Bad News For The Boeing 777X

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the Boeing triple 7x it is an upcoming wide body that has had nothing short of a very turbulent journey to certification and that road to certification is still not complete and in another blow to the program lans's CEO when speaking with reporters and as broken by Aviation week has provided updates on the Eis that being the entry into service and delivery previously scheduled for 2025 after what would be a 5-year delay Boeing had been forecasting certification as early as therefore next year with deliveries to occur towards the latter stages you would then project a formal entry into service for commercial operations in and around the early stages of 2026 R the CEO of Lanza though says that the first delivery of the 79 will now likely be pushed back towards 26 which would represent another delay however his adjusted forecast interestingly comes just 2 months after the Lanza group CEO said he expected Boeing to still deliver the first 79 in 2025 so you can really see just how much the situation has been fluctuating of late if all went according to plan Lanza's revised forecasting means that the tri 7x should be operational by the summer of 2026 at the earliest the last comment is a cautionary tale that predicting when a new aircraft will enter service has become increasingly more difficult arguably since the 737 Max crisis occurred in the latter stages of the 2010s that obviously redefined how Jets were approved concerns really about obtaining certification in 2025 were spurred on following Boeing's door blowout incident that we know took place at the beginning of this year following this incident Boeing faced increased scrutiny from the Federal Aviation Administration which led to slow production rates and the certification of upcoming Jets such as the 73710 being put on hold once more Boeing is still forecasting a 2025 certification followed by deliveries in the same year for the 78f well the newly launched frea variant is expecting a 2027 approval and delivery But ultimately and probably one of the more important factors is that the actual approval and delivery will rest on the shoulders of the FAA as to when the jet can be cleared and the FAA deems this plane is safe enough to enter service delays surrounding the trip 7x are not uncommon the aircraft was Believe It or Not initially slated to enter service back in 2020 but following several push backs 20125 was then quoted as the revised time for the final delay you would imagine however the president of Emirates Tim Clark has not been afraid to speak his mind on several occasions and has said that he expects delays in 2024 alone when speaking with the UK Aviation Club only a couple of months ago he said a 2026 delivery was likely if all parties were at worst unlucky but this forecast becomes more and more likely by the day therefore new comments from the CEO of Lanza surrounding a 2026 delivery and Eis confirm what Emirates has likely been predicting for some time and you'd imagine what other airlines are feeling but not necessarily publicly disclosing Emirates was expected to take on a Boeing 7x jet in 2024 no not for scheduled passenger operations but rather for root proving flights as confirmed in 2023 however talk on this has slowed since the turn of the New Year many argue that such a deal between Emirates and Boeing to make this possible was essentially the American plane maker compensating Emirates for the persistent delays the Dubai based airline has certainly been the most vocal when it comes to discussing the impact of the trip 7x delays and obviously the frustrations that they have on several occasions Clark has gone as far as signifying that he would rethink the 7x order and potentially take his business Elsewhere for a more proven J yet that wouldn't encounter as many delays potentially this could be the 787 or the a350 but time and time again these frustrations didn't actually eventuate to anything firm being done and towards the latter stages of 20203 many would smirk a little bit at what would take place Emirates went back for more trip 7x Jets the topup order cemented emer's commitment to the wide body and its title as the largest customer with no doubt the public public criticism likely leading to a pretty hefty discount ultimately for customers of the tri 7x even away from just emat the delays have several different impacts on the day-to-day business firstly let's take a look at the impact on the fleet for Airlines expecting the tri 7x yes these planes are going to be fantastic for future growth and bringing greater levels of efficiency but more often than not they are being brought on to to replace some of your more aging and less efficient aircraft types in the case of Lanza we know the trip 7x will replace some of your existing quad engined aircraft this a type of plane that airlines are moving more and more away from as they see greater benefits to twin engine units however because of the 7x delays Lanza has been forced to return the A380 to service retain a340s and keep 747s on longer than initially expected to mitigate the losses and ensure that capacity can be kept in place but broadly the retainment of these aformentioned jets are not just because of the trip 7x that is one component that makes up many aircraft being delayed from Airbus and Boe meanwhile negative ramifications are also felt to cross many airlines networks for some companies adding the Boeing 7x may be a way to boost capacity or start new routs additionally an aircraft like this could be viewed as a means to relieve pressure on an existing aircraft type basically what I'm saying is let's look at Emirates they operate a fleet of Boeing trip 7s and Airbus a380s bringing on an aircraft like the trip 7x allows them to rethink their Network maybe an A380 was being operated to a destination that a 7 would work better on that frees up an Airbus A380 that can then be sent to a more in demand City finally the persistent delayed delivery obviously have their financial impact among many other factors on the day-to-day business while these companies are seeking compensation for the losses directly from the manufacturer and are in some cases achieving this just getting these planes actually delivered on time would probably be regarded as something way more appreciated and more beneficial than compensation so it would appear that the tri 7x is likely going to be delayed until 2026 again this a year later than the 2025 forecasted entry into service and certification remember Boeing is sticking firm with their goal of a 2025 approval but your Airlines well they're becoming increasingly not as confident that this will be met when taking a look at all the problems that are hurting the American plane maker with quality issues question marks around production what are your thoughts on the continuously evolving situation of the 7x you can let me know Down Below in the comments All I've got to say is I can't wait for the day this plane is finally flying in the skies not just to potentially be able to see it with my own eyes generally to have this Saga over thanks a lot for watching please take care do be safe I'll see you same place same time tomorrow for your latest Aviation news and we'll f oh well fly [Music]
Channel: Dj's Aviation
Views: 83,205
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Keywords: Aviation News, Aviation Videos, Dj's Aviation, Airbus, Boeing, avgeek, daily dose of aviation, breaking aviation news, plane, airport, aircraft, airline, planespotting, aviation industry, aviation news today
Id: PnDR7Q8I3bA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 36sec (516 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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