AT 2020 Day 168 | The Day I Said Goodbye

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well i'm back here at liberty hill lane ready to start my hike jerry is leaving today he's going back to tennessee um we've had a great nine days together it's been awesome like nine and a half days together and we hiked a little bit rested a lot i just spent some time and this isn't going to be long we don't have that much longer no not gonna lie i'm ready to be home but i'm not giving up don't you dare i'm going to miss you i'm going to miss you but it won't be long no it won't you got this so we want to say goodbye to my husband then i'm going to start hiking back on the 8th it's climbing right now i guess this is what it looked like when we were night hiking because it looks kind of similar nice thing is right now the trail is a lot lot less rocky not very rocky at all it's just i'm just telling you man rocks on your feet it just hurts your feet so bad so this is nice i guess the point being is even though i'm climbing it just seems easier in some ways it's not easy but just easier you know because you can just focus on your breathing more that's not where your foot placement is the parking lot was full though for this place it must be a popular day hike destination i guess so finally got to the top of that one climb i'm walking through fields right now is nice the train is nice it was so hard to leave jerry this morning um i bawled like a baby it's like i know i'm gonna see him it's not gonna be that long i know i know at this point it's like i know that and i know i mentally have to like push through this because i can say that this is like really the hardest thing about doing a through hike i think it's the mental aspect i mean don't get me wrong the physical it's it's just as hard and the physical part never lets up no matter like i know it's easy to think oh i'm in virginia i've done a lot harder parts of the trail so this is pretty easy relatively but it's not really it's still really hard and virginia's actually pretty hard state but i mean i can definitely do more miles and i could do it like in new hampshire or whatever but anyway but mentally it's just it's so hard especially i think if you have i mean i can't speak for someone who's single because i'm obviously not single i've been single before so i know what that's like but i feel like it's just harder when you have a family at home like you know a spouse or a printer or kids or somebody that you you're used to having your life all the time it's just so hard um so i don't know i just think anyone you know chose to do something like this and you have a family it's going to be really hard mentally you're going to really struggle um it may not even necessarily a spouse but just you know someone you're involved with closely or even maybe family members or whatever but yeah it's just um yeah mentally it's a it's a struggle um but i'm determined to make the most of this last bit uh as much as i can um i feel very alone out here like i feel like there's nobody else on the jail you know no other through hikers i mean there probably is i'm sure but i haven't really seen any the little bit of time i've been out in virginia but then again i haven't been out very long i spent a lot of time just taking a break with jerry that was so wonderful and i don't regret that i mean part of me says well i should have just been hiking all that time and you know so i could be done quicker but i feel like i'm mentally i sorry it's like mate's pinching me trying to hold the phone i lost my pole i know they always fall filled anyway um i forgot um yeah i just i felt mentally i needed that break with jerry you know it was like i'd anticipated meeting him for so many months that for him to you know and he was driving like eight hours so for him to just come out for like a day or two yeah and then of course the weather was kind of bad a couple days so anyway i'm so thankful get to see him though and he's talking about maybe trying to come back out at some point here maybe i mean before thanksgiving if he can um but i don't want to put a lot of pressure on him because he was here for quite a while and so if he can't it's okay but hopefully he can come out a few days before thanksgiving before he has to pick me up to take me home for thanksgiving and then he can hike with me for a couple days all right it has warmed up significantly so take my sweater off and i passed some hikers that said there's hunters up here so i've got my orange hat on oh that's a nice little spot for a break but too early for breaks um so yep it's november it's honey season so gotta have the orange on um so this is the show right now and like there's no past i don't even see how to get through this i mean seriously oh my gosh that shows that this is the trail but i don't see how to get to the other side of the trail oh wait i found a bar oh never mind see it's so easy to miss the trail because you see that's it's just that kind of thing and there's no place on the trees to warn you oh well anyway it's okay that is one nice thing about v80 i've never had to actually bushwhack you know on the trail like you might have to go over under some down trees every once in a while but you never have to actually bushwick there's always a path um so if you definitely if you don't see a path and you're bushwagging you're probably off trail get a view here nope looks like there was yeah i could hear a lot of gunshots um not gonna lie it's a little like disconcerting to think about that there's hunters out here right now hunting um it's something i don't know i've ever dealt with and so yeah i mean i've been playing music trying to make myself known but then i'm like is that like disturbing the wildlife to where like i don't know but still i don't want to be mistaken for a deer or something i don't know how all but i don't really know how the hunting stuff works put my hat on look at this orange thing so i'm hoping hope that's enough got a lot of downed trees in this area oh my gosh look at this pack it's a light af it's pink i think i might have found my next pack it fits really well does it yeah oh my gosh oh my gosh that pack was awesome it's a light af so it's a dining composite fabric which i don't know if it's going to be that great for using as a backpack but a lot of people do use them and there's a lot of like hyper lights on the trail so it might be fine i mean my food bag is kind of awesome my tent's done great so anyway it's pink and which is my actual it was actually my favorite color but i'm kind of funny about peace like i do it spiritually i love that pack holy crap that might be my next pack i'm especially since i don't mean while i'm through hiking i mean when i'm done with that trail um because i could totally overnight with that you know because my gear is light enough the thing that makes my pack the heaviest is my food bag they've only got for like overnight i don't have that much food oh my gosh yep that's the track i think i want i think it's great i would have probably got another way my gear just um because you know but the thing is i need my fabric that dynamic composite fabric is um a lot more waterproof so like you almost could just not even use a pack cover because it doesn't absorb water at all but that expat material doesn't either if we mark had a pink pack and look at it but i don't really like the light af it was pretty cool just had some mountain bikers past me on the trail i'm not 100 sure if they're supposed to be biking on the trail but i'm sure this area is probably private land i would imagine and they were really nice they then pulled over and stopped so it doesn't bother me i'm getting close to there's a shelter um coming up so i think i'm gonna stop there to have my lunch or just take out lunch break i guess you could say get some water things like that lots of this kind of stuff on the on the trail today where are you coming from um i'm going south i'm through heck at the appalachian trail yeah so pick this table down here there's just be a pipe spring too here's the shelter all right let's stop back there at the shelter she took a quick break i didn't hang out very long um there was a father and two sons that showed up they were going to be staying at the shelter so i just decided to kind of let them have their space plus i've decided i think i know i'm gonna go tonight um hopefully i can get there before it gets stuck um if the trail stays the way it's been all day i should be able to it's like five and a half more miles and we've done like nine miles so far it's the gym and molly denton shelter yeah it looks nice so yeah i think um i mean i see a lot of hikers today um a lot of day hikers there's actually a lady camping at that shelter that just passed uh she was tempting and then i saw a couple other backpackers earlier saw hunter it's awesome now bikers yeah a lot of people out today this is saturday so i guess that's why that's cool sign at this tucker's lane so i'm about to go under virginia 55. the trail head all right three miles and i'm done for the day railroad track and i know it's active because i heard it earlier i just climbed up a little bit of a steep part you know wore me out but i'm tired i just have two miles left coming out to a meadow i thought there was a really neat little bench back there you can sit at but there's some people sitting there i don't want to film it this is nice this is fiery ryan road there's a little gate there it's like there's like a little bit sort of a view up there not much of one so i didn't stop and i forgot to film it i mean i sort of stopped but i forgot to film it it's half a mile to the shelter hi what hi there well there's two of you what you doing huh you hanging out i gotta get to the shelter you girls gonna which way you going huh do i need to move you're so pretty such a pretty girl why you're pretty too you're both pretty i'm not gonna wait what why i i can't i'll count back up you want to go this way i can't get to the shelter if it gets dark where are you going are you going that way hi how you doing well you girls are obviously getting hunted here are you not even a little bit scared oh lord youtuber no it's okay i'm not gonna hurt you i'm not no i'm just yeah you go okay no sorry y'all have a nice evening i have made it to the shelter yay i'm not the only one here that's kind of cool you know how i like not being alone at the good side if i can can be this would be nice to see what this looks like down here and here's the shelter oh look there's like oh we gotta go look at this like there's a shower over here oh man that looks so comfortable to sit in this is pretty nice looking shelter but i don't want to shelter i think i want to do it there's a shower thing over here i like horseshoes that is so awesome don't look at the shower thing wow it's almost like one of those i mean it's not but you know like the old-timey ones where you just dump the water in yourself but that's not what it is this is i guess the spring oh you get water here let's look ah yes that is so awesome all right i have got my chip set up everything is uh in here and set up and it's time to eat my dinner but uh man i could have used jerry to blow up my pad he pulled my pad for me when he was here anyway i'm gonna go over here and eat did it before it got dark yay all right i gotta figure out what i'm gonna have i don't know if i'm gonna have i bought one that's mountain house as long as i just don't know if i want it tonight or not but since it's not dark i have a little bit more time before it gets dark and i've got this nice little pavilion i think i might go ahead and have my lasagna um and then i think i'm gonna call my hubby and then it's gonna be time to turn in because i'm gonna try to get up um and get going by 6 a.m when the sun rises so um i think i end up doing like 14 and a half today which isn't too bad sorry like at eight um so if i started like six you know you know got like 16 17 miles in but i'm pretty tired my feet are really feeling sore i think it's because i've noticed that my calluses were like almost gone so where i was doing that slack packing i think the stink bug stink bug anyway um i remember reading the stink buds were about here anyway but where i was doing all that slight packing through massachusetts um still crawling on me anyway sorry get distracted every every day i would come home or go to the you know to the hotel and i would soak in epsom salts and i think it basically started taking off the calluses because i noticed i don't even have the bunion as much on my toes yeah so i think that's what's causing now it's caused my feet to be more sensitive instead of like you know so i'm just gonna have to build it back up so no more epsom salt bass i think i'm just gonna roll out use my roller and just do it that way but anyway should we say goodnight see you guys tomorrow
Channel: Hiking with Braids
Views: 3,794
Rating: 4.8692808 out of 5
Keywords: Appalachian trail, baby Yoda, at 2020, thru hike, backpacking, AT, gear
Id: cErMjLKthQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 51sec (1551 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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