Bad Used Boats to Buy

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your parents might tell you to avoid hanging out with the wrong crowd would a good boat dealership tell you the same thing stick around to find out what used boats to avoid on today's video hi i'm sean from lens cove lessons and boating the used build market is really taking off in north america and that's fueled by everybody wanting to get into the activity of recreational boating with your friends and family and that's a great thing because of that there is a lot less use boat inventory out there so it makes it harder to make sure that you find the right boat for you on today's video we're going to really talk about the four types of used boats you should avoid and why now make sure that if you like this video please throttle that like button and get on board by subscribing for more and hit that notification bell on today's video we're going to cover avoiding boats that have really low hours and haven't been run avoiding boats that have likely sunk steering away from boats that have structural issues and watching out for certain types of power options that can leave you with expensive repairs in the future ultra low hours sounds like a great marketing tagline and definitely lower hours versus really high hours are probably something that you want to consider however if a boat has sat year after year after year perhaps in a customer's garage perhaps in someone's field or for whatever reason it has not been used much that is something that you probably want to avoid find out why and also remember that a boat that sits could have some internal engine damage from not being properly maintained there could be rodents or other animals that have chewed wirings and eventually you're going to have an issue and overall it's just nice to know that a boat was well used and didn't let the customer down probably one of the most dramatic things that can happen to a boat other than catch on fire and burning completely up is sinking problem is a lot of those boats actually come back to life because it is possible to get the water out of all the components to get the water out of the engine and they often fire right back up and work perfectly fine however in the long run you may find that there are more components that fail on a boat that has sunk you could have starter issues alternator issues you could have issues with your gauges your electrical circuits anything that is going to be conducive to getting corrosion on them is a possible failure point for a bow to sunk you're also going to possibly have things in your foam water oil or other contaminants and over time that may really minimize your enjoyment of the boat another big category of boats that on the used market you should avoid are ones with structural issues and it may not be super apparent by an overall viewing of the boat really take your time to look for things like a soft floor and a soft transom when you're inside the boat and you're walking around and you're stepping place to place make sure you try to put your weight in every possible spot on that boat's floor if you feel a soft spot stop and ask some questions it may just mean that there is one little bit of rot in the floor but it may mean that more of the structure below in the stringers are starting to go soft also the transom which is what takes the main thrust of that engine and propels the boat forward could be soft try taking the outboard engine and pushing hard up and down on it to see if there's much flex in the transom if it's an i o or stern drive you're going to want to grab a hold of that lower unit and really lift and drop that to see if there's excess movement in the transom another telltale thing to look for for structural issues are trails of water coming out of fixtures there are lifting eyes on the back of the boat and there's other bolts that go through the transom if you see a water stain that comes down from them you may wonder why is there moisture that's coming out of the boat's core or the transom and running down the outside of the boat or on the inside of the transom another category of used boats to be careful of is ones that have power options that may be hard to repair or are prone to failure the first one we want to talk about is older jet boats any boat that is 20 years or older should be approached cautiously any jet boat that has jet power that is 20 years older should probably be avoided altogether boats that were built prior to 2000 that have jet power were all two-stroke carbureted and definitely had not advanced to the point where they were reliable and we find that the componentry is hard to get so the repairs are expensive or not even possible besides the fact that they're very fuel and efficient and quite loud so i would avoid anything that is jet powered and over 20 years old another engine choice that you're going to want to avoid is anything that is omc powered if it has an omc cobra or an omc stringer you're going to want to avoid that because omc went bankrupt in the early 2000s because of that you have a availability issue with parts you have a technical knowledge issue with not enough mechanics knowing how to fix them and definitely they will be harder to sell on the resale market along the same lines force outboard engines which are no longer in production had a history of older type ignition and fuel delivery systems and overall just less reliable than a lot of other outboard engines lastly volvo made a really revolutionary drive called the xdp drive and it was designed to be very resistant to saltwater contamination because it was built with a composite material however that drive was not robustly built and is very prone to failure and you should avoid it like the plague those are all the types of used boats you should avoid because they are far and few between you won't see them every day they are a little bit like a needle in a haystack but watch out for them particularly in times like we currently have at the time of filming this video when there is very very low inventory what is usually left over has a higher probability of some of these avoidable traps check out the description below for a used boat buying guide and other resources to help you out in your boat buying and check out this link for a video we made for usb buying problems thanks for joining us on today's lens cove lessons and boating make sure you like this video and hit that subscribe button for more content just like this stay safe have fun and we'll see you out on the water
Channel: Len's Cove Lessons in Boating
Views: 241,444
Rating: 4.9076991 out of 5
Keywords: Used Boats to Avoid, worst Used Boats, worst Used Boats to buy, Used Boats that suck, bad boats to buy, bad used boats to buy, avoid these used boats, what used boat should I avoid, used boat to avoid, are there boats I should avoid, boats to avoid buying, stay away from these used boats, problem used boats
Id: 19G0GJvshzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 28sec (448 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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