Baby Names We Love But Won’t Be Using

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] what's up leah babes it's your girl lia and i'm back with another video and today's video is going to be baby names that we like but won't be using um obviously pj is not in this video um as i've stated before he doesn't really like you know being in the camera which is totally fine youtube is more of my thing so i'm going to be doing this video by myself um so anyways um before we go ahead and get into the video as y'all can tell i'm in a different setting i'm not in my room like i usually am i just got tired of being in my room so i wanted to do you know i want to be somewhere else when i did this video so i'm in my car um for those of you that don't know i just got a brand new 20 20 honda accord it's really really nice i love it um if you follow me on instagram you have seen it um i might insert a little clip so you guys can see if you guys want a car tour i can do that as well come down below my social medias are also down below in the description box so if you don't already follow me on instagram it says down below at sabrinalia underscore underscore and my snapchat is sabrin underscore 23. i don't have a twitter or anything like that um i do have a facebook but i don't get on it i don't use it it's really just like for family only kind of thing so um yeah but before we go ahead and get into the video make that uh make sure that y'all like comment and subscribe to my channel don't forget to hit that bell so you can be alerted every time i drop a new video um and yeah let's go ahead and get right into it so like i said this video is going to be um about baby names that we picked out but we won't be using you all already know what our daughter's name is going to be so which is true amore and she's gonna have my last name john um i did go ahead and write down the names that we did have picked out but we're not using on a piece of paper because i'm using my phone um i don't have my second phone anymore while i do but it's not really mine anymore so i'm recording on my personal phone so i'm going ahead and wrote down all the names so for a boy for a boy if i was having a boy these are the names that we picked out um it's not really a lot just because we were really set on one specific name for a boy and um it kind of just came to my mind one day and i was like i really like this thing and i also had it picked out a while ago even before i got pregnant um i just i was like this is what i'm gonna name my boy my son if i have you know boy so the first name is amir and then the middle name is going to be king i love the name amir it's so so pretty to me i love it um it's it's kind of common like i i don't personally know anybody that has named um their son amir but i have seen people on social media that have um and pj really liked the name as well he was like yeah like that's that's the name we're not going with anything else um but we did keep an open mind if we liked anything else um so like i said the first name was going to be a mirror and then the middle name was king and then of course you know he would have pj's last name because it's a boy and that's just a given when you have a boy you know your son has to have his father's last name um but the second name that we came up with was rain um not spelled like actual rain fall but uh rain spelled r-e-i-g-n and the middle name for that was going to be amir so like we're like okay we don't pick the amir one you know we at least want to incorporate a mirror within his name you know if we don't make it the first name we at least want to incorporate it somewhere within his full name so it's going to be rain amir and then pj's last name um and then the third name that we had picked out was king amir well it was actually a name that i picked out i never really like ran it by pj um it was just a name that i liked and i wrote it down in my notes along with the other names so it was king for the first name and the middle name was amir like i said we really wanted to incorporate amir if we weren't gonna you know put it as the first name and then um but yeah i just i really like i like those things like king i like it i mean that's pretty a pretty common one or like kingston is common um and then the last one this is actually a favorite of my mom's and she told me about it and i was like you know what i like that but the last one is zion so it's z-y-o-n um i really like that i really didn't have the middle name picked out for that one like i did the other three um so i mean i don't know zion amir that i mean it flows but i didn't really have a middle name to go with it but like i said we did want to incorporate a mirror somewhere in his name you know but okay that's all for the boy names and then for the girls or for the girl names we have so many um the first name my mom actually came up with so the first name is sarai then the middle name was anisia and then she was going to have pj's last name this is before we went ahead and decided you know i'm running well i went ahead and decided i'm going to give her my last name um so sarai and then if that spell s-y-r-a-i and then anesia then anecia actually comes from my mom uh she actually that was like her um i've got what you call it it was like a name that she had when she was younger uh she was baptized uh catholic um she doesn't believe in that religion but when she was younger she obviously didn't have a choice but she was baptized catholic and that was her um i forgot what kind of name you call it but yeah that was the name that they gave her and then the second name that we had was promise i picked promise i really liked that um he said he liked it but he didn't really want her to have that name for a specific reason so um we didn't go ahead and go with that one but i did like that name um the third one is wish i like that name i think my mom might have come um come up with that one too um and like i said for these next couple months we didn't have middle names picked out we just had first names so it was wish um and then the fourth one was true obviously that's the one that we went with i really love that name i love it like i just love it her name flows true amore jones and my mom actually picked out her whole name um i mean obviously besides last name that was my decision but true amore my mom picked that out and then another name that we had picked out for a girl was dream i like that name a lot and i wanted something like as you can see like there are names that are like kind of within the same category so i like i don't know i just like names like that something that's really unique and different and that's not very common is what i was aiming for um and then after dream we had another name this is the last one we had it was blessing i really like that name as well i i came up with that one blessing i did come up with that one i like that name a lot um it's really pretty and then if you obviously if you didn't know which i'm i mean it's pretty obvious you know if you know what amour means it means love so her name literally means true love which is really pretty and it's very unique and different and i like it a lot so shout out to moms on a name you did that uh but before i i decided to give her my last name like i said we were gonna give her pj's last name which is sweeney um so it was going to be true or more sweeney but we decided you know what i decided i'm going to give her my last name so true or more it's spelled a apostrophe m-o-u-r and then my last name chumps but yeah yeah um that's all the names i don't know why i'm choking i'm like literally over here choking on air and my eyes are about to start watering oh i don't know what's going on child but um yeah that's all the names we had picked out um if we were going to have a boy but god bless us with the girl we're so happy so her name is true more jones what you guys already knew but i did want to go ahead and give you all the names that you know we did have picked out but we didn't end up using this was actually a video that one of you all recommended to me and i was like you know what one night i'm just go i'm gonna go ahead and do it give me something to do but um yeah that's it that's the end of this video shortly simple we didn't have a whole lot of names picked out especially for um a boy but uh we did have a lot more for a girl so yeah if you do want to see um a quiet tour comment down below let me know i'd be more than happy to give you guys one um like i said i am going to insert a clip of my card so you can't see the outside excuse me yeah i'm literally over here dying um so yeah i can see the outside um but y'all just let me know come down below comment down some more video ideas that you guys want to see um baby girls doing great my next doctor's appointment is november 19th which is coming up really fast um i'm gonna give you guys a update like a 22 week update soon so right now i'm 21 weeks and a couple of days along we're doing good she's healthy i'm healthy there's nothing more i can ask for that's all i pray for every day is for a healthy baby healthy and happy the baby um i just want to thank god you know everything's moving along smoothly and going smoothly and thank you all for all of your well wishes um we love you and yeah i'm literally over here dying oh i literally don't know what's going on sorry but like i was saying we love you guys um thank you for all the support make sure you like comment and subscribe to my channel and don't forget to hit that bell so you can be already every time i drop a new video but um yeah y'all let me know some more video ideas and we will catch out in the next video
Channel: Sabryn Ahliya
Views: 4,802
Rating: 4.9673915 out of 5
Keywords: Shopping with, How to, Bid on, Dearra and ken, Dk4l, Challenges, Tutorial, Trending, Viral, Pregnancy, Pregnancy glow, Pranks, Vlogs, G0ld juice, Sabryn Ahliya
Id: byKOYZoOyA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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