Back to the Future / Eric Stoltz Footage (Lost Media) #LostMedia

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are you telling me that you feel it's a time machine kind of a DeLorean the way I see it if you're gonna build a time machine into a car why not do [Music] what a franchises biggest back to the future it's had numerous of who media releases DVD is about to go to the future and back thought Back to the Future trilogy with tons of making on featurettes and additional deleted scenes that doesn't seem to be much left to invade from the saga that is with the exception of an alternate cut from the first film without Michael J Fox playing the Ming lead the idea fact the future originated from Bob Gale where during the summer of 86 he paid his parents a visit where after a while searching around his parents cellar he found his dad's high school yearbook and found out that he attended the same high school as he did and that his dad was actually president of his graduating class his mind began to work and wonder that if he was in his dad's class would he even be friends were even get along he shared the idea of his directing partner Robert Zemeckis they both collaborated and loved the idea so much they decided to pursue her as a feature film they initially wrote two drafts for Colombian pictures but just wasn't what they were looking for but they allowed Robert and Bob to pitch it around to other studios so they spent the next four years pitching the movie about 40 times without much success many studios felt that the script was just way too whimsy and soft and not branchy enough many of them recommended that this might be the kind of script that Disney would be interested in so they went off to Disney to pitch the idea although Marty's mum madly in love of her own son was a turning point in the pitch remarking to Bob and Robert are you insane this film's got incest we can't do this so it was too soft for everybody but too extreme for Disney although Spielberg did showed up a writer mouth interest with the script although Bob and Roberts last three feature films was under the wing of Spielberg all of which had bombed at the box office so they didn't want to develop a stigma that they could only get a gig from Spielberg although the ice would finally break on some mecca's career with Robert Zemeckis directing romance in the stone a smash hit that mates mecca's a prime director with everybody now interested with this Back to the Future script that went back to Spielberg to see if he was still interested with the project which he was and they formatted a deal with Universal [Music] [Music] their initial choice for marty was Michael J Fox but because of his commitment to the sitcom family ties he couldn't participate for Back to the Future universal gave a strict deadline date for when principal photography had to take place or as they would pull the plug on the entire feature crunch for time the cast Eric Stoltz as Marty based upon his performance in masks while Eric was known for his rather intense and dramatic roles Zemeckis being the naive young filmmaker was convinced that he could make you work Eric was indeed a very unique character on set during the read-throughs while everybody was laughing through the scripts eric was picking apart some of the morbid facts such as by the end Marty is the only one that remembers his original family despite Eric's force towards the script he still took the role as Marty very seriously and was extremely dedicated such as growing his fingernails really long just like real rock guitarists he gave himself messy hair just like if he was a teenager and insisting to everybody that they refer to him as Marty off camera according to the accounts of a lot of the Back to the Future cast and crew they said that Eric was very professional and overall a very good actor he did unintentionally caused a lot of friction amongst the cast during the scene where Eric had to push Thomas Alf Winston's character in the cafeteria he was pushing him harder than he ought to really Thomas tried asking Eric to perhaps calm down the pushing but Eric didn't take any notice of Thomas thus by the end of the filming day Thomas had bruises all over his chest after Back to the Future it's safe to say that Thomas wasn't overly fond of Eric within the first five weeks of production a huge portion of the 1955 scenes were already filmed but upon reviewing the footage Bob and Robert became concerned over Eric's performance as he was just lacking that comedic timing as he was just seemingly too blunt over the next week negotiations would be going on behind the scenes without any of the casts or crew knowing as to what exactly was coming next a big scene that they filmed that week was the DeLoreans first appearance filming late into the night breaking for lunch for about one o'clock in the morning but just at that time everybody on set was called over as a big announcement was about to be made Eric Stoltz was going to be let go from the project and replaced with Michael J Fox this was a huge shock to everybody as such a huge portion of the movie was already filmed and it was the first time for a lot of these people to work on a movie this scale and now they would have to do it all over again that must have been pretty daunting they were able to get Michael involved by working out a deal with his producer and agent but asserting that family ties must come first Michael would work on the sitcom during weekdays while working on back to the future during week evenings and during the daytime on weekends because of this hectic schedule Paul Michael would only get about five hours sleep per day they also recast Marty's girlfriend because the original actress melora hardin was much more taller than Michael J Fox so they brought back the original intended actress Claudia Wells just like Michael J Fox she had to work around her busy schedule so she could participate in the filming it's more than likely that they didn't get around filming with melora hardin to keep the flow of filming going they would sometimes just film with Michael J Fox then for the other actors they would just use the covered footage film Varick weeks earlier overall the final production time it took to fill Michael J Fox was 12 weeks but despite all the scenes being refilmed with Fox there is still one shot left in the final cut that has Eric Stoltz in the bar scene where Marty punches birth in this shot according to Thomas he doesn't recall filming this angle with Fox so it's likely the Eric Stoltz footage of course as we all know Back to the Future was a massive hit it spawned two sequels a cartoon series a universal ride video games and well that just naming a few rarely Bob and Robert are both certain that if it wasn't for the performance of Michael J Fox then we wouldn't have had this whole franchise they still commend Eric Stoltz being a terrific actor not being replaced for his own faults he just wasn't the right choice for Marty and it rarely happens that main leads are recast during filming in 2010 a máquina feature about the trilogy featured about 25 seconds of silent footage with Eric Stoltz and that's it that's the only bit of footage that's been a release of Eric Stoltz although in the intrigue of more footage being release Bob Gale usually states in his interviews that they did had an opportunity to eradicate the footage of Eric Stoltz however he knew that if Back to the Future was a success then it might be a good idea to spare the footage for a future anniversary release Bob still our shows to fans that the whole footage will be released someday Eric Stoltz has rarely ever talked about his involvement with the franchise and he's largely distanced himself from the whole ordeal but from an interview from movie hole he had this to say I quote you know it was 20-something years ago and I rarely look back if at all but in retrospect I think just getting through that difficult period helped me realize how freeing it really was I went back to acting school I moved to Europe I did some plays in New York and I actually invested in pause myself in a way that was much more healthier for me if I had become a massive star I don't know if I would have had to gone into therapy on the other hand I would have been exceedingly rich which would have been wonderful end quote [Music] it's quite amazing when you think about it we've been overly spoiled with back to the future there's been certainly documentaries and spin-offs made of the franchise the Eric Stoltz footage would just be a cherry on top taking that cherry away and still got something that you're pretty content with with the amount of content out there there's really no rush together out there and Eric seems to be pretty content with his life he went on to other roles he became a director so it's not like that the footage needs to get out there just to show off his acting chops he's been able to stand separately to show his worth and of course we haven't got a completed movie here we've maybe got what like half an hour or 45 minutes of decent stuff it would just be a fun curiosity to see really and since fact the future is so big we're probably gonna see the footage maybe in the next five or ten years to come I think we can hold on until then we just got to be a little bit patient when they do finally release the footage I think they should interview Eric since every cast and crews only cow are so well documented it only seems to arrive for Eric Stoltz I'd love to know his own experience but of course that's up to Eric if he wants to share his story they tried asking him back for a book interview but he didn't reply to the offer anyway or just have to wait and see what happens hope you enjoyed this installment of Back to the Future in case if you're not aware I make other loss myriad videos so if you've enjoyed this and like to see more than subscribing would be very much appreciated and if you're a regular viewer then let me know what would you like to see next
Channel: Scribbles to Screen
Views: 918,990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LostMedia, BacktotheFuture, EricStoltz, Christopher Lloyd, MichaelJFox, Universal, RobertZemeckis, StevenSpielberg, BobGale, 35th anniversary, BacktotheFutureReview
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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