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oh oh that's the power of the straight pipe on there you wouldn't get that kind of performance with a normal muffler that's all to do with the straight pipe so we're gonna stick this son of a [ __ ] and [ __ ] uh probably in i don't know what that is there be probably be one now we got this big [ __ ] thing in mind hey guys how's she going today will a little bit later on in the day where i left off from the last video but ah i'd show you twan's 4430 real quick he done a bunch of work to it here while we were away and it was raining this is the belly tank from the 46 30. he put that on there and he can still run his blade with it because it's real shallow so that's nice tiger led lights on her and he got some 50 series hydraulic valves for on the back of it here because his other ones were junk [ __ ] pretty sharp ultron diddly getting her done up anyway we gotta run out to the field just over here where antoine is uh seeding canola right now because there is a chunk of cement in the middle of the field not really in the middle of the field but on the edge of a slew that'll be worked up it's too heavy to move by hand nice so we'll go pick that up and get it out of his way so that in the dark later on he doesn't catch it up inside the drill and wreck something and that'll probably be an evening so i guess i'll bring you back here in a few well it's the next day just going past one of the land thieves farms here but that's another story for another day went down to my cousins and picked up a few bales here we got four green oats and there are one green oat and four alfalfa bales they're uh getting a wee bit low there at home just need enough for the things to be able to last until uh the end of the week or the next week they're going to be going out to pasture i only got i think there's only five or six of them left at home for hay so this will be uh i have nine of them in a green oak so that'll last us a little while i've been giving them a half bale like that to uh keep them occupied that way during the day [ __ ] those are some terrible bumps but anyway antoine's giving me a shout here so i'll bring it back when we get home well a little bit later in the day but swan done some tractor jacking on me why is it so quiet needs a straight pipe [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so well back in the sprayer again here for the next day again of this picture i'm just uh doing a washout here there's a thing called flush you put in there that's a basically straight ammonia and that neutralizes any chemical that's left as i was spraying uh some stuff ahead of my cereals there the wheat the barley and the oats that is only for cereals and if you have it on the canola when they come up they'll die so we're gonna give her a good wash here this is the second time we've done it just because we uh kind of flip flopped back and forth there between uh the uh canola and the wheat there you know we've done that little bit of grab was there first and then came back here and done some more so washer out here we do one with the flush one rinse right full of water and then a half rinse of water i like to be real thorough about it i just it's real easy and a safe they're a simple way to make sure you're safe when you're switching into different crops like that so i hate like hell to have a strip from here to that 380 feet wide that's dead so i guess we'll let her uh keep going here and i'll bring you back again in a little bit all righty so i got about half the tank i pumped out just through the nozzles like that that's good enough i'll just dump what's left in the tank here let's come down to there's a big gravel pad here at the end of the lane kind of a nice spot to do this then you're not killing pasture or something so you just in theory dump the valve there and let the last of it go there's about 150 gallons left in there so anyway oh the water truck is empty so i'll have to go and get it and fill it up again before we rinse again but minor details well i got antoine sprayed there 130 acres now we're just running the water truck over to where antoine's eating my canola i got about 130 140 acres there to spray as well and i'll be done spraying um and that's the last bit to be sewn here as well other than some custom work we have to do but uh i'm gonna hook up one of the tractors on the ground drive stone picker because the pto driven one broke the axle the other day so we got to fix that goddamn thing again so i'm just going to use a ground driven one i got to pick my oats here and 40 acres of athlon's canola and i also want to roll these oats so i got a lot to get done here because the uh buddy there needs his roller back so he can roll his uh lawn that he planted around his new house so anyway i'll get this out to the field here uh sprayers in the yard i broke a nozzle body when i was finishing up there went and bounced it off the ground dagnabbit so i gotta fix that up and then have a quick bite and we'll go and get that spraying done should only take a couple hours of bigger so then picking rocks so we'll bring you back again here in a little bit [Applause] accidentally stopped you there i went and turned the jug washer on by accident when i lifted up the li-700 here so that halt that i just put a squirt in there that keeps it from combing all up in your tank now this is that surfactant like we were talking about they're gonna help help things mix and make the nicer spray mist etc etc here's an evil old roundup you know talking to this evil [ __ ] just so evil just so evil that is evil you know [ __ ] is it evil so we're gonna put four jugs of that in [ __ ] it's evil god what evil stuff and then uh that'll be our full rate i'm going a little bit stronger on the roundup on this quarter there's a lot more kosher with this rain here it's all growing so get a good kill on that ship anyway get her loaded up here i'll bring you back in a few well there we go that's that job done uh i got like 300 acres of custom to go do with it here now but there's uh some pretty windy days coming up here so it might not be till this weekend kind of sort of deal but we'll see what goes on anyway and then uh i think that i have this great custom i got a custom seed as well so kind of nice make a couple bucks that way here before the month is out pay for a bit of fuel and jump that way so yeah anyway i guess run to the yard park this get a ride back out here from amanda get the water truck bring it home and then we'll uh see what we hook up on the rock picker here uh i might almost put the mccormick on it so i can use the bucket because there's some rocks out here i know the ground drive won't be able to pick so we'll uh we'll see what we do here anyways but anyway i guess i'll talk to you then oh just picking some stones there's some uh [ __ ] huge ones out here um i'm on my third basket i've had to pick a few with the bucket here because the uh the old ground drive couldn't quite do her back there it just get tired but uh almost like you can tell we're sewing like an inch and a half or two inches deeper than we've ever sewn on a bunch of this land that's why we're pulling up all these big rocks but uh i mean you do what you got to do when it's so dry so anyway i went and scratched around the oats are coming real good underneath the uh dirt there yet so i'm gonna um dang near done picking rocks here another half hour 45 minutes and we'll run to the yard hook on the roller and maybe i'll be able to roll for a little bit anyways once it gets dark you're kind of hooped because you can't see um of course the gps is in the 4440 but kind of wanted to uh try this tractor out and give it an actual bit of a work out pulling that roller i mean it's a new engine and everything it'd be good for it to do a little bit of actual work i mean i've done that rolling on ant ones they're a few hours and whatnot already so and i mean this tractor was supposed to show up like three months ago so i missed out on three months worth of using it so i'm gonna make up for it anyway other than that i'll just kind of keep picking here and i'll talk to you when we uh when we're rather done or start rolling one of the two well it's the next day again even the old girl overcoat again here pulls it pretty good duels would be like i mean it's not going to do this job all the time i just kind of like i said i want one to do something with it here so um i had the front wheel assist kicked in but it still slides the ass of the tractor around a bit when you turn i mean that thing's so increasingly heavy um the 4440 does pull it better not like this is lacking the power it's just the 4440 i think with the the duals and everything on the back is a little bit heavier but anyways this works anyways and it's kind of fun to try it out so um they're actually coming out here in 20 minutes or so the radio in it uh doesn't actually want to pick up stations and they said they're they're kind of hitting miss these radios some work awesome summer junk so they're going to bring out a different radio and put that in for me here because i enjoy listening to the radio it's got bluetooth and not but i still kind of enjoy listening to good old 1150 on the am there i don't know just always like my am channels like that that next m2 but i got the xm radio in the uh sprayer right now but anyway i think that's where i'm going to leave you guys antoine's got about 30 acres of seating left to do and i got a pile of work to do before next week tuesday because that's going to be the the day that amanda baby's living they're planning to induce her just because of how big the baby is but it's been the same story with the the other two she usually goes two weeks over so for some reason this time they're not gonna not gonna do that to her they're actually gonna get things going here before uh too big so it's about a a week early but uh since she's usually two weeks over it's more like three weeks early but not sorry it's kind of nice to know and instead of just all of a sudden the surprise i'm out here and we got her under a regina which is two and a half hours away from here so that's a pretty far drive but that's i mean you can go there's moosemen over there but they don't do epidural and they can't do c-section or anything so regina is the place we gotta go but anyway so that's kind of exciting but anyway anyway anyway i'm gonna get this done here and i'll start making the next fidgets i think this one's long enough and i gotta get her uploaded for you here so hope you liked it kinda all over the place but lets you see how my days go and grandpa henry's phone in me so doodly doodle doo alrighty talk to you later you
Channel: South Sask Farmer
Views: 14,345
Rating: 4.9796839 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 33sec (1053 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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