Back At The Big Sinkhole Job!

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we're back so we were now back at the giant sinkhole job at the big plant so there's my pipe what we are going to do today is replace the in 40-foot section of this 36 inch covert pipe they still have not decided what they want to do well I think they have they just haven't told us to do it yet all the other big main 60 inch pipe will probably end up getting replaced but for right now this pipe was the one that was in the best condition other than the last 40 feet what I'm going to do today is dig out the last 40 foot here and replace it with new they said they can train cameras up the other section is not bad they're bringing in a machine that's going to slip line in the pipe in or put a coating or something on the inside and this is but it's supposed to extend the life of the pipe by a lot so they won't us obviously since the end of the pipe is missing to add that new 40 foot of metal pipe that's aluminized steel which has got like a 75 year lifespan or something so they want us to replace that with the new pipe so what I've got to do is expose the second pipe back from the head wall and we'll get that ripped out connector cleaned out and we'll go ahead and lay our new pipe in there so let me get to digging it's been quite a while since we've been here I've got some sediment that's washed in down the hill I'll get that cleaned out and we'll move on back big in the pipe back now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] they're like me back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I was gonna try to do that [Music] [Music] right there [Music] I noted barely [Music] the live [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] like right it's crazy all right [Music] [Music] there's two type of steel pipe you got your plane and some galvanized my that makes a little bit come on don't like [Music] where [Music] [Music] a spider the rubber gaskets already put on it the trains already got the doubler [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we're at [Music] I knew does that air bath somebody must have run over [Music] [Music] [Music] another 100 pound [Music] maybe bad [Music] [Music] maybe I can grab all this villain gravely maybe [Music] that's what it was [Music] [Music] [Music] I got it now here for you [Music] [Music] [Music] so we've got a new pipe put back through the headwall you know like I say we're pretty much patching a patch here by adding 40 foot a new pipe but they're gonna slip line in or do whatever they're gonna do someone to grout that back into the head wall and we're just gonna put some dirt back around it and track it in all this was just feel put in here anyway so there's the new 40 foot of pipe you can see we had to lay it back pretty good to get down in here pinched it back and got our bands together I could say we're just connecting new pipe into that squished old metal pipe but it actually went together fairly good I think aggravatin metal pipe other than the shovel casualty that's just gonna get buried down in there so I'm gonna get up here and start to put some dirt back in here and now this nerd to the French live trapping it in even everything freak easier for me to clean up that's right yeah right [Music] I got to do bring it out and anyway you'd be surprised if I can get about an on crowd action budget track in life Oh [Music] [Music] I can do love ahead [Music] that could be never leave my phone [Music] [Music] now we're back in progress all right we got everything back field and track back in and we got about six more bales of straw to spread this be wrapped up get it all levels back up and the slope put back in place got it back field down to the headwall and I got the pipe crowded in so now this section is pretty much done they can come and slip line there or code it whatever they plan on doing but there's the pipe all grout it into the head wall and we just have to finish up the erosion control for this section and we're out of here
Channel: letsdig18
Views: 318,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: excavator, trackhoe, track, digger, bagger, volvo, sinkhole, culvert, drain, pipe, fail, failure, skid, steer, compact, loader, bobcat, lifting, setting, utility, work, heavy, construction, equipment
Id: QUKpv_BRhgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 58sec (2098 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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