Backbiting a whole nation or a group of people, will they take all your good deeds?- Assim al hakeem

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an anonymous caller or questioner says is it backbiting when you generalize about a group of people for example Iraqi people are this Egyptian people are that or is it only Haram and backbiting when you talk about a specific individual if it is backbiting would every person from that nation take from your good deeds first of all backbiting is a major sin the prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam defined backbiting when he said backbiting is mentioning your brother with features that he hates so the Companions wanted more explanation and they said Oh prophet of Allah if what I am saying about my brother is actual and true the Prophet said our insalata son if what you're saying is actual and true this is backbiting if it is not true this is botan which is equivalent to slandering now my friend is not present and I'm speaking to others and I say well my friend is fat he doesn't do sports and he eats a lot and this is a fact this statement that I had said does my friend love others saying it about him or not there's no then this is backbiting but if my friend is not here and I say that he is stingy he doesn't pay a penny to others he doesn't host guests when they come to his house but the reality is that this is a blatant lie he's generous he's hospitable and he loves guests coming to his home this case this is two sins lying and backbiting and it's called book ten so it has to be of an individual but if I were to talk about Tom Dick or Harry that you who is listening to me does not know the person so if I come home and I speak to my wife and I said oh today I met a client who was so rude so ignorant he said this and I did this to him and he did that would that be considered backbiting well we have to look at the missus and see does she know who I am talking about she has no idea in this case this is not backbiting because he's not identified if I talk to you as I'm doing at the moment and I say well I know a person who fell into zina and then he did this and he stole money and he repented and he came to me and he said share I apologize I did this and that start weeping and crying does any of you know him and says no this is not backbiting hence when you read ik you'll that is not ridicule let's say when you generalize and say that the people of this nation they are the laziest and the people of this country they are crooks and the people of this country they are so arrogant and they think that they're above everyone else now maybe what I had said was true maybe the the people of this country they are actually lazy they're known not to love to work but is this backbiting the answer is No because I'm not specifically pointing a particular person I'm just giving giving a generalization now is it sinful or not this this is dependent if what I'm saying is true then it is not sinful is it appropriate no it's not appropriate would you like someone to generalize and say for example your people do this and this and that and it's true would you feel good about it as lancers no then it's inappropriate but it's not sinful if it is not true this falls under lying because I am lying now and I'm accusing a people of something that they're not having and it's not true so this is a lie by its own but it's not backbiting and I hope this answers your question
Channel: assimalhakeem
Views: 45,481
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Id: MDdBZ-_3QVo
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Length: 5min 39sec (339 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 01 2019
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