πŸ… Text To Speech πŸ… ASMR Cake Storytime || @Brianna Guidryy || POVs Tiktok Compilations 2023 #150

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if you own the real briana's body the real Brianna must be trapped in the door somewhere do you know where you used to live when you were a doll that must be where the real Brianna is I used to live in a room with lots of other dolls where little kids would come and stare at us oh a toy store babe you look so beautiful today stop it Jake that's not the real Brianna okay but it still looks like her why does my face feel so warm because you're blushing now come on we have to find out which toys are you're from you wear Brianna's best friend not were I am Brianna's best friend I've never had a friend before my eyes are feeling wet that's because you're about to cry okay this is a toy sword do you recognize it yes this used to be my home I want to leave hello ladies could I help you find anything what if your friend look so scared she's just like that if you have a doll that's like super realistic it kind of seems like a human yeah a little girl just stole her thank you for saying that to me it really helped me understand I'm sorry I want to buy you but I don't have any money you don't need any money you just need to carry me and run you're pretty heavy thank you for getting me out of there now I'll show you where the best place to find me is my high school okay okay you show me the way and I'll carry you wait before we go I must ask won't your parents be worried about you my parents won't be worried about me because I don't have any parents I'm an orphan I don't have any friends either that's why I wanted a doll so bad so I could have someone to play with and keep me company I'll make you a deal once you get me back in my human body I'll buy you as many dolls as you would like who are you looking at my best friend Stephanie [Music] ooh mommy's makeup no you can't ever put anything on your face anything that touched your face becomes permanent now that blush will be on you forever what mom really wasn't lying it's never gonna come off Hey Brianna you got some lipstick on your cheek here use one of my makeup wipes no it won't come off anything that touches my face is permanent what Brianna you're so funny want to come over to my slumber party tonight sure I'd love to what should we do now how about a pillow fight good night everyone I'm so tired I'm going to bed night sleep tight good morning guys why are you laughing here you need to look at yourself you look so silly do you know what you guys just did let's play freeze dance okay wait am I supposed to freeze now unfreeze no Brianna you killed Timmy you're not supposed to play freeze dance it's for population control it kills people I didn't know Hey Kevin I need you muffins thanks Brianna hey stay away from Kevin he's mine well I don't see your name on him let's play freestands and settle this once and for all whoever wins gets Kevin deal I didn't agree to this oh oh like crap like together no Kevin baby I'm coming to save you unfreece oh oh leg cramp leg cramp no Kevin baby I'm coming to save you unfreeze oh no Brianna were you playing three cents Because of You Brittany and Kevin are dead she killed Brittany and Kevin she's sick no no it's not like that I promise hey leave her alone Brianna come with me hey thanks for getting me out of there I really appreciate it it was nothing do you remember Timmy Timmy freeze wait am I supposed to freeze now [Music] yeah I do remember him he died playing freeze dance back when I was six he was my brother it's time that I finally Avenged his death I challenge you to a game of freeze dance the challenge for a one hundred thousand dollars wow that's a lot of money cut off a chunk of your hair I don't want to do that I'm not doing it Brianna once you've accepted the challenge there's no turning back you must do it or they'll kill you what a challenge for five hundred thousand dollars I just got a challenge for 500k don't accept it the more money they offer you the harder the challenge will be I can't pass up on that kind of money shave off your eyebrows you shaved your eyebrows yeah I did doesn't look that bad it does I accepted a challenge for a million dollars wow I have to kill you what the tongue Twitter uh oh you must read it very slowly because if the tongue twister twists your tongue you die she sells seashells by the seashore you passed hey I got a tongue twister too Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers A peck of pickles Piper I don't think Timmy passed Bye Mom I'm leaving what's a tongue twister Emily you need to say it very slowly because if the tongue twister twists your tongue you die I'm scared Susie sells shoes in a Shoe Shine Shop you passed you've got a tongue twister you want 100 sandwiches or double it and give it to the next person double it and give it to the next person no please I can't carry all those sandwiches I'm sorry but I can't take all those sandwiches it's too many no here's your exam Brianna oh double it and give it to the next person if you don't write your exam I'll be giving you an F double it and give it to the next person you little would you like 50 chocolate eggs or double it and give it to the next person double wait a second I'll take them wow look at all my chocolate eggs hey what are you eating chocolate eggs nah double them and give them to the next person no what have you done okay it's time to see my mark multicolor but that doesn't even exist I need to cover this it could mean something really bad I got pink meaning I'm gonna be unsuccessful in life wait where's your mark it's crazy I didn't get one that's weird come on let's go for our mark check our what hi so as you can see I don't have any Mark there must be some kind of mistake some kind of mix up I can see the mark underneath your makeup take off your makeup and come back what does it mean multi-color I don't know it it doesn't even exist you're lucky or Mark has no meaning mine is doomy to an unsuccessful life I know it's not fair you deserve a purple Mark rich and famous and oh my goodness Your Mark it's purple what did you do what did I do I didn't do anything it had to be you come on let's test this out look at Brittany over there she doesn't deserve a purple March she's unkind to everyone Britney deserves a pink Mark she should be unsuccessful [Music] I can't believe it actually worked it actually changed her Mark get out of the way loser Brad's a jerk Brad is a jerk he deserves a pink mark [Music] we're gonna have so much fun with this here I compiled the list of every single person in the school who deserves a pink Mark and who deserves a purple mark look I get where you're coming from but we should be a little bit more careful shouldn't we we don't want to get caught we would never get caught Brianna I need you to come with me for one day only we'll be able to see our soulmate compatibility percentage when we touch someone they're only giving us one day our soul they could be anywhere well then let's not waste any time let's go find her soul mates bestie look over there your crush is coming this way what should I do pretend to bump into him oh I'm so sorry twenty percent Steve what's up can I get a high five oh it's five percent Hey Brianna come here for a second Daniel only one percent you could have been a lot more gentle why have you I don't know I'm not really interested in any of the guys here come on there's cookies let's go [Applause] finally 18 what gift do I get a mystery box well might as well open it no don't why I heard a story of one person who had a mystery box and they stopped breathing right as they opened it I should wait to open it then good idea it could be very dangerous what did you get for your gift I got this Mystery Box open it I heard of someone who got a mystery box and got a million dollars don't open it I heard someone got gifted a mystery box and lost a finger open it don't open it no I'm scared I'm not gonna open it okay I want to trade my gift with you for that mystery box what's your gift a mansion it's way better than a box so give me the Box trade it now no we can't trade gifts it's illegal I have to know what's in this box oh my gosh oh my gosh it's empty have you opened your box yet no I haven't opened it yet I don't know what's inside open it I need that box give it just open it I'll give you my mansion back stay back you fiends open it no I don't think there's any need to open it all right class it's time for the test we'll be starting right now oh shoot I forgot my pen oh my God what is this box you lied to me you did open the box my crush is coming oh hey box I could really use some perfume perfect this box could be very beneficial to me to us no hey box I could really use a million dollars right now Marco Polo Marco Polo Polo Marco safe Emily I'm so glad I found you I was so scared it was so dark Marco Polo you actually fell for it bestie don't scare me like that chill I was just joking it's serious my little sister Emily was chosen to play the game this morning she almost didn't find me in time her boyfriend died during the game of Marco Polo he wasn't able to find her in time that's awful it's dark oh no Marco Polo Marco Marco Polo Marco Polo thank goodness you found me I'm so glad you worked far choose who will play they're making me choose well I can't choose my mother go Polo bestie why can't I hear you Polo Marco failure you're making me choose again Mommy I promise one day I'm gonna be a princess for real no you should never make a promise now you only have 10 years to fulfill your promise or else or else what I go on timeout a permanent timeout when I was 10 years old I made a promise that I would have kids one day now I have to have kids by 20. well that's so young I know I didn't know about the 10-year rule when I was six I made a promise that I would be a princess Brianna that's never gonna happen there's no way a prince would marry an average citizen I know I'm probably going to be dead in the next year attention everyone what is going on the princess throwing a royal ball to find his princess even all you common folk are given a chance to impress the prince switch bodies with best friend or boyfriend [Music] I wonder what Louie in my boyfriend's body would be like yo I already switched bodies I wonder how long I'm gonna be in this body for I wonder if Jay came to school today in my body hi Jakey hi Stephanie come here why did you just do that you're Brianna's best friend why are you acting surprised we do it all the time internally around we do yes you're a bad friend we are not best friends anymore what yo bro fist bump yeah how's Christine Christine your new lady how many ladies do I have dude I can't even keep track at this point he's cheating on me Hey Jake Brianna's looking everywhere for you oh oh where is he I mean she what's this you pick whether you want to be dating or married at 20. I want to be married to a prince Mommy why do I have a bandage on my finger Hey Jake you have a bandage on your finger too yeah I do I guess you also chose to be married at 20. yeah I did good choice it just sucks we can't remove these bandages until we're 20. I know right but my birthday's tomorrow whoa lucky you you're officially 20 in three two one happy birthday now you can finally remove your bandage a ring dear soulmate or choose to speak to your mom my mom passed away when I was three years old how could I speak to her hello sweetie mom mom is that really you yes it is really me I'm so regretful that I couldn't be in your life more really is you there's so much I've wanted to tell you hey Mom yes sweetie I have a date tonight I really like him oh that's wonderful will you help me choose an outfit for it later I've always dreamed of my mom helping me get ready for my first date of course mom these questions are really hard could you help me who are you talking to I'm talking to my mom she's dead I got a choice this morning to talk to either my mom or my soul mate Brianna I don't want to tell you this but that is not your mom Brianna I don't want to be the one to tell you this but that is not your mom I am your real mother she doesn't know what she's talking about she doesn't even know me you're right you think you know my own mother better than I do you're just never happy for me Brianna wait Ella's mom what are you doing here Ellen never came home from school yesterday since you're her best friend I thought you might know where she went I don't I'm sorry Jake we have to cancel our date tonight my best friend's missing I'm really worried about her that's no problem get some rest you've been talking to Jake a lot recently yeah I really like him honey hurry downstairs I have a surprise for you surprise Ella Jake I don't think they're breathing since you like them so much I brought them to you Brianna did you take my blush wait before you speak I want you to know how important it is for you to never lie because when you lie you'll forget all memory of the person you lied to okay I took it I'll be back sweetie I'm just going to get some milk you daddy little girl what are you doing in my house go back to your own house you don't remember me daddy lied okay I'll go back to my own house all right Mom I'm heading to school listen just hurry up and send the child support I need it who are you talking to your father father but I don't have a dad I've never had a dad fine don't tell me then plus I'd like you to meet our new principal principal Stevens Brianna it's so nice to finally meet you mommy Are we almost at the ice cream shop hurry cover your mouth and nose come on sweetie we have to get out of here now Mommy why did you tell me to get out of there I thought we were getting ice cream if you hear laughing you must cover your nose and mouth with the cloth I gave you this cloth was created to fight against the Laughing disease laughing is highly contagious and incurable if you catch it you'll die Mommy why didn't you wake me up first help help someone sweetie what's going on why are you outside mommy's inside she has the Laughing disease don't worry sweetie I'll take care of Mommy good morning Dad I'm off to school now dad I'm ready for school what's this I'm ready for school what just happened what about this one where did I get here chill we've been here an hour an hour I never even left my house you're acting strange and that is why the war started dude did she just roll no way that's so embarrassing you have zero manners no no it was the chair it was the chair I promise you it was the chair no wait that wasn't a chair we all heard it I need to use a bathroom hey babe I'm here to break up with you also I've been cheating on you throughout the entire relationship I'm really sorry but I'm not actually oh you are not getting away with this hey babe I'm breaking up with you and I've been cheating on you throughout this entire relationship how could you do that how could you cheat on me oh just like how you cheated on me this whole relationship how did you know this I'm an intellectual Steve you will never believe what I can do I can go back and forth in time have you lost your mind no I'll show you I want to take my best friend forward in time Bessie did it work did what work see look I don't want to explain this whole thing again but I can go back and forth into time have you lost hold my hands I want to try something how did I get here we're in class you really can time travel I told you hey I need you to help me with something I need you to help me with something what do you need to rewrite a test or something no it's way more serious than that I'll tell you after class okay 10 years ago my family was in a car accident driving my sister to school I was homesick that day none of them survived I need to go back and warn them not to get in that car I don't know changing the past that drastically has got to have some kind of consequences no you don't understand the last thing I said to them was I hate them and I wish they were never my family I can't live with this guilt I have to fix this okay I'll help you thank you take my hand what is taking her so long it worked I convinced them all to stay home today that's great let's go back wait I forgot my phone what's going on wait come back no I left her in the past oh best team there you are I was so worried who are you or dare um truth Timmy are you interested in woman or men to me tell the truth because if you lie you'll die women I'm interested in women obviously why would I like men Timmy that was a lie babe are you doing okay I know you and Timmy were close yeah I'll be okay Brianna truth or dare truth truth is easy do you really love your boyfriend if not who do you really love babe you got an easy one of course you love me no I'm in love with your brother she's telling the truth how could you how could you be in love with my brother I'm sorry Derek Truth or Dare truth obviously you must pick dare fine dare kill Brianna Derek Truth or Dare truth obviously you must pick dare fine dare kill Brianna babe you wouldn't you wouldn't kill me I would Brianna truth or dare truth I pick truth you must pick dare okay dare I dare you to kill Derek good I was looking for you Derek wait can I just say one thing before you kill me I guess you may Hey Brianna tell my brother I said hi I need to get home hey Bree Damien hi have you seen my brother Derek anywhere I've been looking for him no I haven't seen him anywhere Brianna truth or dare truth tell the truth about what happened to Derek patty cake patty cake bake why'd you stop I just got words above my head oh you must have got your soulmate's last words you mean their last words before they die exactly so what's your soulmate's last words I'm not telling it's a secret what's up babe we still on for tonight of course great catch you later I think Derek might be my soul mate he could be hey what are your soulmate's last words you never told me I'm not telling you that's between me and my soulmate it makes me kind of worried though am I so much Last Words sound so sad finally school's over and we get to come back tomorrow and do it all over again watch out would you do that go in an ambulance there's no time but don't worry I'll live in your memories to me look at these stickers they're going Brianna you killed Timmy you can never wink it's for population control it kills people I didn't know swing killer you're the one who killed my little brother Timmy 10 years ago I'm going to get revenge you better watch your back watch yours first oh no Emma she fell to the floor somebody help get the nurse nurse is Emma going to be all right no she's not breathing tragic I can't believe Emma passed away I know it's so sad did they say what the cause of death was they figured the only way she could die so suddenly is from winking really yeah and you were the only one around Emma at that time that means you're the Beauty pill or intelligence pill well I'm already super smart so I might as well be beautiful too my beauty pill is only working at 60 so far so you're saying I'm going to get even more beautiful than this so basically the Pythagorean theorem Eugene Eugene babe wait babe that's you you don't even look like yourself yeah I chose the beauty pill over the intelligence pill you made a bad decision intelligence is more important than Beauty Brianna please solve equation a for the class no I I can't I don't know it is the more beautiful I become the stupidest I get Brianna can you tell me the answer to question 23 I don't get it um no I can't tell you because I don't know Mommy Brianna please give me a chance please boys boys please I only have eyes for one man I want to break up with you use your rose of Love yay no you're not supposed to eat it that is your rose of love when you love someone you give them your rose but if they don't love you back or they fall out of love with you your rose will die once your rose is dead it can only come back to life if you give it to someone who truly loves you I love you I want to be with you forever I love you so much then give me your rose but what if we break up and then you give my rose back and it's dead I'll have a dead rose until someone loves me again I could never stop loving you I'll give you my rose here's your rose back I'm sorry but I don't love you anymore no no there's someone else I love oh no your rose is dead let me see here you go wait whoopsies no you can't ever cut your hair it holds memories who am I do you remember me do you still have all your memories I think so everyone I'm back with the milk who's that guy hey girl hey have you seen my boyfriend anywhere no I haven't seen him don't worry maybe he's running late yeah maybe Jake bestie on the real briana's body the real Brianna must be trapped in a door somewhere do you know where you used to live when you were a doll that must be where the real Brianna is I used to live in a room with lots of other dolls where little kids would come and stare at us oh a toy store babe you look so beautiful today stop it Jake that's not the real Brianna okay but it still looks like her why does my face feel so warm because you're blushing now come on we have to find out which Choice are you're from you wear Brianna's best friend not were I am Brianna's best friend I've never had a friend before my eyes are feeling wet that's because you're about to cry okay this is a toy store do you recognize it yes this used to be my home I want to leave hello ladies could I help you find anything what is your friend look so scared she's just like that if you have a doll that's like super realistic kind of seems like a human yeah a little girl just stole her thank you for saying that to me it really helped me understand I'm sorry I want to buy you but I don't have any money you don't need any money you just need to carry me and run you're pretty heavy thank you for getting me out of there now I'll show you where the best place to find me is my high school okay okay you show me the way and I'll carry you wait before we go I must ask won't your parents be worried about you my parents won't be worried about me because I don't have any parents I'm an orphan I don't have any friends either that's why I wanted a doll so bad so I could have someone to play with and keep me company I'll make you a deal once you get me back in my human body I'll buy you as many dolls as you would like who are you looking at my best friend Stephanie [Music] oh mommy's makeup no you can't ever put anything on your face anything that touched your face becomes permanent now that blush will be on you forever what mom really wasn't lying it's never gonna come off Hey Brianna you got some lipstick on your cheek here use one of my makeup lights no it won't come off anything that touches my face is permanent what Brianna you're so funny want to come over to my slumber party tonight sure I'd love to what should we do now how about a pillow fight good night everyone I'm so tired I'm going to bed night sleep tight good morning guys why are you laughing here you need to look at yourself you look so silly do you know what you guys just did wait am I supposed to freeze now unfreeze no Brianna you killed Timmy you're not supposed to play freeze dance it's for population control it kills people I didn't know Hey Kevin I need you muffins thanks Brianna hey stay away from Kevin he's mine well I don't see your name on him let's play free stamps and settle this once and for all whoever wins gets Kevin deal I didn't agree to this oh oh like like foreign no Kevin baby I'm coming to save you unfreece oh oh leg crimp leg cramp no Kevin baby I'm coming to save you unfreeze oh no Brianna were you playing freeze dance Because of You Brittany and Kevin are dead she killed Brittany and Kevin she's sick no no it's not like that I promise hey leave her alone Brianna come with me hey thanks for getting me out of there I really appreciate it it was nothing do you remember Timmy Timmy freeze wait am I supposed to freeze now [Music] yeah I do remember him he died playing freeze dance back when I was six he was my brother it's time that I finally Avenged his death I challenge you to a game of freeze dance a challenge for one hundred thousand dollars wow that's a lot of money cut off a chunk of your hair I don't want to do that I'm not doing it Brianna once you've accepted the challenge there's no turning back you must do it or they'll kill you what a challenge for five hundred thousand dollars I just got a challenge for 500k don't accept it the more money they offer you the harder the challenge will be I can't pass up on that kind of money shave off your eyebrows you shaved your eyebrows yeah I did doesn't look that bad it does I accepted a challenge for a million dollars wow I have to kill you you've got a tongue twister what's a tongue Twitter oh oh you must read it very slowly because if the tongue twister twists your tongue you die she sells seashells by the seashore you passed hey I got a tongue twister too Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers A peck of pickles Piper I don't think Timmy passed Bye Mom I'm leaving what's a tongue twister Emily you need to say it very slowly because if the tongue twister twists your tongue you die I'm scared Susie sells shoes in a Shoe Shine Shop you passed you've got a tongue twister you want 100 sandwiches or double it and give it to the next person double it and give it to the next person no please I can't carry all those sandwiches I'm sorry but I can't take all those sandwiches it's too many no here's your exam Brianna oh double it and give it to the next person if you don't write your exam I'll be giving you an F double it and give it to the next person you little would you like 50 chocolate eggs or double it and give it to the next person double wait a second I'll take them wow look at all my chocolate eggs hey what are you eating chocolate eggs nah double them and give them to the next person no what have you done hey it's time to see my mark multicolor but that doesn't even exist I need to cover this it could mean something really bad I got pink meaning I'm gonna be unsuccessful in life wait where's your mark crazy I didn't get one that's weird come on let's go for our mark check our what hi so as you can see I don't have any Mark there must be some kind of mistake some kind of mix up I can see the mark underneath your makeup take off your makeup and come back what does it mean multi-color I don't know it it doesn't even exist you're lucky or Mark has no meaning mine is do me to an unsuccessful life I know it's not fair you deserve a purple Mark rich and famous and oh my goodness Your Mark it's purple what did you do what did I do I didn't do anything it had to be you come on let's test this out look at Brittany over there she doesn't deserve a purple March she's unkind to everyone Brittany deserves a pink Mark she should be unsuccessful [Music] I can't believe it actually worked it actually changed her Mark get out of the way loser Brad's a jerk Brad is a jerk he deserves a pink mark [Music] we're gonna have so much fun with this here I compiled the list of every single person in the school who deserves a pink Mark and who deserves a purple mark look I get where you're coming from but we should be a little bit more careful shouldn't we we don't want to get caught we would never get caught Brianna I need you to come with me for one day only we'll be able to see our soulmate compatibility percentage when we touch someone they're only giving us one day our soulmate could be anywhere well then let's not waste any time let's go find her soulmate bestie look over there your crush is coming this way what should I do pretend to bump into him oh I'm so sorry 20 percent Steve what's up can I get a high five oh it's five percent Hey Brianna come here for a second Daniel only one percent you could have been a lot more gentle why haven't you I don't know I'm not really interested in any of the guys here come on there's puppies let's go [Applause] finally 18 what gift do I get a mystery box well might as well open it no don't why I heard a story of one person who had a mystery box and they stopped breathing right as they opened it I should wait to open it then good idea it could be very dangerous what did you get for your gift I got this Mystery Box open it I heard of someone who got a mystery box and got a million dollars don't open it I heard someone got gifted a mystery box and lost a finger open it don't open it no I'm scared I'm not gonna open it hey I want to trade my gift with you for that mystery box what's your gift a mansion it's way better than a box so give me the Box trade it now no we can't trade gifts it's illegal I have to know what's in this box oh my gosh oh my gosh it's empty have you opened your box yet no I haven't opened it yet I don't know what's inside open it I need that box give it just open it I'll give you my mansion stay back you fiends open it no I don't think there's any need to open it all right class it's time for the test we'll be starting right now oh shoot I forgot my pen oh my God what is this box you lied to me you did open the box my crush is coming oh hey box I could really use some perfume perfect this box could be very beneficial to me to us no hey box I could really use a million dollars right now Marco Polo Marco Polo Polo Marco safe Emily I'm so glad I found you I was so scared it was so dark Marco Polo you actually fell for it bestie don't scare me like that chill I was just joking it's serious my little sister Emily was chosen to play the game this morning she almost didn't find me in time her boyfriend died during the game of Marco Polo he wasn't able to find her in time that's awful oh no it's dark oh no Marco Polo Marco Marco Polo Marco Polo thank goodness you found me I'm so glad you worked far Jews who will play they're making me choose well I can't choose my mother Marco Polo bestie why can't I hear you Polo Marco failure you're making me choose again Mommy I promise one day I'm gonna be a princess for real no you should never make a promise now you only have 10 years to fulfill your promise or else or else what I go on time out a permanent timeout when I was 10 years old I made a promise that I would have kids one day now I have to have kids by 20. whoa that's so young I know I didn't know about the 10-year rule when I was six I made a promise that I would be a princess Brianna that's never gonna happen there's no way a prince would marry an average citizen I know I'm probably going to be dead in the next year attention everyone what is going on the princess throwing a royal ball to find his princess even all you common folk are given a chance to impress the prince switch bodies with best friend or boyfriend [Music] I wonder what Lily and my boyfriend's body would be like yo I already switched bodies I wonder how long I'm gonna be in this body for I wonder if Jay came to school today in my body hi Jakey hi Stephanie come here why did you just do that you're Brianna's best friend why are you acting surprised we do it all the time internally around we do yes you're a bad friend we are not best friends anymore what yo bro fist bump yeah how's Christine Christine your new lady how many ladies do I have dude I can't even keep track at this point he's cheating on me Hey Jake Brianna's looking everywhere for you oh oh where is he I mean she what's this you pick whether you want to be dating or married at 20. I want to be married to a prince Mommy why do I have a bandage on my finger Hey Jake you have a bandage on your finger too yeah I do I guess you also chose to be married at 20. yeah I did good choice it just sucks we can't remove these bandages until we're 20. I know right but my birthday is tomorrow whoa lucky you you're officially 20 and three two one happy birthday now you can finally remove your bandage a ring it's your soulmate or choose to speak to your mom my mom passed away when I was three years old how could I speak to her hello sweetie mom mom is that really you yes it is really me I'm so regretful that I couldn't be in your life more really is you there's so much I've wanted to tell you hey Mom yes sweetie I have a date tonight I really like him oh that's wonderful will you help me choose an outfit for it later I've always dreamed of my mom helping me get ready for my first date of course mom these questions are really hard could you help me who are you talking to I'm talking to my mom she's dead I got a choice this morning to talk to either my mom or my soul mate Brianna I don't want to tell you this but that is not your mom Brianna I don't want to be the one to tell you this but that is not your mom I am your real mother she doesn't know what she's talking about she doesn't even know me you're right you think you know my own mother better than I do you're just never happy for me Brianna wait Ella's mom what are you doing here Ellen never came home from school yesterday since you're her best friend I thought you might know where she went I don't I'm sorry Jake we have to cancel our date tonight my best friend's missing I'm really worried about her that's no problem get some rest you've been talking to Jake a lot recently yeah I really like him honey hurry downstairs I have a surprise for you surprise Ella Jake I don't think they're breathing since you like them so much I brought them to you Brianna did you take my blush wait before you speak I want you to know how important it is for you to never lie because when you lie you'll forget all memory of the person you lied to okay I took it I'll be back sweetie I'm just going to get some milk okay Daddy little girl what are you doing in my house go back to your own house you don't remember me daddy lied oh okay I'll go back to my own house all right Mom I'm heading to school listen just hurry up and send the child support I need it who are you talking to your father but I don't have a dad I've never had a dad fine don't tell me then plus I'd like you to meet our new principal principal Stevens Brianna it's so nice to finally meet you mommy Are we almost at the ice cream shop hurry cover your mouth and nose come on sweetie we have to get out of here now Mommy why did you tell me to get out of there I thought we were getting ice cream if you hear laughing you must cover your nose and mouth with the cloth I gave you this cloth was created to fight against the Laughing disease laughing is highly contagious and incurable if you catch it you'll die Mommy why didn't you wake me up for school help help someone sweetie what's going on why are you outside mommy's inside she has the Laughing disease don't worry sweetie I'll take care of Mommy good morning Dad I'm off to school now dad I'm ready for school what's this I'm ready for school what just happened what about this one where did I get here chill we've been here an hour an hour I never even left my house you're acting strange and that is why the war started dude did she just roll no way that's so embarrassing you have to zero manners no no it was the chair it was the chair I promise you it was the chair no wait that wasn't a chair we all heard it I need to use the bathroom hey babe I'm here to break up with you also I've been cheating on you throughout the entire relationship I'm really sorry but I'm not actually oh you are not getting away with this hey babe I'm breaking up with you and I've been cheating on you throughout this entire relationship how could you do that how could you cheat on me oh just like how you cheated on me this whole relationship how did you know this I'm an intellectual Steve you will never believe what I can do I can go back and forth in time have you lost your mind no I'll show you I want to take my best friend forward in time Bessie did it work did what work see look I don't want to explain this whole thing again but I can go back and forth into time have you lost hold my hand I want to try something huh how did I get here we're in class you really can time travel I told you hey I need you to help me with something I need you to help me with something what do you need to rewrite a test or something no it's way more serious than that I'll tell you after class okay 10 years ago my family was in a car accident driving my sister to school I was homesick that day none of them survived I need to go back and warn them not to get in that car I don't know changing the past that drastically has got to have some kind of consequences no you don't understand the last thing I said to them was I hate them and I wish they were never my family I can't live with this guilt I have to fix this okay I'll help you thank you take my hand what is taking her so long it worked I convinced them all to stay home today that's great let's go back wait I forgot my phone what's going on wait come back no I left her in the past oh bestie there you are I was so worried who are you or dare um truth Timmy are you interested in women or men to me tell the truth because if you lie you'll die women I'm interested in women obviously why would I like men Timmy that was a lie babe are you doing okay I know you and Timmy were close yeah I'll be okay Brianna truth or dare truth truth is easy do you really love your boyfriend if not who do you really love babe you got an easy one of course you love me no I'm in love with your brother she's telling the truth how could you how could you be in love with my brother I'm sorry Derek Truth or Dare truth obviously you must pick dare fine dare kill Brianna Derek Truth or Dare truth obviously you must pick dare fine dare kill Brianna babe you wouldn't you wouldn't kill me I would Brianna truth or dare truth I pick truth you must pick dare okay dare I dare you to kill Derek good I was looking for you Derek wait can I just say one thing before you kill me I guess you may Hey Brianna tell my brother I said hi I need to get home hey Bree Damien hi have you seen my brother Derek anywhere I've been looking for him no I haven't seen him anywhere Brianna truth or dare truth tell the truth about what happened to Derek patty cake patty cake fake why'd you stop I just got words above my head oh you must have got your soulmate's last words you mean their last words before they die exactly so what's your soul mate's last words I'm not telling it's a secret what's up babe we still on for tonight of course great catch you later I think Derek might be my soul mate he could be hey what are your soulmate's last words you never told me I'm not telling you that's between me and my soulmate it makes me kind of worried though am I so much Last Words sound so sad finally school's over and we get to come back tomorrow and do it all over again watch out why would you do that go in an ambulance there's no time but don't worry I'll live in your memories to me look at these stickers they're going Brianna you killed Timmy you can never wink it's for population control it kills people I didn't know wink killer you're the one who killed my little brother Timmy 10 years ago I'm going to get revenge you better watch your back watch yours first oh no Emma she fell to the floor somebody help get the nurse nurse is Emma going to be all right no she's not breathing tragic I can't believe Emma passed away I know it's so sad did they say what the cause of death was they figured the only way she could die so suddenly is from winking really really yeah and you were the only one around Emma at that time that means you're the Beauty pill or intelligence pill well I'm already super smart so I might as well be beautiful too my beauty pill is only working at 60 so far so you're saying I'm going to get even more beautiful than this so basically the Pythagorean theorem Eugene Eugene babe wait babe that's you you don't even look like yourself yeah I chose the beauty pill over the intelligence pill you made a bad decision intelligence is more important than Beauty Brianna please solve the equation a for the class no I I can't I don't know it is the more beautiful I become the stupidest I get Brianna can you tell me the answer to question 23 I don't get it um no I can't tell you because I don't know Mommy Brianna please give me a chance please boys boys please I only have eyes for one man I want to break up with you use your rose of Love yay no you're not supposed to eat it that is your rose of love when you love someone you give them your rose but if they don't love you back or they fall out of love with you your rose will die once your rose is dead it can only come back to life if you give it to someone who truly loves you I love you I want to be with you forever I love you so much then give me your rose but what if we break up and then you give my rose back and it's dead I'll have a dead rose until someone loves me again I could never stop loving you I'll give you my rose here's your rose back I'm sorry but I don't love you anymore no no there's someone else I love oh no your rose is dead yeah let me see here you go wait whoopsies no you can't ever cut your hair it holds memories who am I do you remember me do you still have all your memories I think so everyone I'm back with the milk who's that guy hey girl hey have you seen my boyfriend anywhere no I haven't seen him don't worry maybe he's running late yeah maybe Jake bestie on the real Brianna's body the real Brianna must be trapped in the door somewhere do you know where you used to live when you were a doll that must be where the real Brianna is I used to live in a room with lots of other dolls where little kids would come and stare at us oh a toy store babe you look so beautiful today stop it Jake that's not the real Brianna okay but it still looks like her why does my face feel so warm because you're blushing now come on we have to find out which Choice are you from you wear Brianna's best friend not were I am Brianna's best friend I've never had a friend before my eyes are feeling wet that's because you're about to cry okay this is a toy sword do you recognize it yes this used to be my home I want to leave hello ladies could I help you find anything what if your friend look so scared she's just like that if you have a doll that's like super realistic kind of seems like a human yeah a little girl just stole her thank you for saying that to me it really helped me understand I'm sorry I want to buy you but I don't have any money you don't need any money you just need to carry me and run you're pretty heavy thank you for getting me out of there now I'll show you where the best place to find me is my high school okay okay you show me the way and I'll carry you wait before we go I must ask won't your parents be worried about you my parents won't be worried about me because I don't have any parents I'm an orphan I don't have any friends either that's why I wanted a doll so bad so I could have someone to play with and keep me company I'll make you a deal once you get me back in my human body I'll buy you as many dolls as you would like who are you looking at my best friend Stephanie [Music] oh mommy's makeup no you can't ever put anything on your face anything that touched your face becomes permanent now that blush will be on you forever what mom really wasn't lying it's never gonna come off Hey Brianna you got some lipstick on your cheek here use one of my makeup lights no it won't come off anything that touches my face is permanent what Brianna you're so funny want to come over to my slumber party tonight sure I'd love to what should we do now how about a pillow fight good night everyone I'm so tired I'm going to bed night sleep tight good morning guys why are you laughing here you need to look at yourself you look so silly do you know what you guys just did let's play freeze dance okay wait am I supposed to freeze now unfreeze no Brianna you killed Timmy you're not supposed to play freeze dance it's for population control it kills people I didn't know Hey Kevin I need your muffins thanks Brianna hey stay away from Kevin he's mine well I don't see your name on him let's play freestands and settle this once and for all whoever wins gets Kevin deal I didn't agree to this oh oh like crap like thank you no Kevin baby I'm coming to save you unfreece oh oh leg crimp leg cramp no Kevin baby I'm coming to save you unfreeze oh no Brianna were you playing freeze dance Because of You Brittany and Kevin are dead she killed Brittany and Kevin she's sick no no it's not like that I promise hey leave her alone Brianna come with me hey thanks for getting me out of there I really appreciate it it was nothing do you remember Timmy Timmy freeze wait am I supposed to freeze now [Music] yeah I do remember him he died playing freeze dance back when I was six he was my brother it's time that I finally Avenged his death I challenge you to a game of freeze dance the challenge for one hundred thousand dollars wow that's a lot of money cut off a chunk of your hair I don't want to do that I'm not doing it Brianna once you've accepted the challenge there's no turning back you must do it or they'll kill you what a challenge for five hundred thousand dollars I just got a challenge for 500k don't accept it the more money they offer you the harder the challenge will be I can't pass up on that kind of money shave off your eyebrows you shaved your eyebrows yeah I did doesn't look that bad it does I accepted a challenge for a million dollars wow I have to kill you you've got a tongue twister was it tongue Twitter uh oh you must read it very slowly because if the tongue twister twists your tongue you die she sells seashells by the seashore you passed hey I got a tongue twister too Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers A peck of pickles Piper [Music] I don't think Timmy passed Bye Mom I'm leaving what's a tongue twister Emily you need to say it very slowly because if the tongue twister twists your tongue you die I'm scared Susie sells shoes in a Shoe Shine Shop you passed you've got a tongue twister you want 100 sandwiches or double it and give it to the next person double it and give it to the next person no please I can't carry all those sandwiches I'm sorry but I can't take all those sandwiches it's too many no here's your exam Brianna oh double it and give it to the next person if you don't write your exam I'll be giving you an F C double it and give it to the next person you little would you like 50 chocolate eggs or double it and give it to the next person double wait a second I'll take them wow look at all my chocolate eggs hey what are you eating chocolate eggs nah double them and give them to the next person no what have you done okay it's time to see my mark multicolor but that doesn't even exist I need to cover this it could mean something really bad I got pink meaning I'm gonna be unsuccessful in life wait where's your mark it's crazy I didn't get one that's weird come on let's go for our mark check our what hi so as you can see I don't have any Mark there must be some kind of mistake some kind of mix up I can see the mark underneath your makeup take off your makeup and come back what does it mean multi-color I don't know it it doesn't even exist you're lucky or Mark has no meaning mine is do me to an unsuccessful life I know it's not fair you deserve a purple Mark rich and famous and oh my goodness Your Mark it's purple what did you do what did I do I didn't do anything it had to be you come on let's test this out look at Brittany over there she doesn't deserve a purple March she's unkind to everyone Brittany deserves a pink Mark she should be unsuccessful [Music] I can't believe it actually worked it actually changed her Mark get out of the way loser Brad's a jerk Brad is a jerk he deserves a pink mark [Music] we're gonna have so much fun here I compiled the list of every single person in the school who deserves a pink Mark and who deserves a purple mark look I get where you're coming from but we should be a little bit more careful shouldn't we we don't want to get caught we would never get caught Brianna I need you to come with me for one day only we'll be able to see our soulmate compatibility percentage when we touch someone they're only giving us one day our soulmate could be anywhere well then let's not waste any time let's go find her soul mates bestie look over there your crush is coming this way what should I do pretend to bump into him oh I'm so sorry 20 percent Steve what's up can I get a high five oh it's five percent Hey Brianna come here for a second Daniel only one percent you could have been a lot more gentle why haven't you I don't know I'm not really interested in any of the guys here come on there's cookies let's go [Applause] finally 18 what gift do I get a mystery box well might as well open it no don't why I heard a story of one person who had a mystery box and they stopped breathing right as they opened it I should wait to open it then good idea it could be very dangerous what did you get for your gift I got this Mystery Box open it I heard of someone who got a mystery box and got a million dollars don't open it I heard someone got gifted a mystery box and lost a finger open it don't open it no I'm scared I'm not gonna open it hey I want to trade my gift with you for that mystery box what's your gift a mansion it's way better than a box so give me the Box trade it now no we can't trade gifts it's illegal I have to know what's in this box oh my gosh oh my gosh it's empty have you opened your box yet no I haven't opened it yet I don't know what's inside open it I need that box give it just open it I'll give you my mansion back stay back you things open it no I don't think there's any need to open it all right class it's time for the test we'll be starting right now oh shoot I forgot my pen oh my God what is this box you lied to me you did open the box my crush is coming oh hey box I could really use some perfume perfect this box could be very beneficial to me to us no hey box I could really use a million dollars right now Marco Polo Marco Polo Polo Marco safe Emily I'm so glad I found you I was so scared it was so dark Marco Polo you actually fell for it bestie don't scare me like that chill I was just joking it's serious my little sister Emily was chosen to play the game this morning she almost didn't find me in time her boyfriend died during the game of Marco Polo he wasn't able to find her in time that's awful it's dark oh no Marco Polo Marco Marco Polo Marco Polo thank goodness you found me I'm so glad you worked far choose who will play they're making me choose well I can't choose my mother Marco Polo bestie why can't I hear you Polo Marco failure you're making me choose again Mommy I promise one day I'm gonna be a princess for real no you should never make a promise now you only have 10 years to fulfill your promise or else or else what I go on timeout a permanent timeout when I was 10 years old I made a promise that I would have kids one day now I have to have kids by 20. whoa that's so young I know I didn't know about the 10-year rule when I was six I made a promise that I would be a princess Brianna that's never gonna happen there's no way a prince would marry an average citizen I know I'm probably going to be dead in the next year attention everyone what is going on the princess throwing a royal ball to find his princess even all you common folk are given a chance to impress the prince switch bodies with best friend or boyfriend [Music] I wonder what Louie in my boyfriend's body would be like yo I already switched bodies I wonder how long I'm gonna be in this body for I wonder if Jay came to school today in my body hi Jakey hi Stephanie come here whoa why did you just do that you're Brianna's best friend why are you acting surprised we do it all the time in snow around we do yes you're a bad friend we are not best friends anymore what yo bro fist bump yeah how's Christine Christine your new lady how many ladies do I have dude I can't even keep track at this point he's cheating on me Hey Jake Brianna's looking everywhere for you oh oh where is he I mean she what's this you pick whether you want to be dating or married at 20. I want to be married to a prince Mommy why do I have a bandage on my finger Hey Jake you have a bandage on your finger too yeah I do I guess you also chose to be married at 20. yeah I did good choice it just sucks we can't remove these bandages until we're 20. I know right but my birthday's tomorrow whoa lucky you you're officially 20 and three two one happy birthday now you can finally remove your bandage a ring it's your soulmate or choose to speak to your mom my mom passed away when I was three years old how could I speak to her hello sweetie mom mom is that really you yes it is really me I'm so regretful that I couldn't be in your life more it really is you there's so much I've wanted to tell you hey Mom yes sweetie I have a date tonight I really like him oh that's wonderful will you help me choose an outfit for it later I've always dreamed of my mom helping me get ready for my first date of course mom these questions are really hard could you help me who are you talking to I'm talking to my mom she's dead I got a choice this morning to talk to either my mom or my soul mate Brianna I don't want to tell you this but that is not your mom Brianna I don't want to be the one to tell you this but that is not your mom I am your real mother she doesn't know what she's talking about she doesn't even know me you're right you think you know my own mother better than I do you're just never happy for me Brianna wait Ella's mom what are you doing here Ellen never came home from school yesterday since you're her best friend I thought you might know where she went I don't I'm sorry Jake we have to cancel our date tonight my best friend's missing I'm really worried about her that's no problem get some rest you've been talking to Jake a lot recently yeah I really like him honey hurry downstairs I have a surprise for you surprise Ella Jake I don't think they're breathing since you like them so much I brought them to you Brianna did you take my blush wait before you speak I want you to know how important it is for you to never lie because when you lie you'll forget all memory of the person you lied to okay I took it I'll be back sweetie I'm just going to get some milk okay Daddy little girl what are you doing in my house go back to your own house you don't remember me daddy lied okay I'll go back to my own house all right Mom I'm heading to school listen just hurry up and send the child support I need it who are you talking to your father but I don't have a dad I've never had a dad fine don't tell me then plus I'd like you to meet our new principal principal Stevens Brianna it's so nice to finally meet you mommy Are we almost at the ice cream shop hurry cover your mouth and nose come on sweetie we have to get out of here now Mommy why did you tell me to get out of there I thought we were getting ice cream if you hear laughing you must cover your nose and mouth with the cloth I gave you this cloth was created to fight against the Laughing disease laughing is highly contagious and incurable if you catch it you'll die Mommy why didn't you wake me up for school help help someone sweetie what's going on why are you outside mommy's inside she has the Laughing disease don't worry sweetie I'll take care of Mommy okay good morning Dad I'm off to school now dad I'm ready for school what's this I'm ready for school what just happened what about this one I'm gonna get here chill we've been here an hour an hour I never even left my house you're acting strange and that is why the war started dude did she just roll no way that's so embarrassing you have to see real manners no no it was the chair it was the chair I promise you it was the chair no way that wasn't a chair we all heard it get me out of here and that is I need to use the bathroom hey but I'm here to break up with you also I've been cheating on you throughout the entire relationship I'm really sorry but I'm not actually well you are not getting away with this hey babe I'm breaking up with you and I've been cheating on you throughout this entire relationship how could you do that how could you cheat on me oh just like how you cheated on me this whole relationship how did you know this I'm an intellectual Steve you will never believe what I can do I can go back and forth in time have you lost your mind no I'll show you I want to take my best friend forward in time Bessie did it work did what work see look I don't want to explain this whole thing again but I can go back and forth into time have you lost hold my hands I want to try something how did I get here we're in class you really can time travel I told you hey I need you to help me with something I need you to help me with something what do you need to rewrite a test or something no it's way more serious than that I'll tell you after class okay 10 years ago my family was in a car accident driving my sister to school I was homesick that day none of them survived I need to go back and warn them not to get in that car I don't know changing the past that drastically has got to have some kind of consequences no you don't understand the last thing I said to them was I hate them and I wish they were never my family I can't live with this guilt I have to fix this okay I'll help you thank you take my hand what is taking her so long it worked I convinced them all to stay home today that's great let's go back wait I forgot my phone what's going on wait come back no I left her in the past oh bestie there you are I was so worried who are you truth or dare um truth Timmy are you interested in woman or men to me tell the truth because if you lie you'll die women I'm interested in women obviously why would I like men Timmy that was a lie babe are you doing okay I know you and Timmy were close yeah I'll be okay Brianna truth or dare truth truth is easy do you really love your boyfriend if not who do you really love babe you got an easy one of course you love me no I'm in love with your brother she's telling the truth how could you how could you be in love with my brother I'm sorry Derek Truth or Dare truth obviously you must pick dare fine dare kill Brianna Derek Truth or Dare truth obviously you must pick dare fine dare kill Brianna babe you wouldn't you wouldn't kill me I would Brianna truth or dare truth I pick truth you must pick dare okay dare I dare you to kill Derek good I was looking for you Derek wait can I just say one thing before you kill me I guess you may Hey Brianna tell my brother I said hi I need to get home hey Bree Damien hi have you seen my brother Derek anywhere I've been looking for him no I haven't seen him anywhere Brianna truth or dare truth tell the truth about what happened to Derek patty cake patty cake bake why'd you stop I just got words above my head oh you must have got your soulmate's last words you mean their last words before they die exactly so what's your soul mate's last words I'm not telling it's a secret what's up babe we still on for tonight of course great catch you later I think Derek might be my soul mate he could be hey what are your soulmate's last words you never told me I'm not telling you that's between me and my soulmate it makes me kind of worried though my stomach's Last Words sound so sad finally school's over and we get to come back tomorrow and do it all over again watch out why would you do that go in an ambulance there's no time but don't worry I'll live in your memories to me look at these stickers they're going Brianna you killed Timmy you can never wink it's for population control it kills people I didn't know wink killer you're the one who killed my little brother Timmy 10 years ago I'm going to get revenge you better watch your back watch yours first oh no Emma she fell to the floor somebody help get the nurse nurse is Emma going to be all right no she's not breathing it's tragic I can't believe Emma passed away I know it's so sad did they say what the cause of death was they figured the only way she could die so suddenly is from winking really really yeah and you were the only one around Emma at that time that means you're the Beauty pill or intelligence pill well I'm already super smart so I might as well be beautiful too my beauty pill is only working at 60 so far so you're saying I'm going to get even more beautiful than this so basically the Pythagorean theorem Eugene Eugene babe wait babe that's you you don't even look like yourself yeah I chose the beauty pill over the intelligence pill you made a bad decision intelligence is more important than Beauty Brianna please solve equation a for the class no I I can't I don't know it is the more beautiful I become the stupider I get Brianna can you tell me the answer to question 23 I don't get it um no I can't tell you because I don't know Mommy Brianna please give me a chance please boys boys please I only have eyes for one man I want to break up with you use your rose of Love yay no you're not supposed to eat it that is your rose of love when you love someone you give them your rose but if they don't love you back or they fall out of love with you your rose will die once your rose is dead it can only come back to life if you give it to someone who truly loves you I love you I want to be with you forever I love you so much then give me your rose but what if we break up and then you give my rose back and it's dead I'll have a dead rose until someone loves me again I could never stop loving you I'll give you my rose here's your rose back I'm sorry but I don't love you anymore no no there's someone else I love oh no your rose is dead let me see here you go wait no you can't ever cut your hair it holds memories who am I do you remember me do you still have all your memories I think so everyone I'm back with the milk who's that guy hey girl hey have you seen my boyfriend anywhere no I haven't seen him don't worry maybe he's running late yeah maybe Jake bestie on the real Brianna's body the real Brianna must be trapped in the door somewhere do you know where you used to live when you were a doll that must be where the real Brianna is I used to live in a room with lots of other dolls where little kids would come and stare at us oh a toy store babe you look so beautiful today stop it Jake that's not the real Brianna okay but it still looks like her why does my face feel so warm because you're blushing now come on we have to find out which Choice are you from you wear Brianna's best friend not were I am Brianna's best friend I've never had a friend before my eyes are feeling wet that's because you're about to cry okay this is a toy sword do you recognize it yes this used to be my home I want to leave hello ladies could I help you find anything what if your friend look so scared she's just like that if you have a doll that's like super realistic it kind of seems like a human yeah a little girl just stole her thank you for saying that to me it really helped me understand I'm sorry I want to buy you but I don't have any money you don't need any money you just need to carry me and run you're pretty heavy thank you for getting me out of there now I'll show you where the best place to find me is my high school okay okay you show me the way and I'll carry you wait before we go I must ask won't your parents be worried about you my parents won't be worried about me because I don't have any parents I'm an orphan I don't have any friends either that's why I wanted a doll so bad so I could have someone to play with and keep me company I'll make you a deal once you get me back in my human body I'll buy you as many dolls as you would like who are you looking at my best friend Stephanie [Music] oh mommy's makeup no you can't ever put anything on your face anything that touched your face becomes permanent now that blush will be on you forever what mom really wasn't lying it's never gonna come off Hey Brianna you got some lipstick on your cheek here use one of my makeup lights no it won't come off anything that touches my face is permanent what Brianna you're so funny want to come over to my summer party tonight sure I'd love to what should we do now how about a pillow fight good night everyone I'm so tired I'm going to bed night sleep tight good morning guys why are you laughing here you need to look at yourself you look so silly do you know what you guys just did let's play freeze dance okay wait am I supposed to freeze now unfreeze no Brianna you killed Timmy you're not supposed to play freeze dances for population control it kills people I didn't know Hey Kevin I need your muffins thanks Brianna hey stay away from Kevin he's mine well I don't see your name on him let's play freestands and settle this once and for all whoever wins gets Kevin deal I didn't agree to this oh oh like crap like thank you no Kevin baby I'm coming to save you unfreece no Kevin baby I'm coming to save you unfreeze oh no Brianna were you playing freeze dance Because of You Brittany and Kevin are dead she killed Brittany and Kevin she's sick no no it's not like that I promise hey leave her alone Rihanna come with me hey thanks for getting me out of there I really appreciate it it was nothing do you remember Timmy Timmy freeze wait am I supposed to freeze now [Music] yeah I do remember him he died playing freeze dance back when I was six he was my brother it's time that I finally Avenged his death I challenge you to a game of freeze dance the challenge for a one hundred thousand dollars wow that's a lot of money cut off a chunk of your hair I don't want to do that I'm not doing it Brianna once you've accepted the challenge there's no turning back you must do it or they'll kill you what a challenge for five hundred thousand dollars I just got a challenge for 500k don't accept it the more money they offer you the harder the challenge will be I can't pass up on that kind of money shave off your eyebrows you shaved your eyebrows yeah it doesn't look that bad it does I accepted a challenge for a million dollars wow I have to kill you what the tongue Twitter uh oh you must read it very slowly because if the tongue twister twists your tongue you die she sells seashells by the seashore you passed hey I got a tongue twister too Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers A peck of pickles Piper [Music] I don't think Timmy passed Bye Mom I'm leaving what's a tongue twister Emily you need to say it very slowly because if the tongue twister twists your tongue you die I'm scared Susie sells shoes in a Shoe Shine Shop you passed you've got a tongue twister you want 100 sandwiches or double it and give it to the next person double it and give it to the next person no please I can't carry all those sandwiches I'm sorry but I can't take all those sandwiches it's too many no here's your exam Brianna oh double it and give it to the next person if you don't write your exam I'll be giving you an F double it and give it to the next person you little would you like 50 chocolate eggs or double it and give it to the next person double wait a second I'll take them wow look at all my chocolate eggs hey what are you eating chocolate eggs nah double them and give them to the next person no what have you done okay it's time to see my mark multicolor because that doesn't even exist I need to cover this it could mean something really bad I got pink meaning I'm gonna be unsuccessful in life wait where's your mark crazy I didn't get one that's weird come on let's go for our mark check our what hi so as you can see I don't have any Mark there must be some kind of mistake some kind of mix up I can see the mark underneath your makeup take off your makeup and come back what does it mean multi-color I don't know it it doesn't even exist you're lucky or Mark has no meaning mine is doomy to an unsuccessful life I know it's not fair you deserve a purple Mark rich and famous and oh my goodness Your Mark it's purple what did you do what did I do I didn't do anything it had to be you come on let's test this out look at Brittany over there she doesn't deserve her purple March she's unkind to everyone Brittany deserves a pink Mark she should be unsuccessful [Music] I can't believe it actually worked it actually changed her Mark get out of the way loser Brad's a jerk Brad is a jerk he deserves a pink mark [Music] we're gonna have so much fun with this here I compiled the list of every single person in the school who deserves a pink Mark and who deserves a purple mark look I get where you're coming from but we should be a little bit more careful shouldn't we we don't want to get caught we would never get caught Brianna I need you to come with me for one day only we'll be able to see our soulmate compatibility percentage when we touch someone they're only giving us one day our soulmate could be anywhere well then let's not waste any time let's go find her soul mates bestie look over there your crush is coming this way what should I do pretend to bump into him oh I'm so sorry it's a 20 hey Steve what's up can I get a high five oh it's five percent Hey Brianna come here for a second Daniel only one percent you could have been a lot more gentle why haven't you I don't know I'm not really interested in any of the guys here come on there's cookies let's go [Applause] finally 18 what gift do I get a mystery box well might as well open it no don't why I heard a story of one person who had a mystery box and they stopped breathing right as they opened it I should wait to open it then good idea it could be very dangerous what did you get for your gift I got this Mystery Box open it I heard of someone who got a mystery box and got a million dollars don't open it I heard someone got gifted a mystery box and lost a finger open it don't open it no I'm scared I'm not gonna open it hey I want to trade my gift with you for that mystery box what's your gift a mansion it's way better than a box so give me the Box trade it now no we can't trade gifts it's illegal I have to know what's in this box oh my gosh oh my gosh it's empty have you opened your box yet no I haven't opened it yet I don't know what's inside open it I need that box give it just open it I'll give you my mansion stay back you fiends open it no I don't think there's any need to open it all right class it's time for the test we'll be starting right now oh shoot I forgot my pen oh my God what is this box you lied to me you did open the box my crush is coming oh hey box I could really use some perfume perfect this box could be very beneficial to me to us no hey box I could really use a million dollars right now Marco Polo Marco Polo Polo Marco safe Emily I'm so glad I found you I was so scared it was so dark Marco Polo you actually fell for it bestie don't scare me like that chill I was just joking it's serious my little sister Emily was chosen to play the game this morning she almost didn't find me in time her boyfriend died during the game of Marco Polo he wasn't able to find her in time that's awful it's dark oh no Marco Polo Marco Marco Polo Marco Polo thank goodness you found me I'm so glad you worked far shoes who will play they're making me choose well I can't choose my mother Marco Polo Marco Polo Polo Polo bestie why can't I hear you Polo Marco failure you're making me choose again Mommy I promise one day I'm gonna be a princess for real no you should never make a promise now you only have 10 years to fulfill your promise or else or else what I go on time out a permanent timeout when I was 10 years old I made a promise that I would have kids one day now I have to have kids by 20. whoa that's so young I know I didn't know about the 10-year rule when I was six I made a promise that I would be a princess Brianna that's never gonna happen there's no way a prince would marry an average citizen I know I'm probably going to be dead in the next year attention everyone what is going on the princess throwing a royal ball to find his princess even all you common folk are given a chance to impress the prince switch bodies with best friend or boyfriend [Music] I wonder what Louie in my boyfriend's body would be like yo I already switched bodies I wonder how long I'm gonna be in this body for I wonder if Jay came to school today in my body hi Jakey hi Stephanie come here why did you just do that you're Brianna's best friend why are you acting surprised we do it all the time around we do yes you're a bad friend we are not best friends anymore what yo bro fist bump yeah how's Christine Christine your new lady how many ladies do I have dude I can't even keep track at this point he's cheating on me Hey Jake Brianna's looking everywhere for you oh oh where is he I mean she what's this you pick whether you want to be dating or married at 20. I want to be married to a prince Mommy why do I have a bandage on my finger Hey Jake you have a bandage on your finger too yeah I do I guess you also chose to be married at 20. yeah I did good choice it just sucks we can't remove these bandages until we're 20. I know right but my birthday's tomorrow wow lucky you you're officially 20 in three two one happy birthday now you can finally remove your bandage a ring it's your soulmate or choose to speak to your mom my mom passed away when I was three years old how could I speak to her hello sweetie mom mom is that really you yes it is really me I'm so regretful that I couldn't be in your life more really is you there's so much I've wanted to tell you hey Mom yes sweetie I have a date tonight I really like him oh that's wonderful will you help me choose an outfit for it later I've always dreamed of my mom helping me get ready for my first date of course mom these questions are really hard could you help me who are you talking to I'm talking to my mom she's dead I got a choice this morning to talk to either my mom or my soul mate Brianna I don't want to tell you this but that is not your mom Brianna I don't want to be the one to tell you this but that is not your mom I am your real mother she doesn't know what she's talking about she doesn't even know me you're right you think you know my own mother better than I do you're just never happy for me Brianna wait Ella's mom what are you doing here Ellen never came home from school yesterday since you're her best friend I thought you might know where she went I don't I'm sorry Jake we have to cancel our date tonight my best friend's missing I'm really worried about her that's no problem get some rest you've been talking to Jake a lot recently yeah I really like him honey hurry downstairs I have a surprise for you surprise Ella Jake I don't think they're breathing since you like them so much I brought them to you Brianna did you take my blush wait before you speak I want you to know how important it is for you to never lie because when you lie you'll forget all memory of the person you lied to okay I took it I'll be back sweetie I'm just going to get some milk okay Daddy little girl what are you doing in my house go back to your own house you don't remember me daddy lies oh okay I'll go back to my own house all right Mom I'm heading to school listen just hurry up and send the child support I need it who are you talking to your father but I don't have a dad I've never had a dad fine don't tell me then plus I'd like you to meet our new principal principal Stevens Brianna it's so nice to finally meet you mommy Are we almost at the ice cream shop hurry cover your mouth and nose come on sweetie we have to get out of here now Mommy why did you tell me to get out of there I thought we were getting ice cream if you hear laughing you must cover your nose and mouth with the cloth I gave you this cloth was created to fight against the Laughing disease laughing is highly contagious and incurable if you catch it you'll die Mommy why didn't you wake me up first help help someone sweetie what's going on why are you outside mommy's inside she has the Laughing disease don't worry sweetie I'll take care of Mommy good morning Dad I'm off to school now dad I'm ready for school what's this I'm ready for school what just happened what about this one where did I get here chill we've been here an hour an hour I never even left my house you're acting strange and that is why the war started dude did she just roll no way that's so embarrassing you have zero manners no no it was the chair it was the chair I promise you it was the chair no wait that wasn't a chair we all heard it get me out of here and that is I need to use the bathroom hey babe I'm here to break up with you also I've been cheating on you throughout the entire relationship I'm really sorry but I'm not actually well you are not getting away with this hey babe I'm breaking up with you and I've been cheating on you throughout this entire relationship how could you do that how could you cheat on me oh just like how you cheated on me this whole relationship how did you know this I'm an intellectual Steve you will never believe what I can do I can go back and forth in time have you lost your mind no I'll show you I want to take my best friend forward in time Bessie did it work did what work see look I don't want to explain this whole thing again but I can go back and forth into time have you lost hold my hand I want to try something how did I get here we're in class you really can time travel I told you hey I need you to help me with something I need you to help me with something what do you need to rewrite a test or something no it's way more serious than that I'll tell you after class okay 10 years ago my family was in a car accident driving my sister to school I was homesick that day none of them survived I need to go back and warn them not to get in that car I don't know changing the past that drastically has got to have some kind of consequences no you don't understand the last thing I said to them was I hate them and I wish they were never my family I can't live with this guilt I have to fix this okay I'll help you thank you take my hand what is taking her so long it worked I convinced them all to stay home today that's great let's go back wait I forgot my phone what's going on wait come back no I left her in the past oh Christy there you are I was so worried who are you or dare um truth Timmy are you interested in woman or men to me tell the truth because if you lie you'll die women I'm interested in women obviously why would I like men Timmy that was a lie babe are you doing okay I know you and Timmy were close yeah I'll be okay Brianna truth or dare truth truth is easy do you really love your boyfriend if not who do you really love babe you got an easy one of course you love me no I'm in love with your brother she's telling the truth how could you how could you be in love with my brother I'm sorry Derek Truth or Dare truth obviously you must pick dare fine dare kill Brianna Derek Truth or Dare truth obviously you must pick dare fine dare kill Brianna babe you wouldn't you wouldn't kill me I would Brianna truth or dare truth I pick truth you must pick dare okay dare I dare you to kill Derek good I was looking for you Derek wait can I just say one thing before you kill me I guess you may Hey Brianna tell my brother I said hi I need to get home hey Bree Damien hi have you seen my brother Derek anywhere I've been looking for him no I haven't seen him anywhere Brianna truth or dare truth tell the truth about what happened to Derek patty cake patty cake fake why'd you stop I just got words above my head oh you must have got your soulmate's last words you mean their last words before they die exactly so what's your soulmate's last words I'm not telling it's a secret what's up babe we still on for tonight of course great catch you later I think Derek might be my soul mate he could be hey what are your soulmate's last words you never told me I'm not telling you that's between me and my soulmate it makes me kind of worried though my stole my fast words sound so sad finally school's over and we get to come back tomorrow and do it all over again watch out why would you do that go in an ambulance there's no time but don't worry I'll live in your memories to me look at these stickers they're going Brianna you killed Timmy you can never wink it's for population control it kills people I didn't know wink killer you're the one who killed my little brother Timmy 10 years ago I'm going to get revenge you better watch your back watch yours first oh no Emma she fell to the floor somebody help get the nurse nurse is Emma going to be all right no she's not breathing tragic I can't believe Emma passed away I know it's so sad did they say what the cause of death was they figured the only way she could die so suddenly is from winking really yeah and you were the only one around Emma at that time that means you're the Beauty pill or intelligence pill well I'm already super smart so I might as well be beautiful too my beauty pill is only working at 60 so far so you're saying I'm going to get even more beautiful than this so basically the Pythagorean theorem Eugene Eugene babe wait babe that's you you don't even look like yourself yeah I chose the beauty pill over the intelligence pill you made a bad decision intelligence is more important than Beauty Brianna please solve the equation a for the class no I I can't I don't know it is the more beautiful I become the stupidest I get Brianna can you tell me the answer to question 23 I don't get it um no I can't tell you because I don't know Mommy Brianna please give me a chance please boys boys please I only have eyes for one man I want to break up with you use your rose of Love yay no you're not supposed to eat it that is your rose of love when you love someone you give them your rose but if they don't love you back or they fall out of love with you your rose will die once your rose is dead it can only come back to life if you give it to someone who truly loves you I love you I want to be with you forever I love you so much then give me your rose but what if we break up and then you give my rose back and it's dead I'll have a dead rose until someone loves me again I could never stop loving you I'll give you my rose here's your rose back I'm sorry but I don't love you anymore no no there's someone else I love oh no your rose is dead let me see here you go wait no you can't ever cut your hair it holds memories who am I do you remember me do you still have all your memories I think so everyone I'm back with the milk who's that guy hey girl hey have you seen my boyfriend anywhere no I haven't seen him don't worry maybe he's running late yeah maybe Jake bestie are you in the real Brianna's body the real Brianna must be trapped in a door somewhere do you know where you used to live when you were a doll that must be where the real Brianna is I used to live in a room with lots of other dolls where little kids would come and stare at us oh a toy store babe you look so beautiful today stop it Jake that's not the real Brianna okay but it still looks like her why does my face feel so warm because you're blushing now come on we have to find out which Choice are you from you wear Brianna's best friend not were I am Brianna's best friend I've never had a friend before my eyes are feeling wet that's because you're about to cry okay this is a toy sword do you recognize it yes this used to be my home I want to leave hello ladies could I help you find anything what if your friend look so scared she's just like that do you have a doll that's like super realistic kind of seems like a human yeah a little girl just stole her thank you for saying that to me it really helped me understand I'm sorry I want to buy you but I don't have any money you don't need any money you just need to carry me and run you're pretty heavy thank you for getting me out of there now I'll show you where the best place to find me is my high school okay okay you show me the way and I'll carry you wait before we go I must ask won't your parents be worried about you my parents won't be worried about me because I don't have any parents I'm an orphan I don't have any friends either that's why I wanted a doll so bad so I could have someone to play with and keep me company I'll make you a deal once you get me back in my human body I'll buy you as many dolls as you would like who are you looking at my best friend Stephanie [Music] oh mommy's makeup no you can't ever put anything on your face anything that touched your face becomes permanent now that blush will be on you forever what mom really wasn't lying it's never gonna come off Hey Brianna you got some lipstick on your cheek here use one of my makeup wipes no it won't come off anything that touches my face is permanent what Brianna you're so funny want to come over to my slumber party tonight sure I'd love to what should we do now how about a pillow fight good night everyone I'm so tired I'm going to bed night sleep tight good morning guys why are you laughing here you need to look at yourself you look so silly do you know what you guys just did wait am I supposed to freeze now unfreeze no Brianna you killed Timmy you're not supposed to play freeze dances for population control it kills people I didn't know Hey Kevin I need your muffins thanks Brianna hey stay away from Kevin he's mine well I don't see your name on him let's play freestands and settle this once and for all whoever wins gets Kevin deal I didn't agree to this oh oh like crib like thank you no Kevin baby I'm coming to save you unfreece oh oh leg cramp leg cramp no Kevin baby I'm coming to save you unfreeze oh no Brianna were you playing freeze dance Because of You Brittany and Kevin are dead she killed Brittany and Kevin she's sick no no it's not like that I promise hey leave her alone Brianna come with me hey thanks for getting me out of there I really appreciate it it was nothing do you remember Timmy Timmy freeze wait am I supposed to freeze now [Music] yeah I do remember him he died playing freeze dance back when I was six he was my brother it's time that I finally Avenged his death I challenge you to a game of freeze dance the challenge for a one hundred thousand dollars wow that's a lot of money cut off a chunk of your hair I don't want to do that I'm not doing it Brianna once you've accepted the challenge there's no turning back you must do it or they'll kill you what a challenge for five hundred thousand dollars I just got a challenge for 500k don't accept it the more money they offer you the harder the challenge will be I can't pass up on that kind of money shave off your eyebrows you shaved your eyebrows yeah I did doesn't look that bad it does I accepted a challenge for a million dollars wow I have to kill you you've got a tongue twister what's a tongue Twitter oh oh you must read it very slowly because if the tongue twister twists your tongue you die she sells seashells by the seashore you passed hey I got a tongue twister too Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers A peck of pickles Piper I don't think Timmy passed Bye Mom I'm leaving what's a tongue twister Emily you need to say it very slowly because if the tongue twister twists your tongue you die I'm scared Susie sells shoes in a Shoe Shine Shop you passed you've got a tongue twister you want 100 sandwiches or double it and give it to the next person double it and give it to the next person no please I can't carry all those sandwiches I'm sorry but I can't take all those sandwiches it's too many no here's your exam Brianna oh double it and give it to the next person if you don't write your exam I'll be giving you an F double it and give it to the next person you little would you like 50 chocolate eggs or double it and give it to the next person double wait a second I'll take them wow look at all my chocolate eggs hey what are you eating chocolate eggs nah double them and give them to the next person no what have you done okay it's time to see my mark multicolor but that doesn't even exist I need to cover this it could mean something really bad I got pink meaning I'm gonna be unsuccessful in life wait where's your mark crazy I didn't get one that's weird come on let's go for our mark check our what hi so as you can see I don't have any Mark there must be some kind of mistake some kind of mix up I can see the mark underneath your makeup take off your makeup and come back what does it mean multi-color I don't know it it doesn't even exist you're lucky or Mark has no meaning mine is do me to an unsuccessful life I know it's not fair you deserve a purple Mark rich and famous and oh my goodness Your Mark it's purple what did you do what did I do I didn't do anything it had to be you come on let's test this out look at Brittany over there she doesn't deserve a purple March she's unkind to everyone Brittany deserves a pink Mark she should be unsuccessful [Music] you've worked I can't believe it actually worked it actually changed her Mark get out of the way loser Brad's a jerk Brad is a jerk he deserves a pink mark [Music] we're gonna have so much fun with this here I compiled the list of every single person in the school who deserves a pink Mark and who deserves a purple mark look I get where you're coming from but we should be a little bit more careful shouldn't we we don't want to get caught we would never get caught Brianna I need you to come with me for one day only we'll be able to see our soulmate compatibility percentage when we touch someone they're only giving us one day our soulmate could be anywhere well then let's not waste any time let's go find her soul mates bestie look over there your crush is coming this way what should I do pretend to bump into him oh I'm so sorry 20 percent hey Steve what's up can I get a high five oh it's five percent Hey Brianna come here for a second Daniel only one percent you could have been a lot more gentle men why haven't you I don't know I'm not really interested in any of the guys here come on there's nothing let's go [Applause] finally 18 what gift do I get a mystery box well might as well open it no don't why I heard a story of one person who had a mystery box and they stopped breathing right as they opened it I should wait to open it then good idea it could be very dangerous what did you get for your gift I got this Mystery Box open it I heard of someone who got a mystery box and got a million dollars don't open it I heard someone got gifted a mystery box and lost a finger open it don't open it no I'm scared I'm not gonna open it hey I want to trade my gift with you for that mystery box what's your gift a mansion it's way better than a box so give me the Box trade it now no we can't trade gifts it's illegal I have to know what's in this box oh my gosh oh my gosh it's empty have you opened your box yet no I haven't opened it yet I don't know what's inside open it I need that box give it just open it I'll give you my mansion stay back you fiends open it no I don't think there's any need to open it all right class it's time for the test we'll be starting right now oh shoot I forgot my pen oh my God what is this box you lied to me you did open the box my crush is coming oh hey box I could really use some perfume perfect this box could be very beneficial to me to us no hey box I could really use a million dollars right now Marco Polo Marco polo polo Marco safe Emily I'm so glad I found you I was so scared it was so dark Marco Polo you actually fell for it bestie don't scare me like that chill I was just joking it's serious my little sister Emily was chosen to play the game this morning she almost didn't find me in time her boyfriend died during the game of Marco Polo he wasn't able to find her in time that's awful it's dark oh no Marco Polo Marco Marco Polo Marco Polo thank goodness you found me I'm so glad you worked far shoes who will play they're making me choose well I can't choose my mother Marco Polo Marco Polo Polo Polo bestie why can't I hear you Polo Marco failure you're making me choose again Mommy I promise one day I'm gonna be a princess for real no you should never make a promise now you only have 10 years to fulfill your promise or else or else what I go on timeout a permanent timeout when I was 10 years old I made a promise that I would have kids one day now I have to have kids by 20. whoa that's so young I know I didn't know about the 10-year rule when I was six I made a promise that I would be a princess Brianna that's never gonna happen there's no way a prince would marry an average citizen I know I'm probably going to be dead in the next year attention everyone what is going on the princess throwing a royal ball to find his princess even all you common folk are given a chance to impress the prince switch bodies with best friend or boyfriend [Music] I wonder what Louie in my boyfriend's body would be like yo I already switched bodies I wonder how long I'm gonna be in this body for I wonder if Jay came to school today in my body hi Jakey hi Stephanie come here why did you just do that you're Brianna's best friend why are you acting surprised we do it all the time internally around we do yes you're a bad friend we are not best friends anymore what yo bro fist bump yeah how's Christine Christine your new lady how many ladies do I have dude I can't even keep track at this point he's cheating on me Hey Jake Brianna's looking everywhere for you oh oh where is he I mean she what's this you pick whether you want to be dating or married at 20. I want to be married to a prince Mommy why do I have a bandage on my finger Hey Jake you have a bandage on your finger too yeah I do I guess you also chose to be married at 20. yeah I did good choice it just sucks we can't remove these bandages until we're 20. I know right but my birthday's tomorrow whoa lucky you you're officially 20 in three two one happy birthday now you can finally remove your bandage a ring it's your soulmate or choose to speak to your mom my mom passed away when I was three years old how could I speak to her hello sweetie mom mom is that really you yes it is really me I'm so regretful that I couldn't be in your life more really is you there's so much I've wanted to tell you hey Mom yes sweetie I have a date tonight I really like him oh that's wonderful will you help me choose an outfit for it later I've always dreamed of my mom helping me get ready for my first date of course mom these questions are really hard could you help me who are you talking to I'm talking to my mom she's dead I got a choice this morning to talk to either my mom or my soul mate Brianna I don't want to tell you this but that is not your mom Brianna I don't want to be the one to tell you this but that is not your mom I am your real mother she doesn't know what she's talking about she doesn't even know me you're right you think you know my own mother better than I do you're just never happy for me Brianna wait Ella's mom what are you doing here Ellen never came home from school yesterday since you're her best friend I thought you might know where she went I don't I'm sorry Jake we have to cancel our date tonight my best friend's missing I'm really worried about her that's no problem get some rest you've been talking to Jake a lot recently yeah I really like him honey hurry downstairs I have a surprise for you surprise Ella Jake I don't think they're breathing since you like them so much I brought them to you Brianna did you take my blush wait before you speak I want you to know how important it is for you to never lie because when you lie you'll forget all memory of the person you lied to okay I took it I'll be back sweetie I'm just going to get some milk y Daddy little girl what are you doing in my house go back to your own house you don't remember me daddy lied oh okay I'll go back to my own house all right Mom I'm heading to school listen just hurry up and send the child support I need it who are you talking to your father but I don't have a dad I've never had a dad fine don't tell me then plus I'd like you to meet our new principal principal Stevens Brianna it's so nice to finally meet you mommy Are we almost at the ice cream shop hurry cover your mouth and nose come on sweetie we have to get out of here now Mommy why did you tell me to get out of there I thought we were getting ice cream if you hear laughing you must cover your nose and mouth with the cloth I gave you this cloth was created to fight against the Laughing disease laughing is highly contagious and incurable if you catch it you'll die Mommy why didn't you wake me up first one help help someone sweetie what's going on why are you outside mommy's inside she has the Laughing disease don't worry sweetie I'll take care of Mommy okay good morning Dad I'm off to school now dad I'm ready for school what's this I'm ready for school what just happened what about this one I'm gonna get here chill we've been here an hour an hour I never even left my house you're acting strange and that is why the war started dude did she just roll no way that's so embarrassing you have to see real manners no no it was the chair it was the chair I promise you it was the chair no way that wasn't a chair we all heard it get me out of here and that is I need to use the bathroom hey I'm here to break up with you also I've been cheating on you throughout the entire relationship I'm really sorry but I'm not actually oh you are not getting away with this hey babe I'm breaking up with you and I've been cheating on you throughout this entire relationship how could you do that how could you cheat on me oh just like how you cheated on me this whole relationship how did you know this I'm an intellectual Steve you will never believe what I can do I can go back and forth in time have you lost your mind no I'll show you I want to take my best friends forward in time Bessie did it work did what work see look I don't want to explain this whole thing again but I can go back and forth into time have you lost hold my hands I want to try something how did I get here we're in class you really can time travel I told you hey I need you to help me with something I need you to help me with something what do you need to rewrite a test or something no it's way more serious than that I'll tell you after class okay 10 years ago my family was in a car accident driving my sister to school I was homesick that day none of them survived I need to go back and warn them not to get in that car I don't know changing the past that drastically has got to have some kind of consequences no you don't understand the last thing I said to them was I hate them and I wish they were never my family I can't live with this guilt I have to fix this okay I'll help you thank you take my hand what is taking her so long it worked I convinced them all to stay home today that's great let's go back wait I forgot my phone what's going on wait come back no I left her in the past oh bestie there you are I was so worried who are you truth or dare um truth Timmy are you interested in woman or men to me tell the truth because if you lie you'll die women I'm interested in women obviously why would I like men Timmy that was a lie babe are you doing okay I know you and Timmy were close yeah I'll be okay Brianna truth or dare truth truth is easy do you really love your boyfriend if not who do you really love babe you got an easy one of course you love me no I'm in love with your brother she's telling the truth how could you how could you be in love with my brother I'm sorry Derek Truth or Dare truth obviously you must pick dare fine dare kill Brianna Derek Truth or Dare truth obviously you must pick dare fine dare kill Brianna babe you wouldn't you wouldn't kill me I would Brianna truth or dare truth I pick truth you must pick dare okay dare I dare you to kill Derek good I was looking for you Derek wait can I just say one thing before you kill me I guess you may Hey Brianna tell my brother I said hi I need to get home hey Bree Damien hi have you seen my brother Derek anywhere I've been looking for him no I haven't seen him anywhere Brianna truth or dare truth tell the truth about what happened to Derek patty cake patty cake fake why'd you stop I just got words above my head oh you must have got your soulmate's last words you mean their last words before they die exactly so what's your soulmate's last words I'm not telling it's a secret what's up babe we still on for tonight of course great catch you later I think Derek might be my soul mate he could be hey what are your soulmate's last words you never told me I'm not telling you that's between me and my soul mate it makes me kind of worried though am I still might Last Words sound so sad finally school's over and we get to come back tomorrow and do it all over again watch out why would you do that go in an ambulance there's no time but don't worry I'll live in your memories to me look at these stickers they're going Brianna you killed Timmy you can never wink it's for population control it kills people I didn't know wink killer you're the one who killed my little brother Timmy 10 years ago I'm going to get revenge you better watch your back watch yours first oh no Emma she fell to the floor somebody help get the nurse nurse is Emma going to be all right no she's not breathing tragic I can't believe Emma passed away I know it's so sad did they say what the cause of death was they figured the only way she could die so suddenly is from winking really yeah and you were the only one around Emma at that time that means you're the Beauty pill or intelligence pill well I'm already super smart so I might as well be beautiful too my beauty pill is only working at 60 so far so you're saying I'm going to get even more beautiful than this so basically the Pythagorean theorem Eugene Eugene babe wait babe that's you you don't even look like yourself yeah I chose the beauty pill over the intelligence pill you made a bad decision intelligence is more important than Beauty Brianna please solve equation a for the class no I I can't I don't know it is the more beautiful I become the stupider I get Brianna can you tell me the answer to question 23 I don't get it um no I can't tell you because I don't know Mommy Brianna please give me a chance please boys boys please I only have eyes for one man I want to break up with you use your rose of Love yay no you're not supposed to eat it that is your rose of love when you love someone you give them your rose but if they don't love you back or they fall out of love with you your rose will die once your rose is dead it can only come back to life if you give it to someone who truly loves you I love you I want to be with you forever I love you so much then give me your rose but what if we break up and then you give my rose back and it's dead I'll have a dead rose until someone loves me again I could never stop loving you I'll give you my rose here's your rose back I'm sorry but I don't love you anymore no no there's someone else I love oh no your rose is dead let me see here you go wait no you can't ever cut your hair it holds memories who am I do you remember me do you still have all your memories I think so everyone I'm back with the milk who's that guy hey girl hey have you seen my boyfriend anywhere no I haven't seen him don't worry maybe he's running late yeah maybe Jake bestie we're doing the real briana's body the real Brianna must be trapped in a doll somewhere do you know where you used to live when you were a doll that must be where the real Brianna is I used to live in a room with lots of other dolls where little kids would come and stare at us oh a toy store babe you look so beautiful today stop it Jake that's not the real Brianna okay but it still looks like her why does my face feel so warm because you're blushing now come on we have to find out which Choice are you from you wear Brianna's best friend not were I am Brianna's best friend I've never had a friend before my eyes are feeling wet that's because you're about to cry okay this is a toy store do you recognize it yes this used to be my home I want to leave hello ladies could I help you find anything why does your friend look so scared she's just like that if you have a doll that's like super realistic kind of seems like a human yeah a little girl just stole her thank you for saying that to me it really helped me understand I'm sorry I want to buy you but I don't have any money you don't need any money you just need to carry me and run you're pretty heavy thank you for getting me out of there now I'll show you where the best place to find me is my high school okay okay you show me the way and I'll carry you wait before we go I must ask won't your parents be worried about you my parents won't be worried about me because I don't have any parents I'm an orphan I don't have any friends either that's why I wanted a doll so bad so I could have someone to play with and keep me company I'll make you a deal once you get me back in my human body I'll buy you as many dolls as you would like who are you looking at my best friend Stephanie [Music] oh mommy's makeup no you can't ever put anything on your face anything that touched your face becomes permanent now that blush will be on you forever what mom really wasn't lying it's never gonna come off Hey Brianna you got some lipstick on your cheek here use one of my makeup lights no it won't come off anything that touches my face is permanent what Brianna you're so funny want to come over to my summer party tonight sure I'd love to what should we do now how about a pillow fight good night everyone I'm so tired I'm going to bed night sleep tight good morning guys why are you laughing here you need to look at yourself you look so silly do you know what you guys just did let's play freeze dance okay wait am I supposed to freeze now unfreeze no Brianna you killed Timmy you're not supposed to play freeze dance it's for population control it kills people I didn't know Hey Kevin I made you muffins thanks Brianna hey stay away from Kevin he's mine well I don't see your name on him let's play freestands and settle this once and for all whoever wins gets Kevin deal I didn't agree to this oh oh like crap like foreign no Kevin baby I'm coming to save you unfreece oh oh leg crimp leg cramp no Kevin baby I'm coming to save you unfreeze oh no Brianna were you playing freeze dance Because of You Brittany and Kevin are dead she killed Brittany and Kevin she's sick no no it's not like that I promise hey leave her alone Brianna come with me hey thanks for getting me out of there I really appreciate it it was nothing do you remember Timmy Timmy freeze wait am I supposed to freeze now [Music] yeah I do remember him he died playing freeze dance back when I was six he was my brother it's time that I finally Avenged his death I challenge you to a game of freeze dance the challenge for one hundred thousand dollars wow that's a lot of money cut off a chunk of your hair I don't want to do that I'm not doing it Brianna once you've accepted the challenge there's no turning back you must do it or they'll kill you what a challenge for five hundred thousand dollars I just got a challenge for 500k don't accept it the more money they offer you the harder the challenge will be I can't pass up on that kind of money shave off your eyebrows you shaved your eyebrows yeah I did doesn't look that bad it does I accepted a challenge for a million dollars wow I have to kill you you've got a tongue twister what's a tongue Twitter uh oh you must read it very slowly because if the tongue twister twists your tongue you die she sells seashells by the seashore you passed hey I got a tongue twister too Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers A peck of pickles Piper [Music] I don't think Timmy passed Bye Mom I'm leaving what's a tongue twister Emily you need to say it very slowly because if the tongue twister twists your tongue you die I'm scared Susie sells shoes in a Shoe Shine Shop you passed you've got a tongue twister you want 100 sandwiches or double it and give it to the next person double it and give it to the next person no please I can't carry all those sandwiches I'm sorry but I can't take all those sandwiches it's too many no here's your exam Brianna oh double it and give it to the next person if you don't write your exam I'll be giving you an F double it and give it to the next person you little would you like 50 chocolate eggs or double it and give it to the next person double wait a second I'll take them wow look at all my chocolate eggs hey what are you eating chocolate eggs nah double them and give them to the next person no what have you done okay it's time to see my mark multicolor but that doesn't even exist I need to cover this it could mean something really bad I got pink meaning I'm gonna be unsuccessful in life wait where's your mark crazy I didn't get one that's weird come on let's go for our mark check our what hi so as you can see I don't have any Mark there must be some kind of mistake some kind of mix up I can see the mark underneath your makeup take off your makeup and come back what does it mean multi-color I don't know it it doesn't even exist you're lucky or Mark has no meaning mine is do me to an unsuccessful life I know it's not fair you deserve a purple Mark rich and famous and oh my goodness Your Mark it's purple what did you do what did I do I didn't do anything it had to be you come on let's test this out look at Brittany over there she doesn't deserve a purple March she's unkind to everyone Brittany deserves a pink Mark she should be unsuccessful [Music] I can't believe it actually worked it actually changed her Mark get out of the way loser Brad's a jerk Brad is a jerk he deserves a pink mark [Music] we're gonna have so much fun with this here I compiled the list of every single person in the school who deserves a pink Mark and who deserves a purple mark look I get where you're coming from but we should be a little bit more careful shouldn't we we don't want to get caught we would never get caught Brianna I need you to come with me for one day only we'll be able to see our soulmate compatibility percentage when we touch someone they're only giving us one day our soulmate could be anywhere well then let's not waste any time let's go find her soul mates bestie look over there your crush is coming this way what should I do pretend to bump into him oh I'm so sorry 20 hey Steve what's up can I get a high five four oh it's five percent Hey Brianna come here for a second Daniel only one percent you could have been a lot more gentle why haven't you I don't know I'm not really interested in any of the guys here come on there's puppies let's go [Applause] finally 18 what gift do I get a mystery box well might as well open it no don't why I heard a story of one person who had a mystery box and they stopped breathing right as they opened it I should wait to open it then good idea it could be very dangerous what did you get for your gift I got this Mystery Box open it I heard of someone who got a mystery box and got a million dollars don't open it I heard someone got gifted a mystery box and lost a finger open it don't open it no I'm scared I'm not gonna open it hey I want to trade my gift with you for that mystery box what's your gift a mansion it's way better than a box so give me the Box trade it now no we can't trade gifts it's illegal I have to know what's in this box oh my gosh oh my gosh it's empty have you opened your box yet no I haven't opened it yet I don't know what's inside open it I need that box give it just open it I'll give you my mansion back stay back you fiends open it no I don't think there's any need to open it all right class it's time for the test we'll be starting right now oh shoot I forgot my pen oh my God what is this box you lied to me you did open the box my crush is coming oh hey box I could really use some perfume perfect this box could be very beneficial to me to us no hey box I could really use a million dollars right now Marco Polo Marco Polo Polo Marco safe Emily I'm so glad I found you I was so scared it was so dark Marco Polo you actually fell for it bestie don't scare me like that chill I was just joking it's serious my little sister Emily was chosen to play the game this morning she almost didn't find me in time her boyfriend died during the game of Marco Polo he wasn't able to find her in time that's awful it's dark oh no Marco Polo Marco Marco Polo Marco Polo thank goodness you found me I'm so glad you worked far choose who will play they're making me choose well I can't choose my mother Marco Polo Marco Polo Polo Polo bestie why can't I hear you Polo Marco failure you're making me choose again Mommy I promise one day I'm gonna be a princess for real no you should never make a promise now you only have 10 years to fulfill your promise or else or else what I go on time out a permanent timeout when I was 10 years old I made a promise that I would have kids one day now I have to have kids by 20. whoa that's so young I know I didn't know about the 10-year rule when I was six I made a promise that I would be a princess Brianna that's never gonna happen there's no way a prince would marry an average citizen I know I'm probably going to be dead in the next year attention everyone what is going on the princess throwing a royal ball to find his princess even all you common folk are given a chance to impress the prince twitch bodies with best friend or boyfriend [Music] I wonder what Lily and my boyfriend's body would be like yo I already switched bodies I wonder how long I'm gonna be in this body for I wonder if Jay came to school today in my body hi Jakey hi Stephanie come here why did you just do that you're Brianna's best friend why are you acting surprised we do it all the time internally around we do yes you're a bad friend we are not best friends anymore what yo bro fist bump yeah how's Christine Christine your new lady how many ladies do I have dude I can't even keep track at this point he's cheating on me Hey Jake Brianna's looking everywhere for you oh oh where is he I mean she what's this you pick whether you want to be dating or married at 20. I want to be married to a prince Mommy why do I have a bandage on my finger Hey Jake you have a bandage on your finger too yeah I do I guess you also chose to be married at 20. yeah I did good choice it just sucks we can't remove these bandages until we're 20. I know right but my birthday is tomorrow whoa lucky you you're officially 20 in three two one happy birthday now you can finally remove your bandage a ring it's here soulmate or choose to speak to your mom my mom passed away when I was three years old how could I speak to her hello sweetie mom mom is that really you yes it is really me I'm so regretful that I couldn't be in your life more really is you there's so much I've wanted to tell you hey Mom yes sweetie I have a date tonight I really like him oh that's wonderful will you help me choose an outfit for it later I've always dreamed of my mom helping me get ready for my first date of course mom these questions are really hard could you help me who are you talking to I'm talking to my mom she's dead I got a choice this morning to talk to either my mom or my soul mate Brianna I don't want to tell you this but that is not your mom Brianna I don't want to be the one to tell you this but that is not your mom I am your real mother she doesn't know what she's talking about she doesn't even know me you're right you think you know my own mother better than I do you're just never happy for me Brianna wait Ella's mom what are you doing here Ellen never came home from school yesterday since you're her best friend I thought you might know where she went I don't I'm sorry Jake we have to cancel our date tonight my best friend's missing I'm really worried about her that's no problem get some rest you've been talking to Jake a lot recently yeah I really like him honey hurry downstairs I have a surprise for you surprise Ella Jake I don't think they're breathing since you like them so much I brought them to you Brianna did you take my blush wait before you speak I want you to know how important it is for you to never lie because when you lie you'll forget all memory of the person you lied to okay I took it I'll be back sweetie I'm just going to get some milk you daddy little girl what are you doing in my house go back to your own house you don't remember me daddy lied oh okay I'll go back to my own house all right Mom I'm heading to school listen just hurry up and send the child support I need it who are you talking to your father father but I don't have a dad I've never had a dad fine don't tell me then plus I'd like you to meet our new principal principal Stevens Brianna it's so nice to finally meet you mommy Are we almost at the ice cream shop hurry cover your mouth and nose come on sweetie we have to get out of here now Mommy why did you tell me to get out of there I thought we were getting ice cream if you hear laughing you must cover your nose and mouth with the cloth I gave you this cloth was created to fight against the Laughing disease laughing is highly contagious and incurable if you catch it you'll die Mommy why didn't you wake me up first help help someone sweetie what's going on why are you outside mommy's inside she has the Laughing disease don't worry sweetie I'll take care of Mommy okay good morning Dad I'm off to school now dad I'm ready for school what's this I'm ready for school what just happened what about this one could I get here chill we've been here an hour an hour I never even left my house you're acting strange and that is why the war started dude did she just roll no way that's so embarrassing you have zero manners no no it was the chair it was the chair I promise you it was the chair no wait that wasn't a chair we all heard it get me out of here and that is right I need to use the bathroom hey I'm here to break up with you also I've been cheating on you throughout the entire relationship I'm really sorry but I'm not actually oh you are not getting away with this hey babe I'm breaking up with you and I've been cheating on you throughout this entire relationship how could you do that how could you cheat on me oh just like how you cheated on me this whole relationship how did you know this I'm an intellectual Steve you will never believe what I can do I can go back and forth in time have you lost your mind no I'll show you I want to take my best friends forward in time Bessie did it work did what work see look I don't want to explain this whole thing again but I can go back and forth into time have you lost your hold my hands I want to try something how did I get here we're in class you really can time travel I told you hey I need you to help me with something I need you to help me with something what do you need to rewrite a test or something no it's way more serious than that I'll tell you after class okay 10 years ago my family was in a car accident driving my sister to school I was homesick that day none of them survived I need to go back and warn them not to get in that car I don't know changing the past that drastically has got to have some kind of consequences no you don't understand the last thing I said to them was I hate them and I wish they were never my family I can't live with this guilt I have to fix this okay I'll help you thank you take my hand what is taking her so long it worked I convinced them all to stay home today that's great let's go back wait I forgot my phone what's going on wait come back no I left her in the past husky there you are I was so worried who are you truth or dare um truth Timmy are you interested in woman or men to me tell the truth because if you lie you'll die women I'm interested in women obviously why would I like men Timmy that was a lie babe are you doing okay I know you and Timmy were close yeah I'll be okay Brianna truth or dare truth truth is easy do you really love your boyfriend if not who do you really love babe you got an easy one of course you love me no I'm in love with your brother she's telling the truth how could you how could you be in love with my brother I'm sorry Derek Truth or Dare truth obviously you must pick dare fine dare kill Brianna Derek Truth or Dare truth obviously you must pick dare fine dare kill Brianna babe you wouldn't you wouldn't kill me I would Brianna truth or dare truth I pick truth you must pick dare okay dare I dare you to kill Derek good I was looking for you Derek wait can I just say one thing before you kill me I guess you may Hey Brianna tell my brother I said hi I need to get home hey Bree Damien hi have you seen my brother Derek anywhere I've been looking for him no I haven't seen him anywhere Brianna truth or dare truth tell the truth about what happened to Derek patty cake patty cake bake why'd you stop I just got words above my head oh you must have got your soulmate's last words you mean their last words before they die exactly so what's your soulmate's last words I'm not telling it's a secret what's up babe we still on for tonight of course great catch you later I think Derek might be my soul mate he could be hey what are your soulmate's last words you never told me I'm not telling you that's between me and my soul mate it makes me kind of worried though my stole my fast words sound so sad finally school's over and we get to come back tomorrow and do it all over again watch out why would you do that go in an ambulance there's no time but don't worry I'll live in your memories to me look at these stickers they're going Brianna you killed Timmy you can never wink it's poor population control it kills people I didn't know wink killer you're the one who killed my little brother Timmy 10 years ago I'm going to get revenge you better watch your back watch yours first oh no Emma she fell to the floor somebody help get the nurse nurse is Emma going to be all right no she's not breathing tragic I can't believe Emma passed away I know it's so sad did they say what the cause of death was they figured the only way she could die so suddenly is from winking really yeah and you were the only one around Emma at that time that means you're the Beauty pill or intelligence pill well I'm already super smart so I might as well be beautiful too my beauty pill is only working at 60 so far so you're saying I'm going to get even more beautiful than this so basically the Pythagorean theorem Eugene Eugene babe wait babe that's you you don't even look like yourself yeah I chose the beauty pill over the intelligence pill you made a bad decision intelligence is more important than Beauty Brianna please solve equation a for the class no I I can't I don't know it is the more beautiful I become the stupider I get Brianna can you tell me the answer to question 23 I don't get it um no I can't tell you because I don't know Mommy Brianna please give me a chance please boys boys please I only have eyes for one man I want to break up with you use your rose of Love yay no you're not supposed to eat it that is your rose of love when you love someone you give them your rose but if they don't love you back or they fall out of love with you your rose will die once your rose is dead it can only come back to life if you give it to someone who truly loves you I love you I want to be with you forever I love you so much then give me your rose but what if we break up and then you give my rose back and it's dead I'll have a dead rose until someone loves me again I could never stop loving you I'll give you my rose here's your rose back I'm sorry but I don't love you anymore no no there's someone else I love oh no your rose is dead let me see here you go wait no you can't ever cut your hair it holds memories who am I do you remember me do you still have all your memories I think so everyone I'm back with the milk who's that guy hey girl hey have you seen my boyfriend anywhere no I haven't seen him don't worry maybe he's running late yeah maybe Jake bestie
Channel: Boong Home - CakeStory
Views: 90,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cake Storytime, POVs Tiktok Compilations, Text To Speech, storytime, asmr, text to speech, cakestorytime, slime storytime, cake, tiktok mashup 2023, asmr cake, cake storytime tiktok
Id: TXVWjzK3k8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 167min 11sec (10031 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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