because the President says “kill machismo.” Otherwise, it would harm not benefit his wife. It's risky to meet in school. There are continuous investigations Yes, we heard. I hope you're okay We're learning from guerilla tactics. We're always on the move. You seem to be very comfortable, though. We occasionally benefit from the comforts of bourgeoisie. But thanks for your gentle sarcasm Ma'am. Not at all, Sir. It wasn't sarcasm. Comrade Helin, how is the situation at your house? Leyla and I are living together. Two friends kicked out from the dorm are sometimes staying with us as well. Anarchist Leyla? She is still among us? Of course! She was at the last illegal act, too. In that case it is ok, if you have a guest. The ones from the dorm can find somewhere else. One of our friends is not in good health, she needs a place to rest for a while. 1. The group who doesn't care, Lenin calls them 'the risers'… 2. The group who takes action when they are refused an education… 3. Counter-revolutionaries… 4. Revolutionaries, meaning us. We can put students into small bourgeois category. To be a real revolutionary, one must actualize class suicide. To revolutionize without class suicide is a failure of the Left. Go ahead,comrade. Comrade, I don't get it. How shall we do this suicide thing? No comrade, it isn't normal suicide. This is class suicide... Which class? The class of 1C! You ignorant men! This is also suicide but not like kind you know. How can I explain? It is to give up the benefits of your class willingly... Like how? I don't have anything to give up. Why would I do it? If he doesn't explain it well, we will lose Abdulbaki to martyrdom! What are you laughing at? What is so funny? Cemal? Where have you been? You are not coming to classes. Is something wrong? No. I had things to do, that’s why. Accounting homework is due next week. It’s goint to be tough. Our law midterm is on Friday. Hi. Hi. The English professor is checking for signatures. I can't sign for you anymore. Are you all right? I had some family problems. Ok, see you later. See you. It looks like family problems will go on for a while. It is not right. He must evaluate himself. By the way, I salute the council and the structure with due respect. Most of his friendships are with women. Among the women he is doing it with Helin. Doing a relationship. - How? - He is doing it! I mean, he doesn't have a close male friend. Perhaps just beacuse we are male, he doesn’t even say hi to us sometimes. - How so? - He doesn't! Why? He is right there. Ask him. I sometimes think that the friend is here only for emotional relationships. His relationship with Helin is really ugly. Comrade, should we not talk to women? I find it easier to make friends with them. How is this wrong? Comrade, the friend is evading the criticisms. Friend Ali, let's not evade the criticism. Friends, be more careful! Be more objective! Eventually, criticism makes us stronger. Comrade, this is too much. He is evading the council as well. Leyla? Thanks. I find the critiques unjust. Ali's relationship with me is good. But it isn’t emotional. Of course! Aren’t you Helin’s roommate? Let’s wash his face. Are you all right? We have a naughty cat in the house. I do. What were the numbers at the last count? Fifty six million. How many of these are women and how many men? I don’t know that much ma’am. Can you sign here? Are making money out of this job? Would you work for free? Well, is the population all Turkish? What else can it be? If your questions are over, we should go. Of course, thank you. Maybe they used it and put it outside to dry. No, I'm sure! If the towel is at the end, it means the house isn't free. But it's not just the towel, they've hung up everything in the house. But look carefully, The far end is empty. Whatever,let's try our luck. But wait until this man leaves first. As if he is the building security! Dick. Friends, what's up? We weren't expecting you. We heard about a raid at the dorms. We didn't get the sign outside. You understood it as it suited you. Helin, come here for a minute. Anyway. - Hi! - Hi! My aunt's daughter, our guest. - Welcome. - Thanks. She came from our hometown. Her husband beat her up. He injured her leg, the animal. We're looking for a doctor. - Get well soon. - Thanks. Don't worry, it's Friend Halil. - Welcome. - Thanks. If we knew the hotel was full, we wouldn't have come. All the uninvited guests came on the same night. Uninvited? - How are you Cemal? - Thanks. - How are you Orhan? - Thanks. How are you, friend? Welcome. How are you? - Welcome. - Thanks. They wanted my dad to become a village guard. My dad said no and we had to leave the village. My uncle stayed. Village guards killed one of my cousins. Really! You never said this before. We already had disputes with them. They used it as an excuse. Musa, my cousin. I’ll never forget him. He was my best friend. I spent my whole childhood with him. We dreamt about coming to Istanbul for university. He was a dreamer. I want to be scattered to the wind. I want to go away. I don’t want to belong to or own anything. One takes herself anywhere she goes. Even her surroundings. What is the meaning in an aimless wandering? Why are you searching meaning in everything!? Sometimes people live meaningless things. Is the revolver here? We were probably followed. We'll leave from the roof. Be cool. Tell them nobody came except these friends. Go to the window and divert them a little. Ok, comrade. Who is it? The neighbours buzzed the door. Stay in your beds. Turn the lights on. Open up! Police! Nobody move! Anyone who moves will die! Clear! Clear! Get in! Clear! Clear! Ms. Helin, you are very hospitable, huh? They're friends from school. Is it a crime? What the hell are you two doing here? It is not enough what you did in the dorm, now you frequent homes? There's no one else in the other rooms! What do you mean? No one! -Where are the others? -They're all here! These aren't the ones who came in, sir. How come? Where did these ones come from then? I don’t know, sir. You incompentent men! Take these! Get up, get up! Hurry! Hurry up! Hurry up! Move, you rascals! Ms. Helin, if you are this hospitable, entertain our man, too. Leave me alone! This house is too spacious for two people anyway. How come the Party leaves you alone, despite you being from from Dersim! Cemal! Cemal! Look, man! You'll be torn here. Give us a little information. Who got you involved? What is your nationality? I'm Kurdish. Brother, his left side will feel left out! I left my clothes outside. Can I get them? Don't you worry, we'll collect them. I've got private stuff, I need to collect them myself. Alright, but I am watching you. Don't you make a mistake. What time do you think it is? I don't know. I lost count after the seventh day. Halil didn’t run away for nothing. They kept asking about him. I almost forgot. Did they show you Ahmet and Ayşe's photos? Yes. They showed an album full of photos. I really didn’t know most of them. And you know what else they asked? What is your nationality? What did you say? What could I say? “I'm Kurdish,” I said. Of course that was followed by a slap. Then the other one slapped me saying 'the left side will be left out.' Cemal... Come here. Comrade, not only the State but also the Party... ...slaps you when you say that you're Kurdish. They're treating you like a dumb kid! Stop! Stop! I need say something. The Party was softer, though! It only slapped you once. What the hell's going on? Is there an internal separation? Why are you wrestling? Look, Mr. Adnan: These two young men are going down the same road as you. They won't even behave in the cell. We've tried to tell them, but they don't understand. You try a little. May it pass quickly, brother! May it pass quickly, brother! Welcome. Thank you boys. To you, too. May it pass quickly. Brother, how is it outside? Good? What's going on? You can be sure it is as you left it. Why have they brought you in brother? I was leaving the country. They picked me up. A crime showed up in their files. I told them... ‘I've already been to prison for fifteen years for that, you haven't deleted it.' But no they wouldn't listen, They say I need permission from the prison court. Otherwise they can't let me. Here you go it is Turkey. You spent fifteen years in prison? Political? Yes. So, why were you going to Europe? I don't want to live in this country any longer. It's not worth doing anything for these people. You remind me of my youth... [An end to disappeared people in custody] [Free press can’t be silenced] [Fuck the fascism of September 12th] [Shoulder to shoulder against fascism] [May 1, 1977 Independent Turkey] [U.S. 6th Fleet Get Out] [Deniz Gezmises never die] [The only way is revolution!] The initials of my lover's name is also in my name. Come on you give a clue as well. Mine last letter is in my name. - Is it her? - Which one? Her. Nonsense! If we were on the outside do you think we could talk like this! Do you see! The enemy is locking us up to talk about corrupt ...relationships, comrade, not to fight against the 6th Fleet. Let's make this day official here. Let's write it somewhere so that it can never be rubbed off. [22 July 1968 Orhan, Cemal] I miss listening to music. The clouds go next to each other in the sky The blood goes out of my wounds Damn your tradition the earth Cowardice stays, the falcon goes Damn your tradition the earth Cowardice stays, the falcon goes To itself, my love, to itself Let his mother know A brave man died at university The birds are mourning for him You Osman, you Osman Your master trained you poorly Do they shoot someone from behind whom they call friend? Do they shoot from behind? What’s happening? Did you like each other that much? Yes we did. Get ready! You're going to court now. Thank god that you're able to walk out from here this time. You didn't confess anything but next time your exit won't be this easy. - Goodbye, brother. - Goodbye, kids. Your document has not arrived yet. Mr. Adnan, You smell like dirty socks. Let’s go outside. How beautiful! How difficult! What is difficult? Why is that beautiful? How far away the outside is once you are inside. What are you doing? Who did you miss most? You? I asked first. Who could you be? Cemal? Orhan! Do you know your blood type? No! Fine. Call the police station, they can tell you. How come they know it? I never gave blood. There is nothing they don’t know about us! Don’t exagerrate the enemy. It is paranoia, friends! It doesn’t mean that they are not following us even if we are paranoid. Did they ask about me? They showed us an album full of photographs. Really? Of course. Winter came to my orchard, O my beauty, at the middle of blossom time. The rose has faded, as has the whole orchard. I am desolate, my home is dilapidated. Comrade, it's just that, you know we're celebrating the release of our friends tonight. Yes? We thought well, should we buy some alcohol? That is unacceptable, comrade! We can't drink when we are judging others for doing it. But we are turning some things into taboos. Our songs are enough for us. O my beauty, do not wail–– Feqiyê Teyran is old now. He is weak and sick. Comrade Ali, play our song. Morning, morning, every morning What are you doing? People are asking about you. Why aren’t you coming? Are you writing your prison memoirs? Abdulbaki welcome You have a place in my heart By the time you get the point The revolution will have happened. Friends, it is snowing. Really? I was busy with classes that’s why I couldn’t call. A month? It's just been two weeks. When did he get shot? No, no it hasn't got anything to do with me... What? Come here? I said I'm not involved... Ok, ok! Take care. These attacks can’t stop our struggle. We will maintain our struggle with our history’s power and… the spirit of DEV-GENC to carry the flag of Denizs, Mahirs, and Ibos. Oppression couldn’t and won’t stop us. Opression can’t stop us! Friends, you know, they massacred our famous intellectuals, Vedat Aydin, Mehment Sincar, Hüseyin Deniz and Uncle Musa. The Turkish state wants the people to be enemies with each other For how long shall we stay silent? We condemn the tyranny of the Turkish state. We hope our hand extended for peace doesn’t stay hung in the air. Patriotic students won’t leave their people alone. Atheist. Allah-u Akbar, Allah-u Akbar! Friends, there is an attack inside. It is obvious that this law concerns all of us. But there are different opinions about forms of action. To increase participation we need more appealing acts, friends. We face pure fascist decisions and still talk about appealing acts! What should we do, shoot people? No, but we can occupy the chancellor’s office. We can maintain the occupation until the law gets repealed. Who’s seen the Assembly repeal a law, for God’s sake? If you continue like this, of course it won’t. Friends, first we should announce everyone this law’s content. Believe me, ninety percent of the students are unaware of the law. We can’t announce it with a megaphone, right?! Why not! What are you writing? I remember that question from somewhere? Here is something that shall document the date of this question. - Stop it. - Show it to me! Orhan – Cemal January 22, 1992. You didn’t write my name. You write yours on the back. Kids, who is talking back there? You didn’t write my name. I spoke. Money politics, blah blah. Such an annoying woman! She is really annoying. She doesn’t know anything except money. Those who are not listening, please leave the class. I think she is talking to us. Really! Let’s go. You don’t have to listen! What are you looking at? No private property,friend Orhan. Besides the coat belongs to whoever it suits. True, true. And this is your last trust. Anyway the coat suited you as well. Don’t turn around now. I wonder where we will be ten years from now? Hold it, Cemal. I have an idea. What happened? Nothing! Come on, the frame is ready. - I am leaving. - To where? - I have things to do. - What things? What happened? - Hi, comrade! - Hi. - How are you? - Thanks. We were just doing the last round. Is there a problem? I thought I was being followed so I went through back streets. You’re soaked with sweat in this cold. This car is even more luxurious! Before you criticize, I should tell you, the owner of the gallery is a friend. We don’t have much time. We have a long way. We need to clarify things about Newroz. You know the state has banned it once again. In any case, the decision is to celebrate with the masses. It will be a massive action with all universities involved. You decide on the place. Intervention is likely, though. Take precautions accordingly. Do you have anything to say? Yes comrade. It's about Ayse and Ahmet who are in isolation. Ahmet asked if they can use the food court. We've agreed, but they're not allowed in the canteen. That's good. These are the monthly dues. And these are my and Ali’s self critiques. - Are you all right? - I am fine. You are not upset because we asked reports from you, are you? Look. This is my fiancee’s ring. We joined the party together. I came here, she went to Dersim. We are getting ruined here… Is there anything else? Friends are asking about Özcan. Özcan is very well. He's showing an unexpectedly good performance. The man we call Oblomov became a lion in the field. This is lots of fun. You can do this kind of work from now on. I am just doing touch ups anyway. If my dad sees, he’d kill me. If I were not to be revealed, I would sign on this. Comrade, we couldn't find empties. So we bought them full. What? Did you really buy a crate of beer? We couldn't find empties. What could have we done? How could you waste that much money? I hope nobody saw you. They’ll think we are alcoholics. No, no one saw us. Come on in. So how shall we open these? I can do it with a spoon, comrade! My uncle drinks a lot. That’s how I know. What happened? We went to so many petrol stations, but they wouldn't give us any. The police have banned buying gas in containers. You should have convinced them. What are we gonna do now? Ok, ok. Leyla can paint the posters. Cemal, let’s go and get it. Siphon it carefully. Otherwise you’ll swallow. It tastes horrible. Go ahead, draw it. Let me do it. You need to grow much more. We do not learn this easily, Mr. Cemal. Here is our primary ingredient. Have a seat, Cemal. Now, friends. This mixture of… …gas, plastic and soap flakes should rest for at least a day. Why do we use soap flakes? Because soap produces smoke, making an effect in the field of action. I prefer beer bottles because they are heavier, and can break thick glass. Anyways, you will become experts tomorrow. This soap is too much. The girls can use the extra in the bathroom. It's quite effiective going to class two hours before an action. - Your face is sullen. Are you all right? - I am fine. Don't be afraid, my load is heavy but I'll help you out. How can we make you smile? Look, I’ll give you something? Take this, cover your sullen face with it during the action. - I need to give you a note. - Is it about the action? I don't know. You have to read it. Is this good? Stop. Ok turn. Is this good? No. Comrade, can we talk for a moment? - What’s up? - We learned something. Tell me! What happened? Abdulbaki! He is working for the police. What? How did this come up now? The guy is not a student or something. How come? How do you know? We asked the registrar’s office. If he worked for the police, he would have a student ID. I don’t know. But he isn’t enrolled in the university. Strange! We are going to the action now. We can’t do anything. How is this really possible? Did you talk to him? No. We did not say anything. Bastard! I still can’t believe he works for the police! Cool it. Don’t mark him this fast. What explanation can he have, Ali? Brother, buy your beautiful lover a rose! What time is your strapless watch showing? Why? Don't you have a watch? Yours shows the time more beautifully! Where are they? The action should start now. Five socks for a hundred thousand liras! Too many vendors around. All weird. Really strange! See this pretzel seller. He is like signaling to someone. Something weird is going on. Hurry! We need to stop it or it’ll be very bad. Friends, disperse now! The action is cancelled! Who is this starting the action? Provocateurs. We can’t go any further. They are following us. Let’s run. Friends, let’s flee. Viva Newroz! Viva Newroz! Viva Newroz! Viva Newroz! They must have been informed. They've blocked everything! Let's turn down the first street without attracting attention. Declaring your love just before the action? I don't know. I said you never know! I hope it is not on you. What should have I done, left it to the canteen owner? If we get caught, we’ll deal with that on top of everything. If you like the rose, you’ll tolerate the thorn. There is no way out. We have to go towards them. Remember we are coming from the movie theatre. - Which movie? - Dancing with Wolves. It’s rather Dancing with Kurds. Hey kids! Come here. Let’s see your IDs? Where are you coming from? From the movie theatre. - Movie theatre? - Yes. Where do you know each other from? Where do we know each other from, my darling? - Your darling? - Yes. - What darling? - Darling! - Prove it. So we believe. - What do you mean? Kiss on the lips, then we believe you. Nonsense! What do you mean nonsense?! Take these in! Screw them! Rascals, lie down! Lower your heads. Lie down! Orange, orange! Incredibly cheap! What is up? You smashed my table! Son of a bitch, you ass! You came from the East and ruined everything! Let me go! Newroz, huh! Let me go! Newroz, huh! How can you not know him? You're together day and night! Who are you kidding? Who are you kidding? Look, if you don't confess that he was a militant… … we will kill you just like we killed him. Do you know where you've ended up? The fag’s fainted! Pour it! Cemal, here is your pen. Write “this is my confession.” Then sign it. It is just formality anyway. We already know what shit you did. I have nothing to write! You do, you do. For instance, how did you meet with the Party? Write about that! I didn’t meet the Party or anything. Is that so!? Then swear off the Party! Come on, say, “Damn the Party!” I don't swear at anyone. Aren't you swearing at us right now? OK then say, “Long live the Kurdistan Worker’s Party!” Bastard, say long live and that’ll be enough. No, no. Osman! Fetch my nightingale. Look, listen to him carefully, ok? There's no point in holding out Cemal. Everything is over. What was there to be over? Müslüm, for God’s sake, what part did this one have in that action? Following Helin's assignments… …VK, Cemal and I prepared the molotovs together. The night before the act, we left the molotovs and posters… the shoe store on the back street. When we couldn’t get gas from the stations… …we drew gas from car tanks for molotovs. Before the action, Cemal handed the molotovs to others. You see! Ok. Write! That's slander! He's just looking for a partner in his crime. I have never seen this guy before. Are you kidding with us, you fucking cunt mouth! Even the bloody Russians have given up and these fags haven’t! What forest are we gonna kill him in? At the usual place. Isn’t this Cemal's school? Take his blindfold off so he can see it one last time. If you didn’t get into this shit… …you would have been at this gate with your sweetheart. But Cemal will walk in a different kinda gate now, the prison gate. Who is your girlfriend? The girls in your school are hot for sure! There is this blonde bomb Demet, coming early in the mornings. Do you know her? Why don’t you arrange her for me, so I can fuck her once. Faggot! Not everyone has a chance at university like you. You should have taken advantage of what the state has offered you! It gets into your system and messes up your life! Is it only my life being messed up? Cover this faggot’s eyes! He doesn’t deserve the favour. Brother, what’s going on? Trial of a fictitious exporter. We’ll let you pass soon. As if the Prime Minister is passing, motherfuckers. See! Illegal stuff is done like this, you idiot! When the breezes of dawn blow in clusters, Along with your ships tearing the blue cambric I think of you, think of you from afar. Wait for us, Istanbul, All this pain wasn’t suffered in vain. Wait with your grand and tranquil Suleymaniye, With your parks, bridges and squares. Wait for us, Istanbul. Cemal, welcome! Özcan?! How are you? - Fine, thanks. You? - Fine, thanks. I thought we wouldn't see each other for a long time. Me neither. I was assigned here after the training. On the day of action, I came here, but didn’t see you. Where are the friends? Don't you know about Orhan? What do you mean? Take a seat. Orhan was shot running away after the action. Police caught him injured, but shot him in the head and executed him. A lot happened while you were inside. Events burst out at his funeral. His family came. We wanted to take his funeral to his village. But the cops stole the body. 1973-March 21st 1993 Orhan Yılmaz This was in Orhan’s pocket. We thought you should have it. Your names are on it. Three of yours... He's gone to the mountains. He left this for you. Müslüm's confessions made it impossible for our friends to stay here. Müslüm cooperated in police raids at dorms and houses. A lot of friends were sent to prison because of his confessions. Helin, Ali, VK… and many more. Because of Müslüm 's confessions, they’ve gone to mountains. How about Rojda? - She's wanted, too. - Meaning? Rojda was also detained in the action. Of course her father intervened and got her out. He took her from school to their hometown. A couple days later Rojda fled home. She joined the Party. It was even on the newspapers. “The deputy’s daughter has gone to the mountains!” Orhan is homeless in Diyarbakır Beads break in his hand This is not Diyarbakır So can’t run with a chopper in his hand Özcan is like a calf Wanders around sleepy Give him a task He finishes forty days and nights Hey friends, it is snowing! Really? VK is a small guy Looking for constant trouble An enemy to capitalism He is like a storm in fields Can you come here, Abdulbaki? Morning morning 69 comes every morning Morning morning We flee every morning What’s happening? Have a seat. Officer! Don’t kid me like that! I can’t take it, you know. You’ll see if I’m kidding or not! Sit down! What’s happening? Özcan, what happened? How much is your salary? What salary? What are you talking about? Is that so? Did you get acting training also? What acting? Comrade Ali, please say something! Answer the questions. What is your major? Law. But in fact, it isn’t. How come? It isn’t. I mean, in fact it isn’t. How is that possible? Like this… I took the univesity exam for four years. I could not pass. Every year we had huge fights at home over the exam. They said, “Your cousins passed. You could not.” “The neighbours’ kids passed. You could not.” “We sent you to private courses. You could not!” One, two, three times... The last time, results were announced. I said I passed “Where?” Uludag University Medical school. They wanted me to be a doctor. I packed my bag and left. I hung out in Bursa for a year. I even attended the classes from time to time. But it is a small town.They were noticing me. I was gonna be exposed. I transferred here the second year Pass me a cigarette. Cem Yıldız, missing for 14 days, last seen in custody. Hurry up! You are too late. Come on. These are not questions you can’t solve! What is this paper? I didn’t study enough, Professor. Doesn’t matter. You can still do it. Sit down, you have time. Professor, I really tried but I can’t Doesn’t matter! You can do it! Come on. Such a paper doesn’t suit you He left the house for groceries and never came back. Somebody saw him under custody. The person he describes resembles Cem a lot. But the police won't admit it. You didn’t encounter with him, did you? No! We are organizing a forum about this tomorrow. We were gonna ask for help, but we don't know about your situation. I let my friends know but nobody is around. Comrade, we need to talk urgently! Comrade, what are you doing here? The police asked about you in the dorm. You need to hide, quick Calm down! What's happening? They messed the dorm room and treated the friends badly. They said something Like, “he escaped.” Maybe they let you go to reach Helin and the others They lost track of you and got anxious. Didn’t Helin and others leave? Yes but not to the space. They are going be to waste him. You're right, father. If he goes on like this… …he either goes to the mountains, or dies in a conflict for nothing. I wish we hadn’t released him. If you catch him, what is his punishment? If we catch him… depends on his crime. More than three years? If he is charged with membership, he gets around ten, twelve years If we hurry though, we can register him as supporting or harboring. Then he get out in three to five years Thanks. - Hi. - Hi. Özcan, you see that old man? He is asking about Cemal. He says it’s his dad. What dad? What is his father doing here? This must be a conspiracy! He can’t be his father. He must be a liar! He seems so natural. This much can't be pretending. Look at him. Go and ask what he said. Cemal's father asked about the classrooms. We need to hurry. How shall we get rid of him? He will be real trouble. I hope some friends are not in the class. They are not stupid, they should know that the cops can check there. He is going to the classroom for real. - Hello children. - Hi. - I'm looking for my son. His name is Cemal. - Ask the blonde girl in pink over there. She must know There won’t be any questions from this topic, you’ll see. There will, for sure. He hinted at it in class. You are very boring. Stop studying. I'm looking for my son, Cemal. His name is Cemal. Have you seen him? - You are his dad? - Yes. I saw him this morning. He must be around. - You have seen him today? - Yes, a couple hours ago Cemal never comes to class. I don't think he is coming to this exam. Is something wrong, sir No, nothing. Go check the canteen, he must be around. Thanks. Who is being tracked–– us or him? I don't get it. He seems sketchy to me. You got paranoid when you were put in charge! Being paranoid does not mean you aren't tracked, comrade! My father! Which one? This man! Is he with our bunch? Get out into the hall, they must be looking for us. Maybe we’ll see each other during the bus break? I don’t think so. Our bus is an hour later.We won’t catch you. Come on. Let’s be strong. - See you in our mountains. - Yes, we will. Diyarbakir passengers! Hurry! The bus is taking off! Baki, bring my father here. What? I’m serious. Go and bring him. Müslüm, the scoundrel! Let’s go! Let’s go! Run VK, run! Stop! Come here! Where do you think you are going? Cemal! Let’s go home. I don’t want to. Why did it happen this way? It had to be this way. Shut the door! Cemal! Daughter, did a kid pass by here? A kid? No. Nice to see you. How are you comrade? Thanks, I'm fine. I thought I’d never see you again. Thanks to Müslüm, we almost couldn’t see each other again! He broke down and spilled everything with the first slap. - Have you seen him? - Yeah, they faced me with him. We are proud of your attitude under detention. Everything can happen during war. There will be both losses and victories. Cemal, betrayal is like our shadow. Our history is full of not only resistance but also betrayal. We are a nation of countless betrayers. The president doesn’t say for nothing, we are a fallen people. But you see, we are changing this reality and it is not easy. The state is attacking from everywhere. For us, being a revolutionary isn’t limited to theory. It entails practical responsibilities. Nobody becomes a hero telling war stories in university canteens. You’ve probably heard, many friends have gone to the mountains. Yes, I did. Eleven went from our school. Hundreds have gone from other universities in Istanbul. That’s why we have vacancies in universities. Aren't you Cemal, Mustafa's son? No, I am not. My name is Mahmut. Is that so?
Channel: kazim öz
Views: 1,741,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kazim öz, kazım öz, kurdish cinema, kürt sineması, türk sineması, kürt sanatı, kürtçe film, kürt yönetmen, tükiye sineması, alternatif sinema, Bahoz, Bahoz filmi, 90'lı yıllar, 90'lar
Id: xZc6XueHs64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 156min 23sec (9383 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 30 2016
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