Baby Long Legs?..

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wait mommy longlegs is not a merciless killer and she has a baby mommy hello everybody i'm kindly keen and welcome to the a terrible scene of of mommy longlegs being electrocuted um apparently the poppy playtime code she won't tell me where the baby is not as nice as they made themselves out to be and mommy long legs has a baby i wouldn't be and they're trying to find him no they're not mommy they already found it he's so cute yes what's his name is it baby long legs it's kind of living inside playtime coke and hide for long you're looking my baby boy alone no no don't worry i'm not going to hurt him at least not at first this guy's terrible i'm going to trade him to be the killer you've failed to be this whole time no you can't that's so messed up we have no need for mommy anymore dial the shocker to max and be done with her no but sir you as you're told or you'll be next they're executing mommy long legs so it turns out she's just say goodbye to your mom and you're going to make the baby watch basically oh my gosh this playtime co it messes up all right kid it's time to get back in the cage i love the boss wants me to bring you in alive i love the voice of that character i've seen what you do with my hobbies yeah that's right i'm never gonna live with my time cool you're evil i am you haven't even begun to see evil seriously now get in the cage before you end up like your precious mommy don't do it oh get her yeah oh she of course it is you really think we're stupid enough to let you escape this is your final chance the buffs may prefer you to be alive but accidents happen when little brats don't know how to behave okay this girl is crazy i don't like her i think that's by design you're not supposed to like her get out of there baby it's well done i love how she was like we locked the door you really think we're that stupid apparently you guys are stupid enough to lock your vents just saying just saying don't come after me you're all psychos baby long legs has escaped my legs has escaped containment is great news he's obviously very upset he just basically watched his mother get electrocuted um yes sir get him i swear if poppy puts me on vent mappy duty one more time okay so the player is just crawling through the vents and of course he's gonna he's gonna run into babies batteries refresh baby long legs back from the dead friends you're on the same side back you don't like playtime co yeah also wear your corpse in the dark corner of the factory got poisoned turned into a spider for a while it was a whole ordeal wow you found my shell did you okay wait hold on it's probably from a previous animation but he just said that he got bit poisoned and turned into a spider does that mean that the girl that baby long legs just bit is also going to turn into a spider at some point cause there was like green goop where where he bit her anyways i guess we won't worry about that right now what we'll worry about is we spiders have to mold as we grow and baby spiders crazy oh okay you sure had your mom fooled yeah oh she used to be okay so so whatever the player found your mom was just the exoskeletons the multi human of this a baby is new though that's fair or mommy long lasting it was before she died so sad mommy long legs is dead that's a a real tragedy use some discretion there player that's his mother oh he was way too excited about hearing that mommy long legs was dead which to be fair up to this point she has been trying to eat him playtime code didn't have a use for her anymore anything that hurts them is a win in my book all right what are we saying the player and baby long legs team up for i don't know the third chapter of poppy plays the construction zone help us to avenge your mom yeah we aren't going to the construction zone explain some of these trains lead to a secret part of the factory where all the monkey monks live the monkey the sanctum we just gotta wait for the right opportunity i love the names of these places wait wait wait what are we doing fascinating that guy looks like he means business just guy looks like he's half dead honestly did you see him he look look at him he's like a robot very suspicious looking robot what's he doing they turned himself into a side that's beautiful well done you two they're like the perfect team already and they've only known each other for like 30 seconds that's awesome that is so good no time to celebrate well done we're about to miss our chance get in the train but now you're on the train with these psychos what is wrong with these people look at them they look so lifeless that's not so bad this card's just full of working stiffs i was afraid we're gonna have to fight a monster or something you're looking at the scariest monster playtime has to offer what middle management that's so good any rule obey any order oh as long as it means a pat on the buddy because it's a monster that's all they need is a pat on the back and maybe like a slight little hint that uh perhaps they'll get a promotion at some point incredible middle management the scariest monster in playtime co well we're on the move all right you're on the moon as long as we lay low we should be okay why are we stopping already not good i don't know this train is supposed to be non-stop all the way to the sanctum oh it stopped and you are not at this it's her she's do you know that what is wrong with this girl the emergency stop fellas i love her conducting searches of every train that passes through these parts boss's orders bus she's coming what he's got webb he could've done that the whole time anyone got a key right over here how's the key gonna get through please hold please hold on i guess well they're gonna break through i learned from the best yeah guess it's jam how convenient yes step aside let someone strong take a crack at it she's so confident i'm sorry as much as i oh my gosh that freeze frame is so bad but beautiful but what i was gonna say is as much as i don't like her i'm kind of starting to sort of like her i just like her attitude oh that clip though wow all right let's keep it going she got it open they're gone huh better safe than sorry if you see a little spider toy around here anywhere you know what a call you know to call i love it they're they're clinging to the ceiling you know it those uh the graphics came in handy i bet we won't get that lucky a second time what's our plan for when we stop very very proud maybe long legs i don't know how long he's been alive i don't know how old he is he's a smart little fella credit where credit's due clever kid i like you so that security guard she was trying to capture you that's what the bossman told her to do but you should have seen it when i escaped the first time she had this look in her eyes i was there i think if she catches up to me that's it hold up why is all this luggage in this train where are people going there's a snowboard in the background who's snowboarding i don't know maybe that's truly the scariest thing we've seen up to this point well that's not gonna happen okay as long as i'm here and we play our cards right we'll make it all the way to the sanctum i promise he's good thanks player i'm glad i don't have to do this alone that we're building yeah but we've got to wait until everyone's off the car before we must be the sanctum that is a very large golden door seems appropriate for where they're going almost almost there i made it follow me there's no time to lose nice oh no well i mean i'm kind of surprised that that a closed circuit camera hasn't hasn't so you see the people behind it we're about to come face to face with the one percent of the one percent one percent the cream of the playtime cold crop well how do we open your sounds a little bit handle of course there isn't just push real hard oh you can only enter if you know the code and i don't okay wait you brought us all the way here and you don't know the code now we're stuck calm down didn't exactly think that one through okay maybe i was giving baby long legs a little too much credit should have thought about that maybe figuring out how to get that door open before actually getting there but maybe he still has a plan let's give him some time there's gotta be another way in he's confident that there's another way in well their trash has to go somewhere right look over there no no no no no not that what if someone throws trash down why am i never climbing up though just read through your mouth how do we know when we've reached the ceo suite all these hatches look exactly the same easy he's the ceo so he'll be on the top floor called it and how many floors are there maybe a dozen maybe a hundred oh i don't know this would be so easy if i could use my grab pack but the walls are too muddy to get a good grip don't think about the distance just put one hand in front of the other i i like your attitude baby long legs i like your attitude that that's a great shot of the whole playtime factory i guess they're climbing the the smokestack that's where the ceo is at the top of the smoke stack all right i'll take your word for it there you go they made it to the top they're gonna be all like exhausted and sweating or not i guess why does was was he was the same guy okay so he was the guy who was giving the orders to take out mommy long legs so he was the ceo i didn't put that now i know did we make it look he seems like a pretty bad dude based on what he did to you almost turned me into a monster he murdered my mom no time for mercy his reign of terror ends today oh already what do you say we have well that's probably he he knew because of the the camera system right family reunion no oh wait that means that uh mommy long legs is not dead which gives us hope oh no she's got like the hannibal mask on you're alive and if you wanted to stay that way you'll surrender and put your hands in the air no all your you don't have a choice all of your hands including your grabbing hands we're going to put you both away for a long time oh the test will run it's making me giddy just thinking about it he's a psycho guess it's over then huh i've got a plan what's your point really okay we surrender but before you take us away i have one final request okay oh and what makes you think you're in any position to bargain replace your head security guard what not only did she disobey her orders and try to kill me she's also an incompetent idiot very clever right under her nose dudes baby long legs actually a genius don't listen to him sir he's trying to turn us against each other it's kind of working he is right though since we started this operation you've disappointed me at every turn go on rest assured baby log banks by the time you're in my custody we'll have done some restructuring aha okay you can't i know how is this gonna save them too bad you should have thought of that before you disappointed me oh she's gonna she's gonna do something she definitely has some anger issues oh get her incredible mommy long legs is free the mask falls off she's loose you miserable idiot stuff is happening teach you to mess with my baby yeah get them all get them i love it to be continued
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 353,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kindly keyin, keyin, game toons, keyin reacts, mommy long logs, baby long legs, poppy playtime, poppy playtime animation, game toons animation, baby long legs animation
Id: J4t-rGt2dWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Sun May 15 2022
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