Back to the Meta Ep. 2 - Black Rock Mountain

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did you ever wanted to go back to a specific period in hearthstone history to play in a different matter than nowadays i'll present to you back to the meta a new series in which zeddy and i go back in time and revisit one expansion after another and they're mattered brought starting with gbg and moving forward with one expansion every week we select three decks of our choice that were popular during the matter back then and play a best of five now without further ado here is the episode this week guys we had a really good comment by i didn't screenshot that by one of you thank you i hope it's on screen if not sorry you mentioned that we should not just have the classes picked by us because we might play the exact same class right last week we played mac mage twice you've seen it on zeddy side on my side it's like the same thing twice so this time we make it different we each pick our favorite class of our choice and then we pick two classes for the other one meaning we probably picked the worst choices but we will see awesome just to make it more interesting six different classes demonetta doesn't count so it's like two-thirds of the entire matter are presented isn't that awesome maybe we will see zeddy which class would you like to pick well we already talked about this since you won last week you get to pick your class that'll be the winners yeah i just wanted to hear you say yeah you get the yeah i know i know you son um but it's the winner's advantage so because solemn crushed me with this stupid mctech boom bot uh he gets to pick uh his class which i will not be able to pick so yeah but the play was sick anyways i picked warlock best class of the shocker i'm gonna pick warlock all right well i am going to go with um i guess i'll go with druid i'll go druid since you know that's what got me down the r you know it's my favorite class right let's go with that it might have been a good class back then but you never know well also for walk i'm not even sure yeah force the nature savage or two other classes um i think you will have the honor this week to also play i think you gotta play hunter okay i'm gonna make you play priest because i don't want to play it no no no i don't wanna wanna play it we'd have to face it oh no ah and you're gonna play varya worry have fun with that well patreon warrior was like busted but now it's actually broken um okay yeah try to make it work um i will give you paladin actually that is not that bad because i just bought the skin bottle so i can have the they have the fiery bug on the man all right well it should be sounds good okay i have gone back in time to blackrock mountain and well i picked druid why did i pick druid well i don't know because i remember being good back then but if you take a look at my ramp druid list we've got innervate which only gives one crystal now or wild growth which costs three mana and nourish cost six so yeah this might be rough but i've modified the list a little bit i put some ragnaros and dr boom in there and i don't know i somehow hope i don't die constantly at the beginning this is going to be very challenging and i may have shot myself in the foot with this one i've got hybrid hunter which just basically looks like face hunter with i means in it i guess it's hybrid it's like a mid-range hunter um our king golem has been unnerved so it kind of works in the deck um i cut there was an owl i don't like that so i put extra quick shot for extra burn looks like it should do the trick and then dragon warrior looked really cool grim patron where was the best deck at the time but as we all know warsaw doesn't really do what it used to do so we're gonna play some kind of a greedy dragon warrior it looks really sweet i'm even putting the fairing in here nefarian so i can cheat i can go back in time potentially if i somehow survive to nine man and all that so solemn you might be winning this week because my god this druid looked pretty bad back in that matter the only duck that actually saw play was patron warrior and everything else trying to stop patron warrior because it wasn't nerfed back then so we play other things that we found on the meta snapchat the pictures right here can you tell me if any of those stacks like we're actual ducks because this is on the tempo stomata snapshot number 16 and i can't remember them existing so yeah we're playing dragon paladin it's like drag odin dragon what dragon these no so we got you sarah got the big guys we even played layer of hands that's wow eight mana draw three the whole idea of this deck is to be like mid-range slash control heavy focused on dragons and i guess to play quality consecration and clear the bot i used to play similar deck like that when i started playing the game so i hope this works out on my own experience back then of getting to rank 15 in the old system this deck doesn't work next one though we got maligot i thought we have to play this it was the only wallet deck that is not in tier 1 wasn't zoo wasn't the other version of zoo but this looks so fun i used to play dragon stuff in warlock and it never worked but malygos was always kind of the surprise to win the game with hellfire double dark bump and double soul fire we should deal enough damage i think with malygos on the board this together if we don't discard the second soul fire is a total of 34 damage should be 34 and lastly light bomb priest there were multiple pre-stacks in there and the difference was always like one or two cards and i thought this one looks the most interesting because we have cabal shadow priest wants to steer stuff we get this thing to steal stuff we get this guy to buff him this one to steal stuff i feel like whoever made the stack which might have even been kolento he just thought let's play reno priest but we don't include reno but make a bunch of one-offs and hope it works and that's the duck which we're gonna play i'm gonna start off with my worst deck i'm gonna start off with what i think is my worst stack because i'm i'm gonna switch after i lose with it but maybe i can make this bork magically no because i i forgot that druid back in in was this 2015 would be black rock mountain i think it's just not the same nerfs are brutal there's a couple of cards that were really like well one ancient of lore but yeah ooh our portraits are fire right now look at that yours is on fire too i mean it's like you finish the quest and i spent 20 20 units of of currency they cost 20 euros or yeah 20 euros which is weird because it also costs 20 which is worth like 15 euros you get to pay a premium for a premium product no because i use amazon coins oh and so yeah i bought i have to buy uh i'm doing my giveaway it'll already have happened but i'm giving away uh one of the bundles tomorrow so not only am i spending 25 canadian i'll be spending 50 because i'll buy it for somebody else too damn that's weird because i usually scam people in my giveaway oh yeah like they think they should do things but i don't get anything i'll i'll think about that for next time yeah and that way uh they they'll get as much as we all got from the savings from the uh summer sale um i love this strategy of uh i play zombie chow you hero power can we just keep doing this yeah eventually i'm dead i accepted 12 and a half more hits with my zombie shot when i get there uh oh you're playing hard i took too much damage oh that's so broken unbelievable but yeah i'm on that note i was about to make a video about the summer sale 2 from blizzard because it's really misleading you know it's not like there's some scarcity when it comes to like hearthstone cuts that now they're digital you can just buy them why not make it like 25 make it like 70 gold in game 80 gold like anything it can't be that hard to change a number like why not put an older like my my suggestion was like make max rammus 25 off for the weekend like yeah would that killed them and you think people are actively buying them like xar was even asked about um making adventures purchasable by gold because i brought it up people brought it up on social media and he said it's he thinks it's a shop size issue it's they're not making loads and loads of money off old adventures it's not about that so if that's the case then why not just offer it for a discount right yeah i think if somebody would buy black mountain right now and get cards like blackman corrupted i mean wow they could have the time of their life they'll win playing that in wild oh what do i do that's a good cut okay this is a good i like black and it was cool when they made brand you could go brand blackway corrupt was eight mana deal six a broken yeah so broken but that was a good play back in the day i played at my old dragon warrior now i don't know what to do here i don't like this um thinking this is always very dangerous for you to be thinking but i think i just follow the rules yeah card used to be really good yeah keeper of older man that wasn't out yet right wait that's the core set why yeah he's free and they didn't even buff it the card that hadn't seen play in like how many years and like we're gonna put in the core set and just leave it as i mean that's fine right i feel like they actually should have more bad cards in the corset will you stop haha oh that that's just rude uh will i even trade that no the weird thing is now that i silence the minion if i hover over it it's like it broke into pieces and some of the pieces are lit up around the minion it looks weird weird mine does not do it like that on my screen ah interesting every single episode we discover new box in the game of hearthstone isn't that that's the fun features of hearthstone multi-billion dollar company i guess i'll do this swipe yeah dude you can swipe right on tinder but here no oh i probably should hit up tinder i'm i'm kind of sick of being single you know toshly yeah spare parts awesome high roll no get taunted on i'll do an annoying play then would it be annoying about oh oh wait do you have natural eyes you don't i could no you can't would you don't do that you don't have it i don't oh okay so what do we do golden silver i hope sylvanas has never been remade as another card has she we've had the salonist portrait for hunter i wouldn't mind seeing sylvanas come back that could be pretty cool do i just skip the turn well you could hear a power maybe i still uh steal uh one more but there's no point in hero powering right like i think it just skipped the turn if whatever you want to do it's so bad yikes oh this gives them one mana crystal ah sylvanas is annoying very annoying i love all of these nerfed cards five mana dear one damage draw two cuts sick i must safeguard and keep up wow keeper sylvan is protected kind of yeah it's like he's the queen yeah this used to be a two-two remember they nerfed it they didn't go to a two-three straight up one two two four actually oh that i should have put that in my video how about on thursday but yeah muscle famous gaming another blackwing corruptor oh yes sir broken i know that is awesome why is this six mana i could do stuff honestly i feel comfortable here i don't know what you can do but not much pretty sure uh i can draw cards for an expensive amount of mana good start good start oh yeah yeah this is actually buffed by the way this back back in the day this was a four six not that relevant here but i mean if you face tank it that's one extra damage you're taking bro hmm it'll be really cool as if i could play force of nature savage roar oh boy that's bad i can't oh no how do i ever deal with that probably have three cards in hand to deal with that oh look at this broken card ancient of lawn no way yeah oh that draws you had two cards for hello fana yeah that's that was definitely worth it i've been i have so many nerfed cards in this deck it's painful my deck has some interesting cards as well that's not greedy at all um i don't know how to deal with that either i got that one though um i think i faced things right like you can't really do much yet right well there's trouble and make it double chromagus that is broken draws you two copies of the same card it's insane oh i don't know what to do i i literally have no idea what to do i wish i had to deal five damage to all minions except you sarah okay i've seen the i have a way to win this i think it's a very unlikely but i see a way not really oh wait um i think actually should i do a stupid play again if it makes me win yes um okay so i play sylvanas right oh no and i hit the boombots and steal your doctor boom i would at least try it i don't think this happens because it's very unlikely but i won't at least try it go face okay no yeah it didn't quite work but imagine it would have worked that would have been an interesting moment it would have been pogchamp you got like bgh or something come on one that's all you're gonna give me game one and then do this aha yeah i think that's annoying enough however i think i could die here i wish no death oh wait why don't you get manner crosstalks i think i'm good on those 9 12 18 20 i'm just dead if i just go face i want to go face how do i win he can trade somebody else i just never win this game they should be 9 12 14 i'm just dead to two nightmares or oh you're just that is you sarah awakens that wasn't your face buddy [Laughter] well that helped me out i appreciate that um i still think i lose oh yeah i didn't read the card since the update at all why did they change that i don't know i don't know why they don't man at least they cut the artwork it's true all right i guess i have to do this [Music] pray you don't have a dream or any way to get through this well surprise that time it works there we go there we go sure does no reboot like the only removal druid had at this point i think was naturalized and that's unplayable and poisonous seats right i guess yeah nobody ran poison seeds but yeah there was poison seeds yeah oof okay i'm not playing that again um not until i have to um all right let's try this out your priest and paladin no warlock light and shadow holy and dark spells oh zarella the only priest portrait besides tyrande i can tolerate hmm gallop the biggest fan of the anduin portraits honestly i don't i don't like the guy he just seems like he seems like a little you know b word little b plus that's right that's a really good cut though leper gnome why did i queue up that of course he top decks claire yeah yeah i might play reno and have it in hand no it doesn't exist yet so i'm not going to buy that oh [Laughter] always tougher i was like always suffer it's time for some awesome because i'm trolling but it wasn't dwight nova nova used to be five mana now it's four priest is so annoying no that's fun what do you mean i'm gonna kill this stupid thing oh you trade okay i i gotta trade event like it just makes sense right like okay i'm protecting my two one i mean i don't that doesn't heal you yeah well i'm not animal but i've talked about i'm like why is that a battle crying i mean yeah that's actually a really good point um make cabal talent priests same thing except about no why man and is slightly green i got my legendary on curve i do not like your legendary on curve can you stop having answers and cards nope that's supposed to be three mana again cheating um i think that'd be great that was really hard to spot but it did do it very very proud of that also really hot and then i play gilman stalker yeah i saw it in my deck test and i was like i gotta keep that i don't know what race so bad what do you mean it's it's ridges gilbert goblin stalker you get double alpha always achievement hunting like sir stop it i know i need one more time and then i can get mad when it doesn't count how many was that i can't how many did up to some offer in a row was it four right to do yes four in a row they did it twice yeah so the first time i did it i i i played another competition it was like why not right no apparently it's bugged it it won't count not another okay it's not what you know huh i can't kill your card i don't care about oh you gotta you gotta remove that what do you mean all right i'm taking so much damage how did priest ever win a game i feel like you're not in the worst spot though i have no cards left oh no well actually nothing really should defend you balance i think it just doesn't give you something you can't kill that's that you can kill that that sucks all right hunter secret oh oh you're so low you're so low okay no just gotta not die die thing is your freezing trap and i know that no i would not run like i it's it's it's it's dark trap i have an enhanced europe um dot hero power it's dark trap that isn't out yet so it's like oh wow surprise oh i gotcha you're right oh well i wonder what that okay actually i think the one thing i can do is i can do this and then i can draw absolutely nothing then i can steal that and then you don't hear a power and i win this game okay i got to see the line it could be dark trap what secret is it oh surprise now my dad has no healing as a priest i know that's what's getting like this goes live after the nerfs i'm assuming apotheosis gets nerfed and i'm gonna be upset it's like they should be able to heal i'm like well aggro deck should be able to deal 30 damage in a turn but can't heal that's that's a problem come on yep let's power creep healing it's fine all right hunter i gotta win all right um okay back number three i'll switch it up again i can't play hunter i'm playing some dragon warrior with a dragon skin that is that's some role playing still playing death lord dragon man as your portrait what this one yeah definitely not as my main one lately i've been playing the uh the level 100 warrior portrait i think it's kind of cool now i see it with my eyes um though the the blue one how do i cure the muscle she's pretty cool i i swear there's a lot of warrior portraits and a lot of them are good so i just kind of switch it up here and there yeah like rozoka what what's her name okay no no recara yes gigatrash those ones she looks so good let's go with that like the odds are being like addicted to some substance and that's so i really wanted to play patreon warrior but war song nerf just ah i'm so sad that would have been fun i i actually did get to play patreon before i got unnerved very briefly very briefly but man that i want them to like love to see classic get these new expansions but at the same time it might be problematic for some people to get it oh that's disgusting i know why is that in your deck i'm playing around your deck hello buff minion used to have to attack that spike came out what's uh that was that was uh max ramsey hmm playing uncut solemn's gone quiet i think i'm just winning here um you sure about that no yeah you probably are not at all um if like this you wouldn't have brawling i hate this because you just get a free trade why isn't this a two three you wouldn't have a free trade otherwise well this card's supposed to be a two three i i have some cheating in hand so it's okay i might have drawn the same card as you did the corrupter maybe i don't have a dragon in hand you're playing dragon what dragon oh my goodness oh i don't know how many dragons i have in here so if i had one i'm just gonna play this oh emperor came out blackrock it's one it's arguably my favorite card of all time that's been kind of power cripped out of the game by two dropping rogue yeah this fits bad but i have to do it oh because i'm a big big big dragon warrior apparently yeah no get bghd well you don't you don't have another one i mean okay do you have another one well i do have this one oh okay that's only three immortal coil oh my god you're so lucky you're top decks i'm not lucky i'm good you're mixing things up here sure tapping a lot i must have healing his hand is not good okay playing the defensive strat of drawing getting armor i don't like it smork oh wait you actually smock yeah why do you have grommash no i went around that card that's stupid um ah why i like i like the heel bot did you know that herobot is an anagram for loathop what i guess it is yeah you're right that is uh that's very astute and with that hearthstone knowledge he can do nothing oh i won my brawl don't think it's iliacs i'll leave it up hmm so uh i think i could just go for rng but i'm not the biggest fan of do that and then we play this oh he's got a dragon then we hit it and this one oh four mana two map yes that one uh yeah this hand sucks i have greed where is it i'm just not doing nothing [Music] hmm i think my turn is really just playing loathe up okay so fast or bad you don't have something good you have nothing else okay that's good actually no don't do this really you'd face for one more damage that's worth it okay oh okay i smack you in the face nothing could possibly go wrong here um i got oh oh can you have like minus five deep in thought here how about just that don't do it whatever you gonna do don't do it oh back to 15. if you get grommers that's one of lethal [Applause] if you get inner rage though i'm bad anyways yeah that that just sucks really i like that scythe in circus five mana now all right okay and zeddy wait never mind i want to stay well played um not well not yet god you just won't die what do i have um i have oh wait wait um um i need to top like exactly one specific card and it's a one and six i get that you like what dark bomb soul fire soul fire maybe so i think we just play it this way and you know summon some stats because i'm not that i hope oh i might close that i was one of those one or two of lethal you're one off yeah one or two what's your seeing like soul fires and uh dark bombs yep and i didn't draw the thing that's only direct damage actually there was one other uh direct damage like drain life three mana deal two heel two so bad all right so i need to win with my druid i'm on my last class you need to win with priest and warlock right that's true and what do you think i play if it's maybe my last game you're gonna play priest of course at least in this period of time you don't have any armor game it's true i have healing though i this original list had a healing touch in it for some reason i cut it i don't know why because it's terrible no it's reminiculate remember we start eight health like as a paladin i had to spend eight men on that with um hand yeah but he draws three cards lay on hands you draw three cards that's that's for five mana no eight mana no three minutes is eight mana it's eight minute heal three draw or he'll draw a or heal a oh my god oh you're doing a good job at talking today i know we're we're professionals we make our living off talking that coin skinned his nexus back then yeah neither did three men a wild growth so i don't want to hear about it you're cheating or you're fine in a siphon soul yeah but that's why you have but double growth in your opening hand i did what actual socks like what the [ __ ] heck it still sucks i'm so eye right you seem very upset look at that into a pit lord with taunt sorry a pit fighter the arena card but i play on kerf yeah yes yeah but i have the ultimate curve play don't have the 510 don't have them oh oh you don't at home yeah this is just seems so broken why even even in the time now you only world too okay really let me do this can you stop and we do this ultimate counter play do you care play i i literally this is ridiculous it's joked on oh yes i hit for one perfect scenario all right let's keep playing on curve i ramped twice and i'm still getting tracked oh i'm really not a fan of scenarios um by the way this we used to be nine mana so i'm technically cheating here i think it also just cheat is it gonna trade that i think i think that's fine cheating all the mana yeah like you wouldn't remove that that's so broken insane gaming how am i gonna win with this druid deck i don't know what i win how do i beat anything it's so bad okay i guess i'm in two okay okay i'm all right with that i don't know if the place that i make lead me to a victory here yeah probably not i'm just gonna go face i don't know what else to do [Music] i don't have a real win condition in this deck it's just a bunch of minions that that's old hearthstone i think um i think i gotta i think i gotta remove that i have a good card hey that's zero mana actually i think it had been nerfed by now okay stabilizing just a minion warlock now um great for me this is interesting can i tell you a story that has nothing to do with the current situation what's that so i was playing battlegrounds earlier this week and i learned something that i never heard of before the player who has more minions on the board attacks first always yeah i didn't know that that's true i always thought if my opponent has like seven minions and i have like five it's still 50 50 whoever goes first it wasn't it was never i can't just go face can i i mean you could try and then have hellfire and then you lose right because you want to try it acts up you are burned i know you only have four cards but i think it's correct because i have a really good follow-up to this yeah what you do um the thing is you might have swipe maybe i have better than that oh what is better than swipe star fall no i don't know i have a cool tech that actually is an mc attack no something else wait where's the pyromancer for this exact situation what type of deck are you playing it's just a ramp true but that's my anti-aggro attack don't clear the board wow yeah interesting um many other cards here yeah needless to say i think nobody ever expects that no there you go oh condition plate [Music] i have no [Music] oh yeah i'll do that i can't deal with it but i can be annoying can i get like divine spirit enough fire please [Music] that works back in the time right yeah wow this is so bad um a keeper was a good card back here that's all i do i'm lethal um i can tell you there's no way i can win this game because you silence moving condition and you're winning on the boss yeah but oh and i'm hitting fatigue but i don't know all right um yeah i'm one off right yeah no if you get ceviche on tear apart yeah you're one off i don't have that i'm not that talented now what we're going to do ragnaros if i got all face in one face would be one off diamond ragnaros though i gotta play flex well that kind of sucks actually whatever that's why i hidden yeah i need to train myself bgh i gotta be i gotta be careful not to lose bored like maybe you're on jaraxxus maybe you're in drax that'd be bad i have another remember that oh and then i tap because i want to see what i have on my dock and then i four mana siphon soul oh yeah yeah um let me think i got oh this is so bad i'm running out of stuff too though okay i know four of the five cards in my deck maybe maybe i played this bad like this happens can you stop silencing my stuff nope so toxic and i know the thing about being toxic all right yeah um joke's on you okay well you have a card left i'm uprooting really i gotta have to get siphon so now oh come on you're so lucky gaming if you don't have any money i have i have stuff can you just pass a couple turns senjin man it's broken i don't think i'd play anything here all right you got two if you have drops you think you win oh what's your last card i don't know actually the last card i'm not sure about if it's jaraxxus i think he'd probably win what do i got um i played double twilight drago right it might be something stupid like toshley wait is it my own sylvanas that's in this deck i don't know it could be we'll find out just not your axis please you can't beat your axis i think it's oh it's black when corona can i answer it uh even just by hero powering you win even if you just don't do anything you win i died well i i i can i can just do this then i won't even kill it [Laughter] yep ultra bm my deck is so bad well that's how it went back then you played patron warrior oh you didn't yeah and today pretty much no our decks were pretty pretty freaking awful but it's fun i like the dragon stuff that i blackrock mountain for me is one of my favorite expansion adventures ever i mean the power level of it's not quite what it used to be but i think it was a sweet adventure like the dragon stuff was awesome and emperor was really cool so ggs tied up the series yep i'll get to pick first next week oh that's cheating don't pick wardock just don't do it i have to think oh tgt there's a there's a certain uh none of your business that's coming up oh oh god oh no oh god oh no we're gonna play secret paladin maybe watch out um and we will see how that goes when i play eat off secrets every day but even though [Laughter] we'll find out next week in back to the matter episode 3.
Channel: Solem
Views: 21,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hearthstone, wild hearthstone, solem hearthstone, solem, hearthstone reddit, the best hearthstone deck, hearthstone new expansion, how to get legend, The Inconsistencies of Hearthstone, Hearthstone is Not what it used to be, hearthstone gold, hearthstone subreddit, hearthstone battlegrounds, hearthstone mathmatics, hearthstone duels, hearthstone 2021, darkmoon faire, darkmoon, best hearthstone deck, barrens, hearthstone forged in the barrrens, forged in the barrens
Id: 1pVozimrh88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 12sec (2472 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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