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hi guys welcome back to my channel this video has been the most requested video since I announced that I was pregnant more than even the gender reveal more than surprising my friends all that kind of stuff you guys have wanted to see this from the beginning so before I get into the names I just want to say two things one yes dan and I do have our baby's name picked out and to know we are not going to be saying it until the baby is born it is just our personal choice it's nothing against you guys we're not doing it as like a youtube trend we're not telling anyone in our lives just because we want to keep this like to ourselves quickly going into it because I get this question a lot you would be surprised the amount of people that give judgment to names just like their personal preference or like oh I don't know if I like that or oh I know someone that's named that and I don't like that person like it happens a lot more than you think which is strange because you would think that if like I would never do that to somebody if they told me this is what they want to name their baby but like people do it so we have just heard horror stories we just don't want to do that yeah it's also kind of exciting because once the baby is here and we name him it's kind of like we can't change his name now that's his name but if the we tell people before then people could try to convince us otherwise if they don't like it dan and I have had a girl's name and a boy's name picked out for four years we've never changed our minds we've always liked these two names we're not gonna be saying the girl's name either because in case we do have a girl eventually we want to use that name we were having a boy if you guys don't know that when I got this request I was like I don't really have a baby list name like I know a lot of people do that even before they're dating anyone they just have a list of names that they like I didn't do that because I just we just always liked these names so what I did is I watched a ton of these videos and I picked names that I heard that I thought that I really liked and we're not gonna be using them some of them Den's like they're okay some of them he doesn't like at all these are names that I really like feel free to leave your judgments down below in the comments on these names because I am not gonna be using them I just really like them I have five girls names and five boys names and they are definitely different they're not like Christine Sarah Matthew Justin like they're not typical names that like I grew up with they are definitely on the different side and that's one thing I've really noticed with baby names is they're so different nowadays I'm like whoa okay so I guess I'll start off with girl names just because that's literally what I wrote first so the first girl name that I heard and I really liked was Lennox spelled L E and n YX I liked the name Lennon because of John Lennon but a lot of people it's like the most popular baby name this year I don't know why but Lennox is a little bit different and I liked it with a why I don't remember whose video I watched where they said this name and I was like oh I really like that and then when I told my sister she was like I love that name like she just really liked it yeah Dan doesn't like this name actually Dan doesn't like a lot of these names so even if these were like suggestions we wouldn't use them because he's like not into it I also really like nature names nature names are just really pretty to me but I really liked the name the river River Phoenix was an amazing actor if you guys don't know but I liked that name on a girl I thought it was really pretty and I thought it was cool again dan was not into it at all but I don't know it's not like these are names I loved so I just think it's really really pretty by the way the names that we picked like Dan and I a girl named and a boy named are not similar to these names at all just in case you guys are wondering the third girl's name that I absolutely love and I'm so sad that dad doesn't like this because I freaking love it and if we were having a girl like I would want to fight for this name because it's so cool but he's just not into it so feel free to steal it Bowie uh I just think it's so cool like David Bowie but Bowie is the first name on a girl I just think that's so cute and so cool and yeah he's not he hates it I just think it's so pretty by the way any of these names are your names and I'm saying that like Dan doesn't like them I'm so sorry that's not what I mean this next name I heard I thought it was super unique and really pretty it's Maeve ma EBE I don't know what it means I'm pretty sure it's a gaelic name my sister's name is Kyla and that's a Gaelic name and I loved her name so much if like I would name my kid Kyle I just think it's so pretty but I was telling my hairdresser these names and she literally went oh I know someone named Maeve and I don't like them like that's what I mean like people will say comments about things and so it's like whatever like you can have an opinion on we're not using it but I just thought it was pretty and then the last girl name that I really really liked is Sutton I think it's so cute it's so different it's so pretty I mean I just I like it a lot we're not having a girl but we did I like those names funny story my mom named me Alexandra after Alex from Flashdance if you guys haven't seen that movie it's like a really classic 80s dance film my mom loved it and she loved the fact that it was like it could be a boy's name and a girl's name on a girl like she just liked Alex she thought it was so cool but then it could also be Alexandra so whatever not realizing that it was gonna be the most popular name of that year growing up my whole life there was always another Alex that I knew school when I was a swimmer for a good five years of my life we were six Alex's in my group and we were group maybe of like 20-something people so six people were Alex three boys and three girls was so confusing and was so annoying I was always jealous over the fact that my sister had such a unique name I just feel like baby names nowadays are just so unique like every time I meet a different kid in my real life it's all like unique different names and I like it I think it's cool because I really didn't like having the same name as everyone else although I do really like the name Alex and for some reason it was never popular in TV shows other than Wizards of Waverly Place now on to the boys names okay so this name was my number one name for like my whole life because I'll just tell you the name first it's Atticus and if you guys don't know I'm like the biggest fan of To Kill a Mockingbird I'm obsessed with the film I also love the book by Harper Lee I think it's amazing it's different from the film but like Atticus Finch that character to me is just so powerful and beautiful and amazing and I grew up loving him loving that name loving that film the reason we named her dog boo was because of that film Boo Radley and I always wanted that name and then there was a girl I followed on Instagram and she named her son Atticus I'm sure most of you guys know her amber when I saw that I was like okay I can't use this name anymore because I'll just always think of her kid now and also Dan doesn't really like it so we have to both like the name but my whole life I liked that name I just thought it was so like meaningful and pretty and yeah so it was always number one but not using it and then funny enough another girl I follow on Instagram one of her sons names I actually really liked Hanes I think it's so cool I just really like that name Dan just thinks that were like it reminds him of Heinz ketchup for some reason like every time I say it he's like Heinz ketchup which is not at all what I think of I think of like the store kind of but I just really like Hanes I think it's such a cool name and then I like the name kit I think that's so cool there's actually another girl I saw on Instagram and her son's name is kit an obviously Kit Harington who was John snow in Game of Thrones I think it's a cool name fourth name is jet dan is like not into any of these realizing as I'm going on the list I remember telling him I'm like what about jet he's like white like plane and I was like I just think it's cool like someone named jet like it's just cool like if I knew this guy in high school and I'm like oh that's jet like I don't know I just think that was that's cool name right like am I alone here probably um and then the last name which I really really love as well is Wilder I think that's such a cool name I absolutely love it but dad said it reminds him of like our school board growing up so yeah those are all the names that I picked out over like the past maybe month because like I said we've had our two names picked up for so long I'm so excited to meet our son you guys have no idea I'm just like oh I can't I like I'm excited for you guys to find out the name as well because it's it is cool like it's a name that once we set it like four years ago we are like yep that's gonna be the name a hundred percent and it just it makes sense it like it goes and the girl's name as well we just frickin love it we're not changing our minds that we don't have backup names I know a lot of people say oh you're gonna be in for a rude awakening when the baby's here and you don't think it suits the baby me and Dan like I mean we've never had a kid so I guess we really don't know but to me like newborn babies just kind of look like blobs so like I don't know how they look like a name like I just don't get that I understand a lot of people see it that way but for myself I'm just like I don't know I just like already picture what he's gonna look like and I already know the name is gonna be amazing and it's gonna suit him so well and to answer another question because we do get this a lot I get it on Instagram all the time and like almost on every single vlog we are gonna be naming the last name after Dan so Jensen no I did not change my last name because getting married in Quebec here you don't change your last name after marriage I mean I guess you technically could if you paid a lot of money but it's kind of like illegal here my parents have two separate last names even though they're still married it's just I think based off the divorce rate and stuff it's a long story but yeah my name is still my last name we just don't change it here and then the baby will have two middle names they will not be my last name we have two mental names picked out already we're not sure if we're gonna ever say those on social media but we do have them picked out I have two middle names that's why we're giving two and I'm not saying what they are online but yeah that is it for this video I hope you guys enjoyed it if you did give it a thumbs up and subscribe down below for more videos and please let me know more video suggestions because guys I don't know what to follow anymore like I'm literally so out of ideas because things I normally want to film I don't know I'm just like like my whole channel is basically about pregnancy right now because that is my life so I kind of want to keep the ball rolling I just don't know what else to film if you want to see more of these videos and I pick out more names I could do one with dad and like read names that he really likes that I'm not too fond of or something and like we can argue over oh and also if you guys are curious we are doing vlogmas on my second channel which is vlogging every single day until Christmas so I'll have that linked it down below and I will see you guys all my next video bye quickly guys look how freaking cute he is I love you
Channel: Alex Centomo
Views: 197,681
Rating: 4.9290042 out of 5
Keywords: alex centomo, haul, workout, fitness, hair, lookbook, try on, health, travel, pregnant, pregnancy, live pregnancy test, alex centomo pregnant, baby names, baby, baby names i love, unique names, unique baby names
Id: qrLdzEnxuyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 22 2019
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