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today I opened a five-star restaurant in order to prove my dad wrong and things got crazy so watch till the end and subscribe so today guys my dad and I are cooking dinner together oh he normally doesn't let me cook with him but today he promised to let me cook with him oh my gosh so uh we're gonna cook some really really good food oh I love food oh my goodness as you guys can see I have a pot of my head that means I love food but all right oh my gosh anytime now he should come in and tell me it's time to cook Laura where are you it's high neck look I'm in my room down in my room oh my gosh my dad's looking for me hey Dad what's happening it's your first cooking class I'm gonna teach you finally how to cook because you're gonna need this when you're a big big boy when you're grown up oh my gosh yeah let's go Coco I can't wait oh this is gonna be awesome oh my gosh oh my gosh guys I'm gonna learn how to cook finally I'm not gonna have to eat fruits all the time whenever I want to make food I could just cook something oh my gosh I'm gonna cook something for my friends too yeah okay Dad what's up okay so what's the first lesson all right so the first thing you're gonna learn how to cook today is eggs eggs are the most simple basic things that you can ever cook ever what away oh okay okay so I just grabbed the egg right yeah so you grab an egg and then you have to jump on top of the counter right and the way eggs is with this pan oh okay so I I just cracked the egg on the pan right oh well first off you have to turn on the burner so you turn on the burner you make sure it's the right button the front right and then you turn it on you see how the fire's on oh yeah yeah let me try oh wow hey turn it off okay okay I'm sorry I'm sorry okay okay don't get mad I'm sorry the front burner right over here and then you just have to cook the egg just like this it's simple really oh okay okay all right okay my turn are you ready all right okay okay so gently right gently very very gently all right here we go oh okay it didn't break it didn't break that I can try right oh my goodness what are you doing you did the same thing it's literally on the counter right now oh my gosh you're making such a mess uh I'm sorry I'm sorry teach me something else please no you're not teaching anything you can't cook you're not ready for this yet um please I really want to cut down oh God's no Super Cuts or whatever they say uh well I'm gonna drop you now oh my gosh are you serious where are you going uh well as a matter of fact you're grounded and I'm gonna go to work because I can't cook with stupid babies ah okay fine I'll see you ladies go to work oh my God good thing I don't have to see your stupid face I knew this wasn't a good idea oh my gosh guys well my dad just tried to teach me to cook and I did the same exact thing he did or he threw the egg I threw the egg he burnt the egg I burnt the egg oh my gosh stop I thought of my baby I couldn't even make the egg on the pan but oh my gosh guys what am I gonna do he just that I'm grounded I have to escape from my room and wait a minute I have the greatest idea ever oh my gosh okay before I tell you guys I'm gonna go get my friend puffy from across the street and he's gonna help me execute this idea oh it's gonna be awesome all right let me just uh jump from here and wait a minute are these some drums I can jump on the drums and ah I can't make it up there oh my gosh oh there we go ouch ouch what the heck okay let me make sure my dad's actually going to work um here we go let me go through the sliding door and oh my gosh where's my dad okay he's not in the kitchen oh there's the eggs I destroyed oh my gosh okay where is my dad finally on my way to work let's go oh my gosh okay I just heard him go to work and I think he's gone in my friend puffy should be outside across the street please tell me he is oh my gosh guys I had the best idea ever but uh you guys are gonna learn at the same type of he does oh my gosh here let me give you guys a hint restaurant yeah I'm gonna make a five-star restaurant all right puppy where are you oh my gosh puppy puppy where you at dude oh what's up Buffy oh my gosh what's up dude oh I haven't seen you until oh my God you just got hit by that car oh my God we literally got hit by that car but wait a second what are you doing out here what do you mean what am I doing out here dude okay so basically my dad was teaching me how to cook because you know how I like chicken nuggets and stuff yeah I love chicken nuggets but wait a second what were you even doing in there why was he teaching you well he was teaching me because I wanted to learn how to make my own food you know I always have to ask him to make me chicken nuggets and you know how grumpy he gets yeah I can tell right so what happened so then uh he was teaching me how to cook eggs as like a starter like lesson and and and I completely botched it yep I didn't do good at all oh my goodness so then he grounded me it's so unfair so wait what are we gonna do are we gonna get ripped oh my gosh I mean no we're not gonna get rid actually we're getting prove to my dad that I can cook and guess how we're gonna do that how are we gonna do it we're gonna make my entire house into a five-star restaurant or a restaurant wait I've only been to that like one time in my entire life and it was super duper good so how are we gonna do that um I don't know basically all right I have a bunch of things planned all right puffy let's go okay uh look right and then left and then uh look right again and wait a minute oh my gosh oh my God you keep getting hit by The Cars wait a minute puffy uh it's my pot dented oh no it's literally not dented your pot looks fine but we just saying we'll probably use that paw later when we're making the restaurant right uh no sorry I can't do that okay I can't remember what's under my pot until a hundred thousand subscribers 100 000 subscribers everyone subscribe everyone subscribe okay so first of all in a fancy restaurant I guess what we need what do we need we need some candles dude so grab all the candles in the house and I know just where to put this all right so let me get one candle right over here and then wait where should I put them um okay so we're gonna put them beside the door and we're gonna to make all the candles lead to the kitchen all right good idea I'm gonna put all the candles right over here let's go oh my gosh okay make sure to put them gently oh oh make sure okay I'm sorry I'm sorry I won't do that again okay this time like like this like that you see that okay so wait how do I even do it generally I I don't know I don't understand wait a second oh just like that okay that's easy let's go what that okay let me fix this up puppy you have a lot to learn about fancy restaurants yeah I am not the restaurant here if I do say so myself oh my gosh you are not you are not the waiter if I do yeah I am not the Thinker okay let's go let's get some more candles okay yeah just make them uh here I'll do the right side and you do the left side okay all right let's do it uh but while we're doing this Buffy what would you do if you were the owner of a fantasy five-star restaurant well I would serve the best chicken nuggets and fries of all time oh my gosh I know right guys subscribe if you would love to go to a five-star restaurant oh I'd love to go to one yeah me too and then when we're done I would serve oatmeal raisin cookies as the dessert oh my gosh they're knocking over everything this isn't even your side puffy go over there oh wait oh you meant like that side okay uh I'll drop it down right here let's go okay make sure they're neat and gentle and still okay we have to look very very fancy if I do say so myself oh yeah I'm turning French oh my gosh oh this is gonna look so fancy just imagine look at my dad's face when he walks in and sees a bunch of candles some awesome candles just leading to the kitchen yeah I know right but what's a five-star restaurant without the food so we're gonna have to cook some food later oh my gosh yeah oh that's kind of my fear Puffy you're gonna have to teach me how to cook dude because my dad my dad kind of gave me some pictures dip from It Whatever uh I don't even know what that means literally but uh I do know how to cook some fire eggs and some fire like other stuff probably oh my gosh okay can you place that candle already oh my God okay there we go oh my gosh look how many I've done already stop taking my candle oh by the way that was my candle I don't know what you're talking about by the way oh my gosh I'll go get some more candles for regret you know what order some if you need some oh yeah I forgot about that wait it's not your dad's money uh it's okay he'll understand if he wants a five-star dining experience oh yeah I mean like he won't even have to pay that would just be the payment right there right oh yeah that'd be awesome okay okay just uh just go get some more candles you know what let's order some hold on here we go here's a tablet now let's order uh maybe one two now let's order castillion candles uh one two three like one two I'm my shoes my shoes wow dude you kill that and now wait a minute we have to plug in the router oh my gosh oh and why did the attic just open We're Not Gonna use the attic today all right let's go over here and oh my goodness okay here's the router and we have to plug it oh what's up revised oh my gosh okay Rufus you have to stay here okay you can't ruin my dad's five star dining experience by eating all the food all right here we go let me plug in the router just like so and the Tandy tablet and all right one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve uh gazillion some I don't know I don't know how to count all right there we go and puffy are you seeing all the candles coming yeah I see the Drone right over there it's carrying our package oh my yo there's like 10K trillion candles right over here oh my gosh wait is a drone called uh Lobster TV yeah probably right oh my gosh yeah oh wow that's an awesome drone wow I want one of those drones all right here we go whoa look at all those candles oh my goodness okay we have to make it lead all the way to the kitchen okay maybe maybe uh just let's do this a little faster all right but how are we gonna do that uh I don't know you know what you know what just throw them just though that's fine my dad's gonna understand why y'all are you serious right now you're literally just telling me not to throw them okay well don't throw them just place them like it doesn't have to be gently or likely some right side up you know it's all right dude all right yeah let's just do this super duper fast my dad's gonna be home anytime soon okay we can't waste any more time okay all that really matters is the food yeah you're right I mean it looks fancy enough right oh yeah of course all right just uh just a little bit more candles and uh yeah that should be enough for the candles yeah I think that's enough candles and oh I even played salad right side up but wait a second but we need to make the food what are we gonna do we have to make our money right no not yet dude okay things take time okay but just some candles isn't gonna cut it dude we need some decoration inside the kitchen decoration wait where are we gonna find that um I don't know maybe we can order some come on dude Technology's everywhere it's 20 23. I know right so let's go let's find the tablet where is it okay it's right over there what are we gonna get uh let's see um oh wow these look really tasty it's a lollipop there's some lollipops I love those oh no but we can't order those okay we need to use the money wisely okay uh uh all right so there seems to be uh not a lot of decoration honestly oh man all right well let's go look in the kitchen and see if my dad has some decoration that we can use all right let's look over there let's go oh my gosh okay so look we can't destroy anything on the table okay oh wow there's already decorations set oh wow that's pretty cool yeah that does look super fancy but we can make it even more fancy oh yeah all right let's open these cabinets and see what we can find in here okay just open one two and oh there's some mustard I mean even though it is a fancy restaurant you do need some condiments so let's just place this mustard right over here all right and I found some ketchup right over here because I I think he likes ketchup more than mustard nobody likes mustard oh yeah um watch they're just so nasty and sour guys comment down if you love ketchup or mustard if you like ketchup subscribe because the Subscribe button is red yeah way to say it's literally not even red anymore are you serious Cara oh yeah I forgot it's white but still subscribe yeah oh my gosh there we go just a little bit more decoration uh but wait a minute puffy it is kind of missing something oh yeah you're right there's like no drinks on top of there wait a second I think your dad's super special alcohol is right up there oh my gosh you're right that's I think my dad always likes to drinks but uh it's really really bad for you but I mean my dad likes it so yeah I mean it's okay like every once in a while right I mean I guess I don't know I just I just don't prefer yes Buffy stop getting stuck on top of the line dude you always do this man I don't know how it keeps happening but anyways I did get the alcohol dude oh my gosh but wait a minute oh my gosh yeah ouch ouch I just fell dude all right here here you get one and I get one all right wow this one looks super duper fancy guys unless you're like an adult or something uh no never drink it just don't drink it it's not even good real okay now let's put it on top of the plate right here and let's make it look super easy wow look how fancy this looks puffy oh my gosh this is awesome yes sir I accidentally crazy uh you didn't break anything you didn't break anything uh anyways all right now let's make all the food puffy did you really knock over a chair oh yeah I guess I did you didn't see that it's okay we can fix it oh my gosh I mean I guess you're okay just don't touch the table okay we can say that this chair was meant for uh okay okay yeah all right okay anyways let's make some let's see what my dad has in the fridge that we can cook and wait a minute look at all this I love zodo but we we can't drink it for now we can't be wasting all the food we have to cook it remember oh I didn't drink any soda I didn't drink anything oh but wait you're lying to me okay whatever anyways okay so my dad really likes chicken and steak let's cook some chicken and steak oh my gosh I'm scared I've never cooked this before yeah me neither and he does have some hamburgers too so let's put it inside that'll be like our appetizer oh my gosh you're right okay let's turn on the oven and okay are you ready all right I'm gonna put the steak inside all right chicken inside and it's cooking it's cooking it's literally the cooking all right I think I think the steak is finished the steak is finished Let It Burn no it's gonna burn no oh man uh the steak got burnt oh we could just cook another one yeah you're right okay yeah let's just throw that over there okay let's try again this time okay let's try it again remember you can always fail but you will always succeed if you keep trying or something like that yeah yeah okay let's put in oh dude oh my gosh okay we have to cook it okay we can't burn it like last time okay we have to watch it like hot all right super carefully all right when is it gonna okay when is foreign oh my gosh we did it we did it oh my gosh look I have some cooked chicken and some cooked steak and now let's go put this up there let's do it let's put it on the table oh my gosh okay so let me just put it on this plate and there we go oh my gosh and now let's put the chicken up here and this is where my dad's gonna sit there we go oh oh it fell on the floor it's okay five seconds yeah oh my gosh I can't even stand up dude I'll have that oven made me so tired okay here we go and just like oh oh oh oh okay oh okay um uh yeah I do need some help uh puffy uh dude uh puppy can you put this on there oh there we go all right it's on there oh my gosh let's go let's go oh this is awesome but wait is my dad really gonna get full off of one steak and one chicken uh well I mean I do have this cheeseburger right here but we might need something else we might need like some fruit or like some dessert or some eggs maybe no no no my dad doesn't really like a fruit or none of that and eggs I don't even want to talk about eggs so I think we need more meat but we ran out in the fridge oh I mean we do have this Glizzy but is that even real me we need something else we need some more steak oh yeah we do and guess how we're gonna do that I think I have an idea how are we gonna do it okay just follow me dude oh my gosh and might as well while you're while you're right here just grab that baseball bat you'll see why baseball bat um why am I doing that uh you'll see why okay uh let me just fix up these candles like they're they look kind of weird oh my gosh okay oh my dad doesn't get set on fire by them or something oh no I don't mean that literally happened because like he's not small and stuff okay anyways oh what do I do with this baseball bat um I don't know uh by the way we're gonna clean up these candles all right puffy yeah we'll do that uh later or maybe never okay whatever oh let's just figure out what we're doing okay so you have that baseball bat right okay get ready okay oh my gosh oh my gosh puffy has no idea what's about to happen oh my goodness okay puffy so I'm gonna call this bear okay bear wait what it's not like super duper dangerous no no it's not actually bear it's a metaphor guys it's actually a bear uh it's literally just like a um all right bear come here come here I'll help you guess what we're gonna do oh my yo why is he standing up oh my goodness um wait oh we have a bunch of stick now oh my goodness I told you I could do that I did a 360 hookah book a smack on him oh that was awesome that was so awesome we grab all the stick before it expires okay now we have to put it okay oh yeah let's go cook them oh my gosh we're literally the cookers we're gonna be cooking and our dad's gonna be eating it too oh my gosh it's gonna be awesome dude oh my gosh I think four Stakes is enough for my dad what do you think yeah I think that's enough too we'll be super duper cool after that oh yeah he definitely will be okay turn on the oven and wait let's cook them at the same time all right throw your seats there we go okay and there we go okay let's go we have to watch him like Hawks remember on the oven and wait a minute wait a minute okay oh is it good is it good yeah it's cooked it's super duper good okay now let's put the steak up here and oh my gosh let's go look so awesome dude look let's go we put the steak on there this is so awesome I know right every play I just take oh my dad's gonna eat like 50 plates but wait a minute after he eats the meat and stuff what did you get to eat after oh probably like some alcohol or some dessert some dessert I'm saying that earlier oh yeah yeah you were saying that earlier okay so what should we get him for dessert oh well there is his cookie jar right up there oh yeah okay let's break open the cookie jar and get some cookies and give him some dessert oh my goodness oh my gosh yeah look at all this cookies all right okay just grab like two cookies each and put them on they look so good I'm gonna eat them all no what the heck dude oh my gosh are you serious you just ate all the cookies uh yeah I would have nailed the cookies oh my my goodness now my dad's only gonna have three cookies oh I mean it does look kind of good puffy yeah I'm gonna eat some more cookies no what the heck Buffy stop me oh my dad only has one cookie okay let me give him this other cook I ate it oh my yo how are we gonna get more I don't know okay let's look for some uh oh look a lollipop let's give that a lollipop yeah lollipop stay super good so my dad would love a lollipop there we go you should put it right there hey dude oh yeah yeah oh no puffy why'd you eat it again oh my gosh all right Puffy you're too dangerous around desserts all right wait Buffy come here I think I have another dessert oh what do you have uh you want to eat this one this one I I don't really mind if you eat this one oh I like the hammer oh my gosh oh no okay well we have to clean those up okay we have to eat all this wood so my dad doesn't see uh this remember it's a five-star restaurant we have to be antique we have to be elegant you know we have to be fancy bonjour okay let's eat all this wood and uh yep I think it's pretty much cleaned and okay I'm good now oh my gosh okay that was scary but now what else should we do I think we should get some more cookies and like not eat them accidentally oh yeah you're right but where are we gonna get those from wait a minute we could just order something yeah you're right let's use our dad's tablet oh my gosh you're right and wait a minute to make my dad even want to eat here we also need to find some customers some customers wait how are we gonna do that oh my gosh just wait I'm the I'm the best salesman ever okay let's just get these cookies and then we'll get some customers after all right get all the cookies in the world our dad's gonna be so happy when he eats this oh my gosh I know right oh oh wait a minute oh my goodness all right let me just open this ah my dad's gonna be so happy all right oh look at all these cookies okay don't eat any of these okay the Drone deliver it yeah the Drone Lobster TV delivered it it's called Waddles but anyways let's get some cookies oh yeah yeah you're right oh my gosh okay speaking of drone I ever heard of Neji in a while what happened oh I don't know I think he was on a family vacation or something oh my gosh you're right okay let me just clean up all this glass and stuff I I just uh yeah bring those cookies in and next we have to find some customers all right let's do it okay so first up come here let me let me uh teach you how to find some customers okay puffy all right how do we do it so if you use these tips and tricks You'll Always Find customers for anything okay I've sold a ton of bottles of prime you know what prime is right yeah Proline prawn I love Pride Prime we got Prime boys yeah we got Prime oh yeah okay well anyways all right so what you want to do right is you want to see him as a demanding as possible okay so act like I'm a customer okay oh okay and just ask me like come to your restaurant or something okay go ahead uh um the customer I'm customer hey hey random guy help [Applause] oh my gosh yeah that was awesome that was awesome puppy wow you're a natural okay let's go do it out in the room oh yeah are you with your smart and my Charisma we're definitely gonna get some customers and my dad's gonna want to eat here because there's so many customers yeah of course and maybe your dad will pass by soon oh my gosh you're right oh he should be home from work soon okay hey hey uh hey Mr cars hey any of y'all want to shop and eat a mindful hey why are they so rude what are you doing oh my gosh you stopped him wait wait a minute oh I stopped him hey uh would you by any chance want to eat here why did he run away oh my gosh dude okay what about this guy ah he didn't even stop like the other guy oh my God oh my God oh no this isn't good dude
Channel: Gara
Views: 11,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oo0RwuWLEeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 43sec (1303 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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